Astral High - Chapter 12

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#13 of Astral High

Oh my god it's the end of the world! I didn't gt a chance to upload- or write- yesterday! I didn't get much time to write today, but it was enough that I wrote this chapter, tomorrow, you guys get two chapters to make up for this. I promise!

I enterred the house with sweat dripping off my forehead. For an hour and half we'd been in Markus's backyard swinging the nerf weapons at each other. I felt sore, mostly because I hadn't had a gym class in over a year. I could feel my heart racing and my whole body felt like it was vibrating. It was weird.

I stumbled a little as I stepped onto the carpet of the living, flopping down onto the couch, and feeling Seth land on my back, his crotch pressed into my butt and the sweat on his own fur melding with mine. I heard someone make a snide comment about being gay, and I felt anger inside of me. I didn't recognize the voice, but I could tell it was someone else when they agreed with the first guy. Then one of them spoke out against it, and I recognized the voice of Seth's father. The other two backed down, and the conversation died a little.

I felt Seth roll off of me and then help me up. My arm was tugged and I got dragged down a hall and into another room with an Xbox. Markus handed me a controller and I willing played some FPS game with them. I found the game even easier, and they got mad. They couldn't manipulate the settings as much with CoD, so we used the honor system to force me to get a surprise cluster of weapons and perks. I still won, even though they were teamed against me.

Markus got mad, and demanded we play PvP in minecraft. Great... It's a fun game, but PvP doesn't work on the xbox. We went free for all, forced ourselves in opposite direction until we all had beds, so before the first day was over, and I lucked out with more honor system against greifing. I couldn't fight worth shit in that game, as if it had a functioning fighting "system", but my ability to use the so called "redstone" granted me security in what few items of value I obtained. I built my house as a trap in and of itself, with about fourty entrances all leading inside, as if they could get passed the traps.

Suffice to say, I won after a couple hours, and their families decided it was time to eat dinner. We ate very casually, having only pizza and soda, and gathering around to watch movies. All the kids were booted into the game room to entertain themselves while the adults sat down and watched some movie none of us cared for. The girls got bored and went upstairs to watch some romcom, and Markus and his younger brother, Logan, decided what we were going to watch for me and Seth, because, well, I didn't have any taste in movies and Seth was trying to act masculine and kept suggesting horror movies. I hate horror movies, mostly because they're worthless jump scares and try too hard to be scary.

Logan kept wanting to watch a dumb cartoon, or some other cartoon, or another. He kept rattling off names of shows or movies I'd never heard of. Seriously, what the fuck even is "Adventure time"?

For understanding of the next few scenes, realize that Logan doesn't look as weird as Markus. Logan has the body of a dragon, but is covered in the soft fur of a hybrid. Racing around his left arm, and were bizarrely intricate and complicated. The majority of his fur was a bright golden color, but the lines were black against the rest of his body. In fact, contrary to Seth's, the majority of his fur glowed, brightly, while the black lines were like faint sketch lines on his fur.

Markus wanted to watch a more serious movie, and they agreed on anime. They were about to put in a movie, when Seth complained and said that if they were gonna watch an anime movie, they might as well watch a good one, and demanded some company.

"Studio Ghibli? Seth, that stuff's gay as hell. Well, figures." [Markus]

"Studio Ghibli is amazing! Hayao Mayazaki's a god of anime!" [Seth]

"Bull crap, it's too girly."

"What's Studio Ghibli?" [Logan]

"An anime company." [Seth]

"That sucks!" [Markus]

"Have you even seen Nausica?"

"No. But-"

"What about Grave of the Fireflies?"

"No, but I-"

"Howl's Moving Castle?"

"Okay, I have seen that one, and it was stupid girly."

"Because the main character was a girl?"

"Because every character with any power other than Howl was a girl."

"Calsapher was a guy."

"I-... Whatever, watch your gay ass movie if you want."

"Thank you, we will. And to prove to you that it's not girly, we're gonna watch Grave of the Fireflies." Seth took the controller and found the movie via Netflix. Markus and Logan just backed themselves up against a bookcase and played on their laptops while we snuggled up in a soft blanket and rested our heads on a soft pillow. I would've fallen asleep had that movie not brought tears to my eyes. By the half way point, I was probably breaking Seth's upper back with my sternum.

