Urine Village

Story by Liar_Von_Cakely on SoFurry

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Tells the story of Lord Samuel's life and rulership of Iridina, a town that quickly became subject to his sexual deviancies.

A strange, silly story about literally swimming in piss. Hope you enjoy, if you do please leave a comment or a rating below.

The small town of Iridina always had a strange history of odd rulers. It seemed that each lord that came along had some sort of fixation on a particular sexual act that would always affect the town in one way or another. Villagers in neighboring towns simply lived their lives and paid their taxes. Iridina, however, was always a special case. This unusualness stemmed from the sexual deviancy of the family that had ruled it for generations, the long line of Iridans. A canine family, they were recognized in the town for their thick, curly fur and light, speckled colors. Each ruler had their tastes, and spawned multiple children that all had their own developments. It was a strange family indeed. They fueled their lusts by having the villagers participate. Sometimes, it worked out in their favor: for several decades the lord Princip had sponsored yearly orgies, in which many hundreds would gather at the baths for enormous sessions of group sex. At these sessions, many would be impregnated to have children in the harvest season. They would last the entire day as the villagers went in and out (so to speak). It was the most important pastime that bound the villagers together- it was a community event and was treated as such. Some outsiders came and joined in the sessions, and Iridina became well known. However, as time went on, most rulers were less exciting, and kept their lusts reasonably under control in the Iridan manor.

Our story follows a son, a few generations down from Princip, whose name was Samuel Iridan. He was a free spirit from the very beginning. He would often run around the manor nude as a child, and his parents and the manor staff would sometimes have to scold him for peeing on the floors of the house. He liked to play with his siblings, a brother and two sisters. As he grew up, his interaction with the villagers occurred when he walked through the town. Though his parents would make sure he donned his extravagant clothing, he personally never saw the need for it. When he got the opportunity, he would slip away, leaving his clothes behind him, and explore the town in his natural state. His parents and caretakers would constantly chastise him for this, but gradually became less and less interested as they accepted their son's deviancy.

The villagers would see him running around town, playing with the other kids in the nude. To him, it was completely normal- he didn't quite understand why others bothered with clothes anyway. Some of the children he played with would remove their clothes as well, adding to the fun. He had a healthy, happy childhood in which he could fulfill his inner desires.

In his teenage years, his taste changed somewhat. He still spent most of the time nude, however he would sometimes touch himself in plain view of those in the manor like it was no big deal- and to him, it wasn't. In his mind, it was simply another part of his day that needn't be hidden from everyone else. Throughout the manor, he was known as quite the exhibitionist; his siblings kept their practices confined to their rooms while Samuel was never concerned about onlookers. In fact, he rather enjoyed when there was someone there to watch him, and he would invite some of his friends from town to do so.

Then Sam's desires took a turn as he recognized his preference that each member of the Iridina line would eventually come to discover. He would go into the back yard and pee on himself, every day, sometimes twice a day. He would even drink far more than usual to fulfill his practices. The staff and his siblings eventually found him peeing straight into his mouth, bent over on the lawn with his legs in the air above him and his back on the ground. Thus began his fixation on urination.

Once he had urinating all that he could, he lay in the back yard and waited for the piss to dry into his fur. Once it had done so he knew he was good to go back into the house, as he was now dry enough that he wouldn't drip on the floor. This became a regular practice to the point where he would spend whole days in the backyard, with numerous pots of water for him to drink, and pee, and drink, and pee. It became his preference, and his fixation; he'd even talk about it at the dinner table, where his siblings and parents were surprisingly curious.

Eventually he reached the point where he no longer showered, but simply would pee on himself every day. His light colored, white/grey fur took on a yellowish tint that only faded when he went swimming. His visits to the village created further intrigue among the village children and teenagers, and he would get many questions about his practices. Many were disgusted while others were fascinated and sometimes even tried out his experiments on their own. He had built a reputation for himself, which only continued on the day that he became lord of the manor and the town.

