Chapter 3 - Interlude with Red Riding Hood

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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#4 of The Tale of the Big Bad Wolf

The Big Bad Wolf sighed in happiness. Exhausted after her rough usage earlier, Rapunzel too was cuddled against the back wall of his cave, her slender elven body curled against Baby Bear, her long blond locks cut to a manageable length, the distinct odor of burning hair filling the cave. Baby Bear, who hadn't woken up once while he was away.

This proved something to the wolf. When he was in a different story, time in his own story froze. Though this story seemed to be a ‘revised version', which is what the narrator had called it when last they spoke. It seemed that his story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood' was different from the one he had come from. When he had discovered the book, he had created a whole new version of the story, and it was getting longer and more involved the more he acted out of character. It gave him pleasure to know that he was writing his own story, was shaping his own destiny.

But to truly take charge of his destiny, he knew he had to take charge of this story. The story of ‘Little Red Riding Hood', not quite the same one he had been born in, but much like it. He had done very little to change the story. In fact, the only changes he had really made were bringing in two new characters. Two sleeping characters who would be part of his newly formed harem...just as soon as they woke up. But rather than force them awake and use them until they broke, he decided on a different course of action.

He would make this story his own, in his own special way...


There was the woodsman, absently splitting firewood. A tool of the story, barely a person at all. And with the way the Big Bad Wolf had changed the story, no screams had alerted him to trouble, so he had simply continued to cut firewood from the never-ending pile of logs beside him. As each log was split, the tireless woodsman pitched the halves into the already massive yet still growing mound of firewood.

The Big Bad Wolf watched from afar as his most hated foe, the one who had killed him so many times in the past, continued his near-robotic actions. The man was a plot device, no more. The narrator shared only that the woodsman had no thoughts, for his time in the story had never come. But he assured the wolf that the woodsman would attack if provoked. This pleased the wolf just fine.

He had left the storybook at home, having realized that its power to let him fade from a story didn't work in his. Besides, he wanted to kill the woodsman one-on-one, end him face to face. This is why, after a steadying breath to clear his head, the wolf stepped into the open from behind a tree. The woodsman turned to face the wolf, suddenly becoming animated. He unleashed a guttural growl and ran at the wolf, swinging his axe like a maniac.

The wolf quickly dodged out of the way and circled behind the woodsman. The tall human whipped around and threw his axe at the wolf. The wolf tried to dodge...but wasn't in time. The axe buried in his skull and the Big Bad Wolf was no more...


The Big Bad Wolf sighed in happiness. Exhausted after her rough usage earlier, Rapunzel too was cuddled against the back wall of his cave, her slender elven body curled against Baby Bear, her long blond locks cut to a manageable length, the distinct odor of burning hair filling the-- The wolf looked around, feeling an odd sense of deja vu. As if he had already done this before. He looked around in confusion, then spotted the storybook. He reached out and grabbed it.

Instantly, his memory returned. The woodsman had killed him, had thrown his axe and killed him. He could still feel the phantom pain where the axe had struck him. Anger welled within him, anger at the woodsman for killing him, and anger at himself for allowing it to happen. However, rather than go and seek vengeance against the woodsman, he decided to wait just a bit. He needed to relieve his rage or he would suffer the same fate as before.

"Baby Bear," he said loudly. The bear cub instantly shot awake, looking around in confusion His earlier seed was still on her front and muzzle, and her nose twitched a bit, taking in his male odor. "Come."

Without a second thought, Baby Bear came instantly to his side. "You need met to suck on your hot thing again?" she asked hopefully. She didn't seem at all put-off by the fact that he had almost killed her earlier. But the long and short of it was this: she loved his taste. She didn't know why, but every drop of his seed, from pre-to-post tasted delicious. She was absolutely addicted to the stuff, and wanted it whenever she could. To her disappointment however, the Big Bad Wolf shook his head. Instead, he reached out a paw and stroked the top of her head, and as usual she moved into it with a murr of pleasure.

"Not now," said the wolf. "I have something...better in mind." While one hand stroked her head, he snaked his other down to her virgin sex, fingertips stroking her gently. She sighed, but her legs closed on his hand.

"B-but it hurt before," she said, clearly frightened of him trying to enter her again. The last time he had tried, his hot thing (‘It's a penis,' she remembered) had hurt her private part (‘He called it my pussy'). Seeing she was terrified at the thought of taking him inside her, the wolf leaned forward and gave her a lick, from the tip of her nose to right between her eyes.

"If you relax, little one," he said, "it won't hurt so much. You just have to trust me. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to share pleasure with you." When he spoke the word ‘pleasure' he rubbed a finger against her little clit. Her hips rocked involuntarily against his finger and she moaned. When the wolf tested her small entrance again, he found it just a little looser than it had been. He grinned at the knowledge he had just been given. Pulling Baby Bear into a hug, he whispered into her ear. "I think I found a way to help take the pain away. Would you like that?" he asked. She nodded. Without another word, he leaned forward and laid Baby Bear on the floor, spreading her stubby legs wide.

The bear cub whimpered but didn't struggle. She made no move to hide herself despite the nearly overwhelming embarrassment she felt at being so exposed. The wolf had broken her of modest gestures rather quickly. The Big Bad Wolf slid backwards, dragging his chin along her chest, belly, and pelvis, before coming nose-to-crotch with her still-untouched pussy. He took in her ursine odor, finding it not unpleasant. It wasn't as alluring as, say, Rapunzel's adult scent, but it was arousing in its own way. Tentatively, he let his tongue hang out and gently lapped at Baby Bear's sex.

