Halo: Left Behind, Prologue: All That Glimmers

Story by Drake_The_Traveller on SoFurry

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Here it is, the prologue of the next section of the Halo series. It will be a more action packed foray into the universes you all know and love. Here is when things start to really pick up. So please...enjoy at your leisure and most importantly have a blast!


Halo: Left Behind

Prologue: All That Glimmers

Eighteen months after First Contact

Planet Reach 2527

ONI Headquarters

5.7km underground

October 5th

Samus Haraden strode through the lightly illuminated hallways, clad in the black and gold stripped uniform of a section chief. Samus was in charge of the recently created Centurion Program. It had been a fourteen months since he was elevated to such a high position. But it was also dangerous. If he failed to provide the directors with positive results, it would spell the end of his career...if he was lucky.

Samus stopped at the end of the long hallway, in front of a door guarded by several men in heavy black armor. They were wearing LEGION powered armor, the best that unaltered humans could wear. The armor had a few drawbacks; it was simpler than_MJOLNIR,_ lacking its heavier plating and did not enhance the user's natural abilities. It was also ridiculously expensive to produce, not as much as armor worn by the Spartan-II's, but of the four hundred suits they commissioned, the cost totaled somewhere in the billions range. Basically, the LEGION armor system became a showcase in ONI power. The suits were effective, live trials had shown that, but they were far too important to use out in the field, at least until further monetary support could be shifted to produce more of them. So for now they guarded ONI installations throughout the colonies.

The uniformed man flashed his ID and the bulky soldiers moved to the side to allow him into the chamber, satisfied that he had the appropriate clearance. After the large pure titanium security doors opened, he strode inside to see another, smaller team. After once more confirming that he was in fact, Samus Haraden, they let him proceed into the final room. He opened the large door with a fifteen digit code that changed every other week and entered the final space.

Inside were a collection of scientists and other security officials. The room they inhabited was filled with high tech equipment and computers. Most of the lab coats were shuffling around the large expanse talking amongst each other, while the rest were conferring over a very large screen depicting the skeletal and muscle outline of the human body, larger than normal. Besides the representation were many smaller screens displaying bars that fluctuated slowly. They were monitoring something in the closed off section of the lab.

Samus took all this in within moments and pressed on over to the chatting eggheads beside the large screen. The leader of the bunch, a woman of slight build with long golden hair and amber eyes, turned from her companions and addressed Samus with a soft unpleasant smirk. "Section Chief Haraden, what a pleasant surprise."

Samus waived off her condescending greeting. "Doctor Raleigh, I care not for your pleasantries. I am here to check on my asset." He motioned towards the walled off portion of the lab. "Today is the day you said that your work would be done. And I expect good results"

The doctor frowned at his uncouthness. "Yes I did, and it is. The procedure is complete, and once we run a few more tests, you can have your...asset." She gave him a disparaging look and turned back to her work, ignoring the man. She was ONI's best scientist, besides Doctor Halsey, (that women was a savant), but she did not have Halsey's work ethic. Raleigh did not approve of ONI and it's sometime less than stellar projects.

Samus sighed and turned away to wait. The person in that cordoned area was the first in hopefully longline of operatives that ONI could use to project their influence to the universe abroad. Ever since the Spartan Program became public, they had lost control of them, shifting hands to the military. With the loss of the spartans, they needed something to replace them, thus the Centurion Program had been created.

It had been on the backburner for many years, before the spartans were thought up. Now, after being reactivated a year ago, it was finally reaching its apex. If all went well with the first operative, ONI would sanction the creation of a dozen more. And if success continued, so would their output.

The Centurion Program would use experienced soldiers, and give them augmentations much like the spartans. In fact, most of the staff here and tech used here were the same from the spartan program. The only difference was that with medical tech given to humanity by the cornerians, they could augment soldiers at an older age with a higher likelihood of success and even improvement.

These soldiers would be different from Spartans in many aspects though. They were created to be frontline shock troopers, instead of the counter espionage and special operations commandos that Spartans were. With armor heavier than their predecessors, and now with shielding courtesy of humanity's ally, they would lead humanity's soldiers into battle. Much like the roman centurions they were molded after, from earth's ancient past. With them, they could hope to contend with the darker threats that roamed the galaxy. The Harvest breadbasket colony had recently sent reports of strange alien ships, and disappearing cargo freighters, if not for their cornerian friends, they would have brushed off the stories as delusional.

