Chapter 22: Wolf's Mission

Story by RagingWolf2124 on SoFurry

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#22 of Wolf: The Legendary Half Breed

RagingWolf2124- Kept you waiting huh? (Smiles)

Narrator- Wolf had met Half Breeds like him and discovered his Origins, learning the fateful truth of what really happened to his Parents and seeks Revenge on Galactic, but most importantly, their Leader Cyrus! Now the Leader of the Millions of Half Breed People and it's Army, Wolf makes it his goal as the Savior to destroy Galactic more then ever! For the People and Pokemon of the World, and Vengeance for his Parents!

Intro Song- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker- Heavens Divide.

Aurora's Pov

"Mmm..." I woke up and yawned, seeing the face of my Lover. I noticed his Tail wrapped around mine, since he gained the Ability to Transform into a Half Breed Lucario, a Human like form of a Lucario. Oh, I love my Wolfy so much... I love how much he cares about me... how much he wants to protect me... and how much he loves me. He started to stir and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good Morning Wolf." I told him with a smile. He nibbled my ear with his Fangs, causing me to laugh from the tickle.

"Hee hee hee!" I giggled.

"Good morning Aurora." He told me as he kissed my lips. He started to get up and dress until I hugged his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'm hungry." I told him, my stomach growling a little.

"I have some cans of Sausage, does that sound good?" Wolf asked me with a smile and reverted back to his Human Form.

"I would love that Wolf." I told him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, we exited the tent and he took out some cans of Meat, I tried to pry it open, but I had paws, stupid paws!

"Need help there?" Wolf asked. He took it and used his little Knife that he kept in his backpack to open it up. I was going to grab it until he pulled it away, making me whine a little.

"We need to cook these up first, along with a few other cans for the others." He said.

"Aurora, go see if you can find some wood while I open up the cans." He told me.

"Okay!" I told him happily and ran off into the forest. I soon found multiple sticks to use and a lot of them looked big enough to keep the fire lasting. I ran back to the camp and found everyone else awake.

"Hey Aurora! You made it back with Wood!" He said petting my head which made my tail wag in excitement. I placed them on the ground where the fire was going to be.

"Inferno, mind lighting up the campfire?" Wolf asked.

"Sure thing!" Inferno said spitting an Ember onto the stack of Wood, causing it to alight in flames. Wolf had then set the cans of Sausage on a pick above the fire, one for everyone. Everyone started to drool at the smell of Meat, especially Fang who kept licking his lips in anticipation.

Wolf's Pov

Soon the Sausage had finished cooking and I had given a can to each of my Pokemon. Raiden sat on my lap, wanting me to help feed him as he only has paws and couldn't properly get the sausage out of the can. I gave him 1 sausage which he ate happily and then meowed and purred. I gave him more of his Breakfast until he finished, along with me and everyone else. I stroked his back and he licked my face, smiling. Rose then flew onto the branch of a Tree and whistled beautifully like a Bird. A Baby Caterpie from the branch wiggled it's way to her and cooed.

"It's a baby!" Sapphire said.

"Awwww... hey there little girl, where's your Mommy?" Rose asked it. A Butterfree then flew down from the Tree with Berries. It landed next to Rose and fed it's child some Berries.

"Hi! I see you met my little Amy." The Butterfree said.

"She is really cute." Rose complimented.

"Thank you, she was just born a week ago. My mate is out getting some more food for us." She smiled. I had soon packed up everything, as well as the Tents. We were ready to go on the Road again.

"Rose, it's time to go!" I called her.

"Yes Wolf!" She called back to me.

"It was nice meeting you!" She told the Butterfree.

"Same to you! Have a nice day!" She told Rose. She then flew back to us and landed on my shoulder.

"Okay everyone, let's go!" I told them all.

One Hour Later...

3rd Person Pov

Wolf and his group were walking on the Road for at least an Hour now until they spotted a House in the distance.

"Hey Wolf! There's a House out here!" Aurora said.

"Yeah, I see it to. Let's go see who's here." Wolf suggested. They all ran towards the house and reached the front door. Wolf Knocked on it 3 times, they heard several rushed foot steps to the door, then a feminine voice called out.

