Vampire Abduction, altered addition.

Story by Mortus946736 on SoFurry

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Ok... There was a slight plot hole in the last version of this i posted, so here it is anew, Vampire Abduction, take two.

Bright, brilliant light flashes. Pain, sharp as a knife, cuts through my brain, my vision blurring around the fluttering spots of color that dance across my field of vision. Thoughts come too slowly, struggling through the sluggish mist swirling through my brain. A tearing sensation suddenly appears in the side of my neck, as well as the motion of soft suctioning lips, before darkness overwhelms my vision, and I loose consciousness. Earlier that Day "Not another day..." is the only thing to pass my lips as I roll out of bed, staggering across the soft carpet in my bare feet, shutting off the obnoxious alarm clock, before the pitch grows in volume. I struggle out of the room, sliding down the hall way to the bathroom. Pale grey eyes, tanned skin with freckles, and unkempt long black hair greet my notice in the mirror. *Screech* goes the pipes as the water faucet for the shower is turned, then the steady drum of water hitting the tub. A soft sigh is loosed, as I strip, staring mournfully at my reflection. Tall, too skinny, and lacking especially in muscle, my body still retains the tan lines from the summer spent in the sun, working down at the beach. The long hours, the merciless sun, the soothing breeze smelling so richly of salt, all of these come to mind as I remember the times working at the bait store. Finally, upon judging the water warm enough with one long fingered hand, I slide my now naked body into the shower, picking up the rough, faintly citrusy scented soap, and beginning to scrub. Squirting shampoo into my hand, I rub it lightly into my hair, before I lean gratefully into the spray, my body relaxing for the few moments before I finish rinsing, washing the soap and shampoo from my body. I step from the shower, burrowing my now shivering body into a warm towel to dry. The rough fabric scrapes slightly at my skin as my body starts to wake up for the day, so I coil the towel around my waist, and then commence brushing my teeth. The mint taste of my toothpaste is still strong in my mouth, as I dress for the day. Green and black patterned boxers, followed by my slightly faded blue jeans, slide up to rest lightly in place. Soon they are followed by a light cotton t-shirt onto my torso. The faintly spicy aroma of my deodorant burns my nostrils for a moment as I apply it liberally to my underarms. Sliding down the stairs, I slide up my earlier prepared backpack for another day of school. I lift my eyes to regard the sun just starting to rise in the sky. Hiking down the street and around the corner, my hands busy themselves with a simple, cheap mp3 player. The ear buds are slid into my ears, and soon I feel the soothing sound of several older rock tunes fill my head as I stand with the rest of the inhabitants our bus stop. The screech of the brakes breaks us from our silent perusal of music, and we file onto the bus when it finally finishes and stops in front of us. Just another boring day, I already cant wait for the end. The scenery whips by the driving buses windows, the mostly empty beach's cool salt breeze blasting through the windows and straight into my nostrils. Hours pass, as they often do, with the droning of the teachers and other students reduced to a buzzing in my ears as I tune them and the rest of the world, out. Gaze flicking around the room, noting the groups seated around. The foot-ball team, all of them dressed in the school colors, seated around, laughing and debating the different pro team's merits, their conformity and noise sickening. The cheer leaders, all giggly... are laughing with one-another, some fixing their make up, others staring at boys. The band kids... Seated around and talking about what ever it is they talk about, however are mostly silent, many actually studying? Fools, that's all they are. My attention finally focuses on Mark, one of my close friends, and I finally zone back in. Mark was saying something, "... I'm serious! Free concert, right at the beach... ". Free concert, on the beach? Since when? How could mark have heard about it when I missed it? Must have missed something... maybe worth dropping by... though I hate the crowds The sand squishes around my bare feet, the grains soft and warm around my toes, as I slide away from the roaring sound of the band. The bass rumbles through me, pulsing like the beat of some huge heart. I walk slowly down the beach, nearly out of sight from the band, and seat myself against one of the large rocks left there to accentuate the natural beauty of the beach. Or something like that. The smooth feel of the grey stone is still warm on my back as I lean back. My gaze flicks upwards, at the stars, then down. The rushing waves, and the night, it is more peaceful down here, away from the bustle, the meaningless noise and people scurrying