New Bond

Story by FurryWolf25 on SoFurry

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#3 of My Mirror

Same as before, could've been posted sooner but here it is to all who have been reading this.

The entrance was right up ahead and Spyro began a trot. He knew that outside there was a small pond that he'd be able to wash off in. The purple dragon carried Flame into the light of outside. A smile came to his face as he approached the clear water. Slowly he lowered into the pond.

As the water engulfed Flame's paws and tail he startled awake.

"Ah! What's happening?!" He flailed around and went under.

"Flame!" Spyro pulled him back up and calmed him. "It's okay, we're out of the cave and in a pond...relax."

A bit shaken, Flame looked at Spyro and eased up.

Spyro untied the ropes around Flame's wings and smiled. "There, you should be able to move around better."

Flame's wings expanded for the first time in some weeks. They felt sore, but the mobility was amazing. He kicked his legs, swimming...kind of. His head bobbed underwater every few strokes.

Spyro kept near the dragon, for his safety. He was ecstatic to see Flame moving around in the water. He knew that it would take some time for the red dragon to make a full recuperation, and he would love to see Flame healthy.

Flame began to tire and found himself leaning against Spyro to keep afloat, not that he had any complaints this time; Spyro helped him in a way that he could have only dreamed of. He started drifting into another bout of sleep giving a yawn. "Spyro..."

The purple dragon smiled at him. "Yes Flame?"

Flame gently nuzzled against his hero and closed his eyes. "I really appreciate you rescuing me."

Spryo pulled Flame close to him. "You're welcome, are you ready to head out?"

He shook his head. "If it's alright with you, can we stay a bit longer?"

Spyro chuckled lightly. "Sure Flame." He wrapped his paws around the dragon's shoulders and looked down at his face.

The red dragon gave a low growl in content. He leaned back onto Spyro again, taking in his warmth opposed to the cool water. Soon after he fell into a light slumber.

The two slowly drifted in the water; Flame laying against Spyro. They remained like that for some time.

Flame's scales seemed to lighten up from the soaking. The purple dragon hadn't noticed their dinginess from inside.

Spyro couldn't take his eyes off of Flame. Something about the dragon enticed him. He looks so peaceful when he's resting...

The purple dragon leaned close to him and pressed his snout to the male's lightly.

Flame's eyes gently opened, feeling the dragon's snout on his. He gingerly lapped his tongue at Spyro with a faint grin.

Spyro pulled away smiling at him. "Ready?"

Flame nodded, returning the smile.

"Alright then, let's go."

Spyro raised out of the water with Flame on his back again. He now needed to get something for the red dragon to eat, and he knew just where to go.