"Wh-who's there?" The voice asked.

"Oh well... my name is Wolf." Wolf answered.

"Wolf!?" Her voice shouted, then the door swung open to reveal a Chansey behind it, she looked like an average Chansey but she was without the egg that they usually carry.

"Oh my god. Wolf! It's been so long since I've last seen ya!" She said, excited and happy, "My-my, how you've grown!"

"Um... who are you?" He asked confused.

"What!?" She exclaimed, shocked, "I'm Chase! You don't remember me!?"

"Oh my Arceus... your alive! It really is you! Aunt Chase!" Wolf said hugging her with a tear falling from his Eye, she shed a few tears of her own as she hugged him back.

"Where are my manners?" she said pulling away, "Come inside and have a seat, yer probably tired and hungry."

"It's okay, I ate before coming here." Wolf said, entering the house with his Team.

"Your Wolf's Aunt? I thought there weren't any other relatives alive, besides him." Aurora said confused as she patted Wolf's back lovingly.

"I'm not really his aunt, he and...Neo..." She said, then a few tears started to run her cheek, then she wiped her eyes.

"The boy's always called me "Aunt Chase"..." She finished, then sat on the couch and stared at a picture of her and Blade, with his arms around a pregnant Samantha, smiling like one big happy family, there was another with Wolf and his parents with Blade and Samantha, still pregnant, standing in front of a Ship.

"When was this?" Aurora asked looking at the Photo.

"When Samantha and Blade went to Hoenn, I was sick and couldn't go, so I said I would take care of the house." Chase said sadly, "It was the last time they walked outta that front door (sniffle)" She began to shed more tears and sobbed a little.

"I'm sorry.." She said as she started to weep. Wolf sat near his Aunt and hugged her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"It wasn't your fault Aunt Chase, you didn't know this would happen." Wolf told her.

"I should have gone with them." She sobbed, "I could have helped them. Now they're all gone!"

"Shhh... don't blame yourself... Aunt Chase... You still have me..." He told her.

"(sniffle)... She had her baby, she was so happy when she had him... He was their world... And someone took that away...(Sob) why? I've asked over and over... But I can't find a reason." She said looking up at him, "Why did someone have to destroy such a happy family? (Sniffle)"

"Because they are Heartless People Aunt Chase... They think they can do whatever they want and hurt us... But we must keep fighting... To protect our loved ones..." Wolf told her, stroking her back.

"(sniffle) your Father would've been proud of the grown man you've become." She said drying her tears, "Neo would've been happy for you..."

"Neo? Aunt Chase, I was told that Neo is still alive..." Wolf said and she looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of shock and hope, tears flowing down her face again.

"Bu... But how?" She asked.

"I wish I knew... But he is out there... Somewhere..." Wolf told her, she started crying again.

"I hope your right..." She said.

"I love you Aunt Chase, don't worry, we'll find him!" Wolf told her.

"Thank you Wolf..." She replied.

"You want to take a rest?" He asked her.

"No.. I'll be fine... I'm just looking through some things." She then moved towards the T.V. that had a DVR on top of it and turned it on, then she pulled out a DVD out of a box that was right next to the T.V. and popped it into the DVR.

"Samantha sent me a whole bunch of Videos and pictures of them in Hoenn, I was gonna look through a few of them." She told him, then returned to her seat and waited.

"Did you know of my Parents Murder?" He asked.

"Yes... I'm sorry Wolf..." She said sadly and handed him the remote, while the disc was being read and Wolf pressed play as soon as it loaded, then a view of a baby about five months old and with Sky Blue hair, sleeping in a cradle came onto the screen.

"Hey Chase!" A voice said in a whisper as the camera stayed focused on the sleeping baby, "This is baby Neo and he's sleeping, but he'll wake up any minute now!"

"He was a beautiful baby boy." Wolf said.

"Wait till you see this!" Chase said with a smile, then Neo's eye's snapped open and they seemed pierced into the camera for a moment, before he smiled and laughed cutely, moving his tiny little arms around.

"Awwwwww... He's so cute!" Aurora said.

