Chapter 5: Learning to Yield

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 5: Learning to Yield

"Do you really know which way the sun village is?" Keeno demanded. "Because you've only been there once and that was seven fucking years ago, Kilyan. And if we get lost and we run out of food -- I have dibs on your liver."

Kilyan only laughed.

Kilyan and Keeno were stomping through the snow, passing through the sacred burial grounds that were located just south of the summer village and its pastures. Snow had sprinkled the little graves, coating the piles of little stones that marked each grave in rows. Kilyan and Keeno stumbled through these graves and out of the trees, their heads bent against the chill wind. They used their spears to push themselves through in places where the snow was very deep, but otherwise made good time, and by high noon, the wind had fallen, and the two young wolves found themselves standing on the edge of the rocky wasteland Kilyan remembered crossing seven years ago with his father, Loryn, and the sorcerer Zaldon.

It was bizarre to Kilyan. The wasteland looked exactly the same: the same withered trees, the same craggy hills, the same little caves leading into the sacred sun tunnels where young wolves from the sun village mated during the mating season. But not a sprinkling of snow in sight. It was as if winter stopped where the wastelands began -- though the wind spiraled down just as cold and the sun was forever hidden behind gray clouds.

"See?" Kilyan said, starting down the rocky incline. "I know where I'm going. Have some faith in me, Keeno!"

Keeno only rolled his eyes and followed.

"Another day and we'll be there. The sun village is hidden behind this big cliff -- there, to the far east," continued Kilyan. "I mean, so many awful things happened on our way to save Lea, how could I forget . . ."

Keeno nodded solemnly. Kilyan had told him about the things that went on here seven years ago, the capture and the final murder of that fiend who had kidnapped Lea. And he knew better than to say anything: Kilyan always got so emotional whenever Eno was mentioned.

They passed into the wasteland side by side, glad to be out of the snow, but a lone figure sitting on a cluster of large rocks up ahead made Keeno's ears prick forward. Keeno nudged Kilyan and both young warriors instantly became wary, but they did not stop approaching. They quickly realized as they drew nearer that the figure was a female. She was hunched over, shivering, crying. They came to a stop some feet away and watched her. Her fur was a lovely bluish-silver and her mane fell past her shoulders to the small of her narrow back. She was sitting on the rocks with her back to them, her legs hanging off the side, and they could see that she was bleeding freely from her ankle.

Kilyan and Keeno looked at each other warily, then Kilyan called, "Miss?"

The female looked around and gazed at them with large, pleading, sable colored eyes. She shook her head vigorously and gestured her paws for them to go away, but she would not speak. They asked her if she didn't need help, if she was alone, but the more they asked her questions, the more frantically earnest she became. Tears streamed freely from her eyes and she shook her head so wildly now that her mane was tossing even as her ears flapped. She gestured frantically for them to go away, but it was fairly obvious that she was hurt and filthy and frightened. Kilyan and Keeno started trying to convince her to come down from the rocks. She wasn't that much older than they were and she was so pretty with her high little breasts and their pink nipples, those great dark lashes. They felt sorry for her. And even as they stood there trying to convince her to come down, several shadows started moving very slowly from behind the rocks.

Kilyan stiffened as not one male but five appeared around the rocks, each holding strange weapons with arrows fastened to them. Kilyan quickly recognized the weapons as crossbows, weapons from across the sea. He had seen them in the market seven years ago when in the sun village and now here were five wolves pointing them at him. He felt dismal, but dropped his spear, and beside him, Keeno did the same with a snarl.

The five wolves were all a dark gray in color, not massive like the sun wolves but still large and muscular and well past their first mating season. All middle-aged wolves rippling with muscles, their fur irregular with old scars. Some of them wore golden earrings, others had symbols burned in their fur. One of them -- what appeared to be the leader -- had a very long fang curling over his bottom lip. All of the wolves seemed very pleased to have cornered Kilyan and Keeno, and watching as one of the wolves reached up and jerked the female down by her arm, Kilyan realized that these mean-looking strangers had used that female to lure them into a trap!

