Don't Bray to Strangers

Story by Eiji Otaka on SoFurry

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A young man ignores his mother's warning to be wary of strangers, especially furry ones. He soon finds himself in the grips of a group of perverted donkeymen that would enjoy nothing more than seeing him braying for their attention.

This was commissioned by FA: Gotommax I hope you enjoy, comments and feedback welcome.

Don't Bray to Strangers

By Eiji Otaka

Commissioned by Gotommax

It was a boring late saturday afternoon and Chad wanted to go out. All his friends had gone out of town for spring break, and he was stuck at home because he hadn't saved up enough money for a trip. The blonde haired 18 year old hated being left out of all the fun, and it was bad enough having to hear his mom nag and moan about every little thing. He hadn't flown the nest yet like many his age, and his uptight worrywart mother took it in stride. Though he was more than capable of handling himself even with a 5 foot 5 inch tall swimmer's build, his mother was always warning him every time he left the house. It might have had something to do with the furry outbreak that happened after a government experiment went awry. What was once a silent minority had grown into an inescapable reality that was almost as common as coffee shops being on every street corner. There were rumors that furries made people gay, but it hadn't been proven even with how sexual they seemed to be. This didn't stop his mother from bad mouthing them, and keeping him from socializing with them. He figured that just her way of coping after his father disappeared 7 years ago, but he practically ignored her at this point. Furries were weird sure but no weirder than goths, maybe even less so in his opinion.

He decided to take a walk in the city so he would maybe find an something to cure his boredom. It was always better than being cooped up in the house all day.

"I'm going out Mom. I'll see you later," said Chad heading for the door.

"Honey, please be careful not to talk to any strangers. There are such weird people lurking around here. I feel like I see more and more of those furry freaks walking the streets everyday. Sometimes I wish we had moved to the countryside," said his mother giving him a tight hug.

"I'll be fine, Mom. They can't be weirder than anything I've seen on the internet," said Chad rolling his eyes, "I told you before: the day you say we're moving to the country, is the day I move out, hahaha."

"You wouldn't dare leave me to live alone with all these freaks nearby!"

"You're being way too dramatic mom. We literally have a police officer that lives next door."

"People go missing all the time, Chad."

"Man. You are overacting. I am not a baby anymore! That was 7 years ago mom, you need to let it go. Life has to go on."

"Don't speak in that tone with me. I am your mother!" she snapped back.

"Whatever," he grumbled silently and left the house.

Chad quickly broke the hug and headed out the door. He did feel bad for his mom, but in a lot of ways he could not wait to move out. She was a too doting and protective for his tastes. The young man could not imagine how she would be when he got married, but a large part of him didn't care. He needed room to breathe, and the last thing he wanted to be was a momma's boy. He'd move out soon enough and it would be much better. She sure as hell didn't want him to move away until he was walking down the aisle of a church and he definitely was not going to wait for that. He strolled through the streets pondering the thought of that future. All his friends had girlfriends at this point, some more than one, but he hadn't even had one girlfriend. In his eyes, he didn't want to trade his nagging mom for a nagging girlfriend, but at the same time he was more than ready to lose his virginity. Masturbation only took you so far, and he wanted to have some sexy stories of his own.

He thought of how he could increase his opportunities to get laid as he walked into the business and commercial district, but was soon distracted as passed by a local arcade. The thought of gaming, without having his mother breathing down his neck sounded like just what he needed right now, and he quickly went inside to kill an hour or two.

After he spent his last few dollars on fighting games, he left the arcade and noticed a stretched SUV pulled up next to him on the street. He had planned to ignore it and keep walking until he heard the window roll down.

"Hey kid," said someone from inside the SUV limo. Chad looked up and could barely make out a dark face inside.

"You looking for work?" said a deep manly voice. Disregarding his mother's constant warnings, Chad walks up to the window as it rolled further down.

"What type of work?" he asked before a wave of thick smoke was blown into his face. He coughed and wobbled as a sudden haze momentarily incapacitated him. He didn't have a moment to think before two hairy, black-nailed hands grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him inside the vehicle through the window. His legs sticking out the side of the vehicle as it pulled away. His feet flailed as he was pulled in; a lone shoe flung off his foot onto the pavement as the SUV drove down the street.

