UFA Vs. HRA Chapter One: Calming Before The Storm

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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UFA vs. HRA Chapter One: Calming Before The Storm

Characters Michael .B < Max The Wolf (Yiffstar) LT_Max_W_Charger(FA)>

Disclaimer is the fun stuff? Like hell it is, this shit sucks...but we have to do it to keep our asses safe from the rampaging bitches and assholes who wanna shut us down because of free speech and writing. So lets get this done with. No one should read this if you are under 18 or 21...blah blah blah.. Ya know?. Now on to the story ya mindless yip-yuck's.

Story started 4-28-2009 finished 4-28-2009


Them song: Photograph - Nickelback

What makes humans so violent? Why do they despise those who are not like them? What happened to love and loyalty...and caring? I guess it went out the window along with government care. What else is gonna be new? A new world revolution? Yes that is what will happen, and I will lead it...and this....this is my story.


I woke up slowly in my room, the air was hot so I had to sleep with out covers thanks to the A/C unit still needing to be repaired. As I sat up I heard the sound of my parents arguing in the kitchen...again, this wasn't something new to me; they have been going at it sense I came into the family. I'm a nineteen year old "Young Man" as my mother puts it...I got hazel eyes, but I swear there gray...I got medium length blonde hair and fair tanned skin and a average build and about five foot seven inches tall.

As I got out of bed I moved to the window, standing there in only a pare of baggy blue jeans...watching my father drive away in a old Honda Civic. Deep down I wanted to beat the hell out of him for what he always done to mother, black eyes, bruised body, and one or two chipped teeth.

Sighing softly I made my way down the stairs and to the living room, peering around the corner into the kitchen to see my mother sitting at the table holding a icepack to the side of her muzzle. Yes...I'm a human adopted into a mix breed family. My mothers a border collie, my father is a rottweiler, and my sister was a mix of the two. As I moved in to the kitchen, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and streaks down her cheeks staining her black fur.

"Mom...why do you let him keep doing this to you? Why don't you leave him...can't you see what he's doing?" I asked her as she just shook her head slightly.

"What are you talking about Wolf? I just tripped and hit the table." she replied softly through a strained voice. "You better go or you'll be late for work." she turned her head away slowly.

I then got up slowly with a sigh. "I love you mother." I said before walking back to my room, getting on a t-shirt and my heavy steel-toe boots before walking out to my truck and driving off to town. Work was always hard to find, due to the fighting between both the animals and humans, but every now and then you would find a group that would get along together and be fine, but there was always that one other side where both hated one another, and violence broke out between them with loss of lives on both sides. It was one thing that made me sick to my stomach, I've seen the T.V. reports on the late night news and in the papers about a group that has been tormenting the animals for months...no...years, way before I was born but yet they had remained to small kidnappings and murders, but that would change, I just knew it.

Work passed by quickly, I always worked alone and got paid good...thanks to me pestering my boss upon end to have him let me work by my self and with double pay to compensate for it all, so now I was rolling in money but I horded it all away in savings and out of state banks as-well...I didn't trust anyone anymore no matter what but...I was always compelled by myself to try and look for a way to defend the animals and bring out a equal rights law to be passed. And to do that I would most likely need force, so at the turn of my seventeenth birthday I started to build a underground resistance of both humans and animals...calling us the United Freedom Act...UFA for short, and so far we was over two hundred strong with a Guerrilla style system of modified trucks, cars, and weapons.

And without the funding needed to become a top ranking Militia group, we had to make due with what we had. Half of the animals that I had recruited into the UFA I had freed, and given them a choice to run away and hide somewhere or to join the UFA and fight for what was needed.

I was driving back home silently, thinking about all the events that have happened...so lost in my own thoughts that I almost didn't see the young wolf pup standing in the middle of the road. Slamming on the breaks, locking up all four tires and sliding to a stop just feet from the wolf. I got out of the truck looking at him carefully before speaking. "Hey...are you trying to get ran over pup? What are you doing out here?" I asked him as he ran over whining deeply, his ears laid back.

"Help me please! My master is badly hurt!" he cried out as he clung to my leg looking up at me with big yellow eyes.

I gave a nod. "Lead me to your master." I said softly, then fallowed the young pup into the park nearby and soon came upon a young woman laying in the grass, blood staining her shirt. Moving closer I kneeled down checking over her body before giving a nod to no one really. "Okay...nothing I can do but take her to the hospital." and with that I picked her up carefully in my arms and took her back to the truck laying her down in the seat as the pup fallowed the whole way and kneeled down in the floor looking at his master.