through their lives. My thoughts are momentarily interrupted, by the sight of a girl suddenly seated not far from me. I tilt my head faintly, to get a better look at her. She is dressed in a black bikini, on strangely pale skin. My eyes start down at her dainty, manicured toes, before traveling upwards. She has firm muscled thighs, smooth skinned chest, with her bust high and perky, and her long black hair loose around her shoulders and her chest. Her features are delicate, reminding me distantly of a porcelain doll. Finally, my gaze meets hers, her lilac eyes studying me with intensity. The girl's smile is predatory, reminding me distantly of the way a lion looks at a zebra before it pounces. Her full lips part in a smile, revealing teeth startlingly white, especially in comparison to her deep red lips. The girl slides over, seating herself across from me, her eyes boring into my own, sending shivers down my spine. Her voice contains a rich European accent, one that I can't place. She is saying "Why are you down here? Isn't the concert back that way?" Her long daintily finger, topped with a long unpainted nail, is pointed down the beach, from the direction I had just come. Wry amusement tugs the corners of my lips upwards in a slight smile, as I reply "The concert is indeed down that way... But... I do not enjoy the sound of people rapping... And the noise was getting to me. It is much more peaceful down here, and I like it so much better." I smile, and looks back up at the stars, thinking the conversation over, as my attention wanders again. Cool fingers slide over my chest suddenly, sliding up and down before I look down to see what she had done, and is doing. The girl had slid forwards, almost on top of me, in less then a second. I blink in astonishment, before as my voice cracks out "What are you doing?". I had wished before for such contact, but never before had I experienced it. Her voice is a purr, as her lips come close to my ear, spraying cold breath into my ear as she whispers "I understand... I know why you come down here, and why you feel so at peace down here, and it is a view I share. I am going to give you a gift... And it will change your life forever..." When I awoke, only pain filled my senses, the rest of the world a dark blur. I do distinctly remember the sound of my own heartbeat. Slow, steady, a deep rich drum thumping noise. I believe I opened my lips and let out a groan, but I am not entirely sure. My breathing was labored, the oxygen difficult to get into my lungs. I do however; recall with ease the feel of soft skin against my chest, of skin colder then I thought it should. Blackness once again drifted across my vision, and I blacked out Again I came too, this time however; I awoke in warm darkness, wondering at the sudden lack of pain. My neck felt stiff as I rotated my head slowly, sitting up. The sensation of silk flowing down your naked body is a sensation I had at the time never before experienced. It was so cool, smoothly sliding down from up around my chest. I still however, couldn't see. I blinked, rubbing my eyes. Still nothing, so I could gather that either I am blind, or there is no light. Rather optimistically, I guessed the latter. I settle back, my fingers exploring the silk sheets around me. Gradually, I came to guess that I am in warm bed, very soft, so soft it feels like I am floating. Expensive feeling silk sheets and a velvet blanket covered my form, while a few seconds of thought brings me to the conclusion that my clothing had gone missing. Thinking back, I contemplate how the events of the last night are gone from my immediate mind. As I struggle to think of what happened, a searing pain erupts in my temples. I let out a gasp, a hiss through closed teeth, and my first sound since having awakened nude in a strange bed, with no clue as to how I had arrived there. I lean back, giving up on my struggle, and run a hand through my hair. I let out a soft sigh, suddenly very tired. My head goes back slightly and rests upon the silk sheathed pillow behind my head. My eyes shut again, the pitch darkness easing me as I drift off, my mind clearing, as I drift into a deep, dreamless sleep. Time passes, how much I am not sure. When I awaken, the room is softly lit by several candles that sit around the bed, illuminating for the first time my surroundings. I am lying on a four poster bed, with elegantly carved curves trailing upwards. A dark red hanging tops the bed, just out of reach I judged, of my extended arms if I had so tried. The velvet blanket that rises up to my chest is a dark black, the sheets a blood red. Gazing around, I notice I am in a stone walled room. It appears to be sandstone, to my admittedly inexperienced eyes, and I slide forwards slightly, studying the room in greater detail Upon closer examination, I notice the room is little but the bed, the candles are in scones in the wall, several of them, spaced evenly in a circle around the bed. The candles are a soft off white color, and the light is