Chad was shocked to see about 8 burly donkeyman furs in the SUV. About half wore suits with their shirts unbuttoned to reveal muscled hairy chests with what looked to be leather straps crossing their pecs and tight pants unzipped that had 18 inch black cocks that definitely looked inhuman. The flattened tips throbbed as they leaked gooey precum like a loose faucet down their jet black shafts. The others were effectively naked, only wearing leather harnesses across their chests, accentuating their thick dark nipples, muscled furry abs, and fist sized ballsacks that churned with every heartbeat.

They all looked at him hungrily, stroking themselves in different places while indulging in other vices. At least 3 had a bottle of beer or liquor in their thick hands, one even chugging his bottle while he stroked his meaty cock. The alcohol, splashing down his muzzle and throat as he guzzled the brew. Chad could even see his thick adam's apple bobbing up and down with every swallow. Some had fat cigars, puffing smoke that filled the inside of the limo with thick smog, but from the odor it didn't smell like tobacco in the slightest. He was confused for a second, staring dumbfounded at the indulgent depravity before him until the donkey who snatched him up, pulled him in close to his muzzle that had a pot filled cigar sticking out the side of his thick black lips.

"Like what you see boy?" said the donkey before blowing a dense plume of smoke into Chad's face with an almost sinister grin. Chad had just a moment to look into the donkeyman's bloodshot eyes and gasped before unwittingly inhaling the smoke into his lungs. He coughed and pushed away from the donkey as he felt a bit dizzy from the intake.

"W-who are you? What the hell is going on?" asked Chad trying to scoot away as the SUV limo pulled off. The amount of smoke in the vehicle was absurd, and he could smell a musky hint of something underneath. He tried to crawl to the door but was grabbed by the pants and pulled back into the tight embrace of another donkey half dressed in business attire. He struggled and moaned his displeasure as he felt the beast's cock throbbing under him near his rear, oblivious to the precum that was soaking into his pants and the back of his shirt.

"We're the Jack of Spades Club. We've been looking to add some sexy colts to the herd," said the donkey holding him, "As the chairman of this prestigious association, I got the first pick and

you looked ripe for initiation. Ready to bray, boy?" The Chairman donkey groped Chad's body without restraint, and humped into him a bit as he blew smoke past his face.

Chad's struggling got progressively weaker as his lungs continuously absorbed the cannabis smoke. A tingling in his head, told him to relax but common sense kept him lucid enough to give mild resistance.

"Please... Stop. I-I don't want this. I'm n-not gay," moaned Chad as the haze in his mind grew. He could smell the alcohol on the Chairman's breath as he was molested from behind, nipple being pinched as a thick hooflike hand slid down to his crotch.

"You sure, my sexy little colt? Look how hard you are from my strong hands rubbing your body; from the musky scent of virile males and weed; from the sight of manly muscled donkeys throbbing with lust," said the Chairman, as Chad slowly looked down to see his cock pulsing with hardness down his pant leg as the donkey stroked it.

"W-whaaaat?" Chad said in a slow stupor. This was wrong wasn't it? He looked back up at the other donkeys masturbating and indulging themselves, eyes a bit glazed over. Strong hairy biceps bulging as those muscled furry thighs surrounded big juicy bratwurst cocks that drizzled precum down their forearms. The sight of all those sweaty studs around him had his jaw hanging open; lungs now used to the second hand smoke. The Chairman took it as the perfect opportunity to take his still lit cigar and put it in between Chad's lips.

"Smoke it, boy." the donkey commanded, and Chad didn't hesitate in the slightest; taking a deep puff of the weeded stogie. The tainted smoke filled his lungs as his eyes glazed over completely. His thoughts were fuzzy and slow but quickly swelling with lust while his lips darkened and ears pointed. He was starting to relax back into the horny donkey's lap when the sound of sirens knocked him out of his stupor.

The donkeyman driving the stretched SUV didn't realize a policeman on patrol had noticed them snatch up the young man, and force him into their vehicle. One would think they all would worry, considering all the laws they were breaking, but marijuana had a way of calming the nerves. The driver grinned as he slowed down to a stop near an empty alleyway; not even bothering to hide the fat joint he had sticking out of his muzzle.