The effect was instantaneous. Her back arched and she gave a cry of both pleasure and surprise, having not expected him to do that. Her little hands gripped his face while she ground herself against his tongue. He chuckled as he continued to run his tongue all along her slit, working it open gently, making her ready to take him. Every once in a while, at infrequent times, he would lap at her little clit, making her call out in pleasure. It was his hope that after her first time, it would be much easier for her to take his dick whenever he wanted. And with each flick of his tongue, she pushed his head harder against her, wanting what his tongue was promising. And he could feel her building toward orgasm. He could feel it in the tensing of her muscles against his tongue, the shivering of her body which grew more frequent with each lap of her sweet pussy.

Being young and inexperienced, she didn't last more than a dozen licks before she came, crying out ‘wolf!' as he continued to devour her succulent pussy. When her orgasm finally ceased and she floated on the fluffy clouds of afterglow, the Big Bad Wolf drew himself away from her, letting her relax before he mounted her. While he sat on his heels, licking the last of her juices off his muzzle, he heard the narrator.

He was describing the woodsman coming to find whoever had cried wolf. Though his body cried out for sex, the wolf, in something of a Zen-like state, decided on the best course of action for putting an end to the woodsman. It took only a moment to formulate a plan...


The woodsman growled like a feral creature when he arrived at the Big Bad Wolf's lair. He stepped into the semi-darkness, looking around for the wolf or his victim. But the cave was empty. Not a soul in sight. Disgusted at being tricked by the wolf, the woodsman turned to leave.

Only to fall to the ground dead when a huge rock fell on his head just outside the cave. His skull caved in and his brains leaked out as the Big Bad Wolf chuckled, pleased at the ending of his old foe. Never again would he have to fear the axe.

He picked up the still-sleeping Rapunzel and gestured to Baby Bear. The cave was no longer home, he had decided. They would have to find a new home. Just as soon as he took care of some unfinished business. He lead Baby Bear, who was carrying the book, to the woodsman's clearing. After laying Rapunzel down on a soft patch of ground, he gestured for Baby Bear to come to him. She did, a dreamy smile still on her face.

With one hand, he took the book from her, and with the other he pulled her in and kissed her. She was completely unresisting when he sought her lips. He had brought her a pleasure she had never experienced before and she was grateful.

The Big Bad Wolf tossed the book behind him, then guided Baby Bear onto her back. She knew what he wanted, and she was more than willing to give it to him now. She drew her lips back from his, gazing into his yellow eyes as he panted in need. Bracing himself on one hand, he slid the other down to her passage, where he probed the entrance with one finger. He grinned at finding it much looser than before. And certainly loose enough for him to slip the head of his penis in. It would be smooth sailing from there.

Baby Bear nuzzled his chin once before rolling onto her stomach and raising her rump, the way the wolf had wanted the last time. Pleased at her willingness, the wolf slid his belly over her back, stopping briefly to lap the top of her head, between her ears. The wolf readied himself, taking a deep breath as he prepared to fuck Baby Bear. She rested her head on her crossed arms as she felt the wolf's penis touch her little entrance again. A flash of fear shot through her, but she fought it off. The wolf only wanted to feel good. What was wrong with that? She wanted him to feel good. Good like he had made her feel.

With a soft huff, the wolf slid his hips forward, pushing the head of his member into Baby Bear's tight young cunt. The head fit in fairly easily, a minimal amount of force being needed to gain entrance. Baby Bear let out a sweet moan now and the wolf grinned. It had hurt her before when he had only tried to insert his meat into her, but her previous orgasm had loosened her up quite well, and she took the head without complaint.

Baby Bear enjoyed the feeling of the wolf inside her, though it was only a little ways in. Her nervousness returned as the wolf began sliding deeper, filling her in a way she had never thought possible. But though her body tightened around him, she could no longer keep him from the source of pleasure he sought. He continued to push into her, not speeding up, not slowing down. He simply maintained his slow, irresistible pushing, popping her cherry, and continuing. She screamed when her hymen burst, but even this did nothing to deter him.

Baby Bear whimpered at the pain in her vagina. She had hoped that the wolf would stop when he saw it was hurting her, but it seemed he was dead set on continuing despite her pain. She could feel his penis becoming larger the more he pushed into her and she struggled a little. But he growled when she did this, warning her to hold still. She whimpered as he pushed even further into her, touching places she hadn't known existed, stretching her freshly deflowered hole so very wide. She began crying when the wolf's cock bumped something within her, presumably the end of her vagina.

‘Perhaps he'll take it out now,' she thought, biting her lip.

What a sight Rapunzel had when she woke. Her master, the Big Bad Wolf who had rescued her from her tower, mounted over the small bear cub, his hips pressed against hers while he grinned and she cried. Rapunzel, having felt the same thing before, went to comfort the Baby Bear, whose acquaintance she had made shortly after arriving. She crept towards them on her hands and knees, coming to rest beside the wolf. He looked over at her, anger clear on his face at being interrupted.

"Master," she began, using the only term of respect she knew that truly fit the wolf. The wolf growled in warning, telling her it had better be important. "Master, if you continue doing this, you'll hurt her irreparably. Let me help. Please."

The wolf rumbled softly, then nodded. "If you can help her overcome her pain, then do so."

Rapunzel smiled gently at him. "Then, if you please, lift her up." Puzzled, the wolf wrapped his arms around Baby Bear and lifted her up, revealing to the part elven princess the point where he and Baby Bear were joined. Baby Bear was crying harder now, both from the pain of the wolf's rough treatment and from shame of having someone else see her in such a compromising position.

