Chapter 4:Mt. Pyre

Story by MadHatter98 on SoFurry

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#4 of Detective Lucario and the Specter of Mt. Pyre

Sorry for the wait! Anyways, don't expect a those upload schedule from now on, since Finals season has arrived. Procrastination is a bitch,Toby is still bitching, and we're introduced to Dusk, la femme fatale. Sorry for the short amount of content per upload, still budding as an author. Regardless, enjoy!

The second we set foot on the island, I survey the terrain, but not for very long. I pick up a loud clatter behind me, and when I look away from the mountain, I see it's just Toby, chattering his teeth, a pale expression slapped onto his little face. "Remember the reward, Toby..." I say, trying to calm him down. I'm concerned for his well-being, but he has to be focused in order to assist me. Seeing as how he calmed down a bit, I returned to the scene at hand, to better assess how to investigate. There is a path winding up the side of the mountain, possibly leading to the graveyard. The mountain itself is huge, its peak extending possibly far beyond the clouds, densely packed in above us, resembling a ceiling. Suddenly, I sense a rather eerie and ominous aura surrounding us.

I ready myself as I see shadows emerge from the ground, growing ever blacker to the point where they look like a black hole. Then they start bulging out of the ground, taking form and stance, prepared to strike. "Ghost-types," I growl, ushering Toby to my side, thinking of a non-aggressive way to eliminate the potential danger they pose. I then decide to communicate our intentions to them, so as to be clear with them that we don't mean any trouble. "Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen," I say, with a steady tone and a calm demeanor."I and my associate here would like to apologize for barging in on your home so unexpectedly, and would like to explain the ends for our means." I then spend the nest hour using expert monologue to demonstrate to the crowd that we mean no harm, and it worked, thankfully. The specters agreed to let us stay, on a few conditions: All of our work is to be done on Mt. Pyre, we aren't able to leave the island until our work is done, my entire ghost kit is to be confiscated and destroyed, with the exception of the ectoplasm for obvious reasons, and we were to be accompanied by a local escort each.

I accepted the terms with haste for the two of us, and waited for another hour or so for our company to reveal itself. I used that time wisely to help Tobias steel his nerves and try his best to stay conscious for the duration of our stay. When our escorts arrived, Toby's heart dropped to his stomach, and mine skipped a beat, only to return at a more energetic pace. Both our escorts were female Ghosts, one a Gastly and the other a Duskull. The first one looked alright, probably passed at a young age, but the second one was a model compared to her! She looked like someone out of Play-Mon, with the exception of her pale skin, and her hair and body from the thighs down having fused to a couple of wispy tails. She has a curvaceous figure, and a cute smile, that made my heart melt. I tried to regain focus, but to no avail. Her body enraptured me, bending me to her beautiful will. Realizing how lost I had become, Toby had slapped me in the face, trying to return me to my conscious mind. I return only to be blinded by my own radiant blush, and calm myself down immediately. The supposed leader assigns the Gastly, named Heather, to be Toby's escort, which he weakly acknowledges, trying not to faint. The Duskull, named Dusk, slowly floats to my side.

I look, mistakenly, through Dusk only to find out that Toby had passed out on the floor. Great, there goes my incentive. I immediately explain to the ladies why he was acting this way, and the group takes us to the visitor's lodge, which I had only just noticed. It's a really large log cabin, large enough to harbor Kyogre, with 2 stories and a picket fence to surround it. The interior is well furnished, with 6 rooms, a copious amount of decor and furniture, power, plumbing, and access to the outside world. The living room is large, with small paintings on the walls, a window out toward the front of the house, a couch, a recliner, a coffee table, a phone, carpeted floors, a lamp, and an HDTV -an early model. The dining room has a standard sized table with chairs, wooden floors, and a ceiling fan with lights. The kitchen has marble floors, a stove, an oven, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a freezer and, once again, a ceiling fan with lights. There were two identical bedrooms on the second floor, with an empty photo frame and a lamp on a nightstand, a full-size bed, wooden floors, a desk with a computer, and a wardrobe. The bathroom had a pool instead of a tub, with shower, a toilet, a sink, a medicine cabinet with mirror, tile floors, and lights flush with the ceiling.

It was starting to get dark, so the first group left us to return to their homes, leaving us alone with our new companions. Apparently the specters are good friends, so we agreed to have a room each, but I ended up sleeping on the couch since Toby is a bed hog. We're gonna have a lot of work tomorrow, so I'll try to sleep as much as possible.