"Bribe him good, Wendell," said the Chairman to the donkey driving with confidence.

Chad renewed his struggling, spitting out the cigar, as the glaze cleared from his eyes. Still weak from his adulteration, he couldn't break free from the Chairman's grasp as the police officer walked up the side of the dark tinted SUV. The officer ignored the setting sun in the distance as he kept a hand on his holster expecting the worst. Imagine his surprise, seeing a donkeymorph dressed in a suit sitting in the driver's seat with bloodshot eyes and a lit joint between his lips.

"Can I help you officer?" said Wendell with lazy grin before blowing a wave of smoke in his face.

Officer Grady had seen furries before but this was the last thing he was expecting to see. It only raised his alarm though, especially as he heard someone weakly call for help from the back of the vehicle. He wrinkled his nose and coughed a bit as the smoke swept over his face.

"Step out of the vehicle and keep your hands where I can see them!" shouted Officer Grady. Trying to ignore the slight fuzziness in the back of his head.

"Sure thing officer," said Wendell as he slowly opened the door and clopped out on his hooves. Officer Grady was shocked further as he examined the donkey and his eyes honed in on the distinct lack of pants and beaming foot and a half long cock kept hard with a cock ring around the base. Wendell just grinned crudely as his cock dripped precum. He noticed a grimace spread across the cop's face, so he took the distraction as an opportunity to blow more smoke his way before making his cock twitch and spurt a splash of tainted precum on on the guy's face.

Officer Grady, instantly recoiled, dropping his gun to the ground as the corrupted fluids dripped down his chin.

"What the fuck!?" he yelled, quickly wiping the stuff from his lips, "You damn beasts are ruining the neighborhood!" The odor of cum flowed right under his nostrils despite his efforts and mixed well with the weed smoke Wendell kept blowing in his face.

Wendell put his hooflike hands up in the air, but still casually smoked the fat joint as Grady, grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against the SUV. He was much closer than he would have liked, but somebody needed to teach this sexy beast some respect. Where the hell did that thought come from?

"Sorry officer, I always get a little excited seeing a hot man in uniform," said Wendell with the joint perfectly hanging from his thick lips. Grady, sneered at the obvious come on. He knew he was hot, but that didn't give people the right to squirt yummy precum on his face. Grady subconsciously licked his lips before he shook his head a bit. He didn't notice how the donkey's cock was spurting more precum on his uniform as he pinned the beastman against the vehicle. What he did notice was the dank stench coming from the donkeymorph. It made him feel a bit dizzy, as he inhaled deeply. He could feel his cock starting to tent his pants, confusing him as the precum soaked through the shirt of his uniform to his skin, causing his nipples to harden as they started to darken.

"S-stop... Stop smoking that thing in front of me," he said pulling the joint from Wendell's lips, intending to throw it to the ground but his forgetting to do so as he stared into the donkey's lazy eyes. His lips turned black as he continued inhaling the anthro donkey's musk. It smelled so hot, and sexy but he had a job to do. "I saw a young man pulled into this vehicle not long ago, and heard someone in the back call out. You want to tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing out the ordinary officer. We were just giving the colt a ride, what you heard was him simply thanking us for giving him some help," said Wendell, slightly grinding against Officer Grady as he said "help".

"And what about all this weed I'm smelling? You were even smoking this joint!" said Grady as he tried to stay focused, and ignore the throbbing hardon bulging against the fabric of his pants in addition to the potent musk.

"That's just something to ease the nerves while out on the town officer. Take a puff, nothing in that should be illegal."

"Nothing illegal, huh?" said Grady while giving Wendell a critical stare, "I'll be the judge of that." He looked at the joint in his fingers, the tip still burned. Typical police procedure would have evidence tested in a tube to determine THC content, but in Grady's tainted haze he was not thinking straight despite his facade. In less than a moment he put the joint to his thickening black lips and took a deep puff, as Wendell's grin broadened at seeing to cop take the bait. Officer Grady's eyes glazed over as smoke swirled in his lungs. His body absorbed the tainted THC as his mind grew even murkier. He took another drag of the joint, and moaned as he exhaled, his lust rose to twice what it was, and left his own cock aching with need as it tented his pants further. His mind twisted as he subconsciously let go of Wendell's collar and traded it for the donkey's leaking cock that stood between them. He inhaled a third time as his front teeth grew thick and blocky gave him a big bucktoothed overbite as he gave Wendell a dopey smile.