After the movie was over, our parents had us go to bed. We wandered upstairs and I fell asleep in Seth's loving arms, half drugged by the fact that he smelled of salt and sweat, along with the usual scents of ash and vanilla. I woke up in the morning due to the feeling of something prodding my crotch. I tried to figure out what it was before I opened my eyes to see Ted laying his stomach on the floor and starring at my crotch while poking it. I twitched my leg towards him, and he scrambled off the floor and up onto the bed. I sat up a bit, feeling weighted down by Seth's arms. I noticed that Markus wasn't in his bed.

"When did you get here?" [Me]

"A few minutes ago. I can't believe my cousin's dating this mutt." [Ted]

"Uh, you realize that mutt is Seth's cousin, right?"

"Yeah, but still. He admitted, he's got a genetic defect compared to his siblings."

"Oh come on, he's kinda cute."

"Yeah, if you can get past the feather-like fur, bony arms and weird patches of scales."

"I bet his fur is really soft."

"What are you gonna do, cheat on Seth with his straight cousin?"

"No, but I'm not afraid to admit to someone else being cute, like... Daniel. Or... you."

"Heh heh, well at least your taste isn't totally out of wack."

"Oh please, like you're something special?"

"Are you?"

"I can have brand new experiences with every day things to you guys. You're just an artistic otter. You don't even have unnatural colors- which always look better."

"Right, well, at least I'm willing to do it. We bumped into X at the fireworks place and he said that Seth was gettin' off. And you still wouldn't do it with him."

"Because I'm a decent person with morals. I'm not some worthless slut."

He looked offended and hurt by this, and I immediately felt horrible, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it-"

"Just stop. I know you didn't." He started to get up and walk out the door, but I grabbed his ankle and pulled him down onto me and Seth, waking him up. I latched onto Ted and buried my face in his shoulder, noticing him calm down a bit.

"Wha-what-what's happening?" [Seth]

"Your boyfriend's trying to compensate for being an ass." [Ted]

"I'm so sorry..." [Me]

"What did you say?" [Seth]

"He called me a worthless slut. It's okay, it just... It just struck a nerve..." [Ted]

Seth sat up a bit more and pulled Ted close to him, and I felt Ted grab me and pull me up a bit with him. He just laid there, cuddled and held by us. A few minutes later, a female otter with caramel brown fur came over and stood in the doorway. She took one look at Ted, smirked, and laughed.

"Wow, I knew you were in a relationship, but I didn't think you'd be gay. Ha ha! And there's two of them? How does that work, like do you guys love him and ignore eachother, or what?"

"Val, go away!" [Ted]

"Jeez, you'd think he'd be nice to his cousin." [Val]

"He's in a relationship with Daniel, not-" [Seth]

"Daniel's not here yet." [Ted]

"Oh, well you're still not in a relationship with us." [Seth]

"Wow, you're already bickering like a married couple. Or should I say threesome?" [Val]

"You should say foursome 'cause of how many fingers I've got clenched in a fist!" He jumped up and stood in a fighting stance, as if he'd actually hit her. And then he did. He popped her right in the face. And to add to my surprise, she punched back, hitting him in the side, then forced him in a headlock, pulled him down, and gave him a nuggy. I felt bad for him. I also felt confused. I also felt like I badly needed to pee, and scurried past them to get to the bathroom.

When I came out, I found they'd gone downstairs into the living room. They were gathered around just outside the kitchen, and I was surprised to see my parents here, along with Ted's absurdly huge family. I recognized his aunt and uncle from Christmas, but was caught off guard by being grabbed from behind, pulled into someone's crotch, and wrapped in huge black wings. The folds of the wings smelled of I felt how breath on the top of my head and their chin resting on my head.

"So it turns out little Ted isn't the only gay in his family. How does that make you feel, little fox?" I recognized the voice but couldn't lay name to it. It bothered me.

Then I heard Ted call from... somewhere. I don't know, the dragon had picked me up and I knew they'd moved around a bit. "Ben, the heck are you doing? Why are you holding Alex?"

"No reason."

"Ben, you aren't... Wait, are you gay too?"

"... No."

"Then why do you have my boyfriend?" Seth's voice emitted from a foot or so in front of me, but the voice moved and was positioned to my left as I felt Ben sit down on something. I was helpless, and kinda wanted to kiss Seth.

"Oh, you... you guys are dating? Oh, okay..." He let go of me, and I scrambled over to Seth, falling of Ben's stool in the process. I picked myself up and wrapped my arms around Seth, squeezing lightly.

