Chapter 20 Candy Cane

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#20 of Fox Hunt 2: The Queen of Varimore

Candy Cane

Chapter 20

The street was deserted but for the occasional leering beggar. Corene left her carriage on the corner and made her way into the alley, her hood drawn up in the pouring rain, her slanted eyes narrowed against it. She stumbled in a clump of what she _hoped_was mud and ignored the mocking laugh of the painted night bitch who leaned against the wall.

Corene lifted her skirts and sidestepped a puddle as she finally came to Long Eye's scratched and battered door. She sighed. The wooden door was carved with an X. Which meant Long Eye had moved. Again.

"Won't find her there, sweethawt," called the night bitch. She leaned against the corner-wall, examining her long red nails, and her curly red mane swept forward to cloak her eye. Her mane was such a magnificent cloud, Corene wondered whether it was a wig.

"I can take a message to her, if you like," went on the night bitch. "All you have to do is suck me dick." She laughed softly.

Corene's back stiffened. The prostitutes of Sudbury Lyn were usually referred to by the nobility as "night bitches" because it sounded more dignified than "whores." Even the male whores were jokingly referred to as "night bitches" since they were engaged in a practice usually attributed to bitches. Whenever Corene came to see Long Eye, she generally avoided looking at the night bitches, let alone talking to them. But she needed to know the psychic's new location. She swallowed hard and turned to face the whore, who was examining her nails with a cocked brow.

"You know where Long Eye has gone?" Corene questioned stiffly.

"Course," she answered nonchalantly. "Could tell you. But what'll you give me if I do?"

Corene's throat tightened with indignation. If this whore knew who she was talking to --! Perhaps the bitch could be bought with jewelry. Corene touched her ear and her neck, realized both were bare, and silently cursed that she had left her jewelry behind at the inn.

"How does a free meal sound?" Corene ventured.

The night bitch didn't look up from her nails. Her body jerked with a derisive snort. "Gonna havta do better than that, sweet buns," she said and lifted her face.

Corene's lashes fluttered: the bitch had stunning eyes. They were an intense and vivid silver, bright as the glint on a dagger. Their light cut through the fog and rain when she looked at Corene, serious and calm.

Corene lifted her chin, determined not to show cowardice or weakness. She was alone, after all. She had slipped away from her bodyguards and left the inn in the middle of the night just to see Long Eye. It was the only way to keep her meetings with the old vixen a strict secret from the queen. Now here she stood, alone, with only a dagger in her sleeve to save her. She let her sleeve fall over her paw and fingered the hilt. "What is it you want?"

The whore strutted to Corene on heels that clicked on the cobble stones, tail swaying and hips round. She was a red terrier, short and slender. Her soft breasts practically poured from the low neckline of her dress and jiggled as they rode with her stride. She lifted her skirts to step over a puddle and clicked to a halt when she found herself face to face with Corene.

"First," she said quietly, "tell me who you are. I want to know the level of danger." Her nose crinkled up and she said with a smile, "Knowing can be a bit . . . orgasmic."

Corene's lips tightened. "Who I am is of no consequence."

"Then we have no deal," the prostitute replied and turned away.

Corene gritted her fangs. "Wait! Please."

The night bitch stopped. Her red tail hung low from the back of her gown, and it twitched slowly. An inquisitive wag.

"I am the Baroness Adela Viola Gardiner," Corene said, blinking as her mother's name came spilling from her mouth. "Tell me where Long Eye has gone, and you will never have to peddle your . . . services again." She jingled the coins in her cloak pocket meaningfully.

The bitch turned to face Corene and slowly smiled. "Hello, your grace," she said with a deep and elegant curtsy, "I am the Lady Emilia Laverna du Frey. Or I was." She straightened up and smiled. "You can call me Candy Cane."


The prostitute insisted on being called Candy Cane, though Corene absolutely refused to do so. They sat in silence during the carriage ride. The prostitute was calm and nonchalant as she examined her red nails and seemed to have no interest in Corene, but Corene couldn't stop studying her from the corner of her eye. Candy Cane had a title - or she used to, anyway. That meant she was once a noble. What had happened for her to wind up in the darkest alleys of Sudbury Lyn? A part of Corene wanted to know. But the other part of her didn't: she could have very easily _become_Candy Cane.

