War of the Dragons - Chapter 5

Story by Tempest of Reach on SoFurry

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Arcantos was impressed by the Lord's discipline. It took her two hours of silent travelling - with a cat for company admittedly - for boredom to catch up with her and compel her to speak. From their training and lessons in the army, a normal dragon had a discipline of around ten minutes before boredom really got to them. With the patient ones normally being able to reach half an hour themselves."So does the army use horses often?" The veiled dragoness asked from her seat inside of the carriage, watching as Arcantos kept the two light horses on track and up to speed rather professionally. Obviously used to driving two or more horses around. The bipedal dragon considered the question for a few moments, before answering."The army? Yes. Young-bloods? Not particularly. We are primarily taught how to fight, and the basic discipline, abilities and behaviour of soldiers in patrols and squads. Horses are used more for division work and upwards, and the young-blood are always split up into their individual squads save for two assessments halfway through their training and at the end of it.""So, this experience with horses comes from previous experience then?" The Lord asked, making Arcantos smile slightly. The Lord was more interested in passing the time than any actual interest, but at the say time, the boredom was making her mask slip and it allowing Arcantos to note that she did have some genuine curiosity as well."Yep. My dad's a masonry merchant, and I often came with him on small trips and watched him. After my growth-spurt he started letting me in the driver seat, through he was still supervising of course." Arcantos said with a nod, continuing on to state. "I'm not master driver, but I can handle four horses with good focus, and six if they are all well trained. Through to be honest I suspect if I have horses as good as Luò-j? and Huángyù, I could likely be able to handle eight, or even more." The western dragon smiled slightly as he saw the two horses turn an ear towards him at the sound of their name, waiting for instructions. Arc gave them a quick click so they just continued onwards as the Lord spoke up once more."I see... so your father knows how to drive a horse and wagon, but isn't a driver himself? I admit I am slightly surprised by this. I thought that with the Western Dragon's focus on specialization, he wouldn't be able to perform in another job.""You'll be surprised at just how many skills it takes to be successful with a job." Arcantos said, thinking over what he knew his parents could do, as well as other grown-dragons. "For example, my father is a masonry merchant. To have a proper knowledge at selling the goods that mason's use, he had to have a firm understanding of masonry. He's no master builder, and he has little actual experience, but he could actually work as mason himself, and has done so once or twice when someone was injured or fell sick.""Oh." The Lord said, a short exclamation of surprise which was the most emotion she had shown so far, and likely the most natural emotion Arc believed he would see in a while. "I see... I hadn't actually considered that. I was simply taught that Western Dragons see mastery of a single job, ability or skill much more important being proficient in multiple. I had no idea that the mastery of one