But now.....

They mobilized the entire 3rd fleet, currently in transit to Harvest as a precaution. Additionally, a small element of the newly created 8th fleet, (a prototype force of hybrid human and cornerian tech), would jump in from Eladard, a planet they had been gifted after winning it from Venom. But they would take a long time to reach it. So for now the 3rd fleet would have to be enough if something were to happen.

Spartan's had also been diverted to the world, the famous Blue Team in fact, led by none other than the renowned Master Chief. But it was uncertain if they would arrive in time if the situation began to deteriorate. Reach was closer to Harvest than the inner colony world of Arcadia where the team had just finished a mission to assassinate a well-known rebel leader.

It would take even the legendary spartan's a few days to prep and head out, stopping at Reach to transfer into the Mark V MLONIR suit and for the Chief to pick up something Halsey wanted him to have, some sort of AI. Samus wasn't really keen on the details for it; he was in a different branch of the office and therefore did not have the clearance level to know more than that.

But the soldier here in this pod, would be taking his first assignment on reach. The newly enhanced centurion would go on his maiden mission, the one that would decide if ONI should continue the project. Samus hoped that the warrior would come through; he did not want to contemplate the consequences for failure. The intelligence office did not look on it favorably.

The man glanced up from his pondering and noticed that the scientists were all now crowding around the sectioned off area. It would seem that they were done with what they had been working on. Samus collected himself, dusting off his uniform, and strode confidently over to the area to greet his very first subordinate. He was a little nervous to be honest with himself, he had been told that this soldier in particularly might be a little hard to work with. But he hoped that they could start off on a good footing. Otherwise the project would be canned before it even began.

When he reached the area with the group of curious scientists, the protective wall was pulled away to reveal a large cylindrical test tube like container hooked up to a wall of monitors and other medical devices. Inside the conduit was a very large man wearing nothing but his skin. He was connected to a series of wire thin pipes that had flooded his system with the drug cocktail needed to enhance his already large physique. He was bald across his entire body, having been shaved before the procedure, and his eyes were closed in the bliss of sleep. He had myriad of old wounds marring his skin and a particularly bad one adorning the area of his throat and a scrawled quite a distance past it to wrap around his neck and collar. There were also deep scars on the left side of his face, as if he had been clawed by a feral beast.

As Samus studied his underling, a lab tech went up to the monitor nearby and keyed something in. Immediately afterwards, the tank began to empty from hoses plugged in the back that would cart the fluid away to be recycled. Once it had finished draining, the pipes connected to the man's body popped out from their sockets and he slid to the grating of the tube unconsciously. Samus pushed himself past the scientists to stand before the pod, watching hesitantly as the bullet proof glass sides of the geometric case slid up into the ceiling.

Within a handful of seconds after that, the man's eyes shot open abruptly, blazing a stark deep blue filled with a swirl of emotions that could not be deciphered. On unsteady legs, he pulled himself up from the cold steel grate and looked out at the people staring at him. His eyes locked onto Samus and he stepped down from the pod, unflinching in the frigid air of the room and his nakedness. The man stopped inches from the ONI man and stared down at him. He stood roughly at seven feet and was heavily bounded in muscle, height and strength increased by the augmentations he had been bombarded with.

Samus gazed back up into the man's eyes as he was silently gauged. He had been told that the fellow could not speak, and judging from the scars on his throat, Samus could see why. "Lieutenant Callahan." The ONI man greeted the large and intimidating soldier.

After a few moments the man nodded stiffly.

"I hope that we can work well together in the coming future. My name is Samus Haraden and I will be your commander." He spoke fearlessly, mustering all of his will power to show that he would not be daunted by the large man.

Callahan nodded again in acceptance...much to the man's relief.

Mimicking the nod, Samus gestured for the soldier to follow him. He led the Lieutenant out of the room and past the gaping scientists. It was not their first time seeing a super soldier but that did not make the sight any less awe inspiring.

There was a black uniform and pair of boots waiting for the man on a table near the door so he could make himself decent, and so after using a towel he dressed in the suit. It was a little tight on him and the boots hardly fit, but it would do the job until he could have custom made clothes for his height and increased mass.

