New Partner

Story by Keith Redfield on SoFurry

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#2 of Partners to the End

"Oh man......" Hunter moaned.

Hunter was being sucked by his dream lover, causing him to squirm and writhe with pleasure. The shepherd just laughed, and continued his work on the godly retriever.

"" Hunter breathed.

The shepherd was about to speak, but Hunter was awakened from his sleep by the dreaded alarm.


Hunter thought punching the clock. Hunter yawned, and then sat up to crack his back. Hunter noticed he still had the gold old morning wood, so he reached over for a Kleenex to finish the job. He came, and then he savored the scent and taste.

I wonder what dream boy tastes like.....

Hunter shook the thought off, how could he be so shallow? He didn't even know the guy! Hunter had never felt this way about anyone before, maybe...just maybe.

"Hey Hunter! Time for breakfast!" Exile said through the door.

"Okay!" Hunter replied.

Hunter pulled on a pair of gray sweat shorts and a white t-shirt, and then headed off to breakfast.

He walked in, and Colleen smiled at him "Good morning Huntie!" Colleen said cheerfully.

"Heya girl!" Hunter said to the Collie dressed in her white shorts and tank top.

"Hey Comrade!" Exile said, ruffling Hunter's hair from behind.

"Hey bro!" Hunter laughed, elbowing the husky playfully.

Blitz wasn't even up yet, and probably wouldn't be for awhile.

"Rara!" Shag said, serving Hunter eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

"Thanks buddy! It looks great!" Hunter replied, digging in. T

he trio just had general chit-chat for awhile, then Blitz came in.

"Hey Blitz!" Hunter said to the Doberman, who was wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants.

Blitz yawned and waved to everyone, and then the fun began.

"Morning pretty dog girl!" Blitz said, flexing.

"Well hello! I've never seen you before! Name's Colleen!" Colleen sarcastically said, shaking his hand.

"No you know me!" Blitz said whining.

"No doesn't ring a bell!" she replied.

The fight ended with of course Blitz being pummeled again, and the laughing began.

Blitz growled angrily, but shook it off, taking his seat next to Exile.

"So any word on our friend?' Blitz asked.

"Shepherd said his eyes were open, and is recovering at a rapid rate. He's still wounded, but can move better now." Exile replied.

"So we can see him?" Hunter asked trying to control his excitement.

Exile nodded, and Hunter finished his breakfast at a fast, yet steady pace; he didn't want the Rovers catching on. The Rovers surprisingly finished the same time as Hunter, and then they all made their way to the medical facility. Shepherd was waiting, and explained

"He's doing a lot better now, just keep your voices down."

The Rovers nodded, and went in. The dog was laying on the bed, and his head went up at attention to the intruders. His tail didn't wag, just stared at them. Hunter went first, and extended his hand out.

"Hey buddy! How you doing?" Hunter said in a low voice.

The dog sniffed his hand, and licked it, showing his approval.

"You're doing better bloke!" Colleen said happily, extending her hand.

The dog sniffed her hand, and then Colleen petted him lightly.

"Comrade, it's good to see you awake!" Exile said in his deep Russian accent.

He pet the dog lightly, making sure he didn't agitate the wounds.

"Hey buddy...." Blitz said, patting his head gently.

The dog was surprisingly calm in the presence of strangers, but his tail didn't wag.

Poor guy's probably still upset.... Hunter thougt, petting the shepherd.

The Shepherd for some reason kept licking Hunter, as if to say he was the favorite.


"Looks like someone likes you!" Colleen said, smiling at Hunter.

Hunter just smiled and then looked at Shepherd. "Hey master, since he no longer has a home, can he stay with us and be a Road Rover?" Hunter asked, crossing his fingers.

"I see no problem with it. Besides I need to ask him a few questions anyway. We need to see if he can walk first..." Shepherd replied.

Hunter looked at the dog and asked "You want to go for a walk?" The dog perked up and jumped on the floor, ready to go.

"Wow! He sure recovers fast!" Exile exclaimed.

"I know, that's the shocking part about him. I need to study him to see what causes this." Shepherd replied.