came alongside proficiency in the multiple.""Most Western Dragons don't either." Arcantos informed his conversation partner, smiling in amusement at information he was sharing. "Dad simply sees it as mastering his ability to be a masonry merchant, no more, no less. I've talked to others as well, and they pretty much tell me the same thing. Which is a shame, as if more western dragons did realize it, than there would be one less difference between the western dragons and the eastern dragons, and one less reason for conflict or dislike between them, no matter how small."The Lord fell silent for a while, likely digesting the information that Arcantos had shared, with the bipedal dragon slowly realizing that he likely shouldn't of shared his own personal thoughts on the matter... or at least not have worded it in the way he did. As it implied that he thought the only way western and eastern dragon's could get along was if they were the same. Before he burst out a hasty explanation as to what he said, the Lord nodded."I see your points. I wonder if that is because of the Westerns strong aversion to change, even if they may be beneficial. Combined with their stubborn pride at their culture and how things are done currently. Especially when compared to the Eastern culture.""We what?" Arcantos said, tilting his head in confusion at the Lord's reply. "The stubborn pride thing I can agree with, as every western dragon I know is prideful and stubborn. Some less noticeable than others, but always there. But, a strong aversion to change? We don't have that... do we?" Again, Arcantos recalled that an outside perspective was often a new and fresh one, unclouded by pre-conceived notions."You patrol said it themselves. You are a talented tactician, but your unconventional strategies and ideas aren't well appreciated by the army." The Lord pointed out, though she followed it up with a question. "Or is that an assessment that you disagree with?""I can't say if I am as talented as they think I am." Arcantos said awkwardly, his gaze travelling back to Ace as he spoke. 'The most talented tactician in the army? Me?' Arc quickly shook his head to dispel those thoughts, turning his attention back to the Lord. "But I will admit, I do have problems with my strategies being out of the bounds that they set us. Or I come up with loopholes or ideas that they quickly shut down."'And I'm not the only unconventional one here' Arcantos pondered to himself, his gaze scanning over Ace and Nova - the two patrol members that had taken the front guard. 'All of us at least uses our elements in a different way than normal, but the army forces us to conform to standard. Something was I'm sadly all to used to myself... the Lord's point was a lot stronger than she realized. Much stronger...'"So I see your point." Was all Arcantos said out-loud, not showing the thoughts and feelings running under the surface. "The army especially has a strong aversion to change, and whilst I'm pretty sure it isn't as powerful outside of the army, I can easily imagine that there is still an aversion to change. More so than normal of course, it is almost in the nature of a dragon to dislike change.""Yes, I know what you speak of." The Lord said, nodding her head in agreement of Arcantos statement. "Even through us Eastern Dragons are much more open and acceptable to change due to our cultural emphasis on flexibility and diverse skill sets, we still seem to have a natural aversion to change. I know off quite a few dragons that are unable to reach the diversity that is considered the norm in our society, and they express their frustration about how difficult it is to learn more skills when they are quite happy and comfortable with the skills and role they play currently.""So you talk to your clients then?" Arcantos asked impulsively. Whilst he knew there was a difference between simple whores an full on courtesans, he didn't know the full details of the differences between the jobs. Now he had the chance to talk to an actual courtesan in a setting where such questions would not be seen as inappropriate, and the scholar inside of Arcantos had reflexively pounced on the opportunity presented to him."Oh yes, a lot of talking." The dragoness said with a nod, unafraid - and to Arc's eyes, even eager - to discuss what her job was about. "I admit, half of my job is being a sexual companion to my clients. However and whenever they desire it, within the terms of my contract of course. However, the other half of it is being a normal companion. A friend even.

Someone to talk to about their worries or problems without judging them. Someone who they can laugh and joke to, willing to help them de-stress after a long hard day of work, and even lend a hand at the housework. At least for the average client.""Are their many courtesans?""More than simple whores." The Lord said, with a small smile on her face. A smile of pride Arcantos recognized, slightly amused at just how quickly the Lord was opening up... but considering her job was to be friendly to those who hired her, no matter how naturally unlikeable they were, she might not even be realizing it. "All of the Lords they are in the business at courtesans and not whores, and the guild of courtesans is much bigger and more influential than the guild of whores. For good reason to. Whores are focused on how good of a lay they are, and how sexy their body looks. Courtesans however, are far more skilled in that. A proper courtesan is trained in massages, basic medicine, how to dance, sing and to play an instrument. Along with the knowledge of how to cook and clean.""That is a lot of skills." Arcantos said in shock, through he then thought it other and said. "Actually, its not that much. Basic medicine is taught as part of the army, and more often and not parents teach it to their kids before hand. Cooking and cleaning are the same as well. That leaves five skills, massaging, dancing, singing, playing an instrument and laying. The musical three skills don't take that long to get to a proficient level and maintain as well. Through they take a lifetime's training to master.""It helps that being a courtesan is often a family trade." The Lord said, shocking Arcantos into silence. Noticing this, she smiled slightly - this time in