"How could you not know they were in a relationship?" [Ted]

"Alex wasn't making any moves to get away." [Ben]

"I couldn't move my arms, and I was picked up and dragged around like a stuffed animal. I had no idea where I was." [Me]

"He heh, sorry about that." [Ben]

"Dude, since when have you been gay?" [Ted]

"Uhh... I'd rather not answer that."

"Oh, he's been checking you out." [Me]

"I have not!"

"Alex, just because he's not telling doesn't mean-" [Ted]

"Ted. Listen to me. He's not telling 'cause it's been a long time. Tell me, in the past couple years have you and him ended up in awkwardly exposed positions?" [Me]

Ted's jaw dropped and Ben's cheeks burned a bright red. I felt proud of my understanding of the Anthran mind.

"Ooh, Ben saw Ted's dick." [Seth]

"I-" [Ben]

"Ha ha, fess up!" [Me]

"The shower." [Ted]

"W-wh-what shower?" [Ben]

"Oh you know what shower."

"You guys took a shower together?" [Seth]

"Ever been to the Y?" [Ted]


"Oh, right. Well it's a pool, so you need to wash the chlorine off yourself when you get out. So, you know, his dad took us one time. And he got a boner." [Ted]

"So what, I told you, I was thinking about Taylor Swift." [Ben]

"Dude, that's not an okay argument." [Me]

"Stay outta this foxboy." [Ben]

"Even so, a dick doesn't rise that fast for anything mental. I know." [Ted]


"Same way sitting on anything other than my boyfriend is uncomfortable." [Ted]

"Huh? Wait, you didn't."

"He did, and with a zebra. I'm a little amazed his intestines aren't destroyed." [Me]

"Well, I do get more stomach aches, but- not the point." [Ted]

"A zebra? Dude, equine's are dangerous. And gross. And they kinda smell." [Ben]

"I can agree with this." [Me]

"I feel so left out." [Seth]

"Don't, I'd be a little apalled by you getting these jokes." [Me]

"Oh, I get the jokes, I just-"

"Just don't have any sense of what's adorable." I swung my head around in what must've been perfect sync with Ted and Ben, and I saw Daniel leaning against the counter with his arms outstretched. Ted seemed to fly from the stool he was sitting on and wrapped his arms around Daniel. Daniel scooped him up and sat down on the stool, with Ted leaning against the counter, laying his butt in Daniel's lap.

"So. You're the zebra who humped my cousin." [Ben]

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" [Daniel]

"No, it's just I've been gay longer than anyone here-"

"Trust me, I've been gay since fifth grade-" [Me]

"Try third. Get on my level. Anyways, you know, I've been gay the longest and I still haven't gotten any action." [Ben]

"I'd fix that, but Ted's bent on being the one, and well I can't complain." [Daniel]

Ben looked at me expectantly, but I turned him down, "Dude, I got my soul mate, go find some other gay to hump."

"Ah come on, Seth doesn't need to know." [Ben]

"I'm sitting right here. In fact, Alex come here, I wanna hold you." I walked around the stool and got up onto his lap, kissing him as I did so.

"Wow, someone's lonely." I glanced over the counter to see Ted's dad looking at Ben.

"Well, that's what happens when your cousin's gay and has gay friends and has a boyfriend and his gay friends are together and you're left all alone in the middle." [Ben]

"Woah, angst."

"Yeah, well I deserve a little angst. I finally feel strong enough to come out and now they're together! This is stupid."

"Ben, since when have you been gay?"

"Third grade apparently." [Seth]

"But the only proof we have is the time you and his dad took us to the Y." [Ted]

"Oh, I remember that. Yeah, that's proof enough."

"Could I get like, an explanation as to what exactly happened? Like, photos? Of Ted?" [Daniel]

"See, I'd just laugh to that if I didn't know you were banging my son."

"What, how did you know?" [Ted]

"His dad told me. Not like I care, you're the one who's insides he's destroying."

"You wouldn't care if it... like, hurt me?"

"Right, I guess I did phrase that badly. No, I'd care, and honestly his body wouldn't be found, but like his dad, I was a bit of a lady killer myself. In fact, your sister's not the first kid I've had."


"Yeah, got a girl pregnant a year or two before I met your mother. Don't even know why I liked her, probably 'cause we both full of weed."

"W-what?!" [Ted]