"All right boy, follow me." Hunter said, leading the dog.

He lead the dog to the transdognifyer, then he pressed the button. The machine began working, and then the doors opened, Hunter was shocked at what he saw. The Shepherd was just what he dreamt of. The dog was 6 feet high, perfectly proportioned and muscular, but not too much, had blue eyes and had the regular shepherd markings all over his fur. He was wearing camo pants and a white t-shirt, along with sandy army boots. He had dog tags around his neck, along with a black ring on his right hand.


The shepherd stepped out and blinked, then asked "Is this real?"

His exactly the same... so gentle, yet deep and commanding......

"Yes, you are now a cano-sapien, a dog with human characteristics. What's your name?" Shepherd asked.

"Keith, or also known as Lieutenant Redfield," Keith replied, still unsure of all this.

"Well Keith, do you remember what happened?" Shepherd asked.

Keith blinked a little, then replied "Yeah, I was in battle with my master, then he was shot, then I blacked out from a massive explosion....Wait?! What happened to my team?! My master?!"

The entire room was silent, and nobody said anything.

"TELL ME!" Keith demanded, steeping towards the Rovers.

"Keith....your entire squad was wiped out, a massive explosion came from the mountains, consuming everything....." Shepherd sadly replied.

The shepherd froze and looked at the floor, completely silent.


"No one? So it's just me....." Keith muttered sadly.

"I'm sorry Keith, but...." Shepherd began.

"It's fine, really.......let's just introduce ourselves and we can talk later." Keith replied. "Hello everyone, names Keith. What's yours?"

"Hunter, glad to meet you!" Hunter said, trying to conceal his excitement.

Keith looked at Hunter, and blushed inwardly.

Wow.....I sure can hit it right!

"Nice to meet you Hunter," Keith said, shaking his hand firmly.

"Colleen. Wow bloke, you're quite impressive!" she said winking at him.

She's pretty hot too....

"Likewise....." Keith said, winking back.

Colleen giggled a little, and Hunter became a little flustered, but shook it off. Keith sensed this and winked at Hunter, and gave a coy smile.

Is he hitting on me?!

"Exile, always a pleasure to meet a man that puts his life on the line for his country!" Exile said, bear hugging Keith.

"Nice to!" Keith coughed.

"Is....he like this with everyone?"

"Pretty much!" Blitz said, shaking Keith's paw after being released. "Name's Blitz, glad to see you're feeling better!"

Keith laughed and replied "Nice to meet you terminator!"

The entire group laughed including Blitz, who was used to it by now.

"Now that you're all acquainted, please feel free to show Keith around. Keith, you will be staying here, is that okay?" Shepherd said.

Hunter took a deep breath, hoping for a yes. "Sure, but does that mean I'm a Road Rover now?" Keith asked.

"Of course! You will also be trained as well!" Colleen said blushing.

"If it's by you lovely lady, by then all means...." Keith winked.

Hunter liked his flirtatious personality, that turned him on a little. Hunter also looked at Exile, who seemed to "like" the new Rover as well. Hunter could see the slight bulge, and he couldn't help but being a little protective/jealous.

I saw him first!

"Well first things first, Hunter show the new Rover to his room," Shepherd ordered.

Yes! "Right away master! This way Keith," Hunter said.

The shepherd walked after Hunter, and Hunter thought he was checking out his ass. Hunter turned, but the shepherd just smiled and looked directly at him.

Wishful thinking.....

The spare bedroom was right next to Hunter's, Hunter was ecstatic.

Easy Hunter...down boy!

The two entered the room, and they looked around. The room was nothing special, just a twin bed, a dresser, an LCD TV with another XBOX 360, along with a few games. It also had a bookshelf with a few books, along with a computer.

"I know it's not much....." Hunter began.

"You kidding buddy? It's perfect!" Keith said, slapping Hunter on the back.

Man this guy is strong! He may not look it....but.... Hunter wanted to hack a little, but just chuckled.

"Now about some clothes, there is a storage room with plenty of them, you should find some to your liking, if not just holler." Hunter said, showing him down the hall.

