The Final Days of High School

Story by Dragonatic for the People on SoFurry

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#6 of Straight For All but You

Disclaimer: Aside from graphic sex, this story contains a brief mention of zoophilia. Nothing detailed, just a mention of it. Hence why it's not one of the tags for this story. I just thought I'd let you know so nobody gets mad or whatnot. Anyway, without further ado, here is the next installment of "Straight For All But You." ================================== It wasn't too long before graduation when Arkonas, Akalu, Justin, Sylvia, Sasha, and I got together at Arkonas' house to discuss the whole deal with me and Akalu. It was more of a formality than anything, really. Everyone already knew about it, but we felt we needed to do this as a group at least one more time before we graduated. We also all knew, by this time, that none of us were going to the same colleges (although Akalu and Arkonas' colleges were within easy driving distance of mine, by sheer coincidence).

To be short, it went well, and everyone was all smiles by the time we left. Arkonas was still somewhat surprised, but he was OK with it, for the most part. All he asked was that Akalu and I never made out with him when we were in public, which we agreed to. Not a whole lot happened right after that, but I think we all felt a little better when we all left.  

  • * * 

The next day, which was the last Saturday before the final exams, the six of us headed to Akalu's house, in the basement, to study for all the tests we would have throughout the next week. I must be honest, we actually did have the intention to study the entire time! However, it didn't really work out that way. I'm sure you can guess how that happened, but I'll explain it in detail, since there was a lot more to it:

Upon entering the basement in Akalu's house, we immediately spread ourselves out on the carpeted floor with our backpacks. When each of us found an approximate seven-foot square area for us to lay out all of our papers, binders, notebooks, etc. on the floor, we dumped out everything in our backpacks, resulting in a good deal of fluttering papers all around us, causing some of us to have to walk around on our knees, trying to get them. We all did feel a bit lackadaisical after being through four years of increasingly harder and harder classes, all culminating with senior year, with college admissions added to our already hefty load of schoolwork, so I didn't blame anyone. If it wasn't our last exams of senior year, that could potentially be the difference between being able to leave this school we all had honestly gotten sick to death of, or being held back, then I might've had the urge to flap my wings a bit to scatter everyone's papers a bit more. But, seeing that we all didn't want to screw up our potential tickets to the freedom of college, I resisted it. 

For a good three hours, we had all managed to stay relatively silent, minus a few questions thrown around here and there, or the occasional rustling of papers, signaling that someone was flipping through their notes or changing subjects. Other times, there was the rustling of bodies as someone changed positions from the cross-legged position to the prone position, or on the back, or leaning against something, or on the side. It was surprising to me, how quiet that was. I mean, I'd been in near silence many times by myself, but with five of my best friends around, without anyone else and it being this silent, it was a little odd, but I figured it was the pressure to do well on these exams that kept everyone's mouths shut and their minds on their studying. 
 Into the fourth hour, however, things changed. We had all managed to get a good deal of studying done, and we decided to take a bit of a break. I wanted to get up, but after being in the position I was in for so long, it felt so comfortable that I was rather reluctant to leave it! After a few minutes of convincing myself that I needed to stand up, I did. Soon after, the others followed suit, and most proceeded to stretch their legs and arms. As I stretched my own arms, my wings involuntarily spread out, and stretched as well! I swear, those things have a mind of their own, sometimes... They managed to knock Arkonas, who was to my right, back a bit. He didn't fall, but we all got a good laugh out of it. "Anyone up for a joyride?" I blurted out, half aware I was saying it. Sasha giggled a bit, and stepped forward. "I'm up for it," she replied as she ran her hand along my left wing as she walked up to me, "airplanes are just so cramped, you know? I've always wanted to know what it's like to fly on your own whim!" she explained, excitedly. I grinned a bit, and nodded. She was, after all, the only one in the group whom I had not given a high-flying joyride. "All right, then," I said, and folded in my wings to head upstairs towards the door. Before I did, however, I asked the others "Does anyone else want one after she's done?" I got a chorus of answers that told me that they all did, so I nodded and motioned my head up the steps. "Just wait up by the front door, and when I get back, I'll get to the rest of you," I explained. Once we all got up to the front door, Sasha and I walked outside, and I spread out my wings. "Ready?" I asked Sasha. "As ever," she replied, walking out behind me. "OK," I said, "come over here." She practically