The female gave a little scream when she was dragged down from the rocks, and then was she thrown down in the dust, where she sobbed brokenly as her wrists were bound behind her back. Kilyan noticed with a leap of his heart that there was a small pup hiding behind the rocks, peering around the corner and crying to see the female being bound. This little female pup looked just like the female on the ground, and Kilyan realized that she was its mother. The pup was dragged out of hiding by her mane and made to sit on the ground near the sobbing female, then the wolves moved in on Kilyan and Keeno.

Kilyan and Keeno stood glaring as they were ordered with a barked command to their knees. They did as they were told, and Kilyan ground his teeth as two of the wolves pulled out lengths of rope from their hip bags and smiled nastily at them. Kilyan noticed that the wolf with the long fang kept smiling at him in particular. Before he could make anything of it, he was shoved down on his face and he felt his wrists bound cruelly tight behind his back. He thought with a pang of that morning seven years ago, of being bound in the same way by the lone wolf and then raped by him. He heard laughter and then Keeno's wild snarls, and looking around, Kilyan saw with horror that Keeno had been flipped onto his back and was being fondled. A gag had already been put in Keeno's mouth -- Keeno had apparently snapped at one of them -- and he was glaring at his molesters from under a lock of tan mane. Kilyan watched unable to look away as his friend's cock was slowly tortured into a hard-on, no matter how Keeno bucked and squirmed, no matter how his eyes flashed -- he got hard. The wolves laughed at this and proceeded to slap Keeno's hard dick with their paws. Kilyan saw Keeno's brows rush together and he whimpered behind the gag. Kilyan understood: trying to deny that ecstasy while it was being forced out of you was true torture.

Lying there on his stomach, Kilyan gave a low angry groan as the hopelessness of the situation washed over him, but past experience told him that shouting and fighting only won you a hearty slap. He waited, deciding he would study these wolves, for the more he learned about them, the easier their escape.

Kilyan bit back a cry when he felt a finger thrust roughly into his anus, and then more laughter, and he realized these wolves were speaking a different language! So they really were from across the sea! He glared at them now as they studied him, laughing when he clenched his buttocks to shut out their prodding fingers. But his to dismay, they only pried his buttocks apart and keep examining him. They even reached under and cupped his balls, and then he too was flipped onto his back, and they stroked his penis. Kilyan grunted angrily when his dick responded. Emasculating. He squeezed his eyes shut, his chest heaving as he tried to stay calm. He could hear Keeno's wild grunts as he was fondled and caressed toward an orgasm, no doubt, and somewhere, the female and her pup were sobbing. He opened his eyes and looked around. Oh, god. One of the wolves was groping the female's breasts, sucking tenderly at her nipple, and seeing the very act of this -- the nipple stretching in that hulking wolf's lips and the female's hooded eyes and her moans of grudging ecstasy -- made Kilyan's dick get even harder as he was fondled. He squeezed his eyes shut again. But the wolves suddenly left him and he sagged into himself, hating when his wrists smashed beneath him and the ropes cut.

Keeno let out a wild scream and Kilyan dared to look: Keeno had been flipped on his stomach again and the wolves had gathered around. One was holding Keeno's ass cheeks wide open while the other slid his fingers deeply into Keeno's anus: slowly in and out, in and out. And Keeno was bucking. Keeno was incensed. They laughed at this, chattering in their quick language, and Kilyan knew they were making jokes about it. Why didn't Keeno just lie still? They only really seemed to be enjoying it because he was fighting them so much. Kilyan had just lain there, had not made a sound, and they had left him alone. He wished he could tell Keeno this, but he knew if he spoke a word he would be turned upon next.

As he was lying there watching in horror as his friend was molested before his very eyes, Kilyan was startled to suddenly find that wolf with the long fang standing over him. The wolf's black lips spread slowly into a smile around his fang, and then he squatted down and took Kilyan's hard cock into his paw. Kilyan stiffened, glaring at the wolf levelly.

"You were watching that little bitch get her tits sucked, weren't you? You like seeing bitches get sucked?" he whispered, caressing Kilyan's cock with a slow skill that made him shudder.

Kilyan wanted to buck and snap and wriggle as Keeno was doing, but unlike Keeno, he knew it was pointless. He wasn't going to give them anything -- especially not the satisfaction of knowing his rage at his own helplessness.