"Clothes? Man I prefer being all feral....." Keith said jokingly. Hunter blushed a deep red; luckily his fur wasn't white so Keith could see his embarrassment.

Keith could sense this, so he laughed "I'm joking man! Lighten up a little!"

Hunter you're no good at playing along! At least he's cute....

"Heh.....okay. So you hungry?" Hunter asked, diverting the subject.

"Yeah, actually I'm famished!" Keith replied.

"Alright! You'll love Shag! He's a culinary genius!" Hunter said happily.


"Man that's the best Kung Pao Chicken I've ever had!" Keith said satisfied.

"I know right? Shag is awesome!" Hunter replied.

Not as awesome as those hazel he's cute! I just wonder if he is really bi.....I just hope he isn't just being nice.....

"So Hunter whatcha into?" Keith asked.

"Well everything basically. I like to work out, and train in the martial arts. I'm also an avid video game nut, although I don't look it. I also like to write a little, but my real passion is target shooting and working on guns." Hunter replied.

"Wow, a jack of all trades! You must be my clone or something, because I like all that stuff too!" Keith laughed.

My dream guy is all I wanted and more......score!

"Awesome! Favorite game?" Hunter asked. "Definitely Resident Evil all time Final Fantasy VII." Keith replied.


"Okay.....favorite type of gun?" Hunter questioned.

"Definitely a handgun.....SIG P229 in a 45 caliber." Keith said.

Okay my turn......

"Alright Hunter.....ever had a girl?"

Hunter froze for a moment, then said "Yeah, Colleen, on and off...other than that...."

"Lucky guy, she sure is pretty!" Keith chuckled and winked.

"You?" Hunter asked.

"No, always been single. Been looking forever, but.....I just can seem to connect with someone..." Keith trailed off.

We are so much alike, Keith really is the one for me, maybe.

"I'm sorry dude, but you'll find someone definitely! I mean you're pretty good looking!" Hunter said, trying to cheer Keith up.

"You're not so bad yourself Hunter," Keith rebutted.

Hunter blushed, but diverted the subject, "So, would you like to see the armory dude?"

"Sure!" Keith replied. The two made their way down the hall, then Hunter punched in the code, then the door swung open.

"Quite a spread Hunter!" Keith said, stepping in. The room had racks of various rifles, handguns, shotguns, rocket launchers, and all sorts of accessories.

"Thanks! Let me show you my current project..." Hunter said in anticipation. He led Keith over a work table, where various parts of a handgun was scattered about.

"I'm working on a built in compensator that will completely eliminate recoil, what's more the release of the gasses won't blind you at night!" Hunter proudly proclaimed.

"Impressive!" Keith proclaimed, putting the gun back together.

"Mind if I test it out?" Keith grinned.

"Sure!" Hunter replied, showing Keith to the range in the next room. Keith aimed down range, and then fired.

"Awesome! No recoil whatsoever! You should work for the military!" Keith said, slapping Hunter's butt.

Hunter froze, and said nothing. Did he just spank me? I kinda liked it.....

Hunter shook himself, then replied "Thanks!" Hunter replied.

Keith handed the gun back to Hunter, then asked "Hey Hunter, can I borrow one of the armory's SIG'S? I kinda like to pack at all times. It's just the military blood boiling is all."

"Sure, I like to pack too, the Rovers call me paranoid, but you never know!" Hunter replied.

Keith laughed and grabbed a SIG in a 45 caliber, along with some clips and hollow points. He attached a laser for good measure, along with a hip holster. The whole military look really turned Hunter on, and the additional "accessories" weren't helping. Hunter was brought back from his thoughts when he heard Exile's voice.

"Hey comrade Keith, Hunter! It's time for a little sparing! Come on!"

"All right! I like a good brawl! Come on dude!" Keith said, grabbing Hunter's paw.

Hunter just let Keith pull him along, following Exile. They came to a room filled with padding, where all the Rovers were waiting.

"Heya boys!" Colleen said, showing off her skin tight under armour uniform. Both canines blushed, and just waved hello. Blitz was also in his, and Keith blushed a little. Every curve was being shown off, including the......

