Grad-Bash Part 12

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#12 of Scout's Honor

Here we are again, another Scout and Brent confrontation, not the last I can assure you. It's short for a reason, it does stand for something, most casual readers may not find but, there is a point (i promise lol). And, the best type of shadow: foreshaaaaaaaaadow =P

Copyright © 2015 Cole Stryker

Part 12

Oh, fuck this guy. Scout, don't give him the time to give his half-asss apologies-

I wasn't listening to him. For once, I honestly did not care what he had to say. My eyes were locked on the wolf who I had just broken up with, who had cheated on me, and who had ruined my kiss with Carson (indirectly, but still). So, here's a guy who I loved and thought loved me back, could've lived a good life with, but that was all thown away by his hornines. He had no care in the world of what happened to me, if he did, he wouldn't have cheated. And now, he's here, tail between his legs asking to come inside. What the actual fuck. This day has gone from bad, to good, to bad, to good, to bad again. And it was barely three o'clock!

I know I shouldn't let him in...but...

"Yeah. Sure," I said as I stepped aside.

He hesitated before trudging through the door and plopping down on the bed. I studied him as the door swung closed behind me. Before the click of the lock clicked into place, I was already thinking about what he wanted. And, honestly, some were just ridiculous. Nevertheless, I saw him now, looking pathetic and down, staring at the floor with his folded ears and sad eyes. The not-so-welcome familiar churning in my stomach returned as he heaved a sigh and stood up a little straighter.

"Scout...I just...," he sighed again, "I just want you to know that I'm sorry-"

"Fucking really?" I blurted out. "You're fucking sorry for cheating on me...twice! With the same guy."

He waited for me to finish, still staring at the floor. When I was done, he slowly swiveled his head towards me. "I'm sorry."

I wanted to be mad, believe me I did, but those eyes...they just pierced me. They looked into mine, and it was like I could feel his sorrow. I'd never seen him like this. He was so...deflated.

When I offered no response, he continued. "I really am sorry. I should have never hooked up with Sam. I know it was a dick move but I can't do anything about it now. Will you ever forgive me?"

The fuck?

The fuck indeed.

He stared at me, waiting for an answer. His eyes bored a hole in my heart, yearning to be loved again. Or so, I thought...

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?"

"Why now? Why have to apologize for something you should have never done in the first place?" My tone was calm, though I wanted to scream. This whole day has just been one huge mess.

"Because...I still have feelings for you." He hesitated, and I knew there was more than he was letting on.


He sighed. "Seeing you with Carson...just brought back so many feelings. When I saw you two come out of the woods, then go sit on top of the hill and talk...I just knew somewhere that that should be me with you. Laughing together, playing together...what we had couldn't have been all bad, could it?"

"You're jealous of fucking Carson?"

"Scout, I asked if it couldn't have been all bad-"

"No, you said 'seeing you with Carson'. You're just jealous." At this point, I was livid.

We could tell.

Brent remained silent, dropping his head to stare at the floor again. "I'm not saying I am-"

"Bullshit, be a man and just say what's on your fuckign mind."

His head snapped back up to stare at me with widened eyes. Honestly, I would've done the same...if there was a mirror, of course. His demeanor changed, not too much, maybe some people wouldn't have noticed. He seemed a little relaxed, with a hint of anxiety. An odd combination.

"Yeah, so what if I am?"

It caught me off guard. "I...we broke up, Brent."

He fidgeted. "Ok, so we broke up. That doesn't mean we can't get back together."

Scout don't-

I'm not.


Any hint of contempt from him was washed away with one word. "What?"

"No, we're not getting back together," I said in a harsher tone, my tail bristling out ever so slightly.

"Why not? Is it because of Carson? Has he been spreading shit about me?"

"Are you fucking crazy? Of course it's not about Carson! It's about you being a dumbass and sleeping with whoever the fuck you want! Honestly, did you think just because you're some jock that everyone admires and looks up to that you're going to get your way every time? And if you did, I guess you were wrong."

In the few seconds that followed, before Brent got up and stormed away, murmuring Carson's name and profanity under his breath, our eyes met in a way I had never known. At least then; now, I do. It was understanding. He knew as well as I that whatever we had was over. He may not have wanted to accept it. I also saw the first real emotion in him besides cynical, prideful joy: sadness. Maybe he really did care for a sick display of humiliation and shame...but, maybe he did...