A snake and his lizard

Story by Badboylol on SoFurry

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#2 of Baddies

The story about a snake and his buddy lizard.

Sas and Licko were the best of friends, which was quite odd considering they were a lizard and a snake. Few people even knew that lizards still existed. If any! They were rare but the few that had survived had grown much more intelligent over the years. Licko was no exception though considering the petty things that he and his snake buddy, Licko argued over on a daily basis, it didn't seem that way. They argued about this, about that, about basically anything but in the end they would forget about it until the next time they disagreed. Which was usually the very next day. Today unfortunately, was no different. Did they ever learn from their mistakes? Nope. Will they ever? Probably not.

"Can not!" "Can too!" That's probably them now. The two friends were probably arguing again. Scratch that, the two ARE arguing AGAIN. "You can NOT climb that tree Licko!" "Shows what you know Sas!" The two continued to argue for another hour until.... "Alright then, prove it!" The lizard growled as he sulked. Lick just hissed and began to climb the large tree in front of them, jumping from branch to branch as he climbed higher and higher up the tree. Eventually, he made it to the top, looking down at his friend as he smirked. "See? Told ya so!" He chuckled as he looked down at his lizard buddy. "Yeah, but how are you gonna get down from there?!" Sas yelled back at him.

"Oh..... right..." Licko had not thought of this. "I... uh...I'm stuck." He sighed, looking a little embarrassed. "Don't worry buddy! I'll get you down!" The lizard shouted as he began to climb up. Instead of using agility (he had none) he relied on his brute strength to get up the tree and made it to the top. The tree creaked and wobbled before falling down to the ground. Of course, this was not how either of them had planned it to turn out. The two friends rubbed their heads and scowled at each other. "Now look what you've done!" "Me!? What about you, coward?! You were the one who knocked the tree down fatass!" "What did you call me!?" "F...a...t...a..s..s" Sas growled and grabbed licko. Alright then, if you're not a coward.... Go climb.....That cliff over there!" "Sas yelled at he pointed at the giant cliff in front of them.

"Alright, fine!" Licko yelled as he went off to climb it. "Try not to get stuck again!" Sas yelled after him as he smirked. He knew licko wasn't all that good with heights. Surprisingly though, Sas had made it to the top in record time, climbed down and solved world hunger. (Okay, the hunger bit was a lie) Licko grinned proudly and stared down at his friend. "Told ya so!" He shouted! "Catch me!" "Wait, what!?" Licko pulmmeted out of the tree at a staggering speed, landing in the lizard's arms. The beast staggered back at least 2 meters and fall into a ditch. "Nice catch there." Licko chuckled as he licked his friend face. Sas just sighed and got up. "Speak for yourself lizard lips." He groaned.

The two friends just stared at each other for a while. Trying to figure out what to say next. "So... um..... Why were we fighting again?" Licko asked after a short while. Sas tried to remember but he couldn't. "Uh.... No idea." The lizard said after a while. "Maybe something to do with peanut butter?" The snake just rolled his eyes. "Unlikely. Let's just forget about it and go get something to eat." "Ok then. Let's get some pizza." Licko shook his scaly little head." Nah, lets get some Chinese." "No, pizza." "No, Italian." "NO!" "YES!" And.... there we go again. These two will just end up arguing for a while, forget about it and argue about something else tomorrow. Same old, same old.

Sas and Licko and edited story by Badboylol

and the story by Little-trainer-dude