amusement - and said. "Come now, courtesans are constantly having sex, which always has a risk of children. Whilst abortions are allowed in our nation, you can't just go and have one because you got knocked-up and don't want a child. Whilst courtesans have the highest quality birth control and strictest rules on taking it, it doesn't always work out, and when a courtesans get pregnant, its not always known who the father is. Of course, when its the other way around, the courtesan is normally given responsibility for the children. This leads to courtesans, rearing children as a single parent but with heavy support of the guild. Is it any real surprise that so many courtesans have a family lineage of it?""I... suppose not." Arcantos said slowly, considering what the Lord told him about her work, and how courtesans were with their young. "Still, one thing that I've never understood, and the books never explained it to me. Is why the Eastern dragons are so open and accepting about sex and sexual relationships, but are so strict on abortion and have even stricter rulings on adoption?""Its about responsibility." The Lord said, looking away from Arcantos as she spoke, looking into the distance. "Sex is an amazing experience, which is why dragons seek it out and enjoy it. However, that doesn't mean should be allowed to just skip out on the risks that come with it. Hatchlings isn't a punishment for having sex, but a responsibility. In addition, why should you punish the hatchlings, even before they hatch? Preventing a life that is growing inside of the womb, is the same as killing it when its outside of it. They have just as every right to life, as any other dragon in the world."From the way she spoke, especially her tone of voice, Arcantos guessed that there was much more to it than what the dragoness was saying. He suspected that it was personal however, and didn't try to press it. Instead, he nodded at her answer, saying. "Thank you very much for your explanation." Whilst it was tempting to discuss and debate about these

views, Arcantos fought down the temptation. This was simply about what the views were, not if the views were right or wrong... and if he was honest, he found himself agreeing and accepting with the ideas mostly."Your welcome." The Lord said, before slipping back into the carriage and quietly closing the door behind her. Arcantos looked at the shut door silently for a few moments, before turning his head back forwards. There was nothing more he could do or say... he was only grateful that Benson was completely fine with being shut in.* * * * * * *After a total of five hours travel, the patrol and their escortee stopped in order to make camp. The sun was setting in the next hour and nobody liked putting up tents in the dark. The Lord would of course be staying in her carriage - through she let Benson out - and would not be helping the patrol at all. Being the only one with knowledge over animals, Arcantos was put to tend to the horses whilst everyone else sent up the tents, including his own.Arcantos rummaged around the carriage's undercarriage trunks, being careful not to touch any of the private belongs of the previous guards or the Lord. Instead looking through their equipment and feed for what the horses had. He soon found two nosebag along with feed, as well as strong lighting rope with a stone on each end. Satisfied with the equipment, Arcantos soon went to attend to the horses themselves.Arcantos unhitched and untacked them both, and tied them onto the carriage, before brushing them done. The black and white - piebald - mare Huángyù was first, standing stoically as Arcantos went over her with a broom. The brown and white - skewbald, with a bit of black mane - gelding Luò-j?  nuzzling him friendly as Arcantos moved to give him a brush over. For that, Arcants gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder in return.Afterwards, he sorted out the feed as best he could - wishing that the eastern dragons carried around a sheet with feed information on it - before giving the the nosebags to eat, before retiring to the campfire that the others had set up. They were already cooking their evening meal, with Arcantos quickly grabbing his own before joining them. Benson magically appearing in his lap moments after he sat down."Rations won't last all the way to town." Ace stated after a few moments of silence had passed. "I know where the road leads, and its still a week's journey." The patrol leader then turned to Arcantos, and asked. "Do they have any rations in the carriage's trunks?" Arcantos blinked at the question, and went back over what he found in underbelly of the carriage for a few moments before answering."Yeah, they have rations. It wouldn't be enough to get us all to the town alone, but if we use to supplement and pad out our own rations, there should be more than enough for all of us. That being said, I don't think we should ask to use the rations straight away. Potentially not at all. There is hunting equipment stored in the trunks as well. Not just for the guards, but I spotted it when I found a trunk of the Lord's personal belongings. As a fan of hunting, it would go down better with her if we manage to get to the town through hunting alone instead of rations.""Already shacking up to her are ya?" Nova said, a small smirk on her face as she eyed Arcantos. "Don't think I didn't notice you talking nicely to her mister either. You're playing the long-game aren't ya? You want that tail, and being her guard would give you a perfect opportunity to get it, as impress her and get reeeaaal friendly like with her."Arcantos quickly turned red at this and started spluttering, to the laughter of the rest of the patrol, save for Ace who simply sighed. Arcantos sat up straight and cleared his throat, trying to ignore his burning cheeks and grinning patrol-mates as he sought to recover himself... and well, he had no chance at responding to the teasing, so he settled with what he was comfortable as, sharing information."Actually its highly unlikely that any of us would ever get to see how good the Lord is good at her job. A Lord isn't meant to have personal attachments to those who guard them. As their duty is to die for them, and if a Lord has a personal attachment to them, they won't be as willing as they should be to risk a guard's life.""Fraternization basically." Ace summarized, whilst Nova just rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath. Arcantos had no desire to know what she was saying, but could guess it went something like 'I was bloody joking you idiot'. With potentially quite a few swear-words thrown in. "Which makes sense, though if you don't mind me saying Arc, but I believe many eastern lords take it seriously. Ask her tomorrow if you want.""No thanks, whilst we might be escorting her for now, I have no intention of becoming her friend." Nova said with a snort and a shake of her head. Ace sighed and opening his mouth to speak, but the fire dragoness saw that and beat him to the punch. "And don't talk about the entire 'seven years service' thing, I know! I don't need to be her friend. Just a damn good guard, nothing more.""It would still help. She would more likely to be willing to say you did a good job if you were on positive terms with her, than if she was on neutral terms." Ace pointed out mildly, undeterred by Nova's snappish outburst. Through Nova just snorted at this, and quickly shot back."Or she could be more likely to lie about how good a job we've done because she wants us to stick around for the long haul. And nobody here can tell me she wouldn't do that, as we know absolutely nothing about her personality." Ace fell silent at this. Unable to disagree with Nova's point, or able to consider a counter argument. Something Nova knew very well considering the smug smirk that soon plastered her muzzle, and remained on her face when she turned back to Arcantos."What you two talk about anyhow? I might of noticed you two were talking, but I had no actual interest in actually listening to what was. Busy being on the lookout you know?" Arcantos just looked at Nova as the question. 'Why is she asking what I talked to the Lord about, if she had noticed us talking but didn't have any interest then?' Arcantos wondered, through an idea soon came to him. 'Is she just making excuses when the real reason is because she didn't want to eavesdrop on us? It does seem like the most likely explanation...'"Well? Or do you want to admire my beauty some more?" Arcantos came back to reality at Nova's snarking comment, and he soon cleared his throat."Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts there. I was just looking into space, not really at you. As for your question? Well, we talked about work basically. Work, and how the two different dragon nations view work. It was quite an interesting discussion, though I'm half scholar so that's no surprise. We also talked more about her job as well.""What, you mean what positions she uses during the fucking?" Nova asked with a small snort and a smirk. Ace just closed his eyes and focused on his meal, and Arcantos repressed the urge to sigh himself. Or roll his eyes. Or give Nova a reaction at all. It must be why she said such things, and not because she didn't think at all before speaking. Right?"No. Her work is more than just sex Nova. There is a very distinct difference between a courtesan and a whore. Or you entirely forgetting the conversation we had back at the previous camp?" Smirking, the dragoness shook her head, making Arcantos tilt his head, resist the urge to sigh, and just get on