Now that he was the leader of the town, he had more available to him to satiate his desires. He still spent all of his time nude, and with the same yellow coloring of his teenage years. Now he would engage in his practices right in front of the manor, and sometimes even in the middle of town, providing an occasional spectacle for his subordinates. It wasn't dignified, but it was a source of enjoyment for him. The attention would sometimes lead to him masturbating right in front of the town. Under his rule, the town was tranquil and had no major issues despite their leader's strange habits.

But one day, he had an idea. So far he had only been peeing on himself, but now that he was ruler he could take this to greater heights. He began to requisition that the people separate their stool and urine in two different chamber pots, and that they deliver the urine to his manor on a weekly basis. He would use this urine to pour all over himself, and he would spend lots of time in the front yard gulping down the villagers' piss. The yellow tint of his fur quickly became more defined as he consumed so much of it on a regular basis. His usage of the urine gradually became more extreme, and one day he had yet another idea- he would take all the villagers' urine and turn it into a pool. He had an empty pool built, made of marble and stone, to sit right in front of the manor.

For this, he intensified his requisition of urine. Instead of having it transported in chamber pots, he had the villagers all come to collectively urinate in the pool. He even supplied the water source- his staff would ensure that each house received at least two vases of water a day, which would need to be drunk by nighttime. The villagers thought it very strange indeed, but complied with his requests. Day in and day out, villagers would walk up to the pool, lower their pants and pee. And, over the course of a few weeks, it gradually filled to the brim. He no longer required that every urination be in the pool once it was full, but he did request that the villagers do so when it was convenient.

He now had the pool available entirely to him. He would spend days swimming in that pool, wallowing around in the diverse mixture of his subjects' urine. It became somewhat a spectacle to see, and people from other towns came to observe Lord Samuel just as they had come to participate in Princip's orgies generations before. He had by now completely abandoned the idea of clothing, and went everywhere in the nude, even if it was to important meetings with his neighboring towns. His fur turned a stark shade of yellow now, more saturated than ever before- and his identity had changed. Now he was known mostly for his abject love and obsession of urine. He walked everywhere with pee matted into his curly fur, usually dripping from whenever he had last submerged himself in the pool, or asked others to pee on him at every possible time that it was convenient. Sometimes he would spend hours-long sessions in the pool, simply floating, and letting the pee flow through his body- he would swallow it in huge gulps and pee out, back on top of himself and perhaps into his mouth. It was easy to float since the piss was so dense and full of salt. Usually during these sessions he would masturbate at least twice, in full, public view of his subjects. That, too, he would swallow. When the villagers would come to the pool and pee right on top of him as he lay floating in it, he was grateful for their participation and thanked them for it. He would even swim over to the side of the pool so that they could accurately aim directly into his mouth. Urine was now simply another part of his life- or rather, one of the more important aspects of his life.

As his rule went on, he opened the pool to public use. Much to the chagrin of his parents, he impregnated a significant majority of the manor staff to bear his children. His numerous children would grow up surrounded by urine even more than he was, and to them it became a normal part of life just like it was for him. These children, with constantly yellow fur, would go to school and spread on their behavior to other children. WIthin a few decades, it was acceptable for a large change in the village. One of Samuel's final acts as a ruler, before his eldest took control, was to institute a no-clothes and no-showering policy and heavily encourage participation by swimming in the pool. The pool became a common communal area for the people that encouraged togetherness and village identity. It was already a common practice in the village, so the few naysayers had either left or joined the rest. Anyone who visited the town was either repulsed- or very attracted- by its unique characteristics. From then onwards, the village remained nude and all the villagers had a tell-tale yellow coloration to their fur, and a very noticeable stench, that would mark them as citizens of Iridina to anyone who saw them.

I'm assuming there aren't many that find this story attractive, but I do, very much so. It's a fantasy of mine, I suppose, and I hope it's a fantasy shared by others as well. Have a good one, and happy fapping.