[18] Kovux Entry #399 - Introductions and Recap

Story by Arctacia on SoFurry

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#18 of Arctacia Mythos

Personal log recorded by Kovux.

[User A.Z. logged off...] [User Kovux logged in...]

Alright, Kovux here to take over some of these entries for awhile. My friend has been at this little project of his for some time and appears to have made some connections to who I am, or at least my exploits in the past. Anyway, things have calmed down around here enough that I can take a break and let the big guy rest. He's certainly dug up quite a bit, so I'll try to recap on some of that and then start writing out the rest of this flow of events. I'm impressed with how well he's followed the trail, so his memory has to be coming back to some effect. So, on to that recap:

So, it looks like there was first the discovery of some old logs in regards to project DALAF. Sounds like someone in the division, or close to it, did not like the direction it was going and wished to sabotage it. The only thing gathered from these few logs, was that this race who were creating this project, has been around for a long time. The project seemed to have good intents with trying to help new space-faring races out. Hard to tell much else from this, but there is one big name surrounding this project and his name is Zula'thrawlogwa. Wait...how do you say that? Zula'th--Zu... Zula...tthhrawl-- Fuck it, we'll call this person Zula. Either way, he's the one heading the project. None of this makes a lot of sense right now, but probably will eventually.

The next bit of business was my friend would make his own personal entries in here from time to time. The first one he wrote was shortly after the first few logs he dug up. Again, they won't make too much sense at first, but there's a whole reason to them that will unfold in time.

So, we shoot across the cosmos a bit and start to follow some humans on Earth in the good old Sol system, or Solar System, I guess. However way it's said. Yeah, so first thing was a profile on this person who is simply called "Arctic-Cat". Nobody apparently knows his real name or his origins. Not even he seems to know anything of them. Very suspicious character that, but he has some pretty good talents about him and a mindset that classifies him as what they call a "Human-XE". If I had to take a guess, "XE" likely stands for eXtra Exemplary based on how they describe humans of this type. It's easy to see why, as this Arctic-Cat fellow...we'll call him "AC", has some interesting traits about him that separated him from your typical human at the time.

Hmm...what's strange is AC's memories of anything stop dead before his early 20's. His mental state is very mature, full of clarity, and completely devoid of any gender, racial, cultural, or otherwise related biases. He also had expressed feeling like an outsider to Earth. Let's see...umm...apparently he has some kind of strange aura to him. Like...just very nice to be around, a very positive air about him. The profile goes over the specifics for what classifies a Human-XE, which is an interesting read for sure, but I won't go over it here. Seems rather random that my friend would jump on information on this AC guy. But, the dots will connect, no worries there. To conclude on that bit, the Human-XE were a theory of trending human evolution, something that was badly needed for that race at the time.

Moving on, looks like AC was made a candidate for Project Centauri. We quickly learn from one of his logs that this EOP team he was part of were ultimately trying to get off planet Earth and survive on another planet away from the wars that were erupting. The whole point of the EOP was preservation of good humans, especially if they were of the XE variety. Anyway, once the EOP learned of war was starting for sure, they took their chances and used this experimental device to beam themselves light years away to a planet they had monitored and determined was a close replica to Earth. Damn...bold fucking move on their end. Thankfully, it worked and they all arrived safely with all the equipment and supplies they absolutely needed. So, as such, this small group of humans started a new colony on New Earth (how original) that existed in the...gasp...Alpha Centauri system. Hey! There was a reason for calling the project that afterall.

So, these humans began to build and create a new life out here. Over time, we begin to get a grasp of some big names out here:

Jeff Edmund: The founder and leader of the EOP. Very charismatic and a strong will. Has a good head on his shoulders with good intents to match. Cares a lot about his team.

Patricia Stimond: Adviser and support to Jeff Edmond. Logical and level-headed. She helps balance the scales of Jeff's imagination and dreams and finds ways to compromise to make his wishes a reality.

Scott Wyre: Lead technician of the EOP. Skeptical and reserved at times, but is extremely talented in what he does. I swear there is a level of irony in his last name and what he does...

Jeremiah Kertzkin: Lead counselor of the EOP. Sympathetic and understanding. He enjoys helping others and exploring what makes them tick. A great man to talk to when you just need someone to console you on hard times.

Emily Yoshida: Lead scientist of the EOP. Originally from the Kyoto prefecture in Japan, she's a curious and inventive sort. Has a wild imagination tempered by logic. She sometimes finds herself coming up with interesting ideas but not a second later contradicting it with reason. Great...that means she'll probably snap and kill somebody one day.

Well, cool...I tackled that better than I thought I could. Anyway, let's see what else we have here...

So, time on this New Earth was going well, all things considered. But really, their roll of the dice was fantastic for determining how fortunate they would be out here. They had to get used to slightly stronger gravity, a bit longer day times, different flora and fauna, seasons and what not. Other than that, it wasn't too much different from the old Earth.

But...after a time, AC began to show odd signs of something coming over him. One day, when Jeff was talking with him, AC completely lost his mind and seemed possessed. He quickly moved to a nearby drawing board and began to madly scrawl all sorts of text, pictures, and symbols of things that seemed familiar in some cases, while others were completely alien. After a moment, AC stopped and collapsed into an exhausted pile on the floor nearby.

[Accessing image entry from Camera Capture #38294 DATE: 230:