"So why do they call you Candy Cane of all things?" Corene asked, looking out the window at the rain. She loathed having to talk to the whore but loathed the silence even more.

"Use your imagination, sweethawt." Candy Cane laughed derisively, keenly aware of Corene's disgust.

Corene blushed angrily, wishing that for one second the filthy whore would talk decently.

"Of course," Candy Cane went on, "what you really mean is: why don't they call me Lady Emilia. Because no one gives a horse's dick_about titles down here in the mud . . . my _lady."

Corene's fangs set to hear the subtle sarcasm on the bitch's last words. No one had called her "my lady" since her life as the daughter of a baron. Once she became princess of Varimore, she was Your Highness, Your Majesty, or Your Grace. No one dared call her "my lady" any more than they would have called King Bastian "my lord." The prostitute had called her such, as if she knew it would annoy her. But she couldn't know who Corene really was . . . or could she? It suddenly occurred to her that the whore's appearance outside Long Eye's old home hadn't been a mere coincidence.

"What did Long Eye give you to meet me?" Corene said without looking over.

Candy Cane smiled. "Ah. You're a clever one, aren't you, miss? Guess I won't be getting that coin then, eh?"

"No. I still intend to give it to you," Corene said at once. Her vice softened and her long lashes reached beyond the sweep of her mane as she slightly turned her face, "The princess of Varimore keeps her promises."

There was a pause, and Corene knew she had surprised the whore. She smiled as she looked out the window: coin was the easiest way to gain a peasant's trust.

They bumped along in silence for a time before Candy Cane spoke again. "That's right decent of you, miss," she said humbly. "So I'm going to be decent and tell you the truth."

Corene waited, long lashes lowered. She could not see the whore around the sweep of her white mane, but she could feel her guilt like a breath.

"Ms. Long Eye said I could have you," the whore confessed unhappily.

Corene stiffened. "_Have_me?"

"Aye. The princess of Varimore on me dick." The girl laughed.

Corene slowly blushed with anger_._ "You're . . .?"

"Oh, I'mma _bitch_alright. Make no mistake," Candy Cane said at once. "Just so happens I was born with a dick too. I call it . . . extra baggage." She laughed. "Me dad called it grotesque."

Corene's lashes fluttered. She didn't know what to say. She had heard of such cases before: pups who were born with both sets of sexual organs. In the past, it was common for a doctor to give the child an operation while they were still in infancy. After such experiments had caused severe psychological trauma, doctors quit the practice, instead advising the parents to let the child decide their sex. Children who did not decide the "correct" sex were usually disowned by bitter parents. Corene could only assume Candy Cane hadn't chosen "correctly."

"I-I . . . t-that is . . ." Corene bit her lip, and for the first time during their carriage ride, she looked at the prostitute. All her life she had believed prostitutes, commoners, and the like beneath her. Even when she was a child still living with the baron and baroness, she had looked at the beggar children chasing her father's carriage for coppers and she had sneered. Now the sneer just wouldn't come.

"It's alright, Miss," Candy Cane said with a laugh. "Your reaction's a sight better than most of me Johns. They throw up . . . run away . . . or else sock me and demand their coin back. Yours is the best reaction I've had yet." She laughed again and nodded out the window. "You can let me off at this here corner. I'll not trouble you further."

"No!" Corene said, finally getting her bearings.

The whore looked at her, brows raised. "Why, Miss, I do believe you've gone red as an apple."

Corene frowned. Long Eye never did anything without a reason. The old vixen could be malicious, sometimes giving dour - and very true - predictions of someone's death just to see the look on their face. If she had been willing to give the princess of Varimore to some whore for her pleasure, there must've been a reason behind it. Long Eye would be a fool to incur the queen's wrath in doing such a thing. The vixen must've seen something in the future. Something that made her unafraid of repercussion.

"Why was Long Eye willing to let you have me? Did she say?" Corene looked away, waiting for an answer.

