Distant Earth CYOA part 19

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#23 of Distant Earth text adventure

Just a quick chapter this time, not a lot of story progression but I tried to make it hot, got some leave coming up soon so I am going to try and up the pace on this story. Same deal as always vote on the next decision by clicking thumbs up on the appropriate comment.

Option b 24 votes go help Kelo

Sighing the rabbit realised he was part of the engineering team, they had been nice enough to let him go and play with two very fun brothers, he owed it to them to help them out. He thought about taking the device with him, but dismissed the idea, whatever had kept the raccoon and pony busy in engineering for so long must be a major problem.

He took a moment to grab a quick drink of cold water and sprayed some more water onto his face to wake him up. Looking at himself in the mirror he paused to think how strange it was just two weeks ago he had been human whose sexual experiences were limited to one quick fuck with a horny bunny. Now he had a boyfriend and a whole list of potential sexual partners and a series of fun nights under his belt. He had to admit he was happier now than he'd ever been, he had worried so long that he would hate being a morph and now he had he could never imagine going back.

With a large smile on his face the rabbit ambled down to the engine room, with a spring in his step he almost leapt into the room. "Alright, I'm here to hel...." His voice trailed off as he found himself looking at a hyena ass thrusting rapidly back and forth as Reggie had Kelo bent over a workbench as he pounded him hard. The room was filled with the neighs and moans of a horny pony, punctuated with the groans and grunts of the hyena and the rapid slap of balls on taint. "lo" Zack finished he felt a paw take his and looked down to see Reese sitting on the floor, naked with a large grin on his face.

"Summer flies clouds south," the raccoon whispered with a nod at the other two.

Zack looked back at the two as they continued unaware or not caring that they had a new audience. "I guess they got over their differences after all," he observed to Reese. The raccoon chuckled and shrugged, then let go of the rabbit's paw, his paw slipping to the rabbit's swollen crotch and with a purr he muttered, "cave house the fall."

The rabbit didn't need to understand the words as the raccoon's brown paws worked quickly on his flies. He gasped as his erect, yet slightly sore, cock was pulled out. He opened his mouth to say something but all that came out was a whimper as Reese's lips sealed around his cock and an eager tongue caressed down his aching length. His paws reached down to stroke Reese's grey ears as he felt the warm muzzle sliding back and forth on his hot length.

The warm wonderful sensations, of the raccoon's eager tongue teasing his hot flesh, flowed through him making the rabbit gasp and moan in delight. He couldn't stop himself from thrusting into the warm maw, Reese held still and took his length easily, tilting his head slightly to let the rabbit's cocktip slip down his throat. Zack cried out in bliss as he felt the extra tightness as his cockhead pushed down that tight, yet warm and soft tunnel.

The rabbit was too focussed on his eager willing lover to notice the cries of the other two as their orgasms took hold. Reggie emptied a hot load deep into the pony's stretched out ass. Grunting the rabbit's paws grasped hold of the raccoon's head, his hips thrusting faster and faster, balls slapping off Reese's chin with each rough and eager thrust.

"Hey, that's not fair," Zack's head turned to see Kelo and Reggie standing there with a grin on both their faces and cum oozing from both their cocks. It was Kelo who had spoken and he continued, "we agreed we would share Zack, Reese, no sneakily sucking him off while I was ... otherwise occupied."

The raccoon pulled off the rabbit cock and shrugged, "rinse the fair weather." He said as he stuck his tongue out, the pony stepped over and fell to his knees, pressing his lips to the raccoon's he tasted the rabbit cock on his breath. Zack stood panting for a second a little disappointed at having his cock suddenly unattended when he had been feeling very close.

His disappointment didn't last long as Kelo broke the kiss and the rabbit's maleness was suddenly swallowed by a hungry and eager equine muzzle. The horse bobbed on his length suckling firmly for a few seconds and then pulled off. Reese moved his head around and Zack felt two sets of lips pressing to his glans and two tongues working in tandem on his hot length. He looked down to see his friends kneeling and sharing his cock between their kissing lips, their eyes locked on each other.

"Oh fuck that looks hot," muttered Reggie, his own cock growing hard as he walked over, he reached out a paw and grabbed the rabbit firmly by the shoulder pulling him over and pressing his lips to Zack's. Zack moaned deeply as he tasted his friend for the first time, what's more on the hyena's lips he could taste at least one other male, possibly two. He realised the hyena and his two friends had been enjoying each other all evening.

Kelo's muzzle slid down his full length as the pony began to milk his cock quickly. Not to be outdone the raccoon reached out to grab the hyena's cock and pulled it into his muzzle. Gasping the kissing males began to hump forward, working as one as their tongues danced eagerly. Zack couldn't believe how easy this all came, how good it felt and how right it was to be with his friends.

However, Kelo's attentions were just as good as Reese's had been the rabbit couldn't hold out much longer. He cried out into the hyena's mouth as the eager pony drove him over the edge, his hips desperately fucking the equine's muzzle for all it was worth. His cock throbbed on the thick equine tongue as he coated it, and his mouth, with hot seed.

Reggie cried out a few moments later as the hyena fed the raccoon his own hot load. The four of them sat still and panted for a few seconds, then Zack laughed, "so this was the engineering problem you were working on all evening?"

"Well first we had to rebuild the injector assembly for number three engine," Kelo replied with a chuckle and a blush "but Reggie stopped by just after we finished, we ahhh talked and sorted some things out. Then...well you were busy having fun and we saw no reason not to have some fun too."

"Yeah, plus I am always super randy after a raid," Reggie added with a smirk. "Besides, don't act like you didn't like what just happened."

"Well of course I liked it, I'm just sad that I came in near the end," replied Zack with a chuckle. "Although I can't say I didn't have a lot of fun with Kaz and Shep."

Reese yawned loudly and stretched, "hawks fly, nests sing." He mumbled as he got to his feet.

Zack realised he was really exhausted, still he had that weird device to figure out. or he could go check up on Qerry, the raccoon had been hacking all evening and he hadn't spoken to him in a long time.

Ok you know the drill vote by clicking thumbs up on the appropriate comment.

a)investigate the device

b)finally get some sleep

_c)go see what Qerry is up to _