"This is definitely legal in my book. Though I may need to confiscate this for further inspection," said Grady as took another deep puff of the donkey weed. His ears slowly stretched to the top of his head, long and pointy as they dusted with brown fur. Every stroke of his hand against the donkey driver's big meaty cock coated his hand in gooey precum. His fingers swelled while his nails thickened and turned black. Soft hair spread down his wrist from the back of his hand in a thick coating as his skin absorbed the anthro donkey's corruptive precum. His cheeks started to cover with dark brown fur as he shifted uncomfortably in his uniform, having not noticed it had become tight over his body. Grady's neck swelled with muscle as did the rest of his body. The fur started to peek from his collar before the button snapped. His biceps and thighs bulged against his uniform as he felt an itch spread out from his chest and his ass.

With one last deep inhale of the joint, he finished the joint. The haze soaked into his mind as the smoke did to his lungs before he started coughing.

"C-Cuagh! Cuawgh! C-CEh! CEE! C-HAW! HEE HAAWHEEHAAAAAW!" Grady's pants ripped open in the rear as a thick tasseled tail sprouted from his fuzzy muscled ass, flopping around wildly with excitement, "Damn that was some good shit!" Before he could think any further about what he just said, Wendell pulled him in for a sloppy kiss, engulfing the cop's face with his muzzle as he shoved his thick tongue down the changing human's throat. Grady was surprised from the sudden oral intimacy, but his ardent lust and intoxicated mind quickly melted into the kiss. He could feel his tongue swelling and lengthening as it danced and slurped over Wendell's. Cords of muscle pumped over Grady's increasingly furry body as his new donkey tail swished in excitement. He'd never kissed a male before, especially not while stroking his fat cock, but the thought of it all had his brain twisting into a bestial homosexual perspective that left his prejudices by the wayside. Their wet organs swapped saliva as Wendell's tongue delved deep into Grady's throat, and even tickled his uvula. The changing police officer broke the kiss and looked at Wendell with near drunken lust as his cock strained against the precum soaked front of his pants.

"That was HAAAAAAAWT!" Grady brayed loudly before a wet rip released his mutating huge cock. The shaft was black and extended further as the tip flattened under a drenched scrap of cloth that fell to the ground with a wet plop!

"It gets hotter stud," said Wendell as he grabbed the officer's furry cheeks and guided his head to his throbbing equine cock. Grady didn't have a moment of hesitation as his big tongue slid over the rim of Wendell's cock and made the donkey bray in pleasure. He soon engulfed the tip as the donkey driver massaged his furry ears. His mind swam in lust as his growing black balls churned with increasingly corrupted seed. His face cracked and shifted forward, and slid further down Wendell's foot and a half cock as it grew into a muzzle. His nostrils flared as he got an up close sniff of Wendell's crotch. The powerful odors flowing from it sizzled his brain, permanently cooking it in dopey donkey desire as he drooled copiously over the thick shaft. His thick saliva mixing well with the bestial chauffeur's precum as his snout finished it's growth. His uniform was tight against his furry muscles and couldn't take any more as the buttons down his shirt popped, freeing his pecs and abs for all to see; dark nipples standing proud as his big chest heaved. Grady's shoes felt uncomfortable as his feet swelled underneath. The cartilage in his toes cracking as they hardened and merged. His shins shortened as his heels popped and extended causing him to lose his balance and fall into the donkey he was happily servicing. The shift in position causing the cock to slide further down his throat as his shoes burst apart to reveal thick equine hooves on a perfectly digitigrade stance.

The feel of Grady's throat contracting around his cock so suddenly had Wendell stomping a hoof as his heavy balls rose and bulged.

"HEE HAW HEE HAAAW HEEEE HAAAAAAAAAW!" Wendell brayed as his eyes rolled up and shot thick streams of tainted yellow donkey cum down Grady's throat and into his belly, filling it with corrupted warmth. He had made this prude of a cop into a sex crazed donkey and he couldn't be more turned on or proud. He pulled his cock from the new equine's throat and filled his muzzle with cum before splashing his lips and nose with the musky fluids.