"Cute, isn't he?" Said the voice again, the camera turned around to show Samantha's smiling face, "Six hours of labor and three days at the hospital, were sooo~ Worth it!"

"My Aunt and Uncle were so happy." Wolf smiled.

"Yes... they were" Chase said with a sad smile. The video showed Neo laughing and moving for a little longer and the screen went black, then it changed to another view, whoever was holding the camera was watching a one-year old Neo crawling around on a carpeted floor with an Absol following him around and constantly nudging him affectionately, whilst cooing phrases like "Cutey" and "little cub" at him.

"Gwen and Wrath like him." Said a masculine voice, "I guess the question is: How could you not?" The Camera then turned around to show a a Gallade smiling with pride.

"Blade..." Chase said smiling, "If I ever had a brother, it would be him." a Burst of laughter and the camera turned once again to Neo, who was on his back, laughing uncontrollably, while being nuzzled in the belly by the Absol.

"S-stop Gwen! Hehehahahah!" Neo shouted, "T-that ti-hahahah-tickles! Hehehahahah!"

"Gwen and Wrath, are they considered my Aunt and Uncle as well?" Wolf asked.

"Yes." Chase said and the screen went black once again. A beep then sounded in Wolf's Ear that everyone heard.

"What's that?" Chase asked.

"It's my Second in Command." Wolf said, then the T.V. screen switched to a view of Neo, still about one year old, tugging on his mother's shirt and jabbering about "up!" While she was doing dishes.

"Baby, you know I can't understand you without my translator." she said, making Wolf and his team confused, "Blade? What's he saying? All I'm hearing is "Ralts-Ralts-Ralts!"

"He saying he wants to be picked up." Blade said and moved into the cameras view.

"Are you telling me that not even Normal Humans can understand him?" Rose asked.

"No, he hadn't learned to speak human at that age." Chase said.

"Hello?" Wolf answered.

"Master, we have an urgent assignment for you to do back at Base." Fox said through the speaker.

"What is it?" Wolf asked.

"We need you to infiltrate an Enemy Base and retrieve some information." Fox said.

"Stealth Mission? My Specialty." Wolf said with a smile.

"Alright, I will have the Portal to come to the base set up outside, I will be there soon." He informed and then hung up.

"(sigh) Yer just like yer Parent's." Chase stated sadly.

"Aunt Chase, I want you to take care of my Team while I'm gone." Wolf asked her.

"Yeah.. Sure.. Be careful, okay?" She said with a sad look in her eye's.

"I will, I learned from the best, the best being my Father." He said giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek as he got up. Aurora though, grabbed his Arm.

"Wolf don't go, If you die out there I... I..." She was then silenced by a loving kiss that she melted into. Soon they pulled away.

"I'll come back, I promise." He told her as he walked out the front door.

"You'd better young man!" Chase called out to him.

Wolf's Pov

"Nice to see you Fox." I told my Right Hand Man.

"Same to you Master Wolf." He said with a smile.

"Just Wolf is fine Fox." I told him.

"Sorry, but like I said, we all refer to you as Master. Anyway, let us head back to the Base." He said as I walked with him through the Portal and once again saw the Ocean in the Horizon from the Platform we stood on. I was then greeted from all sides by Saluting Half Breeds.

"Master Wolf!" They said in Unison.

"Soldier, tell me, how many Soldiers inhabit this base?" I asked.

"The base inhabits at least 10,000 Soldiers Master Wolf!" The Soldier responded.

"Alright Men, go back to your Training while I speak with Fox." I ordered them.

"Master, Yes Master!" They all said and dispersed.

"I see what you mean by "we all refer to you as Master." I said. He had his Sunglasses on as always. He then motioned for me to follow him into the inside of the first Platform. I followed him in. Since this was the Combat Unit's Living Quarters, Shooting was heard as we passed a Shooting Gallery and saw Men engage in Sparring.

"As you see Master, we have been doing well in making sure that the Soldiers are fit and ready for Combat." He told me.

"I see." I responded. We then reached a door with one Man and Woman guarding it.

"Master!" They saluted and moved from the door. I nodded at them with a smile and entered with Fox. The Room had a Round Table in the center and there was a Holographic Map on the front Wall. Sitting at the Table was the other 4, Raven, Ocelot, Hawk, and Lynx.