Rapunzel reached out ha hand and rubbed Baby Bear's head, something she had seen the wolf do once. Baby Bear sniffled as she leaned into the caress. But Rapunzel only rubbed her for a moment before leaning down and, grinning mischievously, lapping at Baby Bear's little clit. The little bear moaned and shook, her cunt loosening as pleasure began to fill her. Rapunzel smiled and began licking more frequently, trying to relax the little bear further, since she doubted Baby Bear could handle the rough fucking the wolf had given her, Rapunzel, earlier in the day. And no doubt if the cub continued to resist, the wolf would stop trying to be a gentleman and simply take her by force.

The Big Bad Wolf could hear the narrator describe Rapunzel's thoughts of the situation, and he had to agree with her assessment. If he didn't get what he wanted, he would indeed fuck Baby Bear as roughly as he had done Rapunzel. Such an experience would probably destroy the little bear's mind, and he would feel bad for a little bit. But such pleasure as could be gotten from a female would drown any regrets. But Rapunzel's actions were having a good effect on the little bear. She was loosening up again, and the wolf could feel the entrance to her womb relaxing a little, waiting for an infusion of cum. He moved his hands to Baby Bear's waist, adjusting his grip. He wanted her to take ALL of him, and there were still a few inches left outside that needed to be let in.

He pushed her down hard as he pushed up, forcing her womb open and sliding her down to his knot. She screamed once more, but though it was a scream of pain, it was far less intense than it would've been had Rapunzel not been there to help ease her suffering. The princess continued to lap at Baby Bear's throbbing clit and groaning lips. Groaning from the strain of keeping such a large object enclosed without tearing apart. Rapunzel could FEEL Baby Bear's body straining, stretched to its limit. If the wolf made even one hard thrust, her vagina might possibly turn inside out.

And that was no joke.

"Master," said Rapunzel again. The wolf frowned down at her. She had been meek, submissive, accepting when he had brought her here only a short while ago. But now she was just a little more assertive, barely noticeable at all to an outsider. But the Big Bad Wolf could tell. Perhaps...did the book have something to do with it? "Master," repeated Rapunzel, "I wish to pleasure the both of you, so you won't hurt the Baby Bear and yet you will still feel pleasure." ‘The Baby Bear' was how Rapunzel always referred to Baby Bear. It was an odd trait, since Baby Bear's name really was ‘Baby Bear'.

"And how would you do that, pet?" asked the wolf. He watched with interest at the way Rapunzel shivered when he called her ‘pet'. It was the first time ever, yet it seemed to please her in a strange way. Her cheeks blushed and she gave a single pant of want and he grinned, his sharp teeth bared. He leaned his head forward and lapped once at Baby Bear's neck. Despite her tears and the pain she was in, she sighed and tilted her head forward, exposing her neck to the randy wolf. He lapped her neck once more, giving her a form of pleasure that he had thought would be denied her. The neck bite was out of the question; she was terrified of it and, rather than feeling good, it caused her such pain. But a lick...that seemed to hit the spot just right. Her body relaxed in his arms, her crying slowed. Yet her walls did not loosen up; her body wouldn't stretch any further.

Rapunzel, rather than answering verbally, moved close again and took another lick. This time, however, she licked not only Baby Bear's lips and clit, but the wolf's embedded shaft as well. He gave a whine at both the lovely feeling of her tongue and the feel of Baby Bear's walls rippling around him. Baby Bear groaned, her throat too tightened by pain to speak, and the narrator relayed her feelings on the subject to the wolf.

‘It hurts,' her thoughts said. ‘It hurts so much...but it feels good too. I feel so full. But if he moves it'll hurt more. I don't want it to hurt more. Maybe he'll take it out...OOOH! Rapunzel...don't stop...It makes it hurt less...Maybe it'll be alright...Maybe his tasty juice...seed he called it...will come out in me. Would I have cubs then?' The thought of her filled with his cubs, belly distended, while he used her tailhole made the Big Bad Wolf pant in anticipation. He would find a way, no question. He would find a way for everyone involved in his harem. As soon as he expanded it. And found a new home.

He held himself still, resisting the urge to buck his hips as Rapunzel continued to run her tongue along his balls, knot, shaft, and Baby Bear's cunt and clit. Baby Bear continued to groan as the princess shifted from licking to suckling on her little clit, and she shook in the wolf's arms. He could feel the effect Rapunzel was having on her. Her walls were pulsing much more chaotically than before, sucking on his cock as eagerly as her mouth did. Her body wanted it, and apparently her mind did as well. He could feel her orgasm building, and his wasn't far behind. He started panting in need, his instincts telling him to tie her, but his rational mind telling him it would kill her. Rationality won out and he made a compromise.

"Rapunzel, my pet," he said, his voice husky as he fought to control his instincts. Her eyes rolled up to meet his as she froze, mid lick, Baby Bear's clit resting in the middle of her tongue, a pleasant form of torture. Baby Bear was panting harder now, about to burst from the intense stimulation she was receiving. "Take my knot in both hands and squeeze it tightly."

The princess complied, taking the wolf's fleshy orb gently between her palms, then squeezing it as hard as she could. She resumed her licking as her Master's panting became more fierce. Then, with a final lick to the back of Baby Bear's neck, the Big Bad Wolf threw back his head and howled at the top of his lungs, filling the forest with the cry of a wolf. His knot ballooned in Rapunzel's hands as his shaft twitched within Baby Bear's tight confines, causing small bolts of pain to shoot through her, before his cock exploded. Mount Big Bad Wolf erupted within the bear cub, unleashing vast flows of hot white lava into her unprepared, unprotected womb. Her depths were so filled by his meat that, even without the knot, there was no place for it to go. His dick made a natural cork, keeping every drop of cum in her.

