The Will of Kings - Chapter 13

Story by Mewjen on SoFurry

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#13 of The Will of Kings

Horus and Anubis have been searching for months for Set. Disheartened and confused. They are unprepared for what they find...or what finds them.

Disclaimer: The following will contain homosexual individuals and relationships and will involve interpretations of deities from various religions. No offense is intended. This is copyrighted to me (mewjen(at), so no using it without my permission. This is a work of fiction.


I am forced to believe that Osiris has a plan, and that he has done nothing that has not furthered his goals. I am also forced to believe that he has a backup plan. But which action furthers which plan? He could not have planned to steal Bis' sight at that point, but why would he plan it at all. Set makes sense. No matter how horrid, Set's death or allegiance has always been one of his desires. Jaller's capture does not make sense. Jaller lived apart from us, so he must have been a recent addition. However, hurting Bis alone would not further his needs, so why? I understand his desire for me and my mother, but I cannot figure out his endgame, let alone his next move.

It has been three months since Osiris came after Bis. We have been traveling around the nations that form this reality, tracking down every lead, every rumor, every whisper connected to Osiris or Set. We found out about Jaller's capture from Neith. Ra, save for a warning about Jaller, has been completely silent. I have to assume that Osiris is the reason for that. My attempts to once again find the entrance to that prison have failed, leading me to assume the entrance is not fixed in space.

Despite our frequent trips outside of Tem, Osiris' influence seems limited to our city. I have used the network I built as an ambassador to quietly spread the word of Osiris' return and Ra's sacrifice. While Osiris has made contact with almost every nation, the individuals he communicated with have remained undetected, and only a couple, hidden within his former ranks, have made any reports. Unfortunately, they were silenced before revealing anything of value.

Within Tem, however, there have been no reported sightings from anyone. No rumors. No hints. Yet Osiris was slowly becoming the topic of hushed conversations.

Tem, being the oldest city, reborn from the ashes of the old, had evolved to have a nonexistent crime rate. Yet now it is facing increasingly persistent unrest. Theft and violence were becoming commonplace. Gangs were moving in or forming. The police force was outmatched. And yet, no move had been made to overthrow them. The leaders of this wave of crime were taking their time, as though their goal was not control, but chaos and to fuel the unease that had started with the arrival of the gods.

Peace between mortals and gods never lasted long. Throughout history, one side or the other would always become discontent with its place. The mortals would feel subjugated, and the gods, used and manipulated. But now, we are forced to coexist, but not all see reality as it is and are willing to take extreme measures to prevent unification. Using the nature of doubt, they are fanning the fires of anger within the people and targeting their wrath against the gods.

What started as minor protests against the gods has become riots against Ra's reign. Ra is now seen as the source of the corrupt violence unleashed on this city, and Osiris is slowly being remembered as a freedom fighter against his tyranny.

That change has made things very difficult for our search. In the beginning, the people were so willing to help. Whether it was the weird popularity Bis and I had gained or simple kindness. They gave so much to total strangers. But now we were facing roadblocks at every turn. I can see the distrust in their eyes, always wondering if we are the source of this violence, always wondering if their actions could stop it.

Bis is taking the brunt of their animosity. With Ra's refusal, from their perspective, his son is burdened with the responsibility to respond to the allegations. At first, Bis would try to explain, to comfort, until he grew hoarse. Lately however, he just shuts his eyes to their pain and closes his ears to their whispered questions and shouted insults.

We cannot reveal Osiris' release. Nor can I take the blame I rightfully deserve. To do so would unleash a flood of panic and fear. The protests would spiral this strife into a citywide confrontation, and, with Ra's inability to return a challenge, Osiris would just need to show up and take the city. Which, for all I know, could be his plan.

I walked out of the police station and immediately started searching for him. I spent minutes on the ground, before I took flight and found him on top of the station. He was leaning against the door to the stairway, staring at the setting sun.

With the orange hue against his face, his eyes almost looked as if they had their natural gold shimmer, until his head lowered, and he turned away from the evening sky. I quickly glanced away, as the eye I loaned him turned its gaze to me.