Kilyan saw the fanged wolf make a gesture, and before he realized what had happened, the bluish-silver female had been shoved over to him. She was such a small female, so thin, and her breasts were perky and perfect. Kilyan was getting hard just looking at them shivering as she sobbed. Her sable eyes were streaming with tears and she shuddered as the fanged wolf cupped her breasts from behind and licked her cheek. He started rotating her breasts slowly, massaging them, squeezing them, but his eyes were fixed on Kilyan, who was lying there trying not to show his desire in his face, but his cock was swelling thicker just looking at those perfect tits being squeezed and caressed so lovingly. And every time the female shivered, her pink nipples just stood out harder. The fanged wolf spread her shapely little thighs wide, revealing her pink sex to Kilyan. With his eyes still fixed on Kilyan, he lowered his paw to her sex and started caressing her there too. She closed her eyes and moaned, and Kilyan suddenly couldn't stand it anymore. He closed his eyes against this rape being had right in front of him, and he wasn't surprised when he felt that first hard slap across his face. He opened his eyes, breathless with the sudden blow, and saw that another male had done it.

And then suddenly, Kilyan heard the little female ordered to suck him off. The command had been given in the common tongue and by the wolf with the long fang. He stared as the female was forced to her knees and shoved forward. Without the use of her paws to steady her, she all but fell into Kilyan's cock, and the feel of those perky breasts nudging him with their softness made Kilyan shudder. Why? Why must this poor, trembling female be made to give him pleasure when she obviously seemed to suffer so? Her breasts were trembling as she sobbed quietly to herself, her sable eyes were squinted up, and Kilyan, feeling sorry for her, tried to calm his passion, to make it go down. But that was quite impossible: she was just too lovely kneeling over him with her breasts hanging down. And then her mouth closed over him, hot and wet.

Kilyan closed his eyes and groaned. He had never been sucked this way! Her mouth closed over his cock and she sucked hungrily at the head, dragging her tongue around it in circles until Kilyan was beside himself. He wanted to close his eyes again, to block out the fact that this was happening, but the fanged wolf was suddenly holding Kilyan's head, suddenly forcing him to look as this lovely little female's wet lips pulled at him up and down. And then another barked command given to her -- this one in the gray wolves' strange language -- and Kilyan was glad when she released his cock from her mouth. She watched it flap down against his stomach, and then to his shock, she laid her breasts against his cock and started rubbing them vigorously up and down. Kilyan had never felt such softness enfolding his cock, and her breasts smashed around it as she worked herself with little sobs were irresistible. Kilyan shuddered, and to his shame, he came all over his own stomach. He couldn't believe it when the female shuffled over on her knees and started licking his cum from him!

"Yes, you'll make a nice plaything for the chieftess," said the fanged wolf with satisfaction, and Kilyan felt a surge of rage when his mane was stroked. "You yield quickly. You know your place. But your friend over there? He's going to need some breaking in. I think we'll break him in tonight."

Kilyan was alarmed to hear those words. Plaything? Chieftess? And what were they going to do to Keeno to make him stop fighting? Kilyan didn't want to imagine. He closed his eyes and realized with a jolt that he was in the fanged wolf's arms! The big, bristly creature was holding him, stroking his mane. He couldn't understand it and his mind swam into a haze of confusion, even as the small female was still bathing his cock and stomach with her tongue. He shivered under her long, deliberate strokes, wishing that someone would tell her to stop, and he was glad when the fanged wolf gave another order in his language. The female was snatched up and slung over another wolf's shoulder. Kilyan could see they were gathering their crossbows now and that the small pup had been snatched up as well. Then Keeno, grunting and snarling behind his gag, was made to stand. Kilyan felt himself roughly jerked to his feet as well.

Kilyan and Keeno were shoved back to back, and then the fanged wolf was circling them, looking them up and down. Kilyan heard him stop before Keeno and he laughed as Keeno gave a low, long growl behind his gag. There was a sudden slap and Kilyan flinched as the sound cut the air. Keeno was quiet now after the blow, and then Kilyan saw the fanged wolf stop before him. He glared as he remembered that these wolves were from across the sea: he was about to be taken from his wives, his children -- and he might never save his father!

"I'm going to make things wonderfully simple for you and your friend," the fanged wolf whispered, smiling at Kilyan. "You will walk with us where we tell you, and if you try to run, we will shoot you down with our crossbows. Simple?"