"Why would she tell little ol' me?" Candy Cane returned, and her lips twisted in a half-smile. "Ms. Long Eye ain't no fool. Knows her business, she does. Ain't like I had any reason not to turn on her should you offer something better. . . . are you offering better?"

Corene scowled, her face hidden behind the sweep of her hood as she looked out at the rain. "Let us establish one thing, Lady Emilia. You and I are not having sex. . . . or whatever it is your kind has. I am not attracted to things beneath me. I am a falcon and you are but a fly."

Corene paused to let the harshness of her words sink in, and she knew Candy Cane was silently struggling to understand if Corene was rejecting her because she was a whore or because she had a penis. Corene decided not to enlighten her. She kept looking out the window, a small smile on her lips.

". . . that's fine, Miss," Candy Cane said at last. She sounded hurt. Corene couldn't believe it.

"Of course, it is," Corene almost snapped. "What did Long Eye intend for you to do? Take me by force?"

"A drug," Candy Cane replied shortly. She sounded cold now.

Corene swallowed her fear and kept her composure. She was relieved when the carriage came to a stop. They sat at the mouth of a dark alley, at the bottom of which a few oil lamps flickered in the gloom. The lamps hung either side a filthy, smudged door. Ah. So this was Long Eye's new hovel.

The footman opened the carriage door and helped Corene out. Candy Cane followed. Corene assumed the whore was going to continue her own way, but she followed the princess to the door.

"That will be all, thank you," Corene said briskly.

Candy Cane's paws were shoved in the side pockets of her dingy peasant's gown. Her head was tilted down under the heavy sweep of her red curls, and her silver eyes were once again solemn and intense. Corene avoided looking at the supple rise of her red breasts as she knocked on the door.

"No," Candy Cane said quietly. "That won't be all." She looked at Corene with her flat eyes, and the princess felt a chill.

Before Corene could reply, a window in the middle of the door opened and out peeked a pair of glinting eyes at her belly. Corene wasn't surprised. Long Eye was rather short. After only a moment's glance, the door creaked open to reveal Long Eye, who stood in a torn and dingy dress, the puffy sleeves soiled, her long white mane a raged cloak around her sly old face.

Corene resisted the urge to cringe. Long Eye had pale blue eyes covered in a white, glistening film. Each time those blind eyes looked at her, she felt nails clawing her very soul. It was bad enough that Candy Cane was also drilling the side of her face with her somber stare.

"Mistress," Corene said to the vixen and stiffly nodded.

Long Eye stared blankly somewhere near Corene's left cheek, and her lips pulled in a slow smile, revealing two pinpoint fangs. "Your majesty," she said in a voice as creaky as her door. Her eyes turned to Candy Cane and peered beyond her erect ear. "And Candy. You brought her. Well done."

"Course," muttered the whore darkly.

"Well, come in from the rain, child!" Long Eye cried and stepped back to admit the princess.

When Corene hesitated, Candy Cane shoved her roughly in the back. She sputtered angrily as she staggered into the room, breasts bouncing as her hood fell off. Candy Cane stepped in behind her, and Corene felt a shiver of disgust when the whore's hungry eyes passed once over her cleavage. Corene's lip curled and she held her cloak shut at the throat.

Candy Cane smiled darkly in the face of Corene's anger. She shut the door with a snap and stood with her paw against it, looking at Corene in silence.

Corene turned away as yet another shiver went up her spine. She must conclude her business with Long Eye and get the hell out of here. Fast.

Long Eye's new hovel was a dingy, one-room space, crammed with bubbling cauldrons, towers of old books shedding pages, cracked tables containing glass bell jars of floating eyes, and other such oddities. It was believed that Long Eye actually blinded herself while still living among her tribe. It was a common enough practice among the foxes, who believed that to truly become a Seer, one must become blind to the mortal realm. Savage rubbish as far as Corene was concerned.

Corene waded through the sea of book piles to a small space on the filthy floor, where pillows were gathered in a circle for receiving guests. Long Eye had already made herself comfortable in her own filth. The old vixen sat on a faded red cushion with her small legs folded under her dress. A bowl of water was on the floor before her, and Corene knew she would use it to divine her future.

