The Bet, English/Pokemon Version, Part 2

Story by DarkArcheral on SoFurry

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#3 of Alrighty Then

Ambreon's POV

Bullshit weather.

I took a sip of my hot chocolate as my black fur stood up, responding to the harsh weather outside. A cyclone, namely Cyclone Latrina, has hit the region. Shards of small ice and heavy drops of water hit the window in front of me as my ears perk to the calm, but slightly annoying sound. Good news? No classes. Period.

My roommate, Excel (Don't know how he got me into living in the apartment with him...), shook an apple in front of my eyes and pulled it out as he sat at my left side, him facing a nice little potted plant. He analyzed it a bit before throwing it at me and getting an apple of his own. I caught the lush red apple, taking a bite as he just lied his head on the wall and looked at the blurry outside. His blue hoodie is keeping him cool. My black blanket isn't. I'm really considering having an electric comforter if that's the case.

"Cold... You wanna take an arm?" He scooted his chair beside me and wrapped me otherwise without my answer. "Didn't need it really, but helps. Thanks." "Hey. Remember the bet?" "What about it?" "Make effort. I heard she's on FoSurry. Check her out there." He dragged me into my room, me struggling to get out of his tight wrap on my body. Seriously though. Those spiked paws of his can disintegrate the World Poketrade Center. I'm telling ya!

"Tch. What now?" The annoyed face of the Espeon popped up on the screen. My face went from blank to surprised. "Um... Hey! Thought that we can talk?" "Make it quick whilst I'm interested." Her? Interested? With that sh*t attitude? Nah! "Well... What do you want to talk about then?" "You called. You talk about stuff." Am I supposed to drop a quick bomb?! "Alright. How's your lovelife?" I did drop a quick bomb... Ah whatever. "Lovelife? You mean that Flareon?" "Yeah... Isn't he your boyfriend...?" There wasn't any emotion on her face. "I ended the relationship, if you call it that." "Wha- Why?!" Step one complete, I guess. "Well I'm sorry he loved me. I just went along so people won't know. I ended it three hours ago, no remorse." "Um... May I ask something?" "Hmm? What is it?" At least she's not being a bitch anymore. "May I be your rebound?" Alright, so what the did I do? Is this one of the things where hearts comes before brains? Sheesh! "My rebound?" A moment of silence. She looked at her side.

Lisa's POV

I glance at my left, looking at a stolen picture of him talking to me. He had this... perfect smile. That happy, gleaming, face of his just makes my day. The way he sat relaxed makes me imagine that I can hug his neck and such.

"Sure..." I whispered to the microphone, trying to do stern eyes while telling it to him. "Let's see how this will go."

I hope this will go well. I love him too much.