A Few Moments More

Story by Kansai Lai on SoFurry

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A white and brown feline stepped off the train, a large bag strapped to his back. He looked around the station, trying to find someone. There were plenty of other furs meeting others. Some just seemed to know where they were going, even without greeter. He double checked his ticket, making sure he was at the right station when a rust colored blur pounced him. "Argh!" He struggled to stay on his feet, but the weight of his bag threw him off balance and they both fell to the hard ground. He lifted his now sore head and saw a long, bushy, ringed tail swish back and forth, accompanied by the sound of giggling. "Ummm, Nina?"

"Murr. Yep. I'm so glad to finally meet you, Conner!" She kept nuzzling him despite a number of stares from people. Others smiled at the cuteness.

"Um, can you let me up now?" She nuzzled him for another minute before getting up. She tightly held on to his paw and wouldn't let go. And quite frankly he didn't blame her, neither did he. They'd been chatting and skyping for almost two years and now they were face to face. They'd waited so long so they could save money and also to build trust among each other.

"Let's get something to eat. I bet your hungry after that train ride." The cat nodded, squeezing her paw. He kept the bag on his back as she took him through the city, her city. She pointed out all the points of interest, historical and entertaining, all the time smiling like she planned to outshine the sun with her teeth. She was loud and full of energy, spinning about in excitement as the walked the old streets.

She lived by the ocean, so she took him to a hole-in-the-wall little seafood restaurant. They left his bag at the host stand and took a window seat, the harbor stretched out before them. They looked through their menus and it didn't take long to decide what they wanted. The waiter came by, handing them some ice water before running off to the kitchen with their orders. The air around them was full of ocean scents, fair and foul.

They talked. They talked about stupid things. He talked about his long train ride and the weird stuff that occurred. She told him about what to expect from her family, good and bad. He was most afraid of when he dad would come home, later that evening. He was scary by what he'd heard, but it was all in the interest of protecting his daughters. Quite possibly the most terrifying sort of male to come across. They didn't stop talking even when their food came, the smell of grilled fish and fried shrimp stronger now that it was on their table. They laughed and tried to keep from choking on their food. They talked about the places to go to, events to attend, everything they wanted to do together in their limited time. They were sadly, painfully aware this wouldn't last long. They would enjoy it while they could. The check eventually came and Nina grabbed it. Hell, she nearly pounced it. Conner started to protest, but she cut him off, claiming that he needed to save his money for other things. But if he wanted to, he could provide the tip. He sighed and looked at the bill to see what he owed. His tip was generous so he felt better. They smiled and thanked their server as they left, making sure to grab Conner's bag before they left.

They grabbed a bus for the ride back. She let him pay his fare for that, much to her chargrin. This time they didn't talk. She held onto his arm, leaning against his shoulder. She merely rested and basking in the fact he was really here beside her. She closed her eyes. Conner on the other paw took in the sights they passed: Shops and schools, athletic fields and cemetaries. He heard the speaker on the bus announce streets and major transfer points. He didn't really pay attention to it. Without even opening her eyes, Nina pushed the 'stop request' button. She let go of his arm and sashayed off the bus when it came to a stop. Once he was off, she took his paw again and took him to her home.

The cat looked ahead of them and tried to guess which was hers: Large, small, white, brown. He didn't guess correctly before they walked up to the front steps. Once she unlocked the door and stepped in, Conner discreetly took a deep breath, catching her scent filling the house. It was mixed with other smells like food, a bit of incense, and her relatives. "Come on. I'll show you where you get to stay." They went upstairs (climbing a loud staircase) and investigated the guest room. It smelled clean and airy and the bedsheets were crisp. He dropped his bag down and stretched out his back. He would unpack later. His clothes had spent several hours in the bag already, what was a little more time? There were more urgent matters on his mind.

"May I see your room?" He asked it very sweetly and innocently. She smiled and led him to the room next door. It was just like he'd seen through her webcam. Her numerous teddy bears lining the bright blue walls, clean clothes covering the floor from last laundry day, her bulletin board with an ukiyo-e themed calender, it was just like he'd pictured it. The red panda sat on the edge of her bed. She would have taken the chair if it wasn't already occupied with numerous papers and books. He glanced about, double checking to be sure it wasn't a dream. He was finally in the room he often saw on the other side of his moniter. After a few moments, he sat down beside her. All the friendly energy she had earlier seemed to have disappated. They both knew what was going to happen next but their excitement now hindered them.