At first, Baby Bear was frightened. His dick twitching inside her...she'd thought it was going to go deeper, but it stayed where it was. Instead, it fired the wolf's hot seed into her, filling her womb quickly. It felt good to have his seed inside her. But when she felt it fill her completely and cause her womb to stretch to accommodate it all, she no longer felt fear. She didn't feel much of anything. A lightning bolt of ecstasy struck her and she screamed in orgasm, crying out "Wolf!" as loud as she could, panting as her belly swelled with the sheer volume of seed being forced into her. Her consciousness slipped away from her, her body completely relaxed in the wolf's grasp as his seed continued to pour into her unconscious form.

The Big Bad Wolf panted hard as he held Baby Bear's limp form in his arms, one arm holding most of her weight, the other stroking the growing cum-belly she was sporting. He couldn't help but find her sexy like this, swelled so much by just one of his orgasms. Her womb was smaller than he thought. It would be so easy to pup her, if it was possible at all. Oh, he knew it wasn't possible yet. She was too young, her body too immature to bear them. But one day...

When at last the flow tapered off, the wolf pulled softly with his hips, sliding slowly out of Baby Bear. Despite her being unconscious, she was still incredibly tight. But by going slow, he managed to draw his wang out of her well-stretched depths. But not a drop of his seed, besides what was on the head of his dick, came out with it. In fact, just a short ways from the head of his dick was an imprint of her womb's protective ring, made when it had squeezed down on him during her orgasm. It seemed to have sealed immediately after he exited. This was good.

Before he could consider his next actions, Rapunzel was upon him, her mouth slipping over his dick. Her tongue touched nearly all of it as she took him deep, removing the leftover seed and bringing his waning erection back to roaring life. Before he could lay hands on her head and fuck her face, she drew off of him, leaving his shaft coated in saliva. She sat back on her heels, an impish smile on her face as she swallowed.

"Why?" the wolf asked simply, laying Baby Bear down on her stomach, her natural sleeping position.

Rapunzel giggled. "Because she still needs to be broken in, Master," she replied. Still on her knees, she straddled Baby Bear's sleeping form and spread the little bear's ass cheeks wide. "You weren't finished, were you , Master?"

With a growl of laughter, the wolf shook his head. "No. No I wasn't." He slid up behind Baby Bear, gazing down at her little tailstar, the hole he had been in only once before. It had been painful, both for him and her, but she had been unable to relax then. But now, unconscious as she was...

He brought his cock to her tailhole and made to push in. Rapunzel, however, placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. When he gave her a questioning look, she maneuvered her fingers to the little tail hole, then into it. Gently, her fingers pulled apart, opening the hole gently, exposing the bear cub's insides. The wolf, seeing the way of it, brought his cock forward again and slid a little bit of himself into it. Before he could hilt, though, Rapunzel spat on his length, then, releasing Baby Bear's ring, worked her fingers around her Master's shaft, lubing his rod with her saliva. When she had lubed him as best as she could, she moved her fingers back to spread the cub's hole again.

With a nod of gratitude, the Big Bad Wolf pressed forwards, his cock barely grazing the widespread ring. Despite that, he could feel the intense heat of Baby Bear's unused bowels, and it was glorious. This caused another realization to occur. Baby Bear didn't complain of hunger, and ditto from Rapunzel. And he hadn't eaten in a fair bit, yet he wasn't hungry, despite the vigorous workout he was getting. Could it be that he didn't actually need to eat? Did any of them? Since they were storybook characters, and story characters generally didn't eat, did it mean that they didn't actually need food? Questions for another time, he decided. He gripped Baby Bear's sides and pushed himself all the way in, hilting in Baby Bear's...well, not virgin yet un-fucked, ass.

Rapunzel slid off Baby Bear's back and watched in awe as her Master began pumping slowly in the Baby Bear. She wanted him to fuck her like that again. The hollow feeling was becoming near unbearable again. But she was willing to wait her turn. And her turn would come again, since the wolf had only had the Baby Bear once, and would have her twice, so he would have a little more left for little Rapunzel. And unlike the Baby Bear, she could take his knot, which he liked.

"Master?" she asked, gazing up at the wolf as he paused, savoring the insides of Baby Bear. He gazed down at her, eyes half-lidded lazily. "What are we going to do when you're finished?"

The wolf rumbled in his chest, feeling content. He bucked his hips once, letting out a single pant at the little bit of stimulation. "Well," he replied, "first we must find a new home. If I'm going to build my harem, we will need a bigger home." At the word ‘harem', Rapunzel shivered. She had thought it would only be her and the Baby Bear with him, but it seemed she was wrong. She was a little put out by this, but reasoned that having more members to the harem would allow her freedom to sate her hollow insides whenever she wished. The wolf, too out of it to hear the narrator comment Rapunzel's thoughts, continued. "This story will be our home, but I would prefer a house to live in. And there is a girl in this story that I simply must have in my harem..." His gaze focused for a moment, his eyes hard. "I WILL have her," he said with conviction. "She will be part of my harem until I decide to break her." Just as quickly as he hardened his gaze, it softened once again, and he started slowly pumping into Baby Bear.

"What story is this?" asked Rapunzel, a plan forming.