The fanged wolf waited, his eyebrows raised, and Kilyan whispered darkly at him, "Simple."

The fanged wolf only smiled at Kilyan's glaring. "You're a smart one. You should tell your friend there to calm down. He's only making things worse for himself." He paused, looking Kilyan up and down, and Kilyan held back a miserable shudder when he realized the fanged wolf was lusting after him. "How is it you stay so composed? We're from across the sea, the moon village. Surely you know that. We're about to take you away from your home, and yet you don't even struggle. Clever one. Or . . ." Kilyan stiffened as the fanged wolf leaned close and his entire body went tense with rage when the fanged wolf slipped two fingers in his anus and spread them. "Maybe this shit has happened to you before and you know the drill." He laughed nastily as he stroked his fingers in and out of Kilyan's anus, and Kilyan, filled with a terrible rage suddenly at his own helplessness, almost lost control. He took a deep breath and tried to make the trembling in his arms subside, and the fanged wolf moved away, laughing as if he understood Kilyan's struggle exactly.

"Don't worry, my dark beauty," said the fanged wolf, stroking Kilyan's cheek with the back of his paw. "You may have been taken before, but when I take you? I'll be gentle so long as you don't struggle. You're to be the chieftess' pleasure slave. We aren't allowed to really harm you. In fact, we must keep you in top condition."

Kilyan kept very still as the fanged wolf rubbed his paw over Kilyan's broad chest, then over his bulging shoulders and the arms that were tied behind his back. Kilyan held back an angry grunt when the fanged wolf dragged a paw over the curve of his buttocks, but the fanged wolf stopped his advances as soon as they'd started and he gave a barking order in his quick language. Kilyan was shoved around and made to walk behind two of the dark gray wolves with Keeno at his side. The two dark gray wolves in front were each holding the mother wolf and her pup. He knew the other two wolves and their long-fanged leader were walking behind him with crossbows ready, and Kilyan held down an angry shudder, knowing somehow that the fanged wolf was feasting his eyes on Kilyan, watching his muscular buttocks flex as he walked. Kilyan seethed. There had to be some escape and he was determined to find it!

They walked the wastelands until dusk. Kilyan recognized the ancient memorial stones in the distance: those towering stones that stood eleven, twelve feet high. They were covered in symbols, the symbols of the dead warriors of the sun village. Kilyan fumed to think that if not for this hideous predicament, he and Keeno would be passing through those stones right now and almost to the sun village! He could see the distant cliff towering in the east, behind which the sun village stood on a hill. So close and yet so far! Kilyan thought about giving the howl of the warrior in peril, but that would have been a foolish thing: he would have been immediately gagged and probably raped for the attempt to call for help, and who was likely to hear him out in the middle of no where anyway?

At dusk, they were forced to a stop at the top of a hill, and Kilyan stood there, watching Keeno out of the corner of his eye as the gray wolves dug out a fire pit and got a fire going. The female and her pup were thrown down near Kilyan and Keeno, who were also shoved until they sat. Kilyan fell hard on his tail, glowering at the wolf who had shoved him, but the wolf only gave Kilyan's face a playful clap and went to the fire.

As the gray wolves sat around the fire laughing and talking, Kilyan saw them rummaging in their bags and knew they were about to start eating. His stomach gurgled. And he was incensed when he saw one of the gray wolves going through his and Keeno's traveling packs. He saw the wolf pull out the dried meat and vegetables Lea had packed for him and his chest heaved when the wolf tasted some of it! This wasn't happening -- this couldn't be happening! No, he was on his way to the sun village with Keeno, not sitting here with his wrists bound listening to a female's soft shuddering and crying, listening to Keeno's miserable grunts as he struggled to break free of his ropes.

"Keeno!" Kilyan hissed. "Keeno -- stop it!"

Keeno looked at Kilyan as if he was insane.

