Diary of a Planeswalker: Chapter 4

Story by Alkain on SoFurry

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#5 of Diary of a Planeswalker

Next part is up, hope you guys enjoy :3

Done by shiftingshadows.sofurry.com/

Mazurek is arrankhar.sofurry.com/

Raptyr is ladondwolf.sofurry.com/

I suddenly woke up. The last thing I remembered had been a jungle. I was in a forest and the sounds of the forest, foxes howling, birds chirping, it was all rather relaxing. My nose suddenly picked up the smell of Mazurek, I knew I needed to get my energy up and he seemed to have a wellspring of untapped energy. I snuck up on him (I believe) and then quickly stuck my cock in him. I wasn't in my demon form, so he was a bit taller than me, only slightly though. I quickly found that he actually had a vagina. I was excited to learn that he was a hermaphrodite.

I vaguely wondered if he could get pregnant. Since I'm quite fertile, we would soon find that out. He seemed to figure out quickly that it was me and was rather enjoying being pounded here as much as he had enjoyed our earlier encounters. I was careful not to drain too much energy out of him, still concerned for his well being. It was hard to show restraint while enjoying myself so much but I think I did a good job.

Speaking of good jobs, I wasn't doing half bad at holding back. It was starting to get old though and I decided that we might need to search for Raptyr soon. My knot fully swelled though locking us together and while I spaced out, I had passed the point of no return. I slammed into him, releasing and howling. It suddenly dawned on me that we'd have to wait until said knot deflated. Ah well, we both laid down together and enjoyed the moment, deciding to wait and see if Raptyr was coming back.

I spaced out as I remembered everything that's happened recently to me. I'm guessing it's been a lot longer but from my point of view only a few days have really passed. I remember meeting the white bird creature and hearing that voice of it's, then when I tried to track it down, it was with that demon. That had been a pure demon, without a doubt. Was the bird a demon hunter or something? No, that didn't quite make sense, I felt there was some aspect to this that I couldn't quite grasp. I decided to move on from this spot in my memories.

Mazurek had saved my life from the demon. I shuddered as I thought about what my demonic half did to it after it tried to control me. I decided to move away to this, the bird had come back and transported us to a plane inside some sort of jungle. Inside this jungle, we had met Raptyr and had quite a bit of sex. I had to admit, I was certainly enjoying this recent adventure. Having sex was quite a wonderful way to recharge my energy and it's a luxury I don't always have.

I kind of hoped that Mazurek was pregnant. I was rather curious if it could happen and it'd be a very pleasant surprise if that's how things worked out. The thought of having kids with him was kind of awesome. It also dawned on me that I'd probably have to avoid certain pitfalls that my parents had fallen into while raising me, otherwise I'd repeat their mistakes. I know that their mistakes made me who I am, in a way, but... I don't think it'd be quite so wise to deliberately make said mistakes.

Suddenly, I heard a tree speaking to me, "I see you two have been playing with each other, did you enjoy yourselves?" Though it wasn't unheard of for trees to occasionally talk, it was quite rare and this might be the first one I've ever met that could do that.

"Yes oh great tree" It was rather tall. "We certainly did enjoy ourselves."

"Great tree?" The tree replied, "I'm not a tree, It's me, Raptyr."

"You're a ventreeloquist?" I asked, shocked, I didn't think he was capable of such a cool thing.

"What? No..." He jumped from the tree. It suddenly dawned on me that he had been relaxing in the tree and was probably woken up by the sounds of our having sex. I can't believe I had missed that. "Are you ready to pick up? As much as I don't want it to end, we've got a quest to complete."

He was right of course. Once more I was reminded that though travelling companions were wonderful to have, frequent sex with travelling companions tended to be a great but distracting source of energy. Still, even if they set me back, I would rather have people to travel with than the alternative of travelling alone, they made the experience far more enjoyable.

The divination spell didn't seem to really take me anywhere near him and the others reported nothing of having met our target, but then again, they probably wouldn't quite recognize this person.

"Someone is living nearby us by the way, I noticed it around when we arrived here, on our first foraging attempt." Raptyr informed me. I take back what I had just said... er... thought, travelling companions had a myriad of uses for a journey such as this. Not all of them, though quite a few pleasant ones, sexual, I thought with a smile.

We reached a small camp without incident and found that indeed, the person we were looking for was there. He looked as beautiful as the first time I had met him. I mentally slapped myself, having to remind me not to fall head over heels for this person yet. I had travelled a long way to find this person and I needed their help, I couldn't let myself forget this.

As I walked up to him, he gave me a glance that saw right though me. It was as if he was peering into my very soul. As if his eyes were taking me apart and seeing inside me, looking at what made me tick. It felt as though he was reading me like a book and suddenly, my resolve started to falter. No, not just to falter, to fade away entirely. He was in a league far beyond me. How I even dared to expect him to help someone like me was outrageous, I felt like an insect compared to this being. He opened his mouth and I immediately feared that he was going to ream me out for even daring to approach a being such as him. I felt like an ignorant child and...

"Hello there, you've come quite a ways to find me it would seem." He observed. I don't know what really happened next, I felt a wave of emotions hit me, the anxiety that he wouldn't help me was a major one but also the relief that he would even speak to me. I couldn't handle it all at once, my brain shut down, I collapsed, how embarrassing.