skipped towards me, and I took her hand, gently guided her to my front, with her back facing me, and I put my arms around her, under her arms. "Brace yourself," I quietly told her. Before she could even react to that, I bent my knees, and jumped straight up, and my wings began to go through the motions to keep me going up and up, long after gravity would have normally brought me back down to earth. Within a minute, we had ascended a vertical distance of about 500 feet. Once we ascended, I wrapped my tail around her legs, holding them together so they wouldn't dangle down and throw off my balance, and so she could experience flying the way I did. Then, I took off towards the west, flying as fast as I could go with a passenger. Sasha hollered out in excitement, at the exhilaration of flying like she'd never experienced before. After a few minutes of flying like that, I slowed down enough so we could talk to each other without having to yell over the sound of the wind. "This is fun!" she exclaimed, "It must be great being able to do this whenever you feel like it!" "It's a nice way of relieving stress," I replied, "although you wouldn't want to do this during the winter! It gets a lot colder up here than down there!" Sasha smiled. "You know," she continued, "I did want to ask you a couple things..." "Really?" "Well, away from the others. I'd have probably been embarrassed asking you in front of the others... but, I wanted to clear up something in my mind... are you and Akalu really bi? I mean, I knew Akalu was, but I would never have guessed you-" "Technically," I interrupted, "no. I still consider myself to be straight. Um..." I faltered in keeping my flightpath steady while trying to think of a good way to word what I wanted to say next, causing Sasha to grip onto my arms. "... Akalu... you could consider it a freak accident... no, that wasn't right. Uh, OK, it's more like this: I'm straight for everyone but him. He's the only male on this entire planet with whom I'll involve myself sexually." There was a pause. Just as I was about to mentally kick myself, Sasha spoke up, "He's a lucky guy." I almost stalled in midair. Instead, I just kept myself up, rather than going forwards. "Wait... what do you mean?" Sasha sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I still love Akalu. I just... noticed that he's just not as passionate about me as he used to be... I dunno, maybe it's just because we were separated by hundreds of miles of ocean for so long, but before I knew about you two, I had a feeling that maybe he just stopped loving... he'd given up on it, or something. You know... it made me sad for him... he's such a loving guy, and I just didn't want him to lose the ability to love. I thought he did -" "...until you found out about us?" I inquired. Sasha nodded. I bit my lip. "Listen, Sasha, he's told me a lot of times how much he loves you, and wished you hadn't left, while you were still away. To be honest, for a few months, it was as if he was only capable of loving you! Even though we involved ourselves with each other, he still has some room in his heart for you. He does still love you... believe me, he's made that clear to me. Try giving it some time, Sasha. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a try. True love is strong, and I've found that it mends easily when it's not completely broken." She smiled, and I felt a drop of water on my arm. It wasn't raining. I squeezed her a little tighter, and turned to head back. By the time Sasha and I arrived back, the fur around her eyes had dried up, and nobody suspected a thing. Once I dropped Sasha off, Akalu, Sylvia, and Arkonas were next. Justin decided not to go, on account that he claimed that he had probably eaten more than he should have before flying, something he learned after getting some serious airsickness the first time I gave him a joyride. When giving Akalu a joyride, we were surprisingly able to restrain ourselves from making some sort of sexual contact. Well, then again, I don't know how well I could control my flying while having sex at the same time, so I guess it was more or less for our own safety than anything else. We did, however, manage to make out for about 20 minutes of the half-hour flight. It was rather relieving after all those hours of solid studying, and plus, even after all these months of being sexually involved with him, it still felt like we were doing something we weren't exactly supposed to do but we didn't know why we weren't supposed to do it, so we were doing it anyway. Sylvia's ride was about the same as Akalu's, although it was more with a sense of "this is closer and closer to the last one" sort of feeling. Sylvia and I had to, unfortunately, agree that we would discontinue our relationship once we graduated and headed off for college. We'd still be friends and all, but we were realistic about relationships: it's almost impossible to keep up a serious relationship you form in High school when the two of you are separated by miles and miles, and with all these other potential (and possibly better) partners surrounding you. We didn't want to go through any more heartbreak than we already did go through, so we decided to just let it go while we still could, without being all sad and angry about it. I only worried about ever finding any other girl who was as much of a tomboy as Sylvia was... I also wondered if she had similar worries of