The now submissive thought of having done his duty of serving a sexy citizen sent waves of pleasure through Grady's mind as his own eyes rolled up and his balls boiled with orgasm, causing him to spray pints of freshly brewed donkey seed onto Wendell, coating the driver's chest with yellow spooge. The smell of sex was nearly as strong outside the SUV as it was inside. Grady realized as he came down from his sexual high that his other duty to protect other furries was now needed, and the best way to do that was make sure all humans were changed when possible. He completely forgot about Chad's mother having called him to keep the boy away the fuzzy anthro morphs.

Chad watched with waning hope and oddly increasing fervor as the police officer was changed and sucked off the stoned driver. When he saw the two equines cum he could not hold back an erotic moan. He kept trying to fight the urges invading his mind but the sight was so damn sexy, especially with all these muscled leather studs around him and teasing him. His shorts were staining with precum as the donkey chairman rubbed his crotch repeatedly.

"You like that boy? Even cops can't resist sucking down some donkey pipe. You know you want it. You know you wanna serve big some studs like us. Giving us your ass and wet mouth; feeling our cum in and all over your body; making you the nice little colt you were meant to be," said the chairman egging him on.

Chad pushed back against the Chairman, not realizing he had been grinding his ass against the donkey's leaking cock. He wanted to struggle but thinking about kissing males and being lathered with equine cum was for more attractive than he expected. He couldn't take his mind off the thought of sucking a donkeymorph's cock like the police officer did. It looked so delicious with all those gooey fluids trailing down the shaft. He felt thirsty just thinking about the oral affixiation and by the time he caught back up with his lust, a donkey was tilting a bottle of their "home-brewed" beer in his lips. A weak thought told him to reject the alcohol, but as the lager flowed over his palette, he found himself gulping it down with growing eagerness. Some poured down his chin as his throat bobbed up and down with every swallow. Thick hairs spread up his neck from his collar as his beer soaked chin spouted thick whiskers. The light in his eyes dulled as he drank, forgetting the fact that he was abducted as he relaxed into the Chairman's arms once again.

"That's a good colt. Your ass is going to be sitting on my fat cock soon enough," said the Chairman, as Chad started grinding his rump back into the thick shaft once again. The bottle was soon empty and he found himself reaching for a joint sticking out a donkey's lips. He took a deep puff of the weed and coughed a bit as his ears stretched up, covering with fur. His head felt heavy as the alcohol, mixed with the lust and THC, giving him a horny high.

"This is soooo HAAAAAWT!" Chad said roughly. His teeth enlarged to blocky slabs, the front two pushing into buckteeth before giving a dopey smile. He'd never thought males could be so sexy, especially furries. The tent in his shorts was reaching its pinnacle as the seams around his thighs began to tear. Drool, hung from Chad's thickening lips as he felt his cock shifting against the fabric. He could see the length growing thicker, swelling with girth as it was teased and stroked by the donkey behind him. The musk inside the SUV was potent and bestial, aiding the corruption of Chad's mind and washing it with perverse fervor.

Chad brayed loudly as his cock ripped through the front of his shorts, the length almost entirely black as the pink tip splashed thick precum. The boy's eyes rolled up in his skull as he felt his black balls swell and fill with pints of corrupted equine cum, the sweat dripping from them steaming off with the heat of his lust. The tip flared and flattened as it mutated from something human to something clearly animal. He fell to the floor of the stretched SUV as his cock drooled precum freely while his mouth drooled saliva. He was on his hands and knees, shirt soaked with sweat, lean muscles growing taut as fur spread down his chest. His shorts effectively in tatters as a growing tasseled tail lifted up the white cloth of his underwear like a flag of surrender. His ass rounded into a juicy bubble butt as blonde fuzz shaded his skin. Fur crawled up his cheeks as his nostrils flared, eyes staring out with glazed lust as his jaw cracked forward.

"HAAAW HEE HAAAW HEEE HAAAAAAW!" Chad brayed wildly as muzzle grew. Fingers became stiff as the tawny fur crawled down his arms. Nails dark and hard as his formerly human fingers capped off with hoof like tips. He kept braying as the Chairman came up behind him and whispered into his hairy ear, "Time to breed this donkey."