Conner moved first. He leaned in close to her and she responded in kind. They could almost hear the heartbeat of the other as the distance between their lips disappeared. It was better than they'd dreamed. Her arms enveloped his neck while his wrapped around her waist, pulling one another close. Soon the kisses were no longer sweet, but passionate, hungry. They'd been wanting for so long, their desires became a need. Nina fell back against her bed, feeling the weight of the cat on top of her. Just feeling him pressing into her got her excited, she was already becoming wet. Conner filled his mouth with the taste of her, so much sweeter than he could have imagined. His feline curiosity sparked the question of what the rest of her tasted like. Breaking the kiss, he moved his lips along her jawline, tracing it before moving down her throat. She tensed and cried out, having an overly sensitive neck. That just made him play with it more until he felt her hips squirming beneath his.

"I've waited for this for so long," he breathed against her neck. She let out a moan, signaling her equal sentiments. A paw slipped under her shirt, caressing the soft fur along her belly. It quivered from his touch and there was temptation to tickle. But that would be a fatal move to the mood. He gave it another pet before moving his hand higher, feeling the material of her bra. The red panda let out a tiny squeak, barely able to contain her excitement. Conner moved off of her for a moment, pulling the shirt over her head and tossing it to the floor. It was barely noticeable amongst her other strewn clothing. She lifted her upper body off the bed, allowing his paws to reach behind and unhook the bra, throwing it down as well. Still sitting up, she watched as he lowered his head, engulfing one of her breasts in his muzzle. Nina placed a paw behind his ears as she panted and sighed. His tongue swirled around each pink bud, biting them lightly just to hear her squeak some more.

His own erection was paining him, confined in his trousers. Nina seemed to pick up on this, reaching down and cupping his bulge. He gasped, her boldness surprising them both. He stood up as she sat on the side of the bed, her fingers working to free his member. Her eyes widened when it was revealed and her paws brushed it lightly. Conner purred and she stroked him more. It was better than he'd pictured, the feeling of her soft pads against his skin. He moaned, low in his throat. She sighed, realizing that she'd been holding her breath. With both paws she stroked him, pumping the shaft gingerly. His ears tucked back as she played, tail moving in curled swishes. One paw let go, moving to fondle his sack. The feline gasped softly and he feared he would release too soon.

He placed a paw on her shoulder and she looked up at his smiling face. "That's enough. Now it's my turn," he said breathily. He gently pushed her shoulder down and back and she fell back against the bed. Now he undid her pants, catching a glimpse of her cute, flower printed panties. But he wouldn't, no couldn't wait for too much more play. He tucked his fingers under both layers and removed all her bottom garments in one go. His cock dribbled precum, taking in her naked form laid out before him. Conner's fingers brushed between her legs, finding her little pink pearl almost immediately. She shuddered and mewled out his name, turning her head to the side as she took in the feeling. His fingers moved lower, sinking into her gently. Her pussy shivered around the digits, sucking them in hungrily. He licked his muzzle as he felt how wet and warm she was down there. "Nnn, please," she whined pitiously. "No more teasing, no more foreplay. We want this. I want you inside me, I know you want to be. I'm ready." Her eyes were shining, she looked like she might cry if he didn't do what she asked.

"Where do you keep your condoms?" His were buried in his bag and he knew she kept toys.

She had a look of realization, blushing pink. "The shoebox under the bed." He ducked down and found it, pulling it out. She continued to lay there, lightly stroking herself to keep the lust. On his knees, he unwrapped a lubed rubber, rolling it on quickly yet accurately. Neither of them were ready to be parents just yet. When he came back up, she removed her paw and sighed in desperation.

Conner parted Nina's knees, opening her up wider and slid inside her pussy easily. She arched her back and writhed, pleasure exploding within her hips. He moved slowly at first, taking his time to enjoy being inside her. She hummed, enjoying this leisure. The feline lowered himself, kissing her lovingly. She responded with her arms wrapping around his neck. Nina broke the kiss, pressing her brow against his. "Can you move faster please? I want us to cum together." A bolt of heat ran down his spine, hearing those words. He did want to cum with her, he'd been wanting it for so long. Now hearing her say it without the use of a speaker helped drive the reality home. Bracing against her mattress, he started to increase his pace, notch by notch. Small noises passed her muzzle, illustrating her love. It was all the encouragement he needed now.

Their moaning and cries filled the room, body heat clouding their minds with lust. The red panda moved her hips to meet his thrusts, her moaning growing louder. "Conner," she cried. "I'm close." She tried to hold back for him, but at the same time she wanted to orgasm now, knowing it had been him who gave it to her. He suddenly pounded hard and fast as he could. He was close as well, merely waiting for her to be there. She nearly screamed when he did, taking his strokes until she came, her form tensing and shuddering. He released as well, crying out her name. Conner fell atop her, both of them panting for breath. She kissed him sweetly, no words needed to thank him. They curled up beside one another, their fingertips lightly caressing each other, bathing in the afterglow.