The wolf, distracted by his task, answered without thinking. "Little Red Riding Hood, the revised story."

Satisfied by the information she had received, Rapunzel left her Master to lazily screw the Baby Bear. She knew what she was going to do now. She circled around the pair and went right to the book. She knew the book was important to her Master. It was the source of his power. She had touched it, felt it, read little portions of it, but its powers didn't work for her. This suggested the wolf was a great sorcerer, a being to be respected and feared. Though she didn't fear him. Rather, she felt a kinship with this creature. He must've been lonely when he sought her company in the high tower she had been imprisoned in. She flipped the book open to the ‘Table of Contents' and searched the titles for the one she wanted.

Under the section marked ‘Revised', she found her Master's story. As soon as she found the page, she silently read through the story until she found the part where the Big Bad Wolf was running to a woman called Granny's house. The story told of the wolf finding the book, but she stopped there. She only wanted to know about Granny's house.

She quietly set the book down and left the clearing, moving silently so her Master wouldn't be disturbed. She made her way back to the cave, finding it by mere chance, for she had been asleep during the move. But her Master had explained the need for secrecy to both her and the Baby Bear. His nemesis, the woodsman, would kill them all with his axe if he got the chance. This was why her Master had refused to make love to her outside. But he was doing so with the Baby Bear. So it probably meant...

Her suspicions were correct, finding the corpse of the woodsman where the wolf had left him. She skirted gingerly around the pool of blood and gore that had built up while they'd been away, and pried the axe from the woodsman's cold, dead fingers. Now she was ready. Time to visit Granny's house. A grin appeared on her face, a grin she had no control over. She raised a free hand and felt it. Realization filled her eyes: it was the Master's grin. His bloodthirsty smile that said someone was going to get hurt. She liked it.

Hefting the axe over one shoulder, she began marching through the woods, whistling softly.


After only a few thrusts of his hips, the Big Bad Wolf noticed that Baby Bear's breathing had changed. She groaned softly and her hips raised, but she didn't fight. Awake or not, it made no difference, but he was curious.

"Baby Bear?" he asked softly. "Are you awake?"

She whimpered. "Y-yes..."

He put his arms around her and lifted her up, holding her against his chest and hilting her again. "Does it hurt too much?" Again, he detected an odd degree of caring in his voice. Perhaps it was because he was building a family. He couldn't stand to see Baby Bear or Rapunzel hurt. Well, not too much anyway. If he wanted sex, he would have it, whether they liked it or not. But he cared about their wellbeing, something he had never thought possible. And the thing that made it most odd, however, was that he liked the feeling of caring. He was both happy and terrified of caring.

"N-no," responded Baby Bear. "I-it hurts a little, but I can take it. Don't stop. Please."

The please did it. She was willing for him. He lapped her neck once, then set her back down on her belly, resuming his casual thrusting, feeling good but only slowly bringing his climax closer.

"Baby Bear?" he asked suddenly. She turned her head to look at him, a blush coloring her cheeks when she saw him thrusting into her. It was one thing to feel it, but quite another to see it too. "Would you be averse to bearing my pups?"


"Would you be willing to have my pups?" he asked. "If I found a way for you to do so, would you want me to fill you with my pups? Yes or no?"

"I-I-I," stuttered Baby Bear, not expecting such a question. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, though it was very difficult to do so, considering the rising feelings coming from her nethers. "I would be honored, Mr. Wolf."

He leaned forward with a grin and lapped her neck. She moaned and her anus flexed. "Call me Master, little one," he replied, grinding his knot against her. He knew she couldn't take it. Too small there, just like her vagina. But he could let her feel it.

"M-master," she said, biting her lip.

"Again!" The wolf's thrusting sped up and he lifted her once more, licking her neck roughly, pounding her ass hard with his dick, and groping her small nipples with one hand while assaulting her clit with the other.

"MASTER!" she screamed, her body shaking and tightening up all around him. The wolf threw back his head and howled again, louder and longer than before, his knot ballooning against her anus, not inside but touching it enough that when it swelled it pushed the ring open a bit. His cock twitched inside her ass, firing seed all over within her backside, bringing a strange heat to her innards as tears of ecstasy flowed freely from her eyes, her tongue lolling on the grass as her master unloaded, his seed gushing out of her ass from around his cock.


Rapunzel found Granny's house without incident. It was the only small cottage in the forest, so it had to be the one. She peeked in through a window and saw, to her delight, a withered old woman lying in bed, dressed in her bed clothes. This, then, was Granny. Rapunzel went back to the woods and leaned the woodsman's axe against a tree. Then, taking a moment to breathe, she pounded on Granny's door frantically.

"Help!" she cried. She could hear the old woman struggling to get out of bed, and heard her clunking as fast as she could to the door. Rapunzel had to fight hard to keep her Master's grin off her face when the old woman threw the door open. Without waiting for Granny to comment on the girl's nudity, she shouted at the woman hysterically. "Help, Ms. Granny! Red Riding Hood is hurt! The Big Bad Wolf, he-" She trailed off, sniffling convincingly. The old woman had heard enough.

Granny stepped out of the house, holding her cane. She no longer felt the urge to comment on Rapunzel's nudity. "Lead on, child," she said. "She needs me."

Rapunzel lead the way as quickly as she could into the woods. Every few minutes she stopped to wait for Granny, then moved a bit further ahead. Deeper and deeper into the woods she lead Granny, towards the clearing where the Big Bad Wolf was currently having his way with the Baby Bear. It was off the beaten path to be sure, but Granny, overcome with worry for her granddaughter, thought nothing of it.

