Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 10

Story by Montrosity on SoFurry

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#11 of Confessions of a Dragon: My Memiors of My Time on Earth

Confessions of a Dragon: Chapter 10

Aftermath Bloodbath:

Well, that was exciting... too exciting. Finally caught that killer, and in the act too. Saved that poor guy from a horrible death. The look on that human's face when I grab him by the neck with my dragon paw, lifting him right off the ground. Instead of snapping that neck like a trig, I screamed into his face about being a murderous pig. I came so close of ending it then and there but Ted's security force arrived and took that crooked cop away.

Sally points to the bed while gathering her medical instruments. "I heard about your exploits. Three bullets, right?" She held up a scalpel and a long forceps. "lean back please."

I do as the doctor orders. "Yes, all three in my chest. I don't think they when far."

"Still my brave dragon, you could have been killed. Luckily your tough hide preventing the bullets to enter far. If the shots hit your eyes or some other soft spot, we would not have this conversation." Sally didn't use any local anesthetic since the effects not known on dragons like me. I only winces a tiny amount while she plucks the first bullet out. "ah, didn't go very far at all, only a couple of inches."

The metal pan pings each time the doctor drops a bullet into it., all three mushroomed considerably. She then picks up the tray and takes it over to the sink, clanging on the way to there. After washing then and blotting them dry with a towel, Sally plops the three amigos into a clear plastic bag. "Here, souvenirs for your troubles."

I take the bag, gazing at the triple threat sealed within. "Funny little things. The don't look all that frightening. Though they potentially could kill once."

"Promise not to do anything as dangerous as that. I am the one who have to perform the autopsy if you get killed. I don't think I'll be able to do that. Too hard for me." She looks at me with those pleading eyes.

"Don't worry, just use a chainsaw to crack me open. It'll be easier that way." I joke back at here, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, that is not what I mean, you big silly." She wags her finger at me.

"I know, I know. Just trying to ease the mood. While I can't really promise that it won't happen again. If I had to do it over, I would do exactly the same thing. All I can say is I will be careful. But if a life is on the line, I can't stay idly to the side." I look at her with a serious expression. "That is the way I am, understand."

"Yes, I understand completely. Just don't be so reckless." She unbuttons her lab coat and lets it drops to the floor with a big smile on her face. I return that smile.

Monitoring the Monitors:

Sitting at the computer right now, my face lights up by the rows of monitors as I look at them with a blank stare. Flashing across the screens are the pictures David and his team found on Mary's camera. Most of them too blurry to be any use but David managed to clear up a few of them. Those pictures captures that dirty murderous cop in compromising positions. Her plan was to use them to blackmail the cop so she can get out of the seedy lifestyle she was forced into. But he murder her before she had a chance.

Now that cop safely in the hands of the investigators, his killing days thus ended. No more of the slaughtering as he finally got arrested for the numerous murders he committed. His victims mainly lies among hookers and the homeless, the news of which ducking under the radar of the media outlets. Seems the hapless victims are not news worthy. Not that is matters as I helped nabbing this guy.

My screens pops up the identity of the killer. The name Officer Donald Talget III lines under the file photo, matching the appearance of Mary's snapshot. Yes, this it the guy, may he rot in hell.

My searches for any news items about the arrest yields nothing. Odd, I would think a cop getting arrested would generate a lot of news even though the victims themselves generated little interest. Not even small blurbs buried deep in the pages. Very weird. My thoughts on this gets interrupted when Ted steps into the room.

The head of security wears a frown on his face. Now that is not usually for him but this time it looks extra serious. "Hello, Ted. You look like you have bad news."

"Unfortunately, I do. Very bad." His frown goes even deeper as he tosses a thick envelope on a nearby table, slapping it loudly on the surface. "That cop Talget, he..." Ted takes a deep breath before slowly sighing. "... they cut him loose."

"What!" I jump up, almost piercing the ceiling with my horns. "How did that happen? How... how could they let that monster out! Do they know who they had! The killer on the loose!" I starts to bolt for the door when Ted yanks on my forearm.