"Will she be okay?" he asked looking to me with tears in his eyes.

I gave a nod taking a shirt that I kept with me as a spare and pressed it to the wound that seamed to keep bleeding slowly. "Here...keep pressure on that while I drive okay?" I asked, pointing slightly to the shirt, watching as the pup gave a nod, moving onto the woman's stomach and placing his paws upon the shirt. I then moved to the front seat and drove them to the hospital. Upon arriving they doctors came out and took the woman inside to care for her while I staid out in the waiting room with the young pup till one of the doctors came out and both of us to the room and left. I stood there silently, watching the pup climb up into the bed nuzzling up against the woman before she looked over at me slowly with a smile.

"Thank you. For helping me and Shaun here." she spoke softly before whispering into Shaun's ear, then looked back to me as the young pup hopped off the bed, grabbing the woman's purse, digging around some before setting it back upon the table and walking over to me holding up its paw with a small golden ticket between his fingers. The woman smiled softly watching. "Take it...as a gift and token of thanks for helping us. That there ticket is for a pet at the Howling Moon pet store. I won it not long ago but I don't need it because I have Shaun...but you take it and use it. And I wont take no for a answer." she spoke with a soft laugh.

I just looked at her silently before taking the ticket and placing it in my wallet and kneeling down to pet Shaun behind the ears. "Well when you put it that way...I wont argue the fact with you. Thank you...and I do wish you the best of luck for both you and Shaun." I then stood up and walked out of the room and then out of the hospital, getting in my truck and driving off down the road, thinking silently as I made my way home...by now it was late at night...maybe around eleven PM, and I just happened to see my sister walking down the street but then I saw two males walking not far behind her. I shut off my headlights and trailed way back watching till I saw her take off in a run. That's when I turned on the lights, flooring the truck speeding past and sliding to a stop in front of her. I leaned over the seat and opened the door. "Get in." I called to her, before leaning back as she jumped inside and closed the door as I drove off.

It was a silent drive home and I knew why...mother told me that Jewel; my sister, was coming into heat...so mostly I had to look out for her. When we got home we both walked into the house only to be greeted by our father, standing there with a look of anger on his face and a half empty bottle of beer in his paw.

"Jewel...to your room now." he half growled, causing my sister to tuck her tail between her legs and walk up the stairs. Once she was out of sight he turned to me glaring at me. "It's a shame...I can trust my adopted son more than my own daughter.".

I snorted. "Don't speak to me of trust father." I retorted, while crossing my arms "You think I don't know what you do to your own wife every day for nineteen fucking years!? She deserves someone better than you!" I nearly yelled, clinching my fists. I then watched as he smirked, going to take another drink from his beer before I slapped it from his paw sending the brown bottle into the wall spilling the putrid liquid onto the hardwood floor.

"You're a poor excuse for a husband or a mate!".

My father smirked slightly "And you think you can do better?" he said while moving to the kitchen to grab another beer from the icebox before I slammed him up against the wall with amazing ease. I was only one hundred-fifty pounds and he was pushing two hundred, but with my anger I was seeing he was like a twig to me.

"I know I can do better than you..." I growled, meeting his burning brown eyes with my own. I don't know what got into me, normally I would have been scared to take him on but I was so pissed off at him that nineteen years of pent up rage was surfacing right there taking away all logic and fear I would have had, but that all soon went out the window when a solid fist slammed into my stomach dropping me to my knees as my father glared at me.

"I think its time for you to leave...when morning comes...you better be gone." he snorted but was soon cut short of his remarks when a sharp pain filled his lower leg.

I had used the time to grab the large razor sharp pocket knife I kept clipped to the inside of my front right jean pocket, flipping open the lock blade and slashing out to the side catching my father in the leg leaving a deep cut dropping him to the floor with him holding the bleeding wound. I stood up glaring at him. "Cant you see what you're doing to us....you're ripping this family apart...the more you push us away the more you are losing of the love...Even your own Daughter told me that...she is scared of what is becoming of this family...she loves you...WE ALL LOVE YOU!! But look what you're doing!!" I was fighting back the tears or sorrow and rage now before I saw something I never seen before in my fathers eyes...recognition for all the pain that was done.

"I'm sorry...please...call down my wife and daughter..." he asked me softly while trying to stop the bleeding with brown paper napkins till I got up and grabbed a towel and wrapped the wound tightly.