finding a guy who was OK with tomboys as much as I was. From experience, I knew that there is a small percentage of guys who are privy to having a tomboy as a girlfriend. I can't imagine why, but that's just how it is. Arkonas' ride was what could be described as rather uneventful. I mean, sure, we both had a blast flying, but nothing particularly interesting happened. It was Justin's sudden decision to take flight that, figuratively, a bomb went off. Justin, as it turns out, was not the only person who was both shaken and feeling bad at how badly Akalu took the news that his ex-girlfriend, the tigress, was cheating on him. We never found out who she was cheating with, but we did know that it was multiple people. "Remember when I told you to remind me to tell you a secret of mine?" he asked. I said that I did, but only because he mentioned it just then. "Well," he said, "here it is: I saw Akalu's first girlfriend cheating on him, and I never told anyone." I stopped flapping my wings, which I quickly resumed once I realized that we started falling. I flew to the roof of a house an set him down on top of it. "Why not, Justin?" I asked. "Because..." he began, "...I knew how Akalu would react to it. I didn't want to be the one to bring that upon him. I do regret that decision, though... Akalu didn't find out until two weeks later, when the guy let loose a Freudian slip about it." That, I remembered. Akalu had promptly sucker-punched his face after hearing it, with tears running down his cheeks, and the guy's eye was swollen shut for the next three weeks or so. Plus, I could tell that Justin was telling the truth. I'd watched enough of that TV show "Lie to Me" to know the facial quirks that give away lying. He wasn't showing any of them. However, I had one more question... "How'd you get to see that? I mean, weren't they doing it in private?" "Well," Justin replied, "she seemed pretty desperate to have sex. She did it with the guy in the bathroom at school during lunch in one of the stalls. I heard moaning, and I was able to peek through the crack of the stall at the hinges, and I saw her and the guy doing it as she was leaned against the side of the stall. I was disgusted, and I threw up. Then, I ran for my life out of the bathroom, since they had clearly heard me. I didn't want to be discovered... I couldn't do it. I was afraid I'd be targeted by the guy's friends or something." There was a pause. I nodded, knowing that sort of feeling myself. Before I could say anything else, though, Justin continued. "And, to be honest, what happened after I saw it is more of the secret..." I sat down, listening intently. Justin sat down and continued. "For a while afterwards... I lost interest in relationships. Totally. I mean, not even interested..." He paused, and I nodded and motioned for him to continue. "... in morphic creatures, at least..." My eyes widened. "Wait, wait... woah... you mean...?" "Yes. It does. ... Does that make me some sort of perverted freak? I sure feel like one..." I put a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, man," I said, "do you think I'm really comfortable doing what I do with Akalu? Look, there aren't too many people who don't want sex, whether it's just a fling or some real relationship. My suggestion is to first try giving some of the girls you meet in college a chance; get to know what it's like; try it out, if you will. If it works for you, then you've just proved to yourself that not everyone cheats!" "And if not?" he asked. "If not..." I paused and thought a minute, "If not, then you can tell me that you told me so, and I won't defend myself. Really, I don't care if you're having your way with non-morphics. Just... make sure that... it isn't rape, OK?" "Sure thing." I smiled. "I'll keep my lips sealed, dude. C'mon, let's go back." With that, I took Justin in my arms and flew the two of us back to the house, where everyone else was waiting for us. Man, I thought, first Akalu and me, then this with Justin... what's next? Sasha and Sylvia turning out to be lesbians? Although I knew that that wasn't very likely, this entire turn of events that sparked off with me and Akalu getting sexually involved with each other seemed like it wouldn't stop. * * * "He clears it... by 20 meters," I whispered to myself as I finished the calculations in my calculator for the last problem of the Physics 12 exam; the problem involved parabolic motion and a daredevil being fired from a cannon over a wall. I finished writing the answer in words so I would get credit for the answer by wording it properly, and then I put down my pencil. I'd just completed a monster, 78 problem Physics exam in two and a half hours (the regular time is one and-a-half, but due to some ADD, I qualified for extra time). I felt on top of the world, finishing it up! Although I was one of the last people to finish the exam in the extra time room, I still completed it, nonetheless. Walking out, I joined the mass of other Seniors in the hallway at one end of the school, where I quickly found my friends, eagerly awaiting what was recently dubbed "The Running of the Seniors," even though each Senior Class had been doing it for years before now. Still, once the rest of the extra time exam takers managed to finish, we all began the ten-second countdown. I looked at all my friends, Akalu, Arkonas, Justin, and Sylvia, who were all as excited as everyone else was. I