"Didn't you hear that one with the long fang earlier? They're going to do something to you because you keep fighting! Just stay calm and let's study them and figure out some way to escape! Maybe that female could help us --"

Still tightly gagged, Keeno gave a grunt, and looking at him, Kilyan saw that his friend was shaking his head, as if he (as usual) found Kilyan hopeless. And Kilyan knew suddenly what Keeno wanted to say to him: that they were outnumbered, that these wolves had crossbows for god's sake, and that the little female and her pup were as helpless as they: they weren't escaping this. So Keeno didn't see any reason that he should yield to having himself poked and prodded for the enjoyment of these big, rough wolves from across the sea, and he made this known with an incredulous glower at Kilyan.

"If you don't yield, they're going to make things worse for you!" Kilyan hissed. He looked at his friend and said solemnly, "Believe me: I know."

Keeno looked at his friend and did a double take. He suddenly fell still, just staring at Kilyan, and Kilyan knew why: he had never told anyone about his rape up in the cliffs of the northern forest. It was something he and his father had kept to themselves, and only his father's friends knew it had happened. But Kilyan, unlike his father, had not told anyone, especially not Keeno. He couldn't have borne the shame. He was fully aware that Keeno wouldn't have laughed at him over something so serious, but that moment in his life had been the most painfully degrading, and Kilyan only hoped that these dark wolves from the moon village were not about to change that for him.

A sudden barked order went up from the fire, and Kilyan realized that three wolves were moving their way. One was the wolf with the long fang and Kilyan was very sick of him suddenly. All three wolves were carrying a wooden bowl with a mushy kind of porridge in it. Kilyan saw one wolf squat over the mother and her pup and start spoon feeding them. They ate ravenously, grunting their appreciation like lowly animals, Kilyan thought in amazement. Another wolf was trying to remove Keeno's gag. But Keeno kept jerking his head, kept threatening to snap, and the wolf would pull his paw away in the nick of time and laugh. When the wolf finally realized Keeno wasn't going to cooperate, he shook his head and went away. Kilyan sighed to himself, wishing that Keeno would just settle down. Now Keeno would be tired and fatigued because he hadn't eaten, but Kilyan fully intended to eat: he needed all of his strength if he was going to escape.

Kilyan was wearily surprised to find the fanged wolf suddenly crouching over him. He realized that this fanged male didn't smell bad at all. He smelled neat and groomed, and Kilyan realized that he was probably one of the more wealthy citizens of the moon village. He too was holding a bowl with the same grayish-brown mush, and Kilyan realized that he was about to be fed by this male. Why was the fanged wolf so focused on him? It made him dully angry, but then the spoon was being scooped through the mush and offered to him. Kilyan opened his mouth to accept it. It didn't taste bad at all! He swallowed and took another offered spoonful, and felt a dull anger rising in his chest when the fanged wolf smiled at him. He realized suddenly that anything that pleased this lusty male instantly angered him, because anything that pleased the fanged wolf reminded Kilyan dismally of his helplessness.

"I will look after you with my own paws, pretty dark thing," the wolf whispered around his long fang. He offered Kilyan another spoonful and Kilyan took it in his mouth, almost violently in his rage. The fanged wolf laughed at this. "How can anyone so pretty . . . be so tough? It amazes me. Those beautiful green eyes -- as gentle as a female's when you're calm. And those lashes! But you're this big, muscle-bound thing, and you could have fought us just as easily as your friend over there. And yet you don't give us an inch. You don't give us the satisfaction. I think you're proud. Is that it? Or maybe this has happened to you before, as I earlier supposed."

The wolf with the long fang waited, and Kilyan realized suddenly that he was waiting for an answer. Kilyan's ears went back flat on his head and he said nothing. But really looking in the gray wolf's face for the first time, he realized how handsome it was and how friendly. Why, he could have been one of his father's friends back home. His eyes were the palest blue and bright and shrewd. He always seemed to know exactly what Kilyan was feeling, what he was thinking. Kilyan looked abruptly away. Bastard. He was taking him from everything - everything! -- that meant anything to him! He had to know that!

Kilyan felt another surge of rage when the wolf with the long fang stroked his face again.

"Come now, my black beauty," he said lovingly. "If you cooperate, things won't be so bad. And who knows? You might just get back to your family. But not tonight. Until we reach the moon village, you belong to me."

Kilyan's eyes snapped back on that handsome face. What did he mean by that? Kilyan didn't want to know.

"They call me Tyne," said the fanged wolf. "And I will call you beautiful black thing. You don't have a name anymore. Understand? You do not speak unless spoken to, and even in some situations, when spoken to -- you'd better not speak."