From there, Samus bid Doctor Raleigh goodbye as politely as he could and took the lead out of the lab. As he walked down the corridors he watched as the soldier behind him firmly strode behind him, eyes staring forward as he trod with military precision. So far things were moving along better than he had anticipated.

After a half hour of walking through the maze of hallways and boardrooms, they stopped at a recently added carved out and constructed section of the facility spanning almost a full kilometer.

The Centurion barracks.

Here if all went well, the centurion would be bunked until called on for active duty. But considering that he and Callahan were already slated to move out for Harvest as soon as possible, they were only here to pick up the Centurion's gear. The barracks was already staffed with a few people, men and women in charge of taking care of the area and maintaining equipment. ONI had already pulled out all the stops, bidding on the very real chance that the program would be a major success.

Samus and Callahan entered a massive room labeled Armory. The spacious room was filled with all the weapon humanity currently used...and a few that they did not. There were also dozens of stations lining the right side of the room, cradles for attaching the newly designed and created powered armor, specifically for Centurion use. A single one of these machines glowed softly with power at the front of the lineup and there was a very big locker on the wall adjacent to the device, just like the others.

As Samus headed over to the machine, Callahan was standing by a weapon rack and eyeing an odd hilt protruding from it. He pulled it out from the rack and noticed that it had no blade, and was also surprised to see that it fit his large hand, and could even accommodate both if he wished. Puzzled, he gazed at the hilt. It had a basic medieval crosspiece and a dagger-like pommel. There was also a small thing on the front facing section of the hilt. He thumbed over it.


He almost dropped the weapon in surprise when a long blue beam of energy erupted from the top of the hilt. It condensed swiftly until an almost five foot blade of cerulean light blazed forth from it. Callahan gazed deeply into the radiant sapphire light, almost as if in a trance.

Samus had turned over and saw that he was staring at it intently, as if the color itself was more important than the strange weapon. "That's the EXCALIBUR energy blade. A new weapon designed for use with Centurion units. With help from cornerian scientists, we managed to draw up plans for it. They are brand new, having finished prototype testing less than a week ago. The blade can cleave through everything it has been tested against, even MJOLNIR. Currently there are only three, but I was told to expect more if the program panned out."

Callahan looked over to the man as he explained, and after considering the blade one more time, shut it off as he had turned it on and placed it back where it belonged. Then the Centurion turned over to Samus, walking to where the man stood by the machine.

"This here is the cradle; its job is to transfer the LORICA armor system off and onto your body." Samus opened the locker to display a massive black suit of armor held up on a stand. "The LORICA armor system was designed by Doctor Halsey herself and is an improvement over standard MJOLNIR Mark IV and even the brand new Mark V." As he spoke he tossed Callahan a thick and heavy undersuit from the locker.

He gave it glance over as he stripped back down and slipped the hefty undersuit on. It was skintight and had crenulations that looked allot like musculature. He looked down at his body once he fit into it and was amazed that he could not even feel it, almost as if he was standing bare once more. The black bodysuit reached up to his throat almost to his chin, covering his horrible scars, and down to cover his feet.

"The LORICA features an upgraded Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit. The bodysuit is extremely durable and flexible. It also features increased protection against ballistic and even energy weapons." Samus prattled on, filling Callahan in on his new armor's abilities. "Underneath the bodysuit, inside its workings, is a hydrostatic gel layer. This layer monitors suit temp and can expand to reduce impact damage. Compared to older gen MJOLNIR IV, it has a factor of three increase in its efficiency. This effectiveness is carried on to the Polymerized Lithium Nibocene Layer. That is responsible for increasing your strength and physical performance. I suspect that you should be able to lift a tank with little difficulty if you had to."

Samus motioned for him to recline into the machine and Callahan complied with some hesitancy. As soon as he was squared away, it lifted him up from the floor and began to reach into the locker with thick metal arms. The limbs retracted, carrying bulky armor plates and began to fix them onto his body, he could feel the heavy weight as they molded onto his bodysuit. Each individual piece had to weigh a hundred or so pounds he hypothesized absently.