with the talking. "Well, being a courtesan does include sex, but its mainly about being a companion for the client. It involves basic medicine, cooking and cleaning, much like ourselves. But also  massages, singing, dancing and how to play an instrument. It wasn't mention, but I believe that courtesans also have a strong emphasis on knowing the classics of the literacy world. Stories, plays, poems, etc. The high classes of both nations tend to rather appreciate it.""Yeah well. Pretty up the job all you want, and add as many other 'skills' and what not as you want. But at the end of the day, it boils down to dragons charging others to have a fuck, and being damn alluring and enticing about it." Nova said dismissively with a shake of her head. "They might have a difference between a 'courtesan' and a whore. But its like comparing a gilded sword to a military one. The gilded sword might be pretty and wearable in the high class, but at the end of the day, they're both designed to kill."Arcantos frowned at this, not happy at how Nova had denied there was a difference between a courtesan and a whore. Actually, she did more than that. Nova had entirely shut down his attempts to show to the others that there was an important difference between the two of them. Especially as Arcantos couldn't actually create an argument without repeating what he had said already, which was a failure in terms of debates.Nova's smug smirk remained on her face, and to Arcantos' growing bitterness he knew why. Nova did not like the Lord. At all. For one reason or another, she has a deep hatred for whores and was translating that to the Lord. So she made sure that the others of the patrol shared her view that the Lord - and other courtesans - were nothing more than whores, and did so by baiting Arcantos in and turning his own words around on him.It was a masterful done strategy, and made Arcantos change his mind about Nova stating that she had no interest in the conversation he had with the Lord when they had been talking. The fire dragoness not only had an interest, but eavesdropped on it, and used that knowledge and his previous reaction to lay a trap that Arcantos fell right into."Only a fool would believe you words Nova." Ace said cooly, wiping the smirk of Nova's face as she snapped round to look at him, disbelieve in her eyes at the cutting comment from her long-time friend. "No matter how rational an argument it may seem. Listening to a zealot consumed in their hatred is something only a fool would do. I know from personal experience that no one here is a fool, except for yourself. For transferring your hatred to a target that does not deserve it.""How do you know she doesn't deserve it?!" Nova snapped back, her anger rising quickly as flames flickered at her nostrils. The rest of the patrol quickly backing away, not wanting to be involved in the coming argument at all. Ace however, looked back cooly, not even flinching at Nova's anger. Making Arcantos both admire his courage and fear his insanity, though he had already shown both when he stood up to Tryndamous."I may not be a scholar on eastern culture like Arcantos here, but I do know their laws." Ace said simply, indicating to Arcantos a he spoke, through the comment made the bipedal dragon brought a realization to Arcantos. 'Wait, he had been a bandit, hadn't he? Knowing the laws would tell him what he could and couldn't get away with, and bandits often operate in both nations if their based in this