didn't spend too long with that, as the countdown was coming to an end: "...Three! Two! ONE! YYAAAAAHHHHH!" Everyone screamed, whooped and hollered as we all bolted through the hallways, everyone yelling things and banging on their classroom doors as they went. Some of the avian and dragon anthros started flying, including myself, only I had Sylvia hanging by her shoulders from my arms. I was going fast enough to go at about the same pace as my friends were running, but it was still a very free and liberating experience for both me and Sylvia. I made sure that both Sylvia and I got the chance to bang our hands on the walls of our former classrooms as we went by. After a few minutes, we had reached the doors to the parking lot, and we all headed to our cars. I took Sylvia and Justin into my car, Arkonas took his girlfriend in his car, and Akalu went in Sasha's car, as she was waiting for him in the parking lot. As we, and the rest of the Senior class drove through the parking lot, we blared our horns, and shouted in excitement, much to the amusement of the other students, who were still taking classes (Seniors got to take their exams earlier than the rest of the school). After getting out of the parking lot, I sped out with Sylvia in the front seat, and Justin in the back. After getting to the road, we got to a stop sign. Upon stopping, Sylvia pulled me over to her and we kissed. It was, of course, cut very short when an angry motorist behind us began to honk his horn at us, so we headed on our way, over to my house. Along the way, we dropped Justin off at his house, since his parents wanted to celebrate with him today. Afterwards, in the car, Sylvia and I released some of our excitement at the end of our exams, and consequently, our years in High School, by telling each other how excited we were, how the exams went, and how we felt about the exams being over. Of course, the last of those got us to us silently realizing what we each wanted to do once we got to my house. With each of us grinning at the prospect of doing what we both knew we'd do, I pulled up to the driveway of my house. Since both my parents worked, the house was empty. Taking on the opportunity to proceed uninterrupted for a few hours, we dashed out of the car, I unlocked the door, and we went in. The first thing we did was race each other up to my room, where we quickly fell onto the bed and began to make out. Slow, passionate, all that stuff and some more was put together to make that kiss one of our better ones. Slowly, we undid each others' clothes as we continued our liplock. We started with each others' shirts, and continued down to our pants, and even our socks and shoes! By that time, we finished the kiss and we found ourselves clad only in our underwear; me in my red and white boxers, her in her bra. Neither of us were in the mood for waiting, being that we'd already waited four years to get out of High School, so we quickly discarded our underwear in a matter of seconds. We began to kiss again as we slowly fondled each other at the same time, I her breasts and she my growing cock. All of this, including the moaning we croaked out during our kisses caused by our fondling of each other, lasted for who-knows-how-long. Right as our kiss ended, I got us to kneel on the bed, so our torsos would be upright. At first, I didn't know why I was doing that, but when I took some initiative and did something that, I must admit, I didn't even expect, I knew why: I clasped my hands around her right breast, leaned my head close to it, and suckled it. It had been a bit of a personal fantasy of mine, to do that, and knowing that Sylvia and I had a limited amount of time left before we headed our separate ways, I thought I might as well do it while I had the chance. Sylvia murred in pleasure and clasped her hands together, casually, above her head, smiled serenely, and "enjoyed the ride," so to speak. I kept it up for at least a good 20 or so minutes, as a guess, before I moved on to the left one, which Sylvia greeted with a similar reaction. Maybe my body was giving me fake sensations, but I swear I might've felt some milk come out of her... only a drop or two, but it enough to almost get me over the edge. But before that could happen, I felt Sylvia's hand on the top of my head push me away from her breasts, and I remained still, looking up at her, panting from the pleasure I was feeling. "On your back," she said, panting, but still emitting a commanding tone. I obliged, and I lay down. Immediately, she lay on her belly, took my cock in her hand, and popped it into her mouth. The first thing I felt was her tongue giving it a good long lick all around my cock. My eyes were reeling, almost going back into my head, like they normally do when I'm about to orgasm, and orgasm I did, right into her mouth, after only a couple minutes of her oral stimulation. It was intense, and I could even feel my cum start to drip from the roof of her mouth back onto my cock and later onto her tongue, which she kept below it, like a bed. I craned my neck to get a look at her face, which was expressing more and more pleasurable emotions each time I shot my cream up into her mouth. After about four of those, she lifted her head up, exposing my cock, and opening her mouth for me to see the sperm she had collected inside of it. I didn't need her to talk to know what she was getting at. Odds are that this may