"Master Wolf, glad you could make it!" Raven said as they saluted. The Master thing still annoyed me. There was a Chair at the end of the Round Table, most likely meant for me. I sat down along with the others as Fox stood up.

"Fox, please explain what this particular Mission is about again." I asked. The lights then turned off as the Map showed numerous Islands.

"Okay, North of here is Salahadeen Island, another Island that is inhabited by about 3,000,000 Half Breeds. They live in Peace and are very Kind. They also have a Base of there own with only 100 Soldiers at the moment, but we have lost contact with them and hadn't heard anything. That is when we sent someone in a Speed Boat to check what has happened. They haven't returned in Hours, then we got a Call from him on the Earpiece that we have recorded.

"Sir! I found the Base, but it's filled with Enemies! I am under attack by what seems to be Cyborgs! Need assistance! I repeat, need assista-" The Soldier said before he was cut off.

"Is he dead?" I asked.

"We don't know... that is where you come in Master, we are going to send you Via Helicopter onto the Island to find out what happened and infiltrate their Base, right now you are the only one Qualified enough for this." Ocelot said.

"I'll do it." I said.

"Great! So we had made something new for you." Hawk said. He then pulled out some type of Dark Red and Black Light Suit.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a Sneaking Suit, special military wear created with electronic weaving technology using optical fibers. By clinging tightly to the wearer's body, the suit provides protection and boosts strength. Recent models also come with a variety of sensors, shield the body from toxins. It's also made of a special bulletproof fiber and provides effective heat and moisture insulation." Hawk responded.

"All that in just one suit..." I said amazed at the look of it and took it.

"Alright Master, go to the Locker Room and get changed while we wait outside to prepare the Helicopter for Takeoff." Lynx said. I left the Briefing Room and to the Locker Room where I stripped all clothing except my Boxers. I then pulled down a Zipper on the Neck portion of the Sneaking Suit and entered my legs into both Leg Areas and my Arms into the Arm Areas. I then zipped it back up and looked at myself in the Mirror.

"Holy shit..." I said amazed at my look. I had a belt with some small pouches. The boots and Bandanna I wore gave the Suit a more Badass effect. I chuckled and then walked through the corridors and saw the Female Soldiers eyeing me with giggles.

"He looks so Sexy!" One of them whispered as the Male Soldiers Jaws dropped at the look of their "Master." I soon made it outside to the Deck of the Platform and saw the Helicopter with a Pilot inside. Fox and the others were there waiting.

"Master, you will need this before you leave." Fox told me as he handed me a Pistol.

"This one is an M1911." He told me.

"M1911, a single-action, semi-automatic, magazine-fed, recoil-operated pistol chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge, with a Suppressor as well." I said as I aimed it with a smile.

"You know your Weapons." He smiled.

"Of course." I said.

"Okay, time to go Master, don't die on us." He said.

"Wait, why don't you just use the Portal to bring me there?" I asked.

"The Portal Device we have is only a Prototype, it can only travel to the Base and Sinnoh. Not only that, but it does not become usable again until after an Hour has passed." He said.

"Damn, well I better get going." I said as I entered the Helicopter and sat down, closing the slide door.

"Get the Helicopter flying, destination Salahadeen Island." I told the Pilot.

"Yes Master!" He said as he started up the Helicopter and we soon had liftoff.

3rd Person Pov

Wolf's Helicopter had flown out over the Ocean for awhile now, he had his Sword attached to his back and his M1911 in his Holster.

"Master, we are approaching the Island, it's time to grab the Parachute and put on your Pressurized Mask." The Pilot told Wolf. Wolf had grabbed a Parachute and opened the slide door as he stood at the edge of Helicopter, putting on the Mask.

"We are almost above the Island." The Pilot said as Wolf readied himself.

"5... 4..." The Pilot counted down. Wolf Spread his arms wide.

"3... 2..." The Pilot continued. Wolf's Eye's showed no signs of Fear.