area... and he knew of this area, knows where the road leads...' "And the laws of courtesans and even whores are very strict. If this Lord had done anything to deserve you hatred, than she would no longer be a Lord... and don't try to argue that she could of done it and gotten away with it. The eastern dragon's investigation and general policing is significantly better than our own, and Lords are put under even greater scrutiny and checks than the normal dragon, as they are the role models of eastern dragons they have to be clean.""He's right." Arcantos said a little hesitantly, stepping gently into the conversation... and nearly making a hasty retreat when Nova's head snapped around to glare viciously at him. However, the bipedal dragon preserved, taking a deep breath to steady himself before plunging forwards. "To be a Lord isn't just a position of power, but of immense responsibility. The eastern dragons are an meritocracy, those who are in charge have that position because they have the ability to. If you don't have the ability to be a Lord - which includes being an example for other eastern dragons to inspire towards - then you don't remain as a Lord for long."Nova glared at Arcantos for a few silent moments, making Arcantos grow even more and more nervous... the entire patrol sans Ace jumped when the fire dragoness suddenly surged to her feet. Though, she didn't attack or anything like the first thoughts that crossed the patrol's mind. Instead, she simply whirled around and stalked over to her tent. Slipping inside and pulling the flap shut with her tail, leaving the patrol staring silently at the tent in shock."I'll talk to her in a bit." Ace said casually after a short silent pause, breaking the spell and allowing the patrol to begin to relax and return to their meal. Arcantos

didn't start eating right away, but looked at Ace, waiting for the black dragon to look up at him in return. Once he had Ace's gaze, Arc gave him a quick nod in thanks, knowing that Ace had stepped in order to back him up. So that Nova's trap wasn't a success. Through, Arcantos had to wish they could of done it without discrediting her... Ace looked back at Arcantos silently, before nodding and returning to his meal silently, with Arcantos beginning to eat himself.Once the meal was finished, Ace left the group and walked over to Nova's tent, slipping in without even asking for permission or pausing. Arcantos meanwhile, returned to the horses. Unclipping their nose bags and putting them away, before recruiting the help of the patrol's earth dragon. Under his instructions, four pillars of earth were raised, with the earthen coverings of the lighting ropes embedded deep inside of them. Six of the ropes were stretched between the four pillars, whilst the final two were left attached to a single pillar.Arcantos untied Luò-j? and Huángyù from the side of the wagon, and lead them over to the pen they had constructed. Getting the earth dragon to quickly attach the two loose lighting ropes to the final circle, completing the pen. Arcantos slipped their head-collars off, and gave them room to roll or grave as he took a short-wing boosted jump over the lighting ropes.Arcantos looked over the pen and the horses one more time. Making sure all of the lighting ropes were bound tightly, and were in no trouble of coming loose in the night. The distance between the ropes would let a clever big cat able to slink through, but would also leave them vulnerable to the horses that knew how to defend themselves. Any larger animals that threatened the horses would be warded off by shocks. Finally, the horses themselves couldn't get injured inside of the pen, and the nights were warm enough - and their coats thick enough - so they didn't need any rugs. Plus, there was little in terms of clouds either, so chances of rain was minimal.