Rapunzel skirted the clearing as she lead the way to the wolf's den. When they arrived, she pointed to the corpse of the woodsman. Granny shuffled her way up the dead man, confused. "Where's my granddaughter?" she asked.

"The wolf," replied Rapunzel, sobbing, "the wolf must've taken her. Mr. Woodsman tried to help her, but..." Suddenly, a howl split the woods. The triumphant howl of the Big Bad Wolf. Granny turned her head in the direction of the call, then turned her head back to speak to Rapunzel.

She saw the silvery blade of the woodsman's axe as it swung at her.

She was not fast enough to dodge.

She fell to the ground, dead, the woodsman's axe buried in her face. Rapunzel let the weapon fall from her fingers, watching in sadistic curiosity as Granny's wound began bleeding. This was the first time she had ever killed someone, or even thought of killing someone. The wolf was having a bad effect on her, she decided. She decided also, however, that she liked this new change in herself. She had a master to please, and she would please him in her own way. She turned and broke into a run, headed back to Granny's house.


Little Red Riding Hood made her way up the path to Granny's house. Her basket of goodies was at home, having never been refilled. She didn't think it odd that she had no house at the end of the path, or that her ‘mother' was simply a disembodied voice that told her to go to Granny's house. It was the norm to her, as with seeing the big wolf along the path. But the last few trips to Granny's, he hadn't been there. It struck her as a little strange, but nothing to really worry her. She'd heard his howl earlier in the day and knew he was somewhere else in the forest.

Down the path she went, the twelve-year-old skipping merrily, long brown hair and her usual red hood blowing in the wind. Around the bend and there was Granny's house, open and inviting as always. She went straight up to the door and knocked enthusiastically.

"Come in!" cried her Granny. Red pushed the door open and skipped inside.

"I came to visit you, Granny!" she said loudly, a giant smile on her face. She skipped merrily into Granny's bedroom. "How are you to-" she trailed off, not seeing her granny in the bedroom. In fact, there was no one there. But Granny never got out of bed...

"Hello, dear," said her Granny from behind her. Red Riding Hood smiled in relief, turning around.

"There you agh-" She was cut off by the elven fist in her gut, her eyes wide and staring at the naked blond girl before her, whose fist was still in contact with her stomach. When the fist pulled away, Red Riding Hood fell over on the floor, gasping for breath.

"Hello, Red Riding Hood," said Rapunzel with a smile. "Your granny had a little accident outside, so my Master is taking over her house. But don't worry," she assured, kneeling down next to the wounded girl, "he'll take good care of you, too."

"N-no," whispered Red Riding Hood, spitting up a little bit of blood. Elves are very strong, and while Rapunzel was not full-blooded elf, she was still much stronger than a full human. This she demonstrated by picking up Red Riding Hood easily and tossing her on the bed.

"Oh yes," replied Rapunzel, following the red-hooded girl. "You're in good hands now." With that, she set about preparing a gift for her master.


The Big Bad Wolf cuddled against Baby Bear, his erection long since retreated into his sheath. He licked her neck softly and rubbed her cum bump while she snuggled into him. He was pleased at her willingness to bear his pups. Now all he had to do was find a way to make it happen. But there were many stories left in the book. He just had to find one that had what he needed.

‘I think I should include Rapunzel in this closeness,' decided the wolf. ‘She was quite helpful earlier, and should be rewarded.' He raised himself up a bit and looked around the clearing. No Rapunzel. He sat all the way up, looking around fearfully.

"What's the matter?" asked Baby Bear, groggy from her second orgasm.

"Rapunzel's gone," he replied.

"No I'm not, Master!" said a cheery voice. The Big Bad Wolf smiled, not needing to see who it was.

"Rapunzel," he said. "You had me worried for a moment."

A pair of thin arms came around his neck, a small body pressing fair-sized breasts against his back. Rapunzel hugged her Master gently, breathing deeply through her nose, taking in his scent. She sighed into his neck fur.

"Did you have fun, Master?" she asked.

"I did indeed," he replied. "Thanks in no small part to you, Rapunzel."

"And you, little Baby Bear?"

"It felt good," replied the cub, slurring a little. She was sitting up, and a pool of white was collecting beneath her.

Rapunzel giggled. "Guess what, Master."


"I found us a house!"

The wolf shook himself. "You did?"

"Yeah! I have it all cleaned up and everything. Just waiting for you and Baby Bear to come and make it a home. Wanna see it?"

"Of course." The wolf stood. Baby Bear, excited at the prospect of a new home, tried to stand as well, only to find her legs had turned to jelly. She couldn't stand up without falling over. With a laugh, the Big Bad Wolf scooped Baby Bear up in his arms, maneuvering her so her still-leaking asshole would drip on the ground and not on him. "Lead on, Rapunzel," he ordered.

All too happy to oblige, Rapunzel led the way.


"What a lovely house," commented Baby Bear from the crook of the wolf's arm. Along the way, her tailhole had finally closed, keeping what was left of the wolf's seed inside her. The Big Bad Wolf frowned.

"This is Granny's house," he said, recognizing it instantly.

"Yep," replied Rapunzel with a smile.

"What about Granny?"

"Gone." The way she said it sounded grim, final. When he looked at her, she grinned a grin he recognized, and he returned it. No more Granny. Now all he needed was Red Riding Hood.

"C'mon!" cried Rapunzel, opening the door for her Master and fellow pet. The wolf stepped inside and looked around the spacious house, nodding in approval.

