Alfenze and Furiolo Fallenoak's Journal

Story by Niniju on SoFurry

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   Alfenze Fallenoak is a twin and a tiger. His twin is Furiolo, and Furiolo prefers to be the leader. As far as tigers go, these two look like normal Bengal tigers. As far as powers go, they have a fairly short list of what they can do. In order to keep in touch, they can touch any plant and send a botanical message through the vegetation by forcing roots to intertwine until the other gets the message. They don't hardly ever use this when they're far apart, given that they never are. They're both eleven, and are near inseparable. They also share their pain and have no trouble agreeing almost always. Another power they have is druidic powers. Anything a druid is capable of they can do. This includes shapeshifting, mana channeling, nature powers, and more.   These two act strangely. They finish each other's sentences more than either of them actually finish their own sentence. They can practically read each other's mind and don't usually need to discuss a plan. They just start doing things and end up with the same idea almost always.   Furiolo keeps one journal for both him and Alfenze. After all, it would only be redundant for both to keep separate journals.   Year 40XX, Month 6, Week 2, Day 1Alf and I spent the day doin fairly arbitrary things. Sitting around the house is fairly arbitrary, I think.Alf is telling me that he saw suspicious activity out the window a minute ago. Maybe there will be something to do after all.   Year 40XX, Month 6, Week 2, Day 2We investigated the suspicious activity. There's a gang of Pinnacle thieves invading our neighborhood. Maybe we should show them the consequence of it.Alf is saying we should.   Year 40XX, Month 6, Week 2, Day 3It was quite amusing watching the fear on their faces as they were chased away by a pair of feral beasts. I'm glad that chased them away. Having to resort to overrunning their location with plants would not be ideal for staying under the radar of the Pinnacle authorities.Alf is saying that he particularly enjoyed ripping the pants off of who we assumed was the leader. He's saying that we should do this more often. I agree.   Year 40XX, Month 6, Week 2, Day 4We decided to embarrass some Pinnacle guards by tripping them with roots that grew out of the sidewalks. We were able to hide in the maze of an Undercity that this society has.Alf is saying he found something interesting. Looks like this is where my journals end. He says it's life changing...   "Have you found him?" General Harold said.   The guard hesitated. "N-no sir. He's completely disappeared."   "For both his sake and yours, let's hope so." the general

replied.   "Why my sake?" the guard asked with a shaky voice.   "I don't like liars, that's why." General Harold said simply. "So are you sure he's gone?"   "No wonder he left." the guard muttered to himself as he left the room. He hoped Gary was okay. The guard was one of the few humans to befriend Gary while he worked with General Harold. He was scared for his friends life and his own. Maybe he should disappear as well...