Satisfied, Arcantos returned to the campfire.The conversation was rather muted, and not something that Arcantos wasn't practically interested in, and soon lapsed into his thoughts and imagination as he enjoyed the comforting warmth of the fire. After about half an hour or so, the patrol began to retire to their tents one by one, with Arcantos being one of the last. Content in his thoughts and enjoying the warmth of the fire, he didn't see much need to leave. Not until the day's events caught up to him and made him seek out the warmth embrace of sleep.In the morning, the patrol quickly broke camp, the tents being collapsed and folded up, as the embers of the campfire safely put out. Arcantos and the earth dragon disassembled the pen, and the lighting rope was put away. Arcantos brushed the horses down before taking them up and slipped them back into the harness, taking seat as the carriage driver once more. Breakfast was a cold meal and easily eaten on the move by the patrol.The Lord only appeared when Arcantos knocked on the door after they set up camp, asking permission to use the hunting equipment in order to supplement their rations. A request that the Lord granted stiffly, before retreating back into her carriage. There was no more discussions or debates around the camp-fire like there had on the first night, Nova keeping a sullen silence around Arcantos.This was a pattern that was repeated the next day as well, along with the third day after the disastrous ambush. However, on the fourth day, the dragoness silently opened the door of the carriage and took seat in the doorway. Looking silently into the distance. There she stayed, not saying a word for a full hour, when she suddenly addressed

Arcantos."Why do you know so much about my culture?""I beg your pardon?" Arcantos said, turned his head to look at the Lord out of the corner of his eye, through keeping the majority of his focus on the road and the horses. It would not do to lose control of the carriage of course, and a slip of concentration could very easily lead to that split-second loss of control that could lead to a nasty accident."Why do you know so much about the culture of the eastern dragons?" The Lord repeated, then frowned and shook her head, saying. "No... that's not really it. You know so much because you researched it. I guess the proper question is 'Why are you so interested in eastern dragon culture'?""Well, honestly. Its not so much eastern dragon culture per se, but the differences between our cultures." Arcantos answered after a short pause in order to mull over the question, ensuring he gave the right answer. "The idea of two vastly different cultures forming, despite the distances between them being extremely small, and the racial differences being small as well, is fascinating for me. I love studying not just what the cultures are, but the history and development of the cultures.""The development of culture?" The Lord question, tilting her head curiously at this statement. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Arcantos paused momentarily, but not really to consider the question as he already had an example in mind, but

to consider the asker. 'I wonder... is she become lonely enough that her guard has lowered enough to seek out company?'"Well, its easy to understand if you think about it. The most prominent and well known cultural development is what the western dragon's prioritize and respect the most." The bipedal dragon said, watching with satisfaction as understanding dawned on the dragoness' face."Oooh. I understand what you mean. Like how the western dragons used to basically worship fighting ability and nothing else, but now they only have a strong respect for it, and have a near equal respect to masters of any trade or craft.""Yes, exactly." Arcantos said a smile. 'Stage one complete, moving onto stage two' "Of course, its not just knowing how it's developed, but why. It was a change that actually started during the times of  Arthurian the Uniter. As the entire world was under one banner, military might simply wasn't necessary to such a large degree anymore. Stalling the normal growth of a western nation's armies, and allowing that energy to be channelled into other pursuits.""I think..." The Lord said, obviously taking her time to ponder and think over what Arcantos has said, to his pleasure and satisfaction. "I understand what you mean. Through I'm sure that there were many more factors than that. After all, culture is such a large part of a civilization that even changing one tenant of it would take a long time and a lot of different factors. Considering that it was one of the core tenants of your culture, it would have to take significant amount of time and many factors for it to change.""You are very much right about that." Arcantos said with a smile, and proceeded to continue discussing the subject with the Lord. Whilst the Lord was no scholar in western dragon standards, Arcantos quickly learned that her education and understanding of complicated subjects was much greater than the normal western dragon. The bipedal dragon had to wonder just how much of this was due to the eastern dragon culture of being proficient at a multitude of skills, or simply due to her own intelligence. Either way, Arcantos rather liked the Lord's company, and was very glad she had decided to come out and start talking.Surprisingly, the two managed to keep up the discussion about culture and its development going for hours. It likely helped that to talk about the development of culture, one had to talk about history as well, which was quite a deep and diverse subject. Eventually however, the sun began to set, and Ace called for the patrol to stop and make camp. Bringing the conversation to a close.However, the Lord didn't stop at that and simply retreat back into the carriage. But after it had drawn to a close, hopped out and helped Arcantos untack and brush down the horses. Proving to be quite skilled at the task herself, something Arcantos couldn't really say he was surprised about. It was likely that she didn't lend a hand previously