"It is quite beautiful," I said quickly.

"Beauty is what it never had," he answered softly. "Though with this eye, I can see why someone would make that mistake."

"Careful," I warned. "The last time you overstressed my eye left it blind for days."

He rolled his eyes at me. "I know. Sheesh, I only did it twice."

"Four times that you actually told me about," I countered indignantly.

He sighed softly, before returning my tone, "And you are blind as a bat and don't realize it."

"I do not know what I cannot see, but until your eyes are restored, you need to stop trying to see whatever it is," I warned.

He stared at me and growled, frustrated with my naïveté, "Horus, if I could not hear you, I would never recognize you."

"You would still have your nose," I refuted.

I could see the cogs turning as he went through possible comebacks, before he thought better of himself. "So...any luck?"

I sighed, more despairingly than I intended. "Rumors of rumors. Though, Officer Seti thinks Set may have made contact."

Bis raised his head and his ear perked up slightly. "He was the one who took Set home?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Someone keeps sending him the message: 'Stay home on the fifth of Akhet.'"

The jackal tilted his head, confused. "There is no fifth quarter."

"There is a fifth day," I clarified.

"Hmm," Bis offered. "Why does he think it was Set?"

I leaned back, huffing as I made contact with the door. "His reasons are not based on evidence, so I do not know whether to believe or not, but his gut is certain."

Bis moved forward, placing his hands on the guardrail. "It's better than nothing, but it means that we have a deadline. Under two months to find a means to stop Osiris and free Jaller."

"And Set," I quickly added when he failed to do so.

He nodded his head in agreement but remained silent.

Ever since Neith informed us of Jaller's capture and Set's involvement, he has He generally catches himself before I can question him, but every once in a while, he just seems to leave out Set. I cannot tell if it is because his worry for Jaller is overwhelming him or his worry for Set. Thinking about it generally causes a flutter of jealousy, so I try not to dwell too much on it.

"So why did you come up here?" I asked.

"Habit," he shrugged. "And I was getting an earful of how Dad is a monster for letting this continue and if I don't do something, I am just as guilty."

He let out a heavy sigh, as I placed my hand on his shoulders.

"They are just scared and looking for answers," I offered, trying to comfort him.

"He is a monster," he muttered. "Maybe the apple doesn't fall far-"

"Stop," I said, turning him around carefully. "He is your father. Stop trying to force yourself to hate him. It is okay to love him unconditionally, especially when we both know his love for you is unconditional."

"I don't want to forgive him," I muttered darkly, "but I know I will, despite everything. He deserves to be alone."

"And with time will come acceptance," I answered serenely.

"That's a load of crap coming from you," he snapped, raising his hackles at me. "As long as you and Set were happy, I would've stayed out of your life and lived with your hate."

I choose to remain passive, refusing his bait, though my insides were not as unruffled. "You deserve better."

"Maybe, but I don't care." His voice was rising. "I'm tired of being his son!"

"I have lost count of the number of times you have said that," I offered, trying to bury the unpleasant thoughts creeping in on me.

But he continued, "Like you don't feel the same. My father-"

"-loves you!" I shouted. "You are the only one of us for which that is true. Jaller's parents rejected him the moment he came out. I can't imagine how fucked up Set's were, if Osiris is the product. My own father rejected me!"

He stopped and turned back to me. "You never said you found him."

When I shut my eyes to block the sight of his concern, I found my eyes were watering, as I tried to fight the rush of emotion. "He is refusing to see me," I said, as explanation. "He was killed when I was four, and now...he won't give me a chance. It's not like I let...." I opened my eyes and found Bis' empathetic frown. "Your parents have always loved and always tried to protect you. Please, stop acting like that isn't true."

I felt everything welling up inside of me, and I just turned and glided down to the nearest alley. I found the smallest cranny and squeezed inside, wrapping my wings around me, shaking uncontrollably, as my worry and anger overwhelmed me.