Kilyan ground his teeth and said nothing.

"Good, good," whispered the fanged wolf with a loving smile. He set the bowl and spoon aside, and now he was stroking Kilyan's mane back from his shoulders, his eyes tracing over the flesh around Kilyan's collarbone as it flexed in his struggle to keep composed under this unwanted caressing. "Good . . . and now, your first lesson. This --" Kilyan held back a gasp when his dick was suddenly grabbed very hard in the wolf's big paw, "-- is to be standing at attention. Always at attention. And you are not to be caught touching it with your own paws."

Kilyan stared at the fanged wolf in amazement. Was he out of his mind? How was he to always be hard? But then the wolf started caressing him, and he groaned and bit his lip. No, no -- not this shit again! Kilyan wanted to wriggle but he knew it was pointless, and he knew to his further humiliation that Keeno was sitting nearby, watching in amazement as his best friend yielded to this rape. But what more could Kilyan have done? Fighting would only get him slapped around. He had no choice but to sit there, his paws bound behind his back, and watch as his dick was slowly caressed into a hard-on. It was maddening that this was happening to him -- utterly maddening! And Tyne's blue eyes kept watching his face, kept studying him -- he could hide nothing as his brows knit together anxiously, as he bit his lip to ignore this slow massaging, this gentle caressing that was giving him so much pleasure. He was trying hard not to shudder and he knew to his further humiliation that he was blushing, and with the strain to hold back against an orgasm, his body started to tremble. He wanted to bark for Tyne to stop but such a thing would have been utterly foolish. Tyne just kept stroking him, kept fondling him so slowly and deliberately, and his dick just swelled thicker and harder -- as if it already knew its master even as Kilyan was struggling to resist.

"That's it," whispered Tyne, "yield to me, you delicious thing, you."

Kilyan hated himself when he whimpered, but he was relieved when Tyne suddenly let him go. He sagged into himself, biting back a sob.

"And it will stay that way," Tyne whispered, "or you will suffer my displeasure."

Kilyan couldn't even look up, he felt so ashamed, and then he heard Keeno grunting wildly. Kilyan looked around and saw that Keeno had been flipped on his stomach by two wolves. Keeno bucked in a wild fit of defiance and rage, but the wolves only laughed, and they took turns giving his buttocks such loud resounding slaps that Keeno started to fall still in spite of himself. Then one wolf spread Keeno's buttocks apart, and Kilyan saw to his horror that the other had balled his big paw into a fist. Oh, my god -- no! Certainly they wouldn't? But they did.

Kilyan watched in amazement as one of the dark gray wolves slowly slid his fist into Keeno's anus. Keeno shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut and sobbing behind his gag. The fist stopped, half inside of him, and then plunged with a sudden violence. Keeno's eyes were streaming with tears now and his buttocks were flexing and straining under this torture even as they were being held apart, but the fist drove itself deeper, and Kilyan saw Keeno curl his toes, saw him weeping and sobbing behind the gag. He couldn't look anymore. He turned his head away but daren't close his eyes: Tyne was still standing there, watching him.

"Your friend could have avoided his fate, pretty one," Tyne said. "If he had only yielded. Keep that in mind."

Kilyan swallowed thickly, trying desperately to ignore the sounds of his friend's muffled screams, the laughter of the wolves who tortured him. He thought of his father at home sick in bed, of the sun village just around the corner, and felt a surge of hatred for the long-fanged wolf when he knelt down to stroke Kilyan's ears.

"They are opening him the rough way, obviously," said Tyne, smiling at Kilyan. "All slaves have to be opened. But I can open you very gently. I can make it a pleasurable experience if you yield."