"1... Jump!" The Pilot finished as Wolf jumped from the Helicopter from high in the sky. He dived down, looking at the Island below him as he got closer and closer. He had never endured a free fall before, but he knew how it worked. He front flipped multiple times and soon Island came into a much closer View, then he activated the Parachute as he now slowly descended and soon started to land into the Forest as his Parachute got caught in a tree and he detached himself and fell onto the ground with a thud. He slowly got up, taking off his Mask to look at the scenery of the Forest he was in. His Earpiece then beeped, only loud enough for him to hear.

"Master, did you land safely?" Fox asked.

"Yes, the infiltration onto the Island was Successful." Wolf responded.

"Good, now I also had a Holographic Map system put in on a Portable device in your Pouch. It should help you make your way to the base." He said. Wolf had reached into his Pouch and found the Device, activating it to see the Map of the Island.

"I got it Fox, initiate Salahadeen Infiltration Mission." Wolf said as he ended the call and slowly made his way through the Forest. He didn't run into anything in particular at the moment until he heard footsteps. He looked from behind a Tree to see... a Galactic Grunt holding a Rifle! Realizing that they invaded the Island, Wolf made his way carefully towards the Grunt, slowly so his footsteps were not heard, until Wolf grabbed him from behind and had him into a hold where Wolf had a Combat Knife pointed at his throat with the grunts arm behind his Back. The Gun he held fell to the ground.

"What are you doing on this Island?" Wolf asked.

"We...we are taking it over... these... Half Breeds... didn't stand a chance... especially when we gave the element of surprise." He answered.

"What happened to them?" He asked.

"Like I would ever tell you. I never thought I would meet the Legendary Wolf. I may be a Grunt, but if I am to die, then who am I to stop you?" He said with an evil grin. Hearing that answer, Wolf stuck his Knife into the Skull of the Grunt, killing him instantly. He then activated his Earpiece to contact Fox.

"Fox, I thought the Cyborgs that Soldier mentioned sounded familiar, because I found a Galactic Grunt on patrol." Wolf told him.

"Galactic is there? That must mean that they cut off communication with the Island! Master Wolf, the Base is just up ahead. Be careful, and stay alert to your surroundings, there must be more up ahead." Fox warned and then hung up. Wolf continued making his way through the Forest, he saw more grunts that he shot in the head with his M1911 as he hid behind Trees and crawled his way through. Eventually he saw the Base before him, and saw trucks and Galactic Grunts roaming around. He crawled towards the Base and and when he noticed 4 grunts walking in front of him, their backs turned. He quickly rolled sideways on the ground and avoided them by rolling underneath a parked Truck.

"Hey, get this Truck inside!" A grunt ordered and Wolf quickly hung onto the bottom of the Truck as it was being driven into the Base. Wolf heard huge doors opening as he entered the Base. The truck came to a stop and the Grunt exited the Truck and was about to leave, but not before Wolf shot him in the Head and put his Body in the Trunk of the Truck. Then making his way to a door where he heard... crying? Wolf opened the door to find a little Girl there, crying her eyes out, she looked about 6 years old. The Girl noticed Wolf and backed away scared.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not one of them." Wolf said sweetly to the young Girl. The Girl then bawled her Eyes out on his chest as he held her.

"It's okay, I'm here to save you and the other Half Breeds. What's your name Honey?" Wolf said in a Fatherly tone.

"My name... is Amy." She said still crying.

"Hey there Amy, mine is Wolf." He told her, which caused her to gasp.

"Wolf? Your him, aren't you? Our Hero?" Amy asked.

"Yes, I'm here to help, the Half Breeds are my People after all." Wolf said.

"Everyone here knows about you, they know of the kind things you do for others, my Daddy the Commander knows too!" She said.

"Where are they?" Wolf asked.

"They have them all locked up in these Electric Cage thingies on the 3rd Floor, if they touch it then it will shock them." Amy answered.

"Amy, listen, I want you to continue hiding here, when all this is over I will come get you, just stay safe okay?" He told her.

"Yes, Mr. Wolf." She said politely as her tears dried up.