I felt a hand brush the outside of my wing.

"Bis, not now!" I shouted.

"When did 'Bis' come back?" I heard Set ask.

I fell over sideways, trying to extract myself, and then spent minutes trying to untangle my wings and limbs, before I could stand. I stared at Set in disbelief, approaching him slowly, cautiously, balancing the idea that I was losing my mind versus a near impossibility. He looked beautiful and healthier than I remembered. His neck was bare and his shoulders strong. I placed my hand on him, and he proved solid. I tested his scent and found myself wrapping my arms around him and cocooning him in my wings.

"Where the hell have you been?" I felt myself tearing, as I closed my eyes and just focused on him. "How can you be here?"

"I forgot you used to call him Bis," Set said, not reacting to my state.

"Set.... Are you truly here or just an apparition?" I questioned, unable to belief.

"Can I be both?" he asked with the innocence of a child.

I shook my head slowly against his neck. "Not if that means that you are still Osiris' prisoner."

"And what of Bis?" he asked, almost out of character.

"An..." I corrected. "You have always called him An, ever since you met him."

"Anubis stole me away from you," he offered callously. "Do you really think his goal is to get me back for you?"

I shifted my grip on him, feeling a shiver of discomfort.

"What happens when Anubis must choose between your happiness and his own?" Set continued, his voice biting and bitter. "Can you truly trust the son of the tyrant? Will Anubis ever put your friendship first?"

It was as if his every word was reverberating in my head, echoing reinforcement. "Set...?"

Set's short chuckle was dark and deep. "You must stop hiding from yourself. Anubis' actions do not weigh equally. He is your enemy, and you must put him down."

The weight of his words pushed me back, and what I saw was not Set, but me.

His torso was bare, but his chest was poorly wrapped in bandages. I could not see an injury, but he was scarred everywhere. His feathers were ruffled and dirtied with mud and what could have been blood in places. His arms were equally scarred, but much more defined than my own. His beak was scratched and gouged. The eye I shared with Anubis on him had been clawed out and filled with a gold replacement.

I knew without looking that the bandages on his back were covering the remaining stumps of his wings. For this was not the first time I saw him. He was the vision that had been shown to me, before I changed my fate.

He was the version of me that followed Osiris. The version that had lost his eye to Set in their epic battle, before he graced Set with an endless body and banished him to the crushing depths of the endless ocean. The version that took Anubis' heart for his own and commanded the Eye, who banished Ra to the center of the Earth and fought a thousand wars against the world in the first decade of his reign. He was the first and last ruler of the gods. He was loved by his parents, Osiris and Isis, but his heart was empty.

He never knew Set's love nor Bis' friendship. He never knew his fellow ambassadors nor the friendships that adverted many battles. He never lived for himself but gave his mind and body to corruption. He surrounded himself with females but never conceived of love for any, let alone his truer nature. He was powerful and strong, and no one denied his will. He ruled with force and destroyed lives at a whim. He executed anyone who grew too close, before anyone could claim friendship.

He was evil, and what I was supposed to become, before I chose a different fate.

The shockwave shook me out of my hiding spot. I stumbled to my feet, as I tried to locate the source of the disturbance. The sounds of breaking glass spurred me forward. Turning left, then right, as I was driven away from the main road, through the maze of poorly laid out homes and structures.

Right again. Then left. The sounds of conflict were growing louder. Another left, and then I reached an impasse that forced me to use my wings to stop in time.

Set stood there, leaning against the wall, blocking the path forward. "Run away with me," he offered, not looking at me, but instead forward, at the opposing wall.

I remained there for a moment, frozen, unsure of what was reality and what was a dream. "What are you doing to me?" I asked aloud.

There was another loud crash, sounding like gravel being crushed against metal.

I started forward, pushing passed Set, but he pushed back, grabbing my arm. "Please, don't."

I glanced at him for the briefest second, before forcing my way through. Upon exiting the alleyway, I stopped once more, as I found Anubis picking himself off the ground and readying himself to

Anubis raised his shield just before the green slash smashed into it, and then my double sliced twice with each blade, sending four more slashes at Bis.