Corene was damned if she was going to sit on the dusty floor. She glanced around for a chair and shook her head in indignation. "Long Eye," she said, standing with a curled lip over the vixen, "I came beca --"

"I know why you came, child," the vixen said calmly. She gestured at the pillow across from her. "Sit."

Corene stared at her in amazement. "In this filth and squalor? You must be --"

"She said," growled Candy Cane, "sit . . . down." The whore grabbed Corene by the shoulder and shoved her.

Corene staggered and dropped to her seat. She fell sideways on one of the cushions, landing on her elbow and thigh. She looked up at Candy Cane in amazement, her mouth open. The whore was standing over her calmly, paws relaxed at her sides. Her silvery eyes glowed with no malice but remained grim. In the steam of the surrounding cauldrons, her cloud of red curls were beginning to frizz. Something glinting in her paw, and Corene saw with horror that Candy Cane had snatched the dagger from her sleeve.

Corene swallowed her indignation, a paw on her heaving cleavage. "Have you taken complete_leave of your senses? Did you forget who I -ah!" Candy Cane's paw came down hard across Corene's face - so hard, she nearly fell. She caught her self on her paws and knelt for a long moment with her head down, her mane draped around her, letting the burn of that vicious slap tingle away. Why, oh, _why did she come without a bodyguard?

Long Eye cackled. "You will find that obedience is key to your survival, oh princess of Varimore."

Corene sneered. "Why are you doing this?" she demanded. She lifted her face and darted Candy Cane a glare. The whore was still standing over her, grim and silent.

"Because I know what happens to you," Long Eye replied. She lifted her chin and held her wrinkled paws over the bowl of water. "I know the entire story. From prologue to epilogue."

Corene looked at the witch with bated breath. "Will you tell me? I brought gold. More than your usual fee." She pulled a small purse from her cloak and upturned it. As the coins slid across the floor and sparkled in the candlelight, Corene heard Candy Cane's small gasp. The princess smirked: Candy Cane had probably never seen this much coin in her entire whore life.

Long Eye smiled as she listened to the gold fall, and Corene knew why: the witch had never cared about coin. The locals called her Long Eye -- not for irony's sake but because she could see into a beast's soul with only a touch. Her strange magical gifts were what allowed her to live freely in Sudbury Lyn. It was illegal for foxes to live as free citizens on dog land, but the nobles of Sudbury - the duke in particular - found the old vixen very useful. The duke showered Long Eye with coin, and in exchange, she healed his every cut and scrape, cured his every illness, and sometimes - when it suited her - she told him how to best the other nobles at court. But Long Eye never cared about the coin. She simply gave it away - to orphans, to beggars, to whores like Candy Cane. If it was gold Candy Cane was after, then she had come to the right place. The whore had probably been promised whatever gold Corene had on her person provided she delivered the princess to her unharmed.

"Once I have told you," Long Eye creaked, "you must promise that you will drink every drop of water in this bowl." Her small paws gestured at the bowl of water on the floor.

Corene stared at the bowl, thinking of the drug Candy Cane had mentioned. She glanced at the whore, who was watching her steadily. "I-I . . ."

Candy Cane smiled.

Corene glowered. "I swear," she said, confident and fearless as she held eye contact with the whore. "I swear I will drink."

Long Eye smiled. "Good. Now, child . . . come closer. Look into my eyes."

Corene swallowed hard. She would rather not face the creepy, blank spheres in the old vixen's face, but she did as asked, drawing closer and kneeling before the witch. She peered into her eyes and went rigid as sudden visions flooded her.

A foxhound with a red mane . . . kissing her passionately, groping her in some dark corner . . . The image flashes away, and Donica is falling, coughing, clutching herself in a black gown. Another flash. Corene is standing on the edge of a cliff, tears in her eyes, white mane streaming in the wind as she prepares to jump . . . "Don't! I love you! Creamcake! Come down!" Corene jumps. "No!" Another flash. A little girl . . . red curly mane . . . jumping rope . . . a male slips from the shadows and snatches her. Her high screams tear through Corene's mind. "Daddy! Help me -ah!"