gentle on my eyes. A rich scent hangs across the room, and I guess it is from the candles. I distinctly recall the scent of my mother's perfume, which she had told me, was sandalwood. I rise slowly to my feet, and feel a bit unsteady. I steady myself, and take a few deep breaths. I feel my vision swim for a moment, and my head spin, before it clears and I can stand up straight. Ahead of me is a dark, mahogany wood door. I pause, sliding forwards slowly, and my fingers touch the rich bronze door knob. Smooth, cool metal greets my apprehensive fingertips, and I slowly turn the knob and open it, my feel feeling the warm sandstone below my feet. A vaguely familiar voice greets me as I open the door, seeing only just past the doorway due to the pure darkness behind the door. The voice contains trace of a European accent, and a rich musical pitch, as it says "I see you are now awake, my love." Abruptly, candles all around the room burst into light with a slight sizzle. My eyes shut, momentarily blinded by the sudden light. When my vision clears, I see another sandstone room, this one much larger then the first, and more decorated. Rich tapestries, depicting various scenes, decorate the room. A sheep skin rug meets my toes as I step forwards, blinking in shock at the sight of the girl in front of him. Delicate, porcelain doll features of unsurpassed beauty greet his wide eyes, and lilac eyes. Her long black hair, which in the light of the hundreds of candles shines with a blue sheen, cascades down from around her head and shoulders, lying against her skin in startling contrast to the pure white color of the skin. She is dressed in a rich, blood red velvet robe, cut low on her thighs. She lounges back on a rich pile of cushions, all of which are a pale off white. Seeing her causes another stab of pain into my temples, and I sway a moment, touching my temples as the pain clears. I swallow slightly, and ask softly "Who are you? Where is this place? How did I get here?" come out in a slow measured tone. Incredibly, the girl laughs. Her laughter is rich, and somehow sends a tingle down my spine. Perhaps it is how predatory it sounds, or how amused. No matter. I frown, and say "Why don't you answer me?" in a soft question, trying hard to remain cool and collected. The girl leans forwards slightly, and says "Who I am, where we are, and how you got here is not important... What matters is, Who are you? What do you remember?" in her beautiful voice, a rich mocking tone dancing through her words. I pause, thinking back. A stab of pain fills my temples, and I stagger, sliding to my knees on the sheep skin rug. I try to think, to draw back. Nothing. I... What is my name? What? I... What is going on? I blink, and then swallow hard. I stand, and turn to her, and say in a perhaps not the most confident voice "What did you do to me? I... Have no memories... Nothing... I... Cant remember a thing..." The girl smiles, and leans back on her cushions, observing me the way one might observe a piece of live stock. She smiles, slowly, and I catch a glimpse of long pale fangs. She leans backwards, and says "I am sure there was nothing important in there..." in that oh so beautiful voice. A shiver goes down my spine, as I watch her, unable to look away from her lilac gaze. I become painfully aware of my unclothed status, and I shift my weight lightly, my hands sliding over to cover my nudity somewhat modestly. Her voice continues "You will do most excellently..." In a flash, the girl had me pinned roughly to the wall. My eyes squeeze shut as stars blast across my vision, and I let out a soft groan. My head is rather gently however turned to the side, and I manage to crack my eyes open. Through tears of pain, I watch the girl lean in close, smelling my neck for a moment, before slowly pressing her lips to it. Suddenly, her jaw tenses, and fangs sink deep into the meat of my neck. I manage a scream, before her hand clamps over my mouth, and I sink once again into unconsciousness. Once again I come around in that warm silk bed. The candles are all lit, and my gaze around the room brings little out of the ordinary. My gaze follows the velvet blankets downwards, and I see a pile of black clothing. I eagerly stand up, then sit down, dizzy. My temples ache once again, as I think back to how I blacked out the last night. I feel along my neck lightly for a moment, feeling a slightly rough patch, but no holes or anything. I swallow, then pick up the clothing with both hands. A black silk shirt, of a style unknown to me, rather simple however, with ties to hold it closed around the neck. There is a set of black pants of some strange shimmering material, extremely soft to the touch. I quickly dress into them, feeling my stomach growling. I open the door, walking into the same room from last night, somewhat cautiously however this time. I see the same girl, dressed in another scanty robe, seated behind a large table. Piled high on the table are various breads, and a large steaming pot of some soup or