I looked down at my hands, wincing at the sound of each clash. I tried to draw on my powers, to test what I had witnessed, but they would not come, yet I could feel the drain of each swipe.

"There's nothing you can do." Set placed his hand on my shoulder. "This will happen."

I felt the curse I had placed on his finger rubbing against my feathers. I turned and saw the collar Osiris used to enslave him, matt against his flesh in the dusk. "What is he making you do?" I asked, as my pity swelled for him.

Set refused to look me in the eye and pulled away.

I gave another moment, before I pushed him aside and ran forward, drawing my sabers.

"No!" I heard Set shout, as I felt a force pulling me back.

Set's shout attracted Bis' attention, his head turning away from his foe. I saw the realization hit him, and, as my doppelganger lunged, it was caught by a sphere of lightning blue and crushed within it, until it popped away in a cloud of smoke.

Bis ran towards me. "Horus, don't let him in!"

In next moment, I felt a wave of paralysis overcome my body, as Set walked into my peripheral.

"Set, you bastard," Bis snarled. "How dare you try that with me again?"

"It's not like I can make a bigger mess in that head of yours," Set taunted, as he sauntered towards Bis, splitting himself with every step, until his clones numbered a hundred.

"I warn you, Set. I will not hold back," Bis growled, as his shield wrapped around his body.

"The same to you," echoed the many Sets cordially.

Then the first row of clones attacked, flying towards Bis, surrounding and encapsulating him.

"You can turn away," Set whispered into my ear. "I don't want you to witness this."

Bis roared, and from the mass of bodies, a light blue dome expanded outwards, shattering every clone in its path. The jackal then leaped forward, defeating clone after clone in quick succession.

But for every clone felled, two more were created, and soon Bis was facing a thousand.

Set made the next move, sending clones forward in pairs, but Bis defended himself expertly, showing his true skill as a defender of the realm. Wave after wave crashed in on him, but he remained steadfast.

'Set,' I tried to shout. I had to end this before one of them did something they could never forgive of themselves. But I was held silent by Set's will.

"Anubis, surrender," a Set cried. "Let me move on."

"I'm not stopping you!" Bis huffed, as he unleashed another dome of energy to clear out twelve more clones.

"If only that were true," the Set nearest me countered. "If only your memory blocked my happiness. But you are a living testament to my suffering. You took my love for yourself and then cast me out. Now you will be the one to beg for my mercy."

Anubis stop for a moment, letting his guard slip, long enough for one of the Sets to rush him and pin him to the ground. "Set, I'm sorry for the actions I took against you," Anubis spoke softly, but the quieting of Set's numbers let his voice carry just loud enough for me to hear. "But if we start that fight again," I saw Bis' head shift and Set's gaze follow to me, "it won't just be us who gets hurt."

When Set's eyes met mine, he flinched, turning away quickly. I felt it in my heart, but still I saw hope. I could see his love buried within. I just had to reach it.

"Let Jaller go. Keep this between us," Anubis begged.

Set chuckled darkly. "You forget...that I am a servant of my brother. His will transferred onto mine." He shifted his position, sitting on Bis' chest. "Let me show you something. Something I used to fear." He leaned forward and whispered something into Bis' ear, just before he placed a single finger to the side of the jackal's temple.

Bis yelled out in pain, as his body jerked and trembled. His powers soon became uncontainable, as mounds of lightning blue energy quickly grew from his body and just as swiftly receded, like a balloon being squeezed and released. These disruptions continued across the field of his body, growing in power, until one pulse threw Set several feet away.

Anubis crawled to his feet, falling repeatedly, but still he made it, grunting to hold back his cries. "Using our past, the love we once shared, the secrets I told you against me? Have you lost everything that you are, Set? Or have you come back, demon?"