"You made a good choice, Rapunzel," praised the wolf. Baby Bear echoed his compliment, and the princess blushed.

"The best part is the bedroom," she said, gesturing to the back of the house. The wolf, curious, stepped around Rapunzel. He didn't even notice when Rapunzel swept Baby Bear off his arm and held her. She leaned down to whisper in the little bear's ear. "I think he'll like this surprise. But let's leave him alone, little Baby Bear. You and I can have fun until he's done." Baby Bear nodded in response, feeling a quiver of anticipation as Rapunzel swept her out of the room and to the back of the house, where they wouldn't be disturbed.


"Little Red Riding Hood," said the wolf softly, staring at the little girl in the red hood.

Rapunzel had gotten creative with the girl. Red Riding Hood was strapped to her grandmother's bed by her own clothes, though she still wore her hood. Rapunzel had posed the child until she was on her knees, ass high in the air, revealing two holes for him to choose from. She whimpered softly around the gag Rapunzel had made from Granny's night cap. Fear was clear in her eyes at seeing the large wolf standing at the foot of the bed. And seeing the erection the wolf was sporting.

He had come twice already. He had only enough left for one more go before he was done for the day. But what a way to go out. He considered her mouth, since it seemed to be a theme of his. He did vaginal, then anal, then he fucked her mouth and shot his load down her throat. And with the law of patterns, he would thus have to blow his load in Red Riding Hood's mouth to complete the chain. But he wanted to fuck her.


He was silent a moment, gazing at the lovely posing of the nude girl. She was struggling against her bonds, but Rapunzel had tied a good knot. She wasn't going anywhere unless freed. He licked his chops, clearing away the leaking saliva as he considered his options.

On the one hand, he wanted to fuck her senseless, break her cunt open, and blow both nuts in her pussy. That had such a great appeal and he whined softly.

On the other hand, he had grown fond of anal sex, and her tight little ring was bared for his eyes. He could mount her and pierce her. She would hate it, at first. But his experience with the others had taught him that, while they hated it at first, they grew to enjoy it quickly. Another idea with great appeal.

On a third hand, he was a big fan of following patterns. He wanted to cram his cock as far down her throat as he could, even getting his knot in her mouth. He ran a quick estimate of how large his knot swelled and tested Red Riding Hood's jaw to see if it would fit without breaking. It would. He let out a louder whine of need at this idea as well.

But what to do.

What to do.

What to do.


With his trademark grin, he climbed up on the bed behind the girl. She was older than Baby Bear, and bigger. She would be able to take him without being turned inside out, though not without pain. Pain always came before pleasure in each of his sexual experiences. Another pattern. He guided his already lubed cock to her pussy lips, sliding the pointed head up and down, finding her hole but trying to spark a little reaction. It came in the form of Red Riding Hood, jerking, trying to kick him, though her legs were tied down. Not quite the reaction he was looking for, but it would do.

He thrust his hips forward brutally, spearing her untouched depths with his cock. He pierced deep inside her, puncturing her maidenhead, forcing her walls wide, smashing her womb open, and coming to a stop just inside it. She screamed into the gag until her face turned red. Her struggles continued, but at a more frantic pace. She tried to fight him, but he was too strong. Even as he began pumping, she fought to tighten her muscles, to keep him from taking pleasure from her flesh. This simply made it more pleasurable for him, forcing her fighting walls wide open again, battering open her closing womb again. She shrieked every time he thrust in. And when he pulled all the way out, she slumped in exhaustion. All the fight had been taken out of her.

‘I won,' she thought, the narrator telling the wolf. ‘He'll leave me alone now, then the woodsman will come and end him. Then Granny and I will be fine. Just like always.' Unsure of how she knew the traditional ending to the story, the wolf chuckled darkly as he repositioned his dick.

With another brutal thrust, he forced her anus open. She screamed anew, but her body, driven to the point of exhaustion from fighting his initial violation, just wouldn't respond to her commands. She wanted to lower her rear, make it difficult for him to do this. Stop him from entering her again. But to no avail. Blood ran in crimson streams from her bleeding anus, only to mingle with the virgin blood of her vagina, turning into a river before falling on the bedspread.

Of all the members of his harem (so far), decided the wolf, Red Riding Hood had the best ass. Best pussy went to Rapunzel, and best mouth went to Baby Bear. If Red Riding Hood could be trained and made obedient, she would be among his favorites. He would treat her better. But that would come later.

With a sigh of longing, he drew his length from her ass, watching in fascination as her anus closed itself quickly. He chuckled again. Her anus must've tried to close around his still-pounding dick, which made the experience so much better. He slapped her on the ass once, and she let out a groan of protest. With a satisfied nod, he moved around to Red Riding Hood's head. He sank to his knees, careful not to smack something with his erection. He smiled pleasantly at her and gently removed the gag from her mouth. With it gone, she breathe easier, and she panted hard as she locked eyes with the wolf.

"Hello, Little Red Riding Hood," said the wolf. "I think you will make an excellent edition to my harem."

"Never!" she spat.