have been a detail that Akalu mentioned to Sasha, which was in turn relayed to Sylvia, but that wasn't going through my mind at the moment. At the moment, I just focused on the erotic opportunity that I had before me, and I leaned in closer to her. Sylvia responded by putting her arm around the back of my head, pulling me in closer to her, and we kissed. She tasted like a mixture of me and her... just like we were for so long; mixed, intertwined. We swallowed my cum before we even finished kissing, but at the same time. I fell on the bed, exhausted. Sylvia, however, wasn't done, yet. I felt her hands on my shoulders, then opened my eyes to see her on top of me, much like how we made love for the first time. "Let's do it, for old time's sake," she said. I nodded in agreement, and lifted my head up to her muzzle, where we kissed, and at the same time, she lowered herself onto my only semi-hard cock. Only, when I entered her, I almost instantly got hard again. With all that happening, we soon finished our lovemaking with a huge climax, where we both orgasmed at nearly the same time, but remained in a liplock throughout it all, even afterwards. It wasn't until a few minutes afterwards that Sylvia and I both dozed off from sheer exhaustion. * * * After waking up dangerously close to the time my Mom started pulling into the driveway, which resulted in us racing to get cleaned up enough to not arouse suspicion and get our clothes on quickly, Sylvia and I sprinted towards the den, kicked back, and pretended that we'd been playing Halo 3 the entire time we were home, which actually worked out to be quite a convincing act! "Hey you two!" my mother exclaimed as she came in and saw us going at it on multiplayer. I paused the game. "Hey, Mom," I said, looking towards her. Sylvia did the same, "Hey," she added, smiling. "You two having a fun time now that exams are over?" Mom asked. "Yep!" Sylvia and I replied in unison. Although you haven't the slightest idea of just how we enjoyed ourselves... I thought to myself. With a smile, my mother let us be for the next couple hours. I complimented Sylvia on her acting and we continued on playing for a while. After getting a call from her parents asking that Sylvia come home, I took Sylvia for a ride towards school so she could get her car and drive herself home, since she left her car in the school's parking lot. I flew, partly because I had to pay for the gasoline for my own car, and also because I felt it would be a bit more meaningful if I flew her. We were going to be separating in only a few weeks, so we both wanted to make the most of what time we had left. Being close like we were as I flew her to the school was one way of doing that, as was our "togetherness" back at my place. After dropping her off, giving her a good-bye kiss, and watching her drive away, I took to the air, back home. I felt a weird mix of feelings; I felt both relieved that High School was finally over, but at the same time rather depressed, knowing that I probably wasn't going to see any of my friends a whole lot more, if at all, once we all left for college in August, the most regrettable of them, admittedly, were Akalu and Sylvia. Although Akalu's college would be only an hour or two drive from my college, Sylvia was going all the way to a college on the west coast of the country, one of the places where she felt she could fit in with her Tomboy personality. I had visited that college, and, fortunately for her, Tomboys weren't that uncommon, there (although they still represented a vast minority of its female population). Besides, even if she wasn't going there, I knew she was strong, both in her convictions, her will and her body. I doubted she'd give up on being a Tomboy any time in the foreseeable future. * * * That weekend, on Saturday, Sasha and I decided to spend the night at Akalu's house, marking exactly six days before graduation. Sylvia would've come, but she had to stay home to try to fit into a graduation outfit her parents picked out for her (Tomboy or not, she wasn't able to get around that). Sasha intended to spend the night the night after the last exam, but it turned out that her parents had plans for her after the exams, so she had to settle for a couple days afterwards. Once we had ourselves all settled in after discussing various things from how we felt about exams and high school being over to what our thoughts were on going to college in a few months, I was convinced we were to actually go to sleep, a notion which turned out to be very naive. "Hey, Karnath!" whispered Akalu's voice as I was half-asleep. I opened my eyes to see Akalu and Sasha looking down from right above me. "What is it?" I asked. "Hey, you didn't think we were just going to sleep here, did you?" he inquired. After thinking on it for a few seconds, I realized that I should've thought of that before! "I should've known, you sly dogs!" I exclaimed in a whisper, grin on my face. Sasha giggled. "C'mon, Karnath," she said, "we have this all planned out!" "How so?" I asked. "Let Akalu explain..." I looked up at Akalu, who had already stripped himself naked with a huge grin on his face. "Well," he explained, getting down on his knees, "you and I just need to do what we normally do together... Sasha and I have the rest taken care of!" he whispered excitedly. With that, he turned himself around and got on all fours, his tail flipped up, exposing himself