Slaves! Kilyan only glowered, and looking up at Tyne's lusty smile, he knew his father had been right -- so right! He saw Tyne slip something from his hip bag: a small leather pouch that smelled, Kilyan realized, like grease from meat fat. And suddenly, Tyne was dipping his fingers in this grease and rubbing it all over his own cock! Kilyan groaned inwardly. This smiling wolf was lubricating himself before he raped Kilyan! Kilyan's chest started heaving as he realized this, and he wanted to growl and snarl and struggle, wanted to die before he was ever raped again! But now Tyne was rubbing the grease on Kilyan's hard cock as well, smoothing it in with firm caresses, and Kilyan realized in amazement that he was doing this with no other purpose than to give Kilyan pleasure. And it was working: Kilyan shuddered angrily even as his dick throbbed harder. Why? he wondered viciously. What was the point of building this craving in his dick only to leave him so wretchedly unsatisfied? Did his suffering give this wolf pleasure? And, god, he wanted to die when the fanged wolf smoothed the grease into his balls too. He could remember Ohana when had she taken his balls in her hungry little lips, and just the memory alone made him groan and throb harder.

"That's it," whispered Tyne, cupping Kilyan's face. "Yield to me and life will be so much easier for you." So saying, he leaned forward and Kilyan felt his lips forced open by this wolf's tongue! He growled angrily behind this kiss, but his growls were muffled when the wolf thrust his tongue even deeper, forcefully caressing, even moaning as he tasted Kilyan. And Kilyan, trapped in his arms, went stiff with anger -- then Tyne's paw reached down and started caressing his cock again! Kilyan wanted to cry in his rage, but his cock was responding eagerly, and the caressing was so slippery, so smooth from the grease that before he knew it had happened, he was melting into this kiss even as angry tears streamed from his eyes. Then Tyne was pushing him down and gently rolling him onto his stomach. Kilyan was shuddering violently now. Oh, god, it was going to happen to him all over again! And just the thought of that terrible agony, that terrible rape seven years ago made tears stream from his eyes.

Tyneclimbed on top of Kilyan, and he heard the gray wolf whisper in his ear, "You're trembling like a virgin, big thing that you are. Come now. I'm not going to hurt you! I rather shy from hurting slaves if I have to. No, your sole existence revolves around pleasure: both receiving it and giving it, as you will soon learn."

Kilyan closed his eyes as Tyne started kissing away his tears with loving little pecks, and then he felt his buttocks spread and his body tensed seconds before it happened: Tyne slipped inside of him, carefully and slowly, as promised. And Kilyan was amazed when he felt only the smallest pinch of pain. The grease rubbed over Tyne's cock made his entrance slick and wet, and Kilyan sagged into the ground, groaning even as Tyne was groaning. He didn't know what he felt. Relief was a big one. He had been certain this was going to be torture, that this was going to hurt as badly as it had seven years ago, but it was only a little bit of pain. He'd certainly felt worse.

Tyne kept whispering in Kilyan's ear, kept telling him how beautiful he was.

"You know, we happened upon you by chance," Tyne whispered to Kilyan even as he was riding him slowly, rhythmically. "We were chasing down that female -- she actually escaped us across the sea! We chased her right out into the wastelands, and then what do we see coming our way? The most irresistible young wolves!"

Kilyan felt himself shudder angrily and Tyne laughed.

"We haven't delivered the chieftess such a beautiful slave in years. She will be pleased."

Kilyan closed his eyes, not wanting to hear these things, but Tyne went on.

"I mean, look at you! This hard, muscular ass . . ."

Kilyan winced when his buttocks was pinched.

"This tight back, these broad shoulders -- these sculpted calves. Oh, yes, you must've been a fierce warrior. And those bulging arms! Yes, yes. The chieftess will be pleased."

Kilyan squeezed his eyes shut as Tyne's paws smoothed up and down his arms and over his shoulders.

"You're utterly beautiful. Surely you know that?" Tyne whispered, driving himself deeper. "Your wife must tell you so all the time."

Tyne paused and Kilyan knew he was waiting for him to confirm that he had a wife, but he said nothing.

"Ah, well," said Tyne with a laugh. "You will talk to me. In time. You're going to be begging for someone to relieve that craving in your dick, you see. The chieftess will never sleep with you. Only her other slaves will. And . . . her other slaves are not females."

