Second Stage

Story by NuraTalon on SoFurry

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#2 of Tooth and Claw

AUTHOR'S NOTES: As promised, I got the next chapter up as soon as possible. So, here it is. I'd just like you all to know, that I had a LOT of fun writing this. There's not much to say, except that I was trying a few new writing elements to generally improve my writing flow. Again, if I've screwed up, please don't hesitate to drop me a message saying 'wtf is ...'. Remember, the only stupid question is one you didn't ask! I started writing this on TADAC 5942.64 (April 16 for those using standardised time and date systems) following a massive writing inspiration. I was listening to 'I Guess You're Right' by The Posies, 'Don't Fear the Reaper' from the movie The Frighteners, the Instrumental to 'Furious Angel' by Rob Dougan, the soundtrack to HAWX, the soundtrack to TimeShift, the radio I happened to be listening to when I was at the doctor's waiting room and finally, but not leastly, DOOM Music, most particularly, TNT's Hangar. ~~NuraTalon, Arctic Flame of the Southern Skies~~ (C) LEGAL POINTS: This story belongs to NuraTalon. All Characters, products, acronyms, devices and names are all copyrighted to NuraTalon. The Lockheed/Boeing F-22 Raptor, Lockheed/Boeing FB-22 StrikeRaptor, McDonnell-Douglas F-15c Eagle, Boeing A-12 Avenger, General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark, General Dynamics EF-111 Raven, General Dynamics F-16a Fighting Falcon, EuroFighter Typhoon, Saab Gripen and Rafale C are all owned and licensed by their respective companies. The Piranha Interceptor is copyrighted to NuraTalon. This Story made be reproduced and distributed as freeware (IE: No cost) as long as the Author's notes and the Legal Points Sections remain, and all credit be given to NuraTalon for the story's creation. Any reference to real world people, dead or alive is purely coincidental and accidental, and nothing is intended by this accidental referencing. By reading this Legal Points section, you hereby requinish your rights to take legal action against NuraTalon should you find the content of this story offensive or detrimental to your standing as a human being. * * * Salis circled the Piranha over the air field for just a little over eight minutes as the rest of her Squadron got in the air. It was really a sight to see from the air, as the beautiful black planes each took their turn screaming down the runway and then getting airborne to form up on her plane's tail. Now, the whole Squadron of planes was formed up behind up her, the different flights of four planes each, each holding a diamond formation of their own, inside the much larger overall diamond formation. One that held one-hundred-and-twelve planes. All of them were Piranha Interceptors, the fastest, quietest and deadliest fighter aircraft the dragons had ever devised. The aircraft were powered by scram jets, a combination of a turbo jet and a ram jet. When the Piranha's hit Mach 3, the intakes for turbo jets closed off, and diverted the air flow into the ram jets. At Mach 3, the air was already compressed to a stage where it melt the intake fans of the turbo jets. This design allowed the Piranha Interceptor to reach speeds in excess Mach 5.2 Put that in your pipe and smoke it, griffons. As Salis listened to the radio chatter of her squadron reporting in, she saw two new aircraft, obviously dragon in design, as was obvious from the shape of their wings and the shiny black outer hull of both the aircraft. "Reaver squadron, this is flight of two birds at your bearing zero-Niner-zero, requesting permission to form up and fall in." Salis was extremely surprised. Both planes looked like Airborne Control and Warning System (AWACS) planes, but she hadn't been told there was going to be any support of that kind. Both planes had large spinning radar dishes on the top aft section of the plane. "This is Reaver Lead, permission granted, join formation in the centre." Salis replied, and she watched as the two planes that were gigantic compared to the Piranha Interceptors flew side-by-side into the centre of the formation. "Reaver Squadron, this is Thunder, I'll be your AWACS support for this operation." The radio signal came from the AWACS plane on the right, and Salis instantly felt safer by about fifteen points. "Reaver Squadron, this is Citadel, I'm your Electronic Warfare plane. Keep us out of trouble, alright?" This radio signal came from the AWACS plane on the left, and Salis was amazed. This was no longer a textbook suicide mission. It was a battle, and a winnable one at that. Salis clicked her radio to transmit to all planes in her Squadron, including to both Thunder and Citadel. "Reaver Squadron, we are Go-Op!" and then, with the replies of affirmatives, Salis pushed her throttle fully forward, and the Piranha roared to life over it's normal engine droning, and it shot forward with a massive 'BOOOOOOOOOOOM' sound as it smashed through the supersonic barrier and kept going. //45 Minutes Later...... They rocketed over the landscape and hills, four thousand meters below them at Mach 5.2, and then they could all see a clearing, and masses of dust as the ground attack force came into view, their treads rolling in rather rapidly. Of course, the flight of one-hundred-and-fourteen planes shot right by them in a second or two, but the Initial Point was only fifteen minutes away for the ground attack forces, and only sixty seconds for the Squadron of planes. At this point, Thunder and Citadel broke formation