Nina sat up, giving a little stretch. "I'm hungry," she announced. Conner smirked and gave a small laugh as she slid out of the bed.

She was stubborn and wouldn't let him get the food. She argued he wouldn't know where to look. He responded that he'd find out eventually, even bringing up how she'd footed the bill and he didn't think it was fair, her taking so much care of him. Nina won in the end, saying he could pamper her in return once he'd gotten a feel of how everything ran around there. It took hardly anytime for her to return. She brought a nice little tray with slices of fresh bread with pats of butter, fruits, and some milk. Nice and light and fun to play with.

She took a slice of bread first, biting into it as he decided what he wanted. Conner took up a plum and bit into it, not expecting the gush of juice to dribble down his chin. Nina giggled and leaned over to lick it from his chin. He took advantage of the closeness to lick her nose. "Nya~" They continued to eat and play, getting juice and fruit flesh on each other. They fed one another, licking and nipping each other's fingers. By the time the tray was empty, they were wet and sticky, from more than one substance. "It would be very bad," she said through her giggles, "for you to meet everyone like this." He agreed. He could just picture a very angry bear looming over him, ready to kill the poor cat for yiffing his daughter.

It took only a minute to get the water warm enough, but it took longer for them to get in the shower. Conner couldn't keep his paws to himself now, groping and pinching her cute bottom. She stepped in the water, hoping to evade him. But the cats and water myth proved false as he pulled her to him once he got in as well. "Delicious," he purred in her ear, holding her hips and nibbling her neck. She squealed in delight, wriggling out of his grasp.

"Get clean first. Then we can be dirty." She stuck out her tongue at her own bad joke, pulling shampoo and soap off the shelf. They were of neutral scent, so he wouldn't smell flowery afterwards. Hopefully her father wouldn't notice they smelled of the same soap. They washed themselves and scrubbed each other, occasionally tickling.

And once all the suds were rinsed, Nina didn't even have time to reach for the dials before her lover pulled her to him again. "I'm clean," he informed her, stealing her lips until she was breathless. Her turned her around and she gave no resistance. She was facing the wall, breasts pressed into the cool, smooth, wet tiles. His warm paw caressed her bottom, squeezing the furry mounds. She groaned, still a bit sensitive from her climax earlier. Conner's finger slipped between the orbs until he hit the pucker. She gasped and her heart began to pound. Nina didn't know if she could handle treatment there. But she trusted the cat and didn't stop him. His fingertip rubbed against her and she mewled, never imagining just how sensitive it could be there. He continued until she relaxed and he felt the ring loosen. Then, one centimeter at a time, he slipped inside. She gasped, futilely grasping the wall before her, trying to relax again. Conner buried his head in her shoulder, kissing at her nape. Still whimpering, she calmed herself, allowing to get in deeper. The digit moved like a slow piston.

She was completely at his will and soon he realized it. He gently grabbed one of the panda's legs, lifting it a bit above the ground, opening her up. They both braced their toes against the no-slip mat, and he pressed his hard again member inside her. Her cry was full of pain, it was so tighter; far more than her pussy had been. Her gasps were stacatto as he gently moved back and forth. They went on as such, finally increasing speed once the shower water had gotten cool. The noises Nina made kept getting caught in her throat as his member impaled her. He nearly lifted her off both feet as he rode her at last emptying his load inside her. She clenched, feeling that liquid heat shoot deep inside her. Her brow gently hit the wall as she bent in half, cumming again. The now-cold water rinsed away evidence of their deed.

Nina moved a bit awkwardly after that, but neither youth brought it up. They grabbed the fluffy purple towels from the rack, drying each other off until their fur stuck up at funny angles. They laughed softly, Conner walking to his room while Nina returned to hers.

She came into the guest room, only wearing panties but carrying the rest of her clothes. She dressed right beside him, pulling out a brush to get the stubborn fur down right. They shared light kisses all the while, stealing one at every opportunity. Once they were appropriately dressed, Nina climbed onto his bed, pulling him down with her. She wrapped her legs around one of his and held him firmly around his midriff. She snuggled into his warm chest, softly nodding off. No one would suspect anything they'd done. It would merely seem they both fell asleep right after getting home. Conner stayed awake a bit longer than she did. Her scritched behind her ear, taking in everything about her, from her scent all the way down to how her fur sounded when brushed. Just two weeks with her before returning home. It would fly by like nothing, but it would be everything to him for the rest of his life...