Stop Redfield, control your hormones. What is this puberty?

"Come on comrades! Suit up! Exile said, throwing them a couple of suits.

Hunter and Keith followed Exile into the locker room. Exile was already stripping down, showing his massive frame to the two canines.

If this is puberty, then it's a whole lot better than that experience when I was growing hair in unmentionable places!

Keith was trying his hardest to hold himself down, but being bi didn't help, there wasn't one to outweigh the other. Exile bent over, and Keith saw Exile's crack a little, making his pulse pound. Hunter himself was struggling, even though he didn't love Exile.

He's still cute though!

The two other canines stripped down, and they were each looking at each other out of the corner of their eyes. Keith had the same frame Hunter dreamed off, along with the markings. He was so incredibly proportioned, so sexy. Hunter's eyes brought him to Keith's treasures, concealed by camo boxers. There was a pretty big bulge, and Hunter saw the outlining of his balls. Keith had a pretty shapely ass too, muscular, but Hunter wouldn't know with that covering.

He looks so good.....they both were thinking.

They both suited up, and looked at each other.


Exile interjected "Wow comrade! You look pretty good!" Exile said, eyeing Keith up and down.

"You're not so bad yourself!" Keith said, slapping Exile on the back as he walked by. They all headed onto the floor, where Colleen had pummeled Blitz again.

"What the hell?!" Keith asked, helping Blitz up.

"It's just typical comrade, no worries, he's fine. Blitz hits on Colleen, then blam!" Exile laughed.

Keith looked at Colleen then said "You kick some major ass girl!"

"Hmmm....thanks..." Colleen winked.

"Okay let's get into partners!" Hunter interrupted.

"I have a suggestion, why don't you all fight me? Since I'm in the military...I can show you a few tricks, if you want...." Keith suggested.

"Four on one? That's not fair!" Exile observed.

"Fights aren't fair, you all game?" Keith said winking, getting into position.

"I'm gonna enjoy this...." Blitz smiled, running at Keith. Keith did a backwards fan kick, knocking him away. Keith smirked, and then it began. All the rovers began attack him viciously, but the shepherd was fast! He was blocking all their shots with various kicks, punches, and dodges. At one point he grabbed Colleen, and then threw her into Exile.

"Sorry sweetie! Love ya!" Keith joked, winking.

Colleen smiled, then went after him again. Hunter grabbed Keith from behind, and Keith smiled.

"You never seemed like you'd be on top...." Keith whispered, before elbowing Hunter.

What the...? What a tease!

Exile tackled Keith to the floor, and Exile spoke, "You're pretty good! But nobody's got out of my hold!"

"I don't think I want to big guy...." Keith whispered, rubbing Exile's crotch with his leg. Exile was shocked, and Keith used that opportunity to throw him off.

"Guess I'm the first ‘comrade'" Keith mocking Exile.

Hunter saw this, and laughed.

I bet he's a trip in bed!

The Rovers were worn down, and they eventually called it even.

"Wow sweetie! You sure are good!" Colleen said, panting.

"Yeah comrade! Stunning!" Exile added.

"Even I'm impressed!" Blitz said.

Hunter just looked at Keith, and Keith gave him a wink.


"Thanks you all! Now I'm all sweaty and tired, I'm gonna shower then nap." Keith replied, stretching.

"All right, later comrade!" Exile responded. Keith moved his head for Hunter to follow, and he did so.

"Man Keith you're awesome!" Hunter said.

"You're not so bad yourself dude!" Keith replied. "You blocked half my shots!"

He's so sweet.... Hunter was slowly being aroused by Keith's sweat, it almost smelled....musky.

"Hey after we shower, let's take a shot at Resident Evil 5, and then let's chill!" Keith suggested.

"Sure!" Hunter replied, wagging his tail.

"It's a date then! See you in a bit..." Keith said, winking then shutting his door. Hunter listened through the door, and he heard Keith unzipping himself. Hunter couldn't help but peek through the crack, and he caught the most beautiful sight of maleness ever. Hunter nearly fell over, and he went to his room to shower, getting rid of his boner while he washed.