"Stay safe little one." Wolf said closing the door and heading up the stairs quietly. He made his way up carefully, looking around every corner he comes across and avoiding patrolling Grunts. Soon he came up onto the 3rd floor where he heard a bunch of People complaining, the door leading there was guarded by a Soldier who seemed to have a Key Card on on his Neck, Wolf whistled.

"Who's there?" The Grunt said going around the corner to investigate, when he did, Wolf grabbed him and shot him in the head. He grabbed his Key Card and threw his lifeless body down the stairs. He walked over to the Door and slid the Card on the Scanner and it Beeped Green and the door opened for him. He saw about 100 Half Breeds in a bunch of Cages.

"Master!" One shouted. The voice was that of the Soldier heard on the Audio Tape. Wolf made his way towards the Cage he heard it from, then found a Man who had on the same Uniform as the Men at his Base had.

"Soldier, what is your name?" Wolf asked him.

"My name is Jacob, Master." He responded.

"Who is in charge of this Base?" Wolf asked.

"I am. My name is Commander Landen, the Leader of this Base." The Commander answered.

"Commander, do you know who I am?" Wolf asked.

"I do, your Wolf. Have you come here to help us?" He asked.

"Yes, I ran into your Daughter Amy earlier, she is hiding out in the closet below here, safe and sound. She told me where you and the others were." Wolf told him.

"Amy is okay? Oh thank Arceus, hurry and get us all out of here! We can help you!" He said.

"How experienced are you and your Men?" I asked.

"Not all of us, but we will put our lives on the line for our People!" Landen said.

"Good." Wolf said as he broke a control Panel on the Wall that electrified the Cages. Then Wolf used his Sword to cut the Bars off the Cages and soon the 100 Half Breeds were free.

"Listen, first we need to get to the Armory and get wapons, where is it?" Wolf asked.

"It's right down the Hall, you can't miss it!" Jacob said as Wolf used Extreme Speed and ran there with the Key Card and opened it, showing a vast array of Fire Arms. He took a Box that was loaded with Ammo and Weapons and then running back with them all to the Half Breed Soldiers that he freed.

"Get ready, we don't have much time before someone here suspects that something is wrong." Wolf said. Soon all 100 Soldiers were armed to the Teeth and ready to go.

"Alright, Landen, take half of your troops to clear out the Building while I take Jacob and the Other Half to clear the outside!" Wolf ordered.

"Got it! Alright Men, upstairs!" Landen said as his half of the Troops were led upstairs.

"All of you, on me!" Wolf ordered. The went back down to where Wolf entered.

"Everybody, get ready at the door!" Wolf whispered as he and many other men behind Cover waited for it to open. Soon it opened up, showing a lot of Grunts coming in.

Metal Gear Solid- Encounter Theme.

"Fire!" Wolf ordered as he and the rest of the Half Breeds fought with the confused and surprised Grunts. Soldiers fired their weapons and shot many different types of Pokemon related Moves. Wolf threw a Grenade at a bunch of Grunts behind Cover, exploding with their body's flying. Wolf then ran in with his Murasama and cut multiple Grunts down.

"For the Half Breed Race!" Wolf shouted.

"ORAAAAAAAAAAH!" The Soldiers shouted as they killed off the Grunts. Though, the Soldiers were doing well they were also getting killed. Landen and his Men in the Building were also doing well as they had cleared out most of the Building, losing some Men as well.

"Come on! Fight for your People Men!" Landen shouted.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Soldiers cheered as they fought Bravely. Soon, it was over, there were no more grunts around, until a Shot almost hit Wolf and instead shot Jacob who fell to the ground

"Jacob!" Wolf shouted as the rest of the Men took cover and one of them went to work on Jacob with Medical Equipment on hand. Then Wolf's Earpiece beeped.

"Hello Wolf..." A voice said.

"Who the Hell is this!?" Wolf asked.

"My name is Crow, a Half Breed Bounty Hunter after your Head for Galactic." He said.

"A Half Breed Bounty Hunter?" Wolf said confused.

"Yes, My job is to Kill you, take the Orbs and claim my reward." He said.

"You Bastard!" Wolf yelled.

"It will all be over soon... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed as he hung up. Then the Earpiece beeped again.