"You don't have a choice, little thing. You will be part of my harem, or I will end your life as surely as I ended the woodsman's. And your Granny's." All hope drained from Red Riding Hood's eyes at the revelation that there was absolutely no hope for her. She went into shock, her eyes going wide. The wolf watched the fascinating sight as her mind slipped away from her eyes. She wasn't dead. She was broken. Without a stimulus, she would never recover from her experience. There was no one who could give her the stimulus she needed. She was little more than a slave now. The wolf climbed up onto the bed, then, flipping the hood down, he rubbed her head gently, raising her lifeless eyes to meet his. "There is no hope for you, my dear. Your submission is the only thing keeping you alive. If you attempt to resist, I will kill you and feast on your corpse. Is that clear?" Her head nodded just once. He grinned. "Good. Now, taste of my seed and be mine forever." He guided his achingly hard length to her mouth. She made no move to resist it, but no move to take it either. He sighed as he pried her mouth open and slid his length in.

He let his meat rest on her tongue, stroking her ears softly. "You know," he said with a sigh, angling her head to see him again, suddenly feeling guilty. "You know, I didn't want you this way. I wanted you to be submissive. I didn't want you fighting me. If you don't fight me, I won't have to hurt you. I want to feel pleasure with you, not pain. Hate me if you must, but the other girls of my harem could surely give you the comfort of family. You just have to come back a little, Red Riding Hood." His voice was almost pleading when he said it, his heart aching in a strange way. He would never admit it to anyone else, but there was a truth he kept hidden. After touching the book for the first time and being able to feel things differently, he had discovered a longing deep inside himself. He had wanted Red Riding Hood for his own. Not to eat. To breed. It wasn't love. He wasn't truly capable of love. But affection, a form of love. That was doable.

"I have felt feelings of affection for you, Red Riding Hood. For the longest time, I have. Seeing you this way, offered to me as a gift...It was more than my self control could handle. I had to have you. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry I forced you. But it is for the best. Come back even a little, and I will show you pleasure you have never known. Please?" No response was forthcoming, and the wolf made to draw his waning erection from her mouth. The depression he was feeling had reduced his excitement. He figured he would use her unseeded cunt once more, just to fulfill the one fantasy, then he would put her out of her misery.

That was the plan.

Until the mouth around his dick started rippling softly, tugging his struggling wood back. The wolf gaze down at Red Riding Hood. Her eyes were still wide, shocky, but he could see just a little bit of personality in them. She would never be the same, but she would be his. This he could tell. He stroked her ears softly as she coaxed his member back to life, filling her mouth with wolf cock. He gently slid more into her mouth, letting her do as she pleased, but still in control of himself. He sighed softly as Red Riding Hood gnawed gently on his dick, letting him feel her teeth. Just a little teasing, nothing painful. But it felt good. When he was sure she was into it, he pushed more. Her position on the bed had her throat wide open for him.

He gently entered her throat. She gagged a little and he pulled back, letting her have a break, before pushing in again. He repeated it many times, fighting down both his urge to fuck her roughly and the urge to cum, though he couldn't do so without his knot being stimulated. But it sure as hell felt like he would.

His knot was still small when he pressed in further than before, noting with pleasure that she didn't gag this time. His knot expanded in her mouth, locking behind her teeth and holding him in her throat. She swallowed compulsively then, her body trying to swallow the obstruction in her throat. She could still breathe, as was evidenced by the coughs she gave off, but it was there all the same. He rubbed her ears roughly as he came. He threw back his head and howled, almost going hoarse from the force of it. His cock twitched in Red Riding Hood's throat as his cock blew down her throat. He could feel her swallowing franticly, trying to keep from drowning in wolf cum. It took only a couple of minutes for the flow to taper, though it didn't stop. Red Riding Hood just continued to swallow the slower flows of seed as his knot started to deflate. When it was far enough down that he could withdraw, he pulled out up to the head, letting the last bits of seed flow over her tongue, giving her a taste of true wolf essence.

When at last he pulled his softening member from her oh so inviting mouth, she looked up at him with just a little of her old hope in her eyes, smiling just a little up at him, tentatively. She had lost something this day, something that could never be replace, but he had filled the void it left behind in a different way. He had destroyed her family, but had given her a new one that understood her situation. Never again apart. Always together. Forever.

This was what the narrator told the Big Bad Wolf, and he nodded in agreement.

Quickly, he untied Red Riding Hood, then turned her suddenly limp body onto her side, in the middle of her Granny's king-size bed, holding her against himself. He heard the cottage door open and close and he looked up. In came Rapunzel and Baby Bear, both of whom looked tuckered out. He reached out a hand and helped Baby Bear onto the bed, placing her against Red Riding Hood's belly, with Rapunzel on Baby Bear's other side. Introductions were made all around, then the wolf pulled Granny's covers up over them, his nose crinkling at the stink of old lady. He made a note to find better blankets. And a bigger bed, if he decided to increase his harem.

With a sigh, he buried his nose in Red Riding Hood's hair and fell asleep, cuddling up against his newest harem girl.


The narrator looked up from his computer screen and glanced at his clock.

"Shit!" he cried. "I'm gonna be late for work!"

He quickly forced his softening member back into his boxers, threw on his khaki pants and navy-blue shirt, and ran out the door, heading off to work. The experiment was a success. A storybook character could make his own destiny.

‘Now,' thought the narrator, ‘all he needs is narrator power.'


To Be Continued...

The next chapter has been decided. "The Three Little Pigs" is the next story on the Violation List. And now I have a new contest to put out, though it's mediocre at best.

Should I continue with these End-Of-Chapter contests? If so, comment 'yes' in the appropriate line, or 'no' if you think I should stop. I should let it be known that I barely remember most of my childhood fairy tales, so the contests not only help me remember them, it gives me insight on the kinds of things my readers like. So if you like my 'give you options' contests, say yes. If you hate them, say no. I'll be checking a week from Wednesday (Tax Day, ugh). Ta 'til then.