to me. He also looked back at me in that position, something I had told him over and over that gets me horny every time! I wasted no time in pulling my boxers down and taking off my shirt. My rock-hard self was already throbbing with my pulse even before I took them off, I was so horny! Unlike how I usually do it, I went straight for his ass, and positioned my cock right there, and gripped his hips. "Ready?" I asked. "You don't need to ask! Go!" he practically begged me. I couldn't hold off much longer, so I just went with it, and plowed myself into him. I don't know how he does it, but he was still as tight as ever! It was crazy, but I was soon pumping him at a moderate pace, not very aware of the fact that Sasha was watching us with much intent from the sidelines. I could, however, see, even from the back of his head, that Akalu was in heaven with this. His ears were relaxed back on his head, his eyes seemed to be closed, and he was moaning in sync with each pump I gave him. For a long while, that was all that was happening, and we were both loving it. However, things changed on us. Sasha, apparently having planned this with Akalu earlier, crawled over to us. I was only slightly aware of her presence, but Akalu was a different story; he held out one hand, which Sasha took, and she slid herself underneath the two of us. From the sounds that I heard, I soon realized what was happening: Akalu had penetrated her, and we were, officially, in a threesome for the first time. I managed to take a look at what was going on by looking over Akalu's shoulder, and I saw that he and Sasha were in what was more or less a missionary position, and they were making out, too. It was an odd feeling, since although I knew I was screwing Akalu, the fact that he was doing two things at once was just even more arousing! Akalu, to make it better, was also thrusting into Sasha in the same rhythm as I was thrusting into him! I couldn't hold it much longer, and soon enough, I came to my breaking point. "Akalu..." I said, "I'm... I'm... AGH!" I couldn't finish my sentence before I spewed my cum into Akalu's ass. I kept pumping in as much as I could before I basically ran dry, which was about the same time as I heard Akalu and Sasha moaning together in unison, meaning that the two of them had orgasmed together. The three of us fell to the ground, still in more or less the same position as we had started. None of us could stay awake long enough to clean up, and plus, Akalu had knotted Sasha, so the two of them were unable to separate for some time. All of us fell asleep around the same time not too long afterwards. I woke up with a groan the next day. It took me a second to remember what had happened, but it became crystal clear to me when I saw that Akalu and Sasha were still asleep, spooning, with Akalu appearing to still be inside of Sasha. I only hoped, for Akalu's sake, if nothing else, that Sasha remembered to take the pill this morning. Then, of course, I saw that the fur around Akalu's ass was matted, as if it had been wet and not been dried properly. Then it all came back to me clearly what went on, and honestly, I was quite surprised that we'd actually done a threesome! However, I then remembered that all of us were stark naked, and it was probably only a matter of time before Akalu's parents would walk in on us. After slipping my boxers and tee-shirt on, I shook the two lovebirds until they awoke. "Come on, guys!" I whispered frantically, "get up! Akalu's parents are coming in!" That sure got them to wake up. Both their eyes popped open, they both sat up and searched the room, and seeing nobody, they managed to separate (and it was fortunate that Akalu's knot had subsided by then, as they did so very quickly and without much thought), and get dressed with what they could find that was suitable. Once they finished getting their clothes on, they were both frantically panting, and silently hoping that Akalu's parents wouldn't come through the door, suddenly. Of course, when that happened, I couldn't stifle the laugh that came up from me. "You guys are so gullible..." I laughed. A pillow was promptly thrown at my face. "Thanks for waking us up!" went Akalu, sounding more like he didn't care that much that I woke him. I smiled and laughed a bit, "Hey, look, they could've come in! I may have lied about where they were in the house, but really, they could've come in. Still, just make sure they don't suspect anything." "I'd better find my purse..." mused Sasha, who almost immediately found it, "There it is..." she said opening the purse and looking in. She closed it, and then stood up. "Let's go down to breakfast, shall we?" Akalu and I nodded, and the three of us headed downstairs. Sasha stopped to go into the bathroom, and I made a point to make sure it at least sounded like she was doing what I hoped... and, to my relief, I heard the faucet filling a glass with water, and Sasha gulping something down. Good enough for me, I thought, then continued down the steps. * * * Six days later, after much relaxation and many sex-filled escapades with either Sylvia and Akalu (more often Sylvia, though, since we weren't going to be together for a whole lot longer), it was graduation! With both exuberance, and a bit of sadness, everyone in the senior class sat, the guys in their coats and ties and the girls in their dresses, in alphabetical order according to their last name