with permission, and flew upwards to high attitude, where no enemy fighter could reach them. That took fifteen seconds. Once they were there, Citadel began to engage the griffon forces in Electronic Warfare, jamming their radar and their communications and such like that. Fifteen seconds before they hit the Initial Point. The flak bursts from enemy Triple-A started. Massive repeating explosions surrounded the entire squadron of fighters, and clouds of black smoke appeared and disappeared just as fast as the fighters rocketed towards the city, which was now in view. "Holy shit!" someone shouted over the group radio channel, obviously frightened by the weight and ferociousness of the incoming flak. "Hold your water Reaver Four-Three!" someone else replied, and Salis knew that pilot who shouted out was in the group of four planes directly to her diagonal right aft. And then they shot through over the city. Bright yellow tracers of ground based Anti-Aircraft batteries and Double-A tanks started flying everywhere. The Squadron broke up from their diamond-in-diamond formation into the flights of four fighters each and they headed after enemy aircraft who had already scrambled. Salis rolled her Piranha hard to the right and swung the plane hard around and pulled on the trigger of her control stick for the main 65mm cannons on her wing, and they fired up, and shredded a EuroFighter Typhoon that was unfortunate enough to have gotten in her sights. She watched the plane she knew to be the one Liirmis was piloting cut an A-12 Avenger from the skies with his wingtip cannons and it spun towards the ground as the pilot ejected from the burning craft before it hit the ground. It was a total nightmare, there were planes flying everywhere, and bullets and missiles were in the sky flying in every which direction. The Triple-A blast smoke had stopped, and now it was only the yellow tracer fire that was visible from the Double-A vehicles and ground batteries. Over the radio, it was loud, as pilots shouted for help and Thunder called out positions of enemy craft and offered assistance to pilots by warning them of when they were being tracked or being shot at. "Lead, BREAK, BREAK!" Salis didn't think, she only reacted and pushed the stick down hard, putting the Piranha into a nose dive, and she threw a quick look behind her, to see the tracer fire of an F-22 Raptor's cannon go right through where she was just half a second ago. The Raptor followed her down and she rolled hard left and pulled back hard, putting her in a tight left hand turn. The G-forces were pushing her hard to the right side of her cockpit, and she could see more tracer rounds fly right by her plane as the F-22 followed her down and around. "SHIT!!! Someone get this guy off me!" she shouted into her oxygen mask radio piece and threw her craft hard over to the right in an attempt to shake the hostile pilot hunting her down. "You can't run, dragon..." that same voice Salis had heard back at the base, she could hear again, and she had no idea where it was coming from. It was the same, childish voice, and it giggled like a little schoolgirl before she stopped hearing it again. "I'm coming Salis! Hold on!!" That was Kasreis' voice over the radio and then as good as the young pink dragon's word, there was an explosion behind her, and the tracer cannon rounds stopped. Before Salis could reply, she saw a Piranha, trailing black smoke from one of it's engines, being followed and fired at by two F-15c Eagles. "This is Reaver Seven-One, I need help FAST!!" And as Salis picked up missile locks on both of those enemy craft and the droning un-ending beep sounded, Salis watched as a white missile trail struck the damaged Piranha, and it exploded midair, with no sign of the pilot ejecting. "Seven-One is down, Seven-One is down, Seven-Two, you're lead now!" Thunder called over the radio, and there was a grim acknowledgement as Salis pressed the firing button for the 110mm Cannon and the trigger for the 65mm wingtip machine guns. Her Piranha lit up orangey-yellow as all the guns fired from her jet and the closest F-15c simply exploded midair with a fire ball, and the other one got it's wings ripped off by the sheer firepower and it plummeted to the ground, no chute meaning the pilot of that plane never ejected. "This is Reaver Lead to Reaver Seven-Two, Seven-One is avenged, over." Salis said solemnly. "I owe you a drink Lead, Seven-T... Check your six, you've got a bandit!!!" And then there was the sound of loud pinging, and an FB-22 StrikeRaptor shot past, gun-smoke trailing behind it even before Salis could react. "Alert! Damage!" a computerised female voice shouted at her, almost berating her for get shot. The force of the impact had knocked her plane down to the right and she pulled the nose back up hard before she gravity introduced her to the ground with a fighter jet rammed up her arse. "Watch out for his wingman, he's turning towards you!" Seven-Two shouted to her and there was the sound of multiple cannons firing. Two Piranhas shot from the bottom left of her cockpit glass to the top right of her cockpit glass, their wingtip cannons firing, and she pulled back hard on the throttle, and threw the craft into a midair back flip at stall speed, and then threw the throttle full forward again and joined in right behind those other two Piranhas who where chasing down a EuroFighter Typhoon and an a Saab Gripen. With the combined power of three Piranha's cannons, both enemy fighters soon found themselves cut up and falling to the earth, one of the