Isolation-Excerpt 10-Dr. Psycho

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#10 of Isolation

I went into this job thinking it was just another bug hunt, some Scientist dude who got careless with his vials and spawned nothing more than some blood thirsty flesh craving fruit fly or a huge snake. I thought it would be in, kill the monster, get paid and then go be my normal lazy self while I waited for the next job to come up. I assumed it was nothing to twist myself over. I was wrong.

Dead. Wrong

I high tailed it back to the lab as quick as my legs would carry me, gunning down the few feeders that tried to get in my way. When I did make it back to the lab, Allen ushered me in and shut the door behind me. Once inside, I noticed that every one was antsy and all of them had produced handguns and combat knives, they were all back in the security room huddling around the monitor. Sarah saw me and motioned for me to come back here. As I walked back, I heard Allen talking.

"Your insane! Your a crazy man!", he shouted.

"Awww", The man on the screen replied, it was the same man that I had seen on the monitor down stairs, "your hurting my feelings. I think you need sensitivity training. I'll tell HR as soon as I can. And I assure you Security Chief, I am quite sane."

"Yeah, we all know that's a big ass lie", Allen said.

"Ah!", The man on the monitor said, "language."

"I should have shot you when I had the chance!", Allen said.

The man laughed, "your full of crap. You don't have the balls to shoot anything that is capable of shooting back."

I could see Allen going red in the face as he turned away from the monitor. The man he was talking to smiled a smile that made my gurgling stomach hurt even more.

"What's the matter Allen? Did I strike a nerve?"

"Who the hell are you?", I asked stepping forward.

"This one has an attitude", the man said.

"I'll not ask nicely again", I hissed, "who the heck are you?"

The scientist leaned back in his chair and placed the tips of his fingers together, making an arch hiding some of his face. His green eyes held the same look that I was all too accustomed to. The look of pure, mental insanity.

"Since you are nothing but a stupid beast", the man said glaring at me, "I'll give you a free pass. My name is Doctor Martin Denis, head of biological research here at Biosphere labs, who might you be...Xenomorph?"

"Skyline Iemse", I answered.

"The legendary Bounty Hunter", The doctor said leaning forward, "Son of King Rizzolk and Queen Cloefenna and younger brother to Praetorian Aegeln, heir to the Bespinite Throne. And here I was, a fool in believing that your stories were just a myth. A Xenomorph with human level cognitive skills, a free mind and capable of speaking fluent English as well as other human languages", the man let off a deranged laugh that made me want to throw up. Just the way he described my species made me feel like this man would fuck me if he had the chance, "well isn't this just perfect! The things I could do with you! But...I'm getting ahead of myself. I have a goal here in this lab, if you get in my way I will not hesitate to kill you off just like I did the rest of the lesser humans employed at this facility. Now would you kindly go get stepped on by a Rhino."

The monitor went dark. I held my hand over my stomach without taking my glare off the monitor. This man had just coughed up my whole blood line from memory, saying it as if he thought my entire Race was just a myth. The fear and uncertainty I was feeling right now rivaled that of X-Day.

"Who the fuck was that?", I asked.

"That", Jacob said, "was Dr Martin Denis, but most of us just called him Loony Tunes. The guy is seriously fucked in the head."

"How serious is serious?", I asked.

"Let's just say that when he showed back up to work after being fired", Allen said, "we didn't have the balls to throw him out. Everything and everyone he touches eventually dies."

"I hope that's a figure of speech", I said leaning against the wall.

Jacob shook his head, "we wish it were. He'll use anyone and anything, even whole planets, as his own personal peteri dishes. Hell he's the reason everyone on LVU-428 is dead."

"How'd he do that?", I asked.

"Poisoned the atmosphere", Sarah

answered, "as he's fond of saying, "anything for science."

I sighed, "so what do we do?"

"As long as that man is breathing he will never let us leave", Allen said, "he's batshit crazy, but does he have the most customized weapons in the lab and more training that security? I'm...I'm gonna have to say yes."

"So you have a deranged lunatic running around with free access to whatever he wants and he's armed to boot?", I asked.

"Seems that way", Jacob said.

"And what if he shows up here?", I asked.

"He won't", Allen said, "the only way to access this area of the lab is through the Biome labs and that transmission came from the top of the building, meaning he'd have to take the Nexus down and without central power, plus, he may be a fucking loon, but he ain't stupid. All of us together would shred him."

I sighed and followed them out of the room, dropping my vest on the couch and sitting down next to it.

"I've locked the door to the Biome labs and initiated a level 5 security alert for our level", Allen said, "The Cluster 300 might have our software in it, but CHDISK learns and gets better as time goes by. Martin will have to rewrite his little virus program everytime he wants access to the Mainframe, so I figure that buys us at least a couple of days."

"Let's hope", Sarah asked, "I'm gonna get started on something to eat."

"You do that", Tyler said sounding rather solemn, he looked at me, "can I ask you something?"

"What?", I asked.

"Martian said you were the son of a King?", Tyler said, "what did he mean by that?"

"Exactly what you would think it meant", I replied.

"So your a Prince or something?", Jacob asked.

"I was", I said yawning,.

"Was?", Tyler asked.

I sighed, "Bespin is my homeworld. It was about twice the size of the Earth and had a population of around 200 million K-Class Xenomorph. We were more advanced, technologically, socially and mentally than what most people think of when they hear the Xeno name. We had huge cities, ships, trade, pretty much anything a normal society had, we had too. My father was King over the planet and my Mother ruled beside him. My older brother Aegeln headed the Praetorians, a sort of royal guard for our parents. People seemed to settle their differences and Bespin was at peace with only a few scuffles here and there, but nothing too major."

"Who were your parents exactly?", Jacob asked.

"My Dad was a little harsh from time to time, but that was because being King got to him sometimes as he had to put up with stupid shit on a regular basis, but he was willing to die for my mother, Aegeln and me at any given time. Mom, though she was basically Dad's handler and was busy a lot, always had me stuck underneath he, often telling her advisers to advise somewhere else when they commented on it. My brother, he was...rebellious. He was in charge of the military and the way he acted certainly reflected it. He was loyal to my Dad and Mom to the point of his own death and made sure anything that threatened them was shot, stabbed or blown up."

"I'm hearing more past tense that I care too", Jacob said, "I can't stand Xenomorph's and that I think there's too much past tense in your story is saying something. So I'll bite, what happened."

I lay my head in my hands. I didn't answer.

"What happened?", Jacob asked again.

"Talk to us Sky", Tyler said, "is something Martin said bothering you?"

I nodded, still too tongue tied to answer. Tyler and Jacob sat back into the couch.

"Does it have to do with the scars?", Jacob asked, even though he already knew the answer.

I nodded, "X-Day. The day that will live in my mind for the rest of time."

"What's X-Day?", Tyler asked.

I looked at him, half wishing he could see my eyes under my visor.

"Hell", I answered.