because she was still on guard and grieving the loss of her life-sworn guards.After the horses had been tended to, the Lord retreated back into the carriage, leaving the patrol to eat their hot-meal in peace. But, to Arcantos' great surprise, it wasn't the last they saw of her. Not to long after the patrol had finished their meal. The Lord came out of the carriage and began walking over to the campfire. Rather quickly gathering the attention of the entire patrol."May I join you?" She asked politely once she got there, cool despite the gazes of seven strangers upon her. Arcantos had to admire he self-control and confidence, as there was no way he would be able to approach so many strangers, let alone be calm and sure about it. Ace considered the Lord for a few moments more, before he nodded."Feel free to take a seat between whoever you wish." The dragoness gave Ace a quick thank in reply, and took a few steps around the campfire before settling herself down. Choosing to sit between Arcantos and Ace, a move that was not lost on either of the two... nor was the brief scowl that appeared on Nova's face at the Lord's choice."So my Lordship, if you don't mind me asking. What made you decide to come and join us around the campfire this evening?" Ace asked only a few moments after she had got settled in, making Arcantos muse. 'Right down to business, aren't you Ace?' Again, the Lord was unshaken by this, turning to look at Ace as she replied coolly."My conversation with Arcantos brought to mind a question that I have for you all. Once your three years compulsory service inside of the army is over, what professions do you plan on pursuing afterwards?""What does it matter?" Nova interrupted with a snap, making Arcantos tense up. He had been expecting Nova to cause trouble as soon as the Lord came over. "You're just going to rip us away from them to be yours guards in a year anyway.""I ask because I am curious. It is why dragons ask questions." The Lord replied coolly, looking back at Nova without much expression on her face... or well, in her eyes. Her face was obscured by the veil. "However, I will not simply be ripping you away from those jobs of yours. If you remember, we eastern dragons take pride in our ability to perform multiple roles at once, and as this is a time of peace it is easy for a guard to have a second job as well.""But that will be your jobs. Eastern dragon jobs, eastern dragon culture, eastern dragon ways of performing the jobs." Nova said with a snort, surprising Arcantos by how quickly she dismissed the Lord's reply. "Its likely going to be completely different, and we'll be miles away from friends and family, in the service to the whore. So don't even try to say that our current interests will be relevant over there.""You know, I'm pretty sure that Arcantos has told you several times already that I'm a Courtesan, not a whore." The lord said coldly, and Arcantos was starting to get a very bad feeling about this, as the two dragoness' were facing off... and when two dragoness faced off, anyone with a brain gets out of the area. Fast. "But I suppose someone like you could easily miss that.""What did you say to me?" Nova snapped, quickly surge to her feet as she growled at the eastern dragoness, making Arcantos flinch at the sudden violence behind her actions. "I ain't gonna let a dragoness whose name I don't even know go around calling me stupid!""I wasn't calling you stupid. I was calling you prejudiced." The lord, said, before she flicked her claw. Nova found her legs knocked out from underneath her, slamming her back into the grown as the lord continued. "If you really cannot do with calling my your lordship, then call me Ty, and do sit down when addressing me."There was a very tense pause in the clear as Nova pushed herself back up and glared at the eastern dragoness. If things turned nasty, then Nova could easily critically wound or even kill her with the fire lances before she could successfully be restrained. Arcantos feeling his entire body and mind tense in anticipation for Nova to lash out... when she threw back her head and laughed.Arcantos was so wound up, that even the laugh made him flinch, though he still had enough control not to do anything stupid. He looked at Nova in surprise, and slowly began to relax as she dropped her head down and