"Unlike MJOLNIR, the LORICA's titanium alloy outer shell has been infused with a composite material that can only be found in the Lylat system. Vibantium is an ore from the planet Eladard that can absorb and disperse heat efficiently, perfect for stopping lasers. The outer shell is also denser and covers more of the bodysuit than MJOLNIR. In addition, your suit is not designed to accommodate a smart or even dumb AI, more focused on increasing reaction time, strength, and stamina. These are somewhat drawbacks. You will be slower than a spartan-II but still faster than a normal human could ever hope to be and cannot have an AI on call to aid you. But in return, you will be stronger and more durable then spartans, able to dish out and take more punishment then they can. LORICA has been tested and withstood a 90mm tungsten shell from a M808B Scorpion Main Battle Tank, without breaking. And your outer shell can absorb and deflect almost all infantry weapons in service." Samus paused his explanatory monologue and waited for the cradle to finish outfitting Callahan.

When it was finished, the cradle lowered and allowed him to step off. The Centurion was clad in a massive suit of midnight black plate up to his neck. The upper torso was bulky and segmented; a wave of cascading armor layers traveled down the arms and the breastplate was hulking, smooth and angular. The shoulderplates were rounded and large, squaring off his broad shoulders, with the emblem of ONI emblazoned on the right pauldron. The lower portion was thickly armored and the boots were large and menacing. "The armor has a self-dispensing biofoam system and its own integrated shield generator built into the spinal ridge. Testing shows that it can take a sustained volley of standard rifle fire for sixty seconds before collapsing, and thirty for known energy weapons, that means you can be more mobile on the battlefield, able to endure prolonged fire. The shields take about ten to fifteen seconds to recharge and twice as long if you blow the emitter's capacitor with an overload."

The Centurion listened to all of this stoically, memorizing it all with his increased cognitive abilities. This suit of armor made him a walking tank, able to traverse the battlefield unmolested. This also gave him the ability to lead from the front, to take fire off of those who did not have the suit. It would be a very different experience then that off his days as a helljumper.

"The final piece of the armor is the helmet." Samus struggled to lift it from the locker. "The GALEA has the same functions as your ODST helmet and more."

The helm in his grip had a very small T shaped visor and a crest that ran along the back to the top on the top center of the helm, much like the Corinthian helmets of ancient Greece. It was also shaded a deep black, the color of ONI. Samus handed the helmet over and Callahan effortlessly took it and placed it on his head with one hand, twisting it to the right. The seals hissed compressing it and the helm locked into positon. Moments later it lit up with status bars and diagnostics. There was a brief flash of cold and nausea as it connected to the neural interface newly grafted into his spine. A bar appeared at the top of his HUD and he assumed that it showed his shield levels, the bar was currently depleted. In short order, a motion tracker materialized on his bottom right and all the systems showed at peak efficiency. Samus was suddenly highlighted in green.

"The GALEA can zoom in on distant targets and take the data feed from your weapons to calculate accuracy. It also is equipped with improved motion tracker software, IFF identifier, and a full radio suite. The IFF reader takes info from nearby friendlies and shows them up in yellow on the tracker and highlights important individuals in green." Samus turned away to head over to the nearest weapon's rack.

The Centurion followed, weighty metal boots thudding loudly against the steel plating of the floor. It was amazing, the power he felt inside the suit. He was certain that he could throw a warthog and crush steel in his armored grip. The armor made him feel indestructible and he was quick to crush that thought. Even with this armor he could be killed, especially if he became overconfident.

Callahan watched as Samus lifted a huge rifle in both hands, turning to hold it out to him. "The GRENDAL is an assault rifle hybrid. It uses ballistic munitions and has a built in energy core. It fires 50.calibre BMG rounds that are coated in plasmatic energy. The rounds are glazed in the energy as they leave the chamber and out the barrel. It has the ability to puncture through light, and most heavy, vehicles. With a sixty round clip it poses a dangerous threat to any target on the field. This weapon can only be fired by a Spartan or Centurion; the recoil will break the arms and shoulder of anyone else who would try. There is also an underslung grenade launcher that can fire 40mm canisters. They can either be equipped with flechettets, smoke, or standard explosives."

The Centurion reached out and grabbed the weapon, as soon as his gloved fingers touched it the sensors in his glove linked with the weapon and it appeared on the top left of his HUD. The counter read at sixty and showed that he had only one clip, in the gun and no grenade loaded.