on the two sets of bleachers with five rows each, listening to our class president, the principal of the school, and the selected guest speaker, the Chancellor of a nearby university, make speeches, which lasted a bit over an hour and a half. It was worth the wait, though. Once they were over, the first row of the bleachers, which included Sylvia, was asked to stand up and prepare to walk up to the line of important figures in the graduation ceremony to shake hands, accept the medal around their necks, and receive their diplomas. All of us clapped for them as their names were called out by the principal. I made sure to clap louder when Sylvia's name was called out. She, upon receiving her diploma, looked up at me, smiled, and winked at me. I smiled back at her, not fully aware of what she meant by that. The second row didn't include anyone who I was very good friends with, but some people who had managed to make themselves known to everyone in the class, which, considering our class size of about 200, was pretty difficult. The third row, however, included me and Akalu. It was ironic, really. I never really thought about how close together we were in our last names (The first two letters of our last names were only a few letters apart, but we weren't sitting right next to each other. We were, however, two spots apart), until now, since we had forged a relationship which, as much as I didn't like to admit it, quite close to a mate-like relationship. My name was called, and I my heart lifted. I turned towards the row of people I was to shake hands with: the principal of our school, a strict, but rather caring lioness, the guest speaker, an elderly but wise white tiger, and a few of our senior class teachers. I walked forward, and first shook hands with my teachers, the last of which, a hawk, held up the medal that was to be put around my neck. I lowered my head forwards, and I felt the ribbon of the medal on the back of my neck, and a small weight pull down on my scales back there. I then, stood up, and looked at him, and smiled. "Thank you," I said in a friendly manner. My teacher smiled back and we shook hands briskly, and then I moved on to shake hands with the guest speaker, who greeted me with a "good luck out there," and then to the principal, who held this leather, folding object that resembled one of those things that restaurants use to present the check. I only say that because that's what it looks like, and I don't know what it's called, but I was fully aware that that was my diploma, inside of it. She extended her hand, and I took it with my right, shook it briskly, and was then presented with my diploma, which I took with the same hand. "Congratulations," the principal bid me as I made to circle around and wait in line to sit back down in my seat in the bleachers. I returned it with a smile and a nod, and went on my way, basking in the applause that I could hear from the audience (Sasha was one of the audience members) and from the rest of the senior class, along with the extra-loud applause I could hear from Akalu, Arkonas, Justin, and Sylvia. When Akalu's name was called, two names after mine, I watched him intently as he went through the same process that I went through. He did it quite nicely, and the four of us in the bleachers clapped for him especially loudly, and we could even hear some excited screaming from Sasha in the audience. I could hear louder clapping from the other three of my friends in the stands, too. It was one of those rare moments where you can actually feel proud of both you and someone else. After our row finished up, the next two rows went through, with Justin in the next row, and Arkonas in the last one, with the rest of us clapping extra loud for our friends. Once that was done, I took in a deep breath, and exhaled. As if on cue, the principal made her final speech, and we went into a rather uneasy silence. However, when the principal finished, and closed the ceremony, the band started to play the typical graduation music, and we quietly filed out of the auditorium, all of us with wide smiles on our faces. As I walked out of the room, I scanned the audience for my parents, whom I quickly picked out in the room, waving to me. Nearby, I saw Sasha, who seemed more fixed on Akalu than me, but still gave me a wave as she noticed me.I waved back at her with my right hand, as I clutched my diploma in my left as if it was a book. Once we all filed out of the auditorium, and all the audience was dismissed, all five of us got together for a group hug, and a bunch of congratulating on finishing up high school. We even managed to get a group picture from the wandering photographer in the room. Then we all had to go share some sentimental moments with our parents, who were eager to congratulate us, as well. * * * Believe it or not, despite how excited we were feeling, we didn't really do anything that would be considered "wild" the night after graduation. Mostly because our parents wanted to spend some quality time with us, being an important milestone in our lives. I did hear, though, that Akalu somehow managed to get together with Sasha that night, where they supposedly had sex in the car in a remote location. I don't know if it's true or not, but I don't blame him a whole lot. If I had the opportunity, I might've done something similar. I was, however, getting ideas... I was still a few months away from college.