"Wait. I have people looking for him. Sit, I have more bad news." Ted signs again while I sit on my haunches.

"Why did they left him out? We had tons of evidence. Mary's pictures linked him to her death. Even a survivor! What more can they possible want!" I virtually screaming in poor Ted's face, the bearer of bad news.

"The judge threw most of them out and what was admissible mysteriously 'vanishes' from the evidence locker. Talget's home even burned down. Bad wiring they say. Look, Talget's uncle is a powerful senator and I think he had a hand in this."

"Bastards! Wait, what about the survivor? Is he safe." I grab Ted's shoulder, shaking it a little.

"He is safe. I have people look after him in a safe house. I just got news of it myself. My associates took him hiding immediately and could not contact me until today. Talget been out for two whole days. Which brings me the last of the bad news." Ted points to the envelope on the tabletop, mocking me.

I knew deep in my mind what it contains but had to ask. "I'm afraid to ask, but is it?"

Ted nods. "He killed again."

The Nightmare renews:

My fists balls up and I could not contain my anger any more. Something broke inside of me right at that moment. Both of my fist slams down and smashes the table in thousands of shards, which rains all over. Ted brushes the splinters off his shirts while dropping down to retrieve the torn envelope and hands me the crime photos.

It is worse than I thought, much much worse. The freed cop took last night's victim to to the same warehouse which he was caught. What a brazen bastard, he did that to taunt us... specifically me. I just know it. I can see from the photos that he strung the poor fellow up on a cross set in the middle of that room and crucified him. I could tell the victim was male. Was as in his genitalia removed and stuffed in his mouth, stuck in that silent scream. The sick bastard also skinned the him. I hope he was not alive when Talget removed his skin but I know that probably not the case.

More photos lays out the sick scene. Blood and organs everywhere. The lungs pulled up with hooks over the shoulders. The heart, liver and a large chunks of muscles missing, most likely sausages by now. Written on the floor in blood is the message, "Dragon, this is for you. Enjoy!" That last one really sets me off. I couldn't look at any more.

I seethe with anger as all this did not need to occur, should not happen again. Those who let that monster back on the streets must have known something was up. I let a low guttural growl, so deep that the how room vibrates with my anger.

Ted stood there, not happy but keeps himself still as he knows my anger directed at the killer. However, I would not want be him now. My rage washes over me and it takes all of my self control not to damage anything more that table from earlier. I want to smash something so bad, to vent my intense rage that I shook quite literary. Ted knows not to get in the way, letting me calm down by myself.

It took me a good minute or two to settle down. Even then I keep on fidgeting may paws, scrapping my claws against each other. I look my friend in the eye and try to keep from yelling again. "Do you know were that bast... Talget is now?"

Ted replies, "Only his general whereabouts. David accessed the killer's credit card records and tracked a gas purchase in the town of Greensville. And another at a motel just on the city limit. Unfortunately, he already left. But the pattern tends to be going southwest. I sent people waiting in that vicinity."

"Then I should go there too," I return to Ted.

"I don't that would be wise. Jim was quite livid about you going to that warehouse in the first place. He understood the need for it but any activity like that could jeopardize our mission here. He is the head of the group and that is his main responsibility." Ted explains it as best he can.

"I don't care. That monster must be stopped. I can fly and cover great distances. And much quieter than a helicopter and can land in more spots." I cross my arm, showing how stubborn about this.

"Yeah, we both talked about the fact there is no way of talking you out of it. And we knew not to hide the information from you. We are smart enough not to even dare doing that. You can go but with some conditions. First, I must go with you. I know you been wanting to take me on as flight and I always refuses. Well, now is your chance. Second, you must follow my orders. If I say hide, you will do so. Third, keep in contact with me or Jim at all times. None of that lone wolf crap. Got that?" Now Ted folds his arms.

I nods in response. "Perfectly reasonable. I accept."