Corene jolted as the images faded. Her white ears pricked forward, and she could still hear the little girl. Screaming and screaming. The little girl with the red mane. She looked at Long Eye, almost frantic. "Who was that child?" she demanded breathlessly. "And why didn't I see anything about Etienne? He's the one I came for!"

Long Eye only smiled. She was gathering the coin back into the purse slowly and carefully. "I saw nothing of Etienne. At least nothing that had to do with you. Your paths will separate, as they were always meant to. Let that be enough."

Corene's breasts heaved. "That tells me nothing, you old fool. Nothing at all! Tell me how to help Etienne, or I swear --"

"I never promised to tell you what you wanted to know," the old vixen said with a mocking smile that revealed her fangs. She got unsteadily to her feet, clutching the purse of coins to her breasts as Candy Cane helped her. She and the whore exchanged a nod that Corene did not like. The old vixen turned away, retreating out the door. And then Candy Cane was standing somber over Corene.

"Drink the water," Candy Cane said calmly. The dagger glinted in her paw.

Corene looked up at her, breathless and afraid. She hated herself when sudden tears rose to blind her. "Please," she said, feeling the disgust curl inside her as a lump formed under Candy Cane's skirts. "P-Please don't . . ."

"Drink the water," Candy Cane repeated. Her body tensed. "I won't tell you again."

Corene stiffened angrily. "Who do you think --?!"

"Don't you understand, princess?" Candy Cane said over her. "You aren't important. You will not be queen of Varimore. And Donica will not live to care what I or anyone else does to you."

Corene gulped, bitterly biting back a sob as she knelt on the filthy floor, long white mane flowing and mussed around her tearstained face. She took up the bowl and drank with trembling paws. There was more water inside than she'd realized, and as she swallowed it down, Candy Cane came up behind her and untied her cloak, letting it fall away to the floor. Corene paused, sniffling with tears. She opened her mouth to protest, but Candy Cane whispered darkly, "Keep. Drinking." Corene swallowed and with trembling lips, obeyed.

Candy Cane began to undress Corene, slowly and silently, her hungry silver eyes darting over Corene's every curve. She did not unbutton Corene's expensive - if not priceless -- gown but used the dagger, slashing at the fabric until the back fell away. Her body jerked when Candy Cane reached around, grabbed the front of her gown in her fist, and tore. She was wearing a corset, and her naked breasts jiggled free only to pour over it, full and swollen, jutting with small pink nipples. She closed her eyes and whimpered when Candy Cane cupped her from behind and massaged.

"Oh, honey. Softer than I ever . . ." She kissed Corene's neck.

Corene shivered and turned her face away, dropping the empty bowl to the floor. It clattered and spun away, spraying droplets of the potion that was now numbing her mind. She could feel herself shutting down, relaxing as the haze swept over her. Candy Cane's paws suddenly seemed everywhere, squeezing her breasts, searching through her skirts and fingering her moist sex.

Drugged and dazed, Corene obeyed blindly when she was ordered to rub her soft breasts on Candy Cane's penis. The whore stood before her with her large erection poking out of her long underwear, brown and veined, upright and throbbing against the air. She watched with narrowed eyes as Corene rubbed her big breasts on it, stopping on occasion to lick the soft head. Precum oozed against Corene's lips, and though she obeyed the whore's every command, her body shook with anguish and horror; sobs choked her even as the length of Candy's Cane's penis prodded the back of her throat. She felt her gag reflex lurch and wanted to pull free but could not stop herself sucking - even as her cheeks welled up in her eyes and the tears squeezed free. She sucked until the drool had left Candy Cane's rigid desire glossy, and only moment's later, she was on her back, big breasts flapping, mouth panting and screaming, as Candy Cane humped her, holding her leg high in the air. She could see her own foot waving to the ceiling as the whore's enormous erection punched through the tight lips of her sex, making the cream of her arousal ooze with every hard thrust.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhahaha! Ahhhh!"

"Mmm. Come on, honey. A little wetter . . . clench that pussy on me candy cane. Nice and hard."