stew. There is a single bowl of a pale white china, and one spoon. The bread is pre sliced, and everywhere is the rich aroma of food. Watching the silent girl edgily, I set myself down on the seat in front of the food, watching her closely for any actions on her part. After a while, her voice says somewhat amusedly "You need to eat... I have fed from you three times in the last two days, you need to keep up your strength...And I haven't poisoned it or anything you know..." I blink in sheer astonishment at her audacity, and say "You... you've kidnapped me, taken me here, and bit me three times! You were drinking my blood... What are you a vampire?"She simply laughs. Her head goes back, and she lets out a laugh of such chilling amusement, I feel shivers slide down my spine. She laughs for some time, I am not sure how long, before she is suddenly silent, regarding me impassively. She says after a moment "I did kidnap you, and I have fed on your blood... Which is delicious I might add, and you are right. I am a vampire... Or vampiress, if you want to be completely accurate. I was beginning to wonder at you, it took you long enough to guess it..." I blink once, then twice, feeling slightly numb. I swallow slowly, watching her as I scoot backwards, looking behind her at another mahogany door. She catches where my gaze lies, and chuckles, saying "Behind that door is a very large rock, which I doubt a mere human can lift. Sit back up at the table, eat your stew. You are not going to escape, and im not currently in the mood to watch you fail. Just sit down, and eat." I swallow, getting the feeling that she is completely serious. I grudgingly sit back down, watching her silently. After a moment, my stomach growls, and I glance at the large pot of steaming stew, and I sigh. I lift up the wood carved ladle and spoon a liberal quantity of stew into my bowl, and pick up the spoon, noticing her watching me over the pot. I sigh again, and look down into the stew. Large chunks of what look like beef, potato, carrots, and other unidentifiable vegetable matter fill the stew, and a thick aroma of spices hits my nostrils as I inhale. I slowly take a spoonful, and take a bite. I chew and swallow, feeling the hot food, and the elegant spices are tangy in my mouth, and I swallow. I look around for something to drink, and she smiles, rising up, and walking over to a small cast-iron pot full of ice. She digs one hand into it, and pulls out a unmarked bottle of something in green glass. She then walks over to me, and popping the cork out with two fingers, and coming up with a plain glass goblet. She pours a rich red colored wine into the glass, sets the bottle down besides me, and then sits back down. I stare at her a moment, then at the bottle. I sigh, and pick up the goblet, and take a slow sip. It is a taste explosion in my mouth, rich with strawberries, grapes and apples. I swallow, and then ask "What is this?" in an amazed tone. She smiles, not saying a word as she leans back, watching me dig into my food with vigor. I finish my first bowl of stew, then fill up my bowl again, and take a piece of bread. It is rich with honey and fruit, a perfect complement to the beverage, and the stew. I must have had five bowls by the end of the night, but eventually, I feel my head spinning. I lay my head on my arms and shut my eyes, instantly asleep. I manage to sleep soundly for some time, my sleep troubled. I have images in my mind, of that girl... somehow imposed over a furry animal shape, holding me tight, draing blood from my neck, then somehow i end up within her, and we... We... We are having sex? The furry animal is amazingly tight, though upon by admitedly sleep fuzzled mind, it seems a bit like a wolf... maybe a bat... maybe both. The feel of wetness and heat, suctioning folds sliding over my arousal, over and over the plunge of her hips, and finaly my release, which she seems to crave beyond the sweetness of my blood. I think i black out, for when i wake up, or the dream ends... or something... there she is in my arms, dressed only in her birthday suit. She doesnt seem awake... Andi am having a hard time beleiving my dream. I shift in my postion, feeling... Hairs? Why are there hairs on me? Oh crap... I cant believe it... I... frst just fucked a vampire... who... Turned into a wolf? Or... Something? Oh.. God... This cant be happening.. I... I finaly pull myself together, and lightly lift myself, gently tuggign myself out of her arms, then biting my lip, her eyes opening, and fur rippling across her body as he looks at my nude flesh, me having half risen out of the bed. "Where are you going?" she asks in a silken, dominating, and very lustful voice, an di feel myself helplessly compelled, standing there as she rises, slowly developing animal-like characteristics. She developes a muzzle, midnight black fur rippling across her flesh, bat-like wings sprouting from her shoulde blades. I catch a rich aroma, like a cinamony flavor, that is somehow very spicy, and the next thing i know...