Pocketing my knife I made my way to the stairs calling down my mother and Jewel before sending them to the kitchen. I then took my way outside to stand beside the truck, pulling a pack of Berkley Menthol 100's from my jacket pocket and lighting on of the Cigarettes and closing my eyes sighing deeply...a soft steel-blue haze floating up in front of my face as I reopened my eyes to a soft angel like voice beside me.

"I knew he could change...even if it did take a knife to change him." spoke my mother with a soft giggle, as she took the cigarette from my lips and took her own drag off it before handing it back to me. "Your father hates humans because they killed his family...skinned his father right in front of him...alive... he grew up tough and mean, and when he found me...he bought me off my former master and well...you know the rest." she looked at me slowly.

I gave a nod. I did know the rest...my birth mother was the leader of a group of people hell bent on keeping animals as nothing but pets, no rights no anything...she was the one who led the first anti-animal freedom revolt after I was born...thousands were killed on both sides till her and her followers were poisoned by a group of rebels...but still...small groups of her revolt still lived...slowly getting stronger over the years...they called themselves the HRF....Human Revival Front. The very group I was fighting against.

My thoughts were broken when my mother kissed my neck.

"Your father also knew of my...kink...I have always had a desire for a human...but he didn't agree with it till I found you...he allowed me to adopt you and said I could only have you." she spoke softly while moving in front of me holding my head up softly with one claw under my chin before she leaned close kissing me softly upon the lips, her tongue slipping into my mouth and playing with my own before I ended up kissing back, wrapping my arms around her holding her close to me, her fur felt so soft between my fingers. She then leaned back and snickered. "Lets go up to your room...I want to show you just how much I love you my son.".

I gave a nod, fallowing her up to my room, and upon entering, she closed the door behind me before she pulled me close walking backwards to the bed while licking along my neck, causing me to give a soft moan. Her paws working slowly to remove my cloths till I was standing there nude before my own mother...something about this just made me so excited...I can't even count how many times I masturbated in the shower while thinking about her soft fur, her lovely hourglass body. My hands moved up along her arms, to her shoulders...slipping the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor at her foot-paws before I laid her back on the bed softly.

I started up by trailing kisses along her neck and down to her breasts, taking one nipple between my teeth, rubbing the firm mount of flesh with my tongue while my hand softly cupped her left breast, rubbing and squeezing softly with slow circular motions.

I was rewarded with my small efforts by a soft moan of pleasure from her while her tail curled up between my legs, the soft fur brushing against my shaft and balls causing me to shiver softly. I then adjusted myself...reaching my free hand down to guide my length slowly into her tight sex causing her to tilt her head back giving a deep pleasured moan as her walls tightened there grip around my shaft like a firm velvet gloved hand. I started out slow, working my hips with soft loving care for her making sure to work every inch I could reach in her while my arms slipped under her, my hands stroking along the small of her back while her legs crossed over my back, locking me to her as I looked up to meet her muzzle in a deep slow kiss.

We staid in the embrace for what seamed like hours till her hips started to buck up against my thrusts...so not wanting to let her feel left out I picked up my own pace, the sound of our dripping wet sex's hitting together was heard softly over the sound of our moans of pleasure and love till I felt her legs tighten around me as her tail went ridged while she gave a glass shattering howl of bliss, the signal of her first climax in years.

Her gripping and squeezing walls pulsed along my length sending me over the edge as I held my hips firmly against hers hitting my own peak...and with a deep moan of pleasure I flooded her tunnel with my seed; the way her body was arched up I was sure that every single drop had gotten deep inside her...but I wasn't worried...the chances of a human breeding there pets and getting a resulting offspring from it was rare.

We laid there in my bed panting and cuddling close to one another till sleep took us both into the dark embrace.

For once in my family...I was happy. I did something right, I brought my family closer...closer in one day than what it took my mother nineteen years to do...the irony of it being done with a knife and heartfelt words. But what little did I know that it was going to get worse....a lot worse before it even started to get better...and it would come with a heavy price....a price I never wanted to pay.

(To be Continued.)

{ HEH you're all gonna hate me for the cliffhangers...but do be sure...its gonna get good...best that my memory can recall...I hope I can do this. ^_^ comments welcome...if there good enough I will continue on this story...and once I get two stories done and good comments I'll make it into a full blown series...enjoy and keep it real. Your's truly... Michael .B ( AKA Wolf ) }