"I cannot reach my potential with you alive." Set was slow to stand, but his voice twisted with a dark joy. "My brother wants a war that I can provide. A gift that only chaos can create. That I can give. This city will be an example for those who would reject my brother's love."

"Osiris does not love. He rules with fear and hate, and he hates all of us: you, me, even the one he calls son." Anubis paused then, crossing his arms and placing his hands on his chest. He closed his eyes, and moments later, began to glow with a blueish hue. From within his body came thousands of tiny spheres of energy, which he collected into a large orb before him. When the flow of smaller spheres ended, he opened his eyes. The tremors had stopped. He had successfully removed Set's taint.

Then he snarled, raising shields around himself and me, as the containment orb exploded.

The clones shrieked in pain, as the infection took hold. Each one exploded into a puff of smoke, until only one remained, the only one who showed no signs of the curse, the original.

Set smiled, uncaring of his clones' fate. "You cannot reason with me, and you cannot end my hatred of you, betrayer. Choose the weapon you wish to face, and I will defeat you mercifully."

"I will not condone this," Bis answered, balling his fists, as he forced his arms to his side.

Set frowned, and within a fraction of a moment summoned a spear and threw it into Bis' shoulder.

Bis was thrown back and pinned to the ground by the force of Set's throw. The jackal cried out, as he tried to move, but the pain held him back.

Set walked over and stood above him. "I can make this as slow as necessary, but I would rather be kind to Horus." He pulled the spear from the jackal's shoulder, tearing more flesh, as Anubis choked, his throat too tight to scream. Then surprisingly, Set bent down and began healing the damage.

"Why?" Bis asked weakly.

"That was an unfair move," Set answered.

Bis turned away, baring his shame to me unknowingly.

They were silent for several minutes, until Bis was healed and they stood up, Set offering his hand.

"Do you remember the last time we danced?" Set asked softly.

"Like this, or properly?" Anubis asked, rotating his shoulder, testing the joint.

"Properly?" Set questioned, a pleasant smile gracing his face for a moment. "When did you ever dance properly?"

"You were a poor teacher," Bis commented, as if this was a lighthearted joke.

"Do you remember enjoying it? Because I don't," Set asked, as he and Bis squared off again.

"What?" Anubis asked, confused.

Set stood there, his face impassive. "Looking at you right now, all I feel is the pain you caused me. I suffered for you, and what did I get in return?"

Bis growled his resentment. "In return you had me, my heart. I loved you, and you-"

"-did exactly what your father wanted," Set interrupted, but his voice lacked the emotions his words suggested. "Don't act like I had a choice. Horus hid me from the world, and you just damned me. How did I love you?"

"I don't know," Bis answered. "I find myself rather unlovable, but everyone loves to contradict that truth. Ask Jaller."

"I can't. I killed him already."

Everything changed instantly. Anubis looked as if his heart had stopped. He stood there frozen, as Set readied himself for a duel.

But then the ground groaned and cracked, and twenty bands of linen strips, glowing a bright blue, launched themselves at Set from the fissures, tying themselves on Set's body like ropes, dragging him towards Anubis, tightening their hold on Set, until he could no longer fight back. Then more bands formed from the ether, binding him fully, as they began encasing his body.

Set's hold over me broke, as the canopic jars formed. I ran towards my friends without a second thought. Every step felt like it was too late. One jar finished forming before I was freed, and the second when I was only a quarter of the way to them. Three jars, halfway there. Four jars, a quarter left. The fifth finished, as I rushed Anubis, tackling him to the ground, knocking him out in the process.

The jars dropped to the ground, shattering loudly, as the bandages around the chaos-beast faded and disappeared, and he let out a gasping breath.

"My god," he breathed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted, walking up to him. "What has Osiris done to you?"

Set quivered slightly, as though he was afraid of me.

"Did you reall-..." I started, but my brain locked, unwilling to even ask, but still I forced the words from my beak. "Did you kill Jaller?"

"I tried," he mumbled.

I slapped him in the face before I could even think.