The large rifle was a meter or so long and had a rectangular stock. The main chassis of the weapon reminded him much of his old SAW, but it was black and bulky. The barrel was a third of the weapon's overall size and was made of titanium, supposedly to stop it from warping from the intense heat the energized bullets could emit. In his grip it was not that heavy but looking from the exertion that had plastered Samus' face, it weighed a decent sum. Atop the gun was an ACOG scope and looked like it could be swapped out for other attachments. On the bottom was the pump action launcher for the grenades.

Giving the gun a last appreciative look, he placed it on the back of his armor where it locked securely. Callahan looked back to the ONI Section Chief as he pulled out one last weapon. "This is just an upscaled magnum; it fires the same ammunition as its smaller brother but has an energy core in it as well."

He took it and only gave it a quick once over before holstering it on his right thigh. It looked the same, just larger and boxier in the center, obviously because of the core. Seeing that Samus was done with the weapon showcasing, Callahan wondered where his combat knife was and if he would even get one. He had no way to ask, so he just stood there.

Perhaps sensing this, Samus began to speak once more. "If you are wondering about the knife..."

The Centurion's helmet shook in confirmation.

"Well then, just tighten your fist, either would do, and press your thumb into the palm sensor." The man explained, backing up slightly.

Callahan complied and there was a snap-hiss. Jutting out fifteen inches past his closed gauntlet above the knuckles was a crackling blue blade much like the one from the EXCALIBUR sword. It was coming from a small protrusion on his wrist. The Centurion smiled inside his helmet. He could think of a good way to put it to use.

Unclenching his fist the energy dagger died out with a loud pop and he let his left arm fall to his side. He looked up to see the ONI man staring back at him.

"Well, know that you are equipped, I'm sure you want to know where we are going."

He nodded.

"Excellent, originally, you were to do a few test missions in the outer verge. But I did a little research on you and found out you have family on Harvest. There is trouble brewing there so I thought you would appreciate the opportunity to head back home and defend it." Samus' explained with a friendly smile as he turned to walk out of the room.


Callahan, or Liam as he was known by his friends, watched the ONI man as he followed him out of the armory. What he had done was surprisingly considerate, doubly so for someone who worked for the office.

It had been a very long time since he came to Reach and began his work. At first he had just talked about the cornerians and explained things to the office. But later on they had pushed on with their experiment. A week ago they had told him it was perfected and they used him to test it a day prior. The pain he had felt was borderline unendurable. His bones had felt like liquid fire and his blood shattered glass, the sensations had lasted for so long he was not sure when it had ended; he had almost lost his mind in the pain. But he kept himself sane thinking about Krystal.

His memories of her allowed him to endure the agony. He had not seen her in a year, and he hoped that she was okay. He held no ill will to her anymore; all he wanted to do was hold her again. He missed Lylat, and all the friends he had made, the boisterous avian Falco, kind and bubbly spaniel Fay, the fiery lynx Miyu, old and wise hare Peppy, genius toad Slippy, confident and dependable Fox, but most of all it was Krystal he desired to see. There was a cavernous hole in his heart that needed a strong blue vixen to fill it.

The past twelve months had been so dark and cold without her glimmering smile and soft laugh. But now he would be leaving this compound on Reach. And perhaps if this Samus fellow was a good as Liam was beginning to think, he could see his friends again.

With that hope swelling his long trampled heart, he followed after his commander. Willing to pledge himself faithfully if it meant being reunited with those he held dear. He would destroy any threat, complete any mission, and surmount any odds if he could see her and the others again.

Liam followed after the ONI man...ready to go home.


Covenant holy city of High Charity

2527 Deep space

October 5th

Of the countless swarms of warships and cargo vessels that surrounded the immediate area. None compared to the most holy city of High Charity, the heart of the Covenant. It was a monolithic mushroom-like construction of purple alloy housing the innumerable faithful that sought to find their path on the great journey. It was the most sacred place in all of the Covenant Empire, and it was a supreme honor to be able to walk in its hallowed depths.

That was what J'van Lodamee thought when his ship, The Light of Faith, jumped in. He had been summoned on a most urgent task, by the Hierarchs no less. He was fleetmaster in command of the Fleet of Unflinching Resolve and had never thought himself important enough to have an audience with any of the prophets, let alone all three. Whatever they required of him must be most important indeed.