Chad felt the huge phallus poking between his cheeks, lathering his sweaty furred ass with precum, and he quickly obliged the urge to shove his ass against the cock. His eyes bulged as he forced the wide tip into his virgin pucker, the feeling flipped a switch in his brain that could now never be turned off. His new leader, pushed another 6 inches of his cock into the new colt, causing Chad to give a drooling bray as a wave of pleasure surged from his ass to his cock. A thick jet of precum plastered the floor of the vehicle. Chad's heels popped and stretched as his shoes strained with his swelling feet. Every thrust pushed his change closer to completion, and his was more than happy to help by bouncing his ass back in rhythm them. His shoes soon ripped apart as his toes merged into thick hooves and his furry legs reshaped. His body was completely that of a donkey furry and his mind had changed along with it. Tainted thoughts rushed through his bestial head as a dressed up donkey pressed his cock to his black lips, and he slobbed and slurped the musky shaft, quickly deepthroating it while his flaring nostrils inhaled the pungent aroma of the donkey's sweaty crotch.

The beast thrust his cock into the new colt's muzzle, enjoying the boy's throat and tongue as he ripped open his buttoned wet shirt to reveal a sweat-soaked furred chest braced with a leather harness and nipples pierced with studs. He brayed his pleasure before he grabbed a bottle of whiskey to guzzle. The donkeymen all around them jacked off at the hot leather studs, fucking and training a lithe new colt for their leather sex herd.

Chad was so caught up in pleasing the two equine studs, he did not notice his sweaty shirt being ripped off and a straps being tied around his chest. It was not until the buckle clasped that he realized they had put a leather harness around his chest, but this harness was a bit different from the others, it had collar strap signifying his status as a donkeyboy slut. The Chairman quickly put the horny colt to use and gripped him as he began ramming all two feet of his cock into his colt's hairy ass. Chad's tail flailed wildly as his prostate was pounded rapidly. He realized with overflowing joy that not only was he a donkey slut surrounded by horny studs ready to use him, but he was now owned by the leader of them all! The hard cock filling his rear had his heavy balls roiling as his throat went into overdrive and massaged the cock in front of him with such temerity that the donkey he serviced brayed wildly in orgasm, sending jets of twisted bestial cum into his belly before Chad pulled back and let the fluids fill his muzzle until it was dripping thick yellow strands of tainted seed. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey that was in the donkey's hands and quickly washed down the spooge with big gulps of alcohol.

"HAAAW! MORE!" Chad bellowed with lust-crazed hunger. The Chairman was pleased with Chad's corrupted display, braying his satisfaction as his balls rose and churned before streaming a torrent of twisted spunk into the donkey slut's bowels. The pressure of his release spraying right into Chad's swollen prostate.

"HEE HAW HEE HAAAW HEEE HAAAAAAAAW!" the formerly human young man brayed as his ecstasy and lust skyrocketed. His own foot and half cock twitched and shuddered before spraying pints of cock cream all over the floor. It was the strongest orgasm he had in his life, braying like the beast he now was as the white semen, darkened to a corruptive yellow cum, brimming with equine furry infection.

The donkeys masturbating to the exhibition soon came after. Brays echoed outside the SUV as they sprayed their cum everywhere and all over Chad. The donkeyfied officer Grady stroked off as he looked inside, grinning lecherously as a splatter of cum hit the window.

"Looks like my work here is done, you studs enjoy that sexy new colt in there," Grady said stroking Wendell's cock.

"We definitely will officer. Come join us at the Jack of Spades Club at the edge of downtown so I can ride that ass later," said Wendell as he hopped back into the SUV limo, and started up the engine before lighting up another joint.

Chad happily rubbed all the cum into his fur, increasing his own musk as the Chairman pulled him back into his lap as he sat down. He couldn't remember much of his human self since his thoughts were too twisted by bestial lust. Though an inkling of his old human mother tickled his brain. She had told him to watch out for something but all that was unimportant when there was so much cock to be had.

"Welcome to the herd , my sexy colt. We're going to have a lot of fun," said the Chairman as he stroked Chad's cock lazily.