Corene's eyes widened and she stared unseeing at the ceiling as the sheer length of Candy Cane's penis stabbed her womb. Her sex was swollen and throbbing, and she could feel it coming on. Candy Cane was flinching inside her, ready for release. Oh, god, no. Don't . . . But the whore came inside with a breathless cry. Corene gasped as the hot fluid rushed to fill her. She lay there, dizzy and dazed, her big breasts heaving, her white mane in her eyes. She felt Candy Cane's tongue roll against her nipple and shivered.

"N-No . . ." Corene whimpered when Candy Cane squeezed her breast until the nipple jutted.

The whore licked her nipple.

"Don't . . ."

"Shut up."

"Do - ah!"

Corene's head snapped to the side when Candy Cane slapped her. She lay there, breasts heaving and afraid. The whore had hit her so hard, she felt her teeth cut her cheek. She squeezed her eyes shut as Candy Cane reached down and fingered her gently.

"Who's the _fly_now?" she whispered and slowly sucked Corene's juices off her fingers.

Corene closed her eyes and moaned as Candy Cane suddenly dragged her tongue down her body in a line of fire. She licked her moist sex, her pink tongue lapping and slapping, dragging up her thighs and back to her sex again. Corene closed her eyes and panted helplessly as the whore ate her out. She tried sluggishly to close her thighs and failed. Candy Cane lovingly rubbed her thighs and ate her moisture with hungry abandon.

"Ah . . . ah! Ah!"

"Mm . . ."

"Ah . . . Ahhh!" Corene squirted. She sagged wearily as Candy Cane licked her clean with a careful tongue.

The whore sat up. "Get up, bitch. Sit on me dick."

Corene opened her eyes and saw two of Candy Cane. She didn't think she could sit up. She tried to lift her paw and watched as it sluggishly dropped. Candy Cane laughed and carefully pulled Corene up, gathering her soft, naked body in her arms. The tatters of Corene's dress still hung off her hips as Candy Cane guided her thighs into a straddle. She clutched Corene's backside in fistfuls as she prepared to bring her down on her erection.

Corene clung to her neck, waiting tensely for the moment when that hot organ would fill her sex again. Her eyes fluttered in surprise when Candy Cane's penis plunged not in her sex - but up her anus. The width of it filled her tight, until the squirming mouth of her anus was stretched taunt. She screamed softly and wriggled to get away, bare breasts trembling against Candy Cane's. Candy Cane let her squirm, no doubt enjoying the twisting of her shapely body against her own, the heaving and sucking of her tight anus as she sought to escape.

"Pull it out - p-please!"

Candy Cane only smiled. She kissed Corene's neck, and still clutching her backside in fistfuls, she moved her carefully up and down on her erection. Corene's eyes widened and she choked with every careful thrust. Her breasts rode, jiggling, rising between them in mounds. Candy Cane dropped her face in Corene's breasts and licked them. She looked at the princess with soft, admiring eyes, and Corene had to wonder what she looked like to her - helpless and gasping, frightened and crying, her long mane wild in her eyes, her big breasts rolling with every stab of the whore's enormous shaft.

Realizing she could not escape, Corene hugged Candy Cane tighter and dissolved into begging. "P-Please, stop - pull it - kk . . ." She sputtered into silence when Candy Cane bit her neck.

"Shut up. You belong to me now. . . . your highness. Did you really think you were going to leave here?"

Corene sobbed. Candy Cane licked her trembling lip and kissed her, tongue and all.

In the morning, Corene awoke to the pain that burned between her legs. She was still clad in the tattered remains of her dress and was sprawled on the floor among the pillows and filth, her mane flying and tangled, her dress hanging off her naked body in tatters. She clutched the torn rags to her naked breasts and glanced around with frightened eyes. Long Eye was no where to be seen, but Candy Cane lay sleeping beside Corene, her arm across her belly and just under her red breasts, which stood perky and high in the dim candlelight. Corene stiffened. She could still taste the blood in her mouth from the times Candy Cane had slapped her. And there was dried blood caked under her tail. The dagger was on the floor. Corene picked it up . . . and drew it across Candy Cane's throat in a line of blood.