He turned to his second in command, a stalwart and earnest sangheili that had honorably served him for the last thirty cycles. "Ha'varn, make ready my shuttle, the sooner I speak with the Hierarchs the better."

The other sangheili's mandibles flared as he spoke; placing a large four fingered hand to his chest and bowing slightly. "As you command fleetmaster." Ha'varn rose from his bend, he swiftly marched away to see to his duty.

While his subordinate tended to his duty, J'van walked to his personal quarters in order to make sure he was properly attired to speak with the most holy ones. As he walked down the soft glowing halls of his ship, he watched as his crew walked back and forth down the way, busy on their errands to keep this ship in perfect shape. All masters, whether of the fleet or of ships, prided themselves on the condition of their vessels, it was a sign of the respect of your crew. If they did not respect you, they would respect the ship.

It took him little time to dress and board his phantom.

As soon as the grav lift deposited his hooved feet on the ground of the causeway leading to the sanctum of the hierarchs, J'van almost prostrated himself on worship. This was where the Great Journey was guided, by the holy prophets. It was here that very few ever saw, and he was privileged to stand here amongst those few. The sangheili turned his bulk to walk down the path, entering the main chambers.

Inside the most noble of sangheili warriors, the honor guard, watched ceaselessly against any danger that could threaten the hierarchs. In the gold and red ceremonial armor and wielding pikes and energy swords, they were the most fearsome symbol of Covenant might. J'van walked down the hall under the gauze of the awe inspiring warriors. They would not hesitate to gut him where he stood if he even appeared to be a threat to the holy ones. And J'van would not fault them for their vigilance.

At the end of the passageway, he was allowed into the main rotunda. As he walked down the steps, he stopped and kneeled before the three figures hovering in their sanctimonious chairs at the other end of the chamber.

They were the three prophets, Truth, Mercy, and Regret.

The sangheili spoke with reverence. "Oh most sacred Hierarchs, I have answered your summons, what is it that you would ask of me. I would do all in my power to see it done."

The one in the middle, decorated in red robes and covered in jewels, hovered closer to speak. His tone rang with charismatic force. "We would ask of you a monumental task, vital to the Journey." The one who spoke was none other than Truth.

J'van looked up with reverential black eyes. "What task could be of such import holy one?"

Truth brought his hand to his chin and rubbed it as he leaned back in his chair. "It has come to our attention that a new species inhabits the galaxy. These....humans as we have come to hear them called, would seek to desecrate our holy relics with their barbarous hands."

The Sangheili's eyes blazed with zealous rage and spite. "They would dare?"

"Indeed my son, so it with solemn hearts that we ask of you and your fleet to travel to a planet called Harvest, and burn it to ash and cinder. Perhaps then they will realize the folly of their transgressions and take solace in their death. For the Great Journey has called for their destruction, wipe this filthy plague from the galaxy. Seek them out wherever they may be found and wipe them from existence. Their technology is feeble and an anathema to the Journey. Now go my son, go and fulfill your sacred duty. In time your brothers will answer the call." The prophet neared, close enough to place a holy hand on J'van's shoulder. When he finished speaking he drew away, watching with a smile as the sangheili rose with purpose.

"I will do as you and the Journey command, I shall not fail you." J'van thudded a closed fist to his chest and ducked his mandibled head before bowing and walking out of the room, eager to begin his blessed assignment.

"I know you will not." Truth called out before heading back to the other two. Once they were alone, he allowed himself a small chuckle. "Now, all trace of these humans will be destroyed."

"And it shall never be known that they were the ones to take up the mantel." Regret replied.

'It is unfortunate; they could have been useful to the Covenant." Mercy added with a sigh, reclining in his hovering throne.

Truth made a cutting motion with his hand. "That matters not, the truth would shake the very foundations of our society, and we cannot allow that to happen. No...they must be destroyed, and all trace of them purged from remembrance. The sooner this is done, the safer our people will be."

"For our people." Mercy intoned.

"For the Covenant." Regret said firmly.

On the outskirts of High Charity, in the glimmering star filled expanse of space, a single battleship opened a portal and slipped through. J'van would rally his fleet, and he would see that these humans blackened in the sanctified fires of his fleet's retribution.

All their worlds would burn.