"He's alive and under my brother's protection," Set said, not physically reacting to my slap, but his voice wavered.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. All I could do was stare at him. My emotions were out of control. I reached for him, pulling him into my arms.

He trembled slightly and then started crying.

But then he started screaming, and he pulled away, clutching his head in pain, as he fell to the ground, writhing.

"Set?" I tried to approach, but he kicked himself further away.

"Don't," he yelled, though maybe not at me. "Master, I sorry. I-won't-corrupt-the-son. I-won't-corrupt-the-son. I-won't-corrupt-the-son. I won't corrupt the son! Sobek, please, my love! I-won't-corrupt-the-son. I-won't-corrupt-the-son. I-won't-corrupt-the-son."

He continued his chanting, between screams of agony, calling for Sobek, while refusing my aid.

"Set, stop running from me," I said, showing my frustration. "Let me help you."

"You can't help me!" Again he kicked my arms away. "I-won't-corrupt-the-son. No one can help me! I-won't-corrupt-the-son."

I sighed, resigned. I backed away, and he calmed ever so slight. "Set, I love you," I offered. "No matter what has happened or will happen, I love you."

Set screamed louder.

"You are just hurting him," stated a voice from behind me.

I turned to find the crocodile standing there.

"Sobek, stay out of this," I answered.

"I would gladly leave him here," he stated, "but I cannot. He belongs to Osiris."

I moved to stand between Set and Sobek, but Set started crawling to the crocodile, stabbing my heart with his words.

"My love, please, I need you," he said, directing his words to Sobek.

I was not prepare to handle that. The pain immobilized my body, as I watched Sobek lift Set to his feet.

"I have been ordered to keep him safe," Sobek offered. "Though, he would be safer, if you were at the Surveyor's Tower on the fifth day of the First of Akhet around noon."

Then he and Set disappeared, leaving me both crushed and hopeful.

I walked over to Anubis, after a few minutes. I tried to be kind, to be calm and caring, but I was too angry with him, myself, Set, Osiris, Sobek, and the world. I kicked him until he stirred, and when he was too slow in standing up, I yanked him upright by his throat.

"What in Ra's name is wrong with you!" I shouted, still holding his throat. "You vowed to never misuse those powers again, to never use that ability meant for the dead on a living being ever again, and yet you not only bound him, you summoned the jars. Not only did you summon the jars, you summoned the one that shouldn't exist, you summoned the jar of defilement. You were going to rip his heart out!"

I threw Anubis to the ground.

"I think you should go home, Bis," I snarled, before I turned to go.

"Wait," he pleaded.

I turned back and found him kneeling before me. He looked up at me, and I noticed that my eye was clouded and pinkish again, meaning he was blind once more.

"I have to do this," he stated. "I have to save him."

"You just tried to...," I hissed. "How can I trust you?"

His gaze fell to his hand, as he sat, slumping forward. "I admit where Jaller is concerned I am not fully capable of being sensible. If Jaller's gone-"

"He's alive," I offered quickly, not wanting to see his heart suffer.

He sighed in relief. "Good. But I still messed up again." He looked up at me somberly. "You think you know what came between us. But we hid what we became."

I knew what he was starting, and I stopped him. "I know who Set is. It is only you I question now."

But he pushed back. "You are deceiving yourself, and you have been since this began. Listen to me and hear me for a change."

"I have always listened to you," I asserted.

"But since you regained your memories, you have forgotten everything that came after with regards to Set," he countered.

"Shut up," I snarled. "You do not get to talk about Set after trying to kill him."

"I haven't been allowed to talk about Set since I saved you," he claimed, raising to his feet. "Anything that may damage your picture of Set, you lash out against. You reject my council because I know him better than you."

"Silence! You don't know. You didn't-" I caught myself, but he finished my sentence.

"-love him," he said somberly. "You know nothing of what we had then."

"I am sorry," I offered guiltily.

"Do you really believe that you alone love him?" he asked, not showing that bitterness I had earned.

"No." I could not look at him and admit the truth. "But in my heart, I hate allowing you to say it."