Kilyan's heart sagged in his chest to hear this. He could have at least borne this for a little while if he was forced to copulate again and again with females, but with males? He was going to die. He heard Tyne give a grunt and realized with horror that Tyne was about to come inside of him! He clenched up his buttocks as if this feeble struggling could have stopped Tyne's passion, but Tyne only seemed to enjoy raping him all the more for his squirming. And then it happened: Tyne gave a cry and Kilyan felt that hot spurt inside of him. He sagged in defeat but was glad when Tyne climbed off of him. He lay there feeling as if he'd just been used, he'd just been taken like some piece of meat in the dirt! And then something hot hit the dirt near his eye and he gasped: Tyne was pissing all around him! He heard Tyne's sigh of satisfaction as he peed in a circle around Kilyan, and Kilyan cringed as the hot piss sprinkled him, cringed to keep the nasty smell from invading his nostrils. Oh, god, he'd just been marked like a tree! He closed his eyes, wishing he was dead before this had happened.

"So no one else will touch you all night," Tyne said as his piss stopped coming. "Like I said, beautiful black thing: you belong to me."

Kilyan felt himself clapped playfully on the buttocks and then Tyne had gone back to the fire. He realized that Keeno was lying somewhere nearby, quietly sobbing. Kilyan wanted to crawl over to him, to whisper some words of comfort, but he didn't want to have to crawl through the circle of piss surrounding him, and he knew instinctively that any suspicious movement on his part would be rewarded with more pleasurable torture for his cock, more humiliation. So he lay there and realized that Keeno had been left on his back, that Keeno's dick was as hard as his own. So Keeno would be forced to suffer this constant craving too!

"Keeno!" Kilyan hissed, darting a nervous glance at the fire: the gray wolves were smiling and laughing, chucking small twigs in the flames. "Keeno!"

Keeno looked miserably around, and Kilyan realized for the first time that his friend's gag had been removed and there was evidence of the brown porridge on his face. So Keeno had yielded at last? That fist in his ass must've really tamed him. Kilyan silently thanked god that he had cooperated from the beginning.

Keeno looked at Kilyan breathlessly and his eyes were shining with tears. "This happened to you before, didn't it?" he whispered miserably.

Kilyan swallowed. "My father and I were raped," he admitted quietly. "That time we went to the winter village, we were raped. I was raped very badly -- I was . . ." Kilyan stopped as if he couldn't go on. He saw Keeno close his eyes and more of the tears came.

"What's going to happen to us, Kilyan?" Keeno whispered.

"That one with the long fang? His name is Tyne. He says we're going to be the slaves of his chieftess in the moon village across the sea. Keeno, we're going to have to fuck other males!"

Keeno groaned and closed his eyes.

"And we always have to be hard," Kilyan said darkly and felt his own hard dick throbbing under him.

"God, I miss Zalia already," Keeno whispered. "How the hell are we supposed to escape? I can't leave Enya -- I can't!"

"I know, Keeno, I know," Kilyan whispered back, trying to keep his friend calm: Keeno had raised his voice without meaning to and one of the wolves looked at him from the fire. "But escape is possible! Tyne told me that the female over there with the pup escaped them all the way across the sea!"

Keeno looked around quickly at Kilyan, his sobs halting in this throat.

"Yes. So all we have to do is pretend to cooperate and look for the opportunity to escape!"

"God, Kilyan, what would I have done without you?" Keeno whispered, gazing gratefully at his friend. "You managed to keep a cool head this entire time, and I --"

"Keep a cool head? I wanted to rip their heads off just like you --!"

"But you didn't try to, Kilyan, that's the difference!" Keeno insisted. "When Loryn used to say you were strong, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. I thought he was just being all mushy because you love Lea. But now I see what he was talking about. God, I don't know how you can stand this treatment. I'm starting to wish I was a tail chaser. At least I might get some enjoyment out of this rape."

Kilyan couldn't help but laugh, even as tears were rising in the hopelessness of this situation. Keeno looked at his friend and he laughed too.

"Hey," Kilyan whispered, "I'm sorry I -- I got you into this --"

"Oh, no, Kilyan, don't apologize! You're my best friend! Of course I was going to help you save your father! And besides, I've known you all my life: I'm used to getting dragged into your shit."

They both laughed quietly, remembering that day seven years ago when they'd both been whipped because Kilyan got caught on top of Lea.

"But if I never see Zalia and Enya again . . ." Keeno broke off miserably, then looked up at Kilyan with glistening eyes and whispered, "You think we'll survive this?"

"We can survive anything together, my brother," Kilyan whispered back, and lying there torturously hard, their wrists bound behind their backs, they smiled at each other.