Prompt 27 I stoped walking

Story by forgotpassword on SoFurry

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#5 of prompts

Hey, holy shit biscuits its been awhile, in short, school is evil, taking time. This is my rewrite of I talk, I walk, I talk. Hope you like it.

I walk, I talk, I walk.


Past trees, past leafs, past pasts.


I stop, to see. Another me.


Nothing is said, I walk on

Later, him under an apple tree.

Rainy night, it's cold, no firelight

I see a dim distant flame,

Its sheltered safely under ancient rock,

Next to its brightness, HIM again.

I ask in between the shivers,

"yes" and feeling, my hands start.

warm hands, tightly holding, cold hand

We talk, and laugh, and learn

So when he stops, I do

This was what I found walking.

Not wanted, but needed so desperately.