"Master Wolf! That Guy is Crow, he is a well known Bounty Hunter who is apart of The Anarchy 5, a group of 5 Bounty Hunters!" Fox explained

"Bounty Hunter or not, it makes no difference, he won't win so easily." Wolf said hanging up.

"Everyone stay behind Cover, I will deal with this!" Wolf said as he ran from Cover to cover with Extreme Speed, thus making Crows efforts at shooting him Useless. Wolf eventually found where he was hiding and Tackled him from the Tree and onto the ground, Wolf punching his face until Crow Punched him and stood up drawing a Knife and tried to stab Wolf, but only for Wolf to dodge and Grab his Arm and pressing it behind his back, causing pain and the Knife to drop that Wolf kicked away and then slammed him back onto the ground.

"Get out of here now Crow, or I'll kill you." Wolf threatened him as he got in a CQC Stance.

"As if I'm going to give this Bounty up, Hero or not, your dead!" Crow yelled as he was enveloped in a Purple Aura and the Ground started to shake.

"Alright then, we'll play by your rules Crow, Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Wolf yelled as he was enveloped by a Blue Aura and the Ground Shook even more. Both rushed at each other and Fought as both seemed evenly Matched. Wolf kneed Crow in the Stomach and uppercutted him and then Crow threw multiple at his chest. Then Wolf shot and Aura Sphere while Crow shot a Shadow Ball. Both collided and blew up on Contact, leaving the Area in Smoke. Crow came out of the Smoke and was about to Jump Kick Wolf until Wolf caught it with his Arm and then threw it aside as he used and landed 5 Body Blows, 4 to the Chest and stomach and a Kick to the Head, knocking him to the Ground.

"I won't tell you again Crow, get out of here." Wolf said turning his back and walking away. Crow then got up and Ran to him as he was about to strike him until Wolf ducked and Hit him so hard in the stomach that he coughed out Blood. Crow then held his stomach in pain as he was in shock. Wolf then used his M1911 and blew his Brains out.

Metal Gear Solid- Encounter Theme Ends.

"Fool..." Wolf said as he made his way back inside to the other Half Breeds. Seeing Jacob as he was on the Ground and Patched up.

"Jacob, how do you feel?" Wolf asked.

"Like hammered shit." He said groaning as Wolf held him up. Landen and his Men came downstairs as Amy opened the door from the Closet and saw him.

"Daddy!" She said happily as she ran into his Arms.

"Amy! Thank Arceus you are okay!" Landen said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Wolf, how can I ever repay you?" He asked.

"You don't have to, but if you want, you and your men can join our Army and help prevent this place from being taken over again, and recruit more Soldiers for a Cause of making the World a better place." Wolf smiled.

"I will, you show great Leadership, it would be a pleasure to serve under you." He said as he saluted. Wolf then activated his Earpiece.

"Fox, I dealt with the Problem and found our missing Soldier, send a Helicopter to pick us up." Wolf ordered.

"Got it, sending a Helicopter." Fox said. Soon a Helicopter arrived and Wolf was about to board with Jacob when Someone from behind hugged him.

"Mr. Wolf, please don't leave." Amy said sadly.

"I have to go, other People will need my help." Wolf said.

"Wolf, your just as the Legends say." Landen smiled with a Thumbs up as he held Amy's Hand.

"Goodbye Amy, be a sweet Girl and take care of your Daddy." Wolf said petting her head and then entering the Helicopter with Jacob as it started to fly up as Landen, Amy and the Soldiers cheered. Wolf threw down a Piece of Paper at Landen who caught it to find Wolf's frequency number on it. Wolf soon made it back to Base and had changed back into his Original attire as he was Outside with Fox on the Platform.

"Master, ready to go back to Sinnoh?" Fox asked as Wolf and him stood outside.

"Yeah Fox, I'm ready." Wolf said. Fox then activated the Portal device as Wolf walked through it and back to the outside of the House where his Team and Chase were.

Narrator- Wolf had rescued a Half Breed Base from the Hands of Team Galactic and has made a New ally with Commander Landen and the Army of Salahadeen Island, now returning to Sinnoh again, what else lies in store for our Hero?

Outro Song- Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker- Heavens Divide.