griffon pilots managing to eject. "This is Reaver One-Three, I'm totally defensive, I need he-" The radio call was cut short by an explosion and then all that was heard was static. Salis gasped, knowing that she'd just heard Yilliris get hit, and more than likely killed. "YILLIRIS!" That was Kasreis' voice over the radio, and Salis wasn't surprised, she was still pretty young, "One-Three is down, did anyone see what happened?!!" Before Salis could even think of replying, the computer system shouted out with a siren accompanying it. "WARNING, MISSILE INBOUND!!" Salis hit the button in her cockpit that was for her counter-measures, and the Piranha fired a massive, rippling wave of burning hot flares that flew everywhere, and she pulled the craft into a loop-de-loop, which only spread the flares further. If it wasn't such a deadly situation, any of the pilots would have said the entire thing looked wonderful. "The missile is no longer tracking you, nice dodge Major!" Thunder called to her, and she let out a deserved sigh of relief, before firing her wingtip cannons again at an enemy F-16a that had strayed across in front of her. She didn't hit it hard enough, but it's single engine started pouring out black smoke, meaning she'd set the enemy bird on fire. "You can't hide, dragon...." It was that voice again, and this time it cost her. Cannon fire punched through her Piranha's armour, and shredded her left engine. A super-loud ringing buzzer sounded and the computerised female voice shouted again. "Alert! Damage! Engine, One is on fire!" Salis reached for and yanked back on the handle for the fire bottle, and there was the sound of compressed Halon gas flooding the inside of the aircraft, and the fire buzzer stopped suddenly. "Warning! Engine, One is out," the computer system warned. "Lead is hit!" was the call going out across the group channel, "Lead do you copy?! Respond!!" That voice was Liirmis', Salis realised. "I copy! I've lost Engine one, and my fire bottle is expended!" she reported and then was horrified. "Lead, you've picked up a hostile! Get creative, and FAST!!" She rolled the Piranha to the left and pulled back hard, and watched as tracer rounds flew by where she would have been had she held her course. She rolled hard right suddenly in an attempt to lose them, but it had little effect, and she took two hits to her aft armour, thankfully and quite luckily, no damage, even thought the computer screamed at her again. "Shit, they're all over me!" No matter what she tried, the enemy following her stayed on her tail, and kept firing. "Reaver Lead, this is Seven-Two, tally on an F-22 on your tail. I'm rolling in now!" Salis swore violently, one of her more choice words she used for when the shit really hit the fan. With only one Engine the Piranha didn't have a hope in hell of out-manoeuvring an F-22. That loud siren came back suddenly. "WARNING, MISSILE INBOUND!" She punched the counter-measures button again, and the massive rippling of flares fired again, and she pushed Piranha skywards in a hurry, trailing burning flares. The missile tracked until it was about 30 meters away from Salis' fighter and then it was spooked and tracked after the flares. Then she heard the sudden sound cannon fire and the sound of metal being ripped apart. And the Piranha flipped nose-over-tail and dropped in a spin. "Alert! Damage! Engine, 2 is out! Primary Hydraulic Systems Failure. Fuel pressure, low. CAUTION! Engine Stall!!" the computer shouted at her. The Piranha's spinning was exerting massive G-forces on it's poor pilot, and she was starting to black out. "... You're hit! EJECT! EJECT!!" Everything cumulated to this phrase. Salis could hear it, and hear her mind screaming at her to yank the handle in-between her legs, but she couldn't move her arms. She couldn't do anything, she couldn't even turn her head. She could head the super-loud sirens and fire buzzers, but she could nothing. The furious radio calls sounded as the battle played out, even though she was no longer in it. She knew what she had to do. She HAD to do it, and do it NOW. Her mind screamed at the rest of her body to move. Nothing happened. Her mind screamed louder. 'Do or die!!'. What little she could see through her black-out, was her hands reaching for the handle between her legs. They inched closer. She pulled on the handle. The cockpit exploded all around her. The chair she was sitting in fired up into the air as the disabled Piranha plummeted to the ground, where it hit and exploded in a massive fireball. The chair fell away as a parachute opened and she floated down to the earth, her eyes totally closed, unconscious having engulfed her mind and body. She touched down, in the middle blackened ground of where the wreckage of her Piranha lay. Her legs collapsed under her and she fell into a heap on the ground, that was soon covered by her parachute as it fell down on top of her. //An Unknown Time Later.... "Dddragonnn......" W....what was that? "Ddddddragonnnnn....." W... where is that coming from? "Wake up dddragonnn...." aaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The white dragon twitched violently in her unconsciousness, her mind trying desperately to escape the horrific nightmare. * * *

Okay, here's another chapter down. No 'fun' in it, but the only thing I will tell you, is that I will make up for it :D. Anyways, reviews and criticism would be nice. Also, does anyone want to take a pot-shot at what the next chapter will contain in terms of plot elements? I'll get the next chapter up soon peoples!