He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Set and I were together for a long time. Inadvertently, longer than you were with Set. I wish I could say that Jaller knows me better than anyone else does, because I plan to stay with him and make my life with him. But he doesn't. Set does. Then you. Jaller has my childhood and four days as a lover, before I lost him. Whether you like it or not, I know Set better than you do. That does not mean it will stay that way, but for now it's true."

I shrugged off his hand and turned. "Bis, I appreciate your concern for me, but you are wrong. I stayed his friend after you...separated. I never abandoned him, and I never abandoned you." He was staring at me with such sympathy that it was infuriating. "I've always been there for him! Before you, during, and after!"

"There are secrets you never told me. Secrets you shared with Set but not me," he offered, showing me nothing but pity.

I made to interrupt, but he held up a hand, and I heeded.

"There are things you tell your lover, but not your friend," he continued. "Set and I were no different. We had our secrets, and I have faith that mine have not fallen into Osiris' hands. I will not reveal what we swore to never reveal, but there are pieces I must share and leave to your judgement.

"Our breakup was not all that you know. For one year, we kept it from you, while we tried to find," he was silent, as he hunted for words, "a way to move on together. What you saw today, he has been before. Maybe he is worse now, but maybe not. My memory is colored too much to tell. He removed the part of himself that would stop him, and in doing so, he unleashed a demon on me.

"He attacked my mind, used my secrets, tortured my heart. And then, he became whole, and it crushed him. He begged my forgiveness, and I gave it, but what was started did not finish. His demon had not ended, and my vengeance had not begun.

"Our hearts and minds were at war with each other. We tried to cling to one another, to keep our love strong. But our thoughts rebelled. We did terrible things to each other, things that cannot be forgiven. My actions warrant every ounce of hate he showed today and his, the malice I once had for him.

"I cannot tell you what we did. Both because of the promise we made when we finally parted, and out of fear of the judgement I so rightfully deserve. You should hate me, Horus. For I did more than hurt the man you love. I did not take him away from you, and that is the only grievance that you bared to me that I am innocent of.

"I need to save Set. I need to believe in him again. I need to begin undoing what I wrought, so my heart can open fully again, even to Jaller."

"But you do not believe in him," I both asked and stated.

"No, I can't. He took Jaller. He made good on his first threat, and now all I see in my sleep is the vicious ending he promised to me."

"My heart knows this is not Set. Why does your heart believe differently, if you claim to love him?"

"Because my heart is damaged and knows better."

I took a long breath and exhaled slowly. "Which is why you have stay, despite our disagreements. You need a fool in love to guide you."

"To protect him. Osiris is a monster, but so am I, in my darkest hour. So is Set. My priority is Jaller, because yours is Set. Together, we can save them both. Apart, I doubt you will get much further."

"I know where they will be."

"But I can be traded. The blood of Ra freely-traded is valuable to Osiris." He said it with no trace of humor or bravado.

I did not know how to react. "Never," I stated. "I will not sacrifice you. Neither would Jaller nor Set."

"Then I have no value," he cried out in despair, collapsing to the ground. "I don't know how to defeat them. I can't even see."

I knelt next him, taking his hands. "We will find a way. Our search is over. We have two months. Then we will see them again."

He shook his head dejectedly. "He won't bring Jaller."

"He will," I stated forcefully, "because he expects us to be there. We will stop his call to arms and end his war before life is breathed into it. We just need to keep each other believing. One day at a time."


Author's Note: Well I made it a year since I forced myself to finished A Failed Duty by starting to post it. And now, I have manage to start sequel that has reached the length (in words, almost in chapters) of its predecessor and is still growing. While, it is two months after the anniversary of the first chapter, I going take being 75% consistent in releases as a good thing.

As for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to balance bringing in the weight of Anubis and Set's history, while not ruining the image formed in anyone's head. Next up, Sobek will get a little more attention, then the tower.

Thank you for reading this chapter. While you are here, please rate, favorite, and comment so that other people may also enjoy this story. They are very much appreciated.