smirked at the newly named 'Ty'. "Well, it seems that the lord has a backbone after all. I suppose I can give you a chance to prove you're not an a-hole, and if you're not bad I suppose I can give the other eastern dragons a chance."Arcantos let out a sigh of relief at this statement, as Ty gave a small nod of acceptance. From the looks of it, the entire patrol was surprised by Nova's reaction, and how she actually seemed to respect the lord for basically attacking her. All except Ace it seemed, through Arcantos was pretty sure he had been pretty tense up until that point as well. "As for your question Ty?" Nova said, not letting anyone else speak. "Its quite simple, I'm an actress."At this, Sonitus quickly burst out laughing. Managing to gasp out between his words. "You? An actress? The most emotional dragoness here?" That was all he said, before he went back to laughing his head of, to Nova's glare and Ace's mild annoyance. After a few more moments of the air dragon doubling up with laughter, Nova huffed and got up to her feet. Turning to look into the distance."Oh my love, how my heart yearns for your warm embrace. How I miss your winning smile, and desire to see your handsome face again. I fear for your safety in these times of war, and through I know of your strength, even the mighty can fall to the treachery of the east. Please my love, take the token enclosed in this letter and wear it always. May it represent my love for you, eternal and almighty, and protect you those who would take you in the shadows."Sonitus was quickly silenced by Nova's performance. The red dragoness easily transforming from a tough and gruff soldier into a lady longing for her lover. It was just in voice either, but her entire

expression and body language trained. The muscled and firm stance of a soldier become soft and gently, and her... 'huffy' facial expression became rather tender. At least, this was all until Nova turned back to the others and smirked at the air dragon."Impressive. That was from the Soldier and Dancer, wasn't it?" Ty said, smiling at Nova for her performance. The fire dragoness rather surprised at the compliment and how she successfully identified the play. "Considering that you had no props or prepare time at all, it was a very convincing act. I'm surprised that one of your talents hasn't made it big time already.""Yeah, well. If you knew anything about show business, you should easily be able to figure that out." Nova said with an angry snort, making Arcantos flinch as flame licked out from her nostrils, surprised by her fierce reaction. "Talent only gets you local acknowledgement. You have to be a fucking slut in order to get out there in a bigger level, and until those bitches who eagerly lift their tail for the entire crew to fuck. I actually have some bloody self-respect and dignity." "Oh." Ty said, sounding as shocked as the patrol seemed to be at this. Nova, despite her zealous hatred for... sexually active dragoness' it seems. Wasn't one to lie about anything at all, at least from what Arcantos had judged from her. So in all likelihood what she was saying was true... and it meant that her hatred actually ran deeper than he thought... the lord cleared her throat awkwardly, before saying. "Ah... I know it isn't much... but I have friends in the eastern show business... and I know from them that its nothing like that at all."Nova just let out a snort at this and sat down, leaving an awkward silence around the

campfire. One that went on for a good minute until Ace swung his head round to the eastern dragoness, informing her that. "Arcantos is an author, and still works on his stories despite being in the army.""Really?" Ty said curiously, turning to look at the bipedal dragon with a vested interest at this information. "You work on stories, whilst also being in the army? Not to mention you're very intelligent and well studied, especially about my culture... why, I'm starting to think if someone stuck a mane on you. You'll be indistinguishable from an eastern dragon." Arantos blushed at the compliment, rubbing his neck as he let out an awkward laugh. Rather surprised by Ty's comments, and a little uncertain how exactly to take it. "Oh no, not really. I'm not really doing multiple things at once here." Arcantos tried to explain, if a little awkwardly. "Eastern dragons tend to rotate jobs on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, or simply have a main job and a part time job. That still leaves plenty of time for hobbies and socializing. I don't exactly do socializing, and my hobbies are writing and reading. Books are hard to come by in the army, so I just write in my spare time." "Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion." Ty said fairly, through she had a knowing look in her eye that both worried and annoyed Arcantos. He knew what was going on more than her, and reasonably explained it. So why did she think she knew something that he didn't? How does one not know something about himself that others do? Still, before he could address this, Ty turned and asked someone else what job they planned to work on after returned from the army. The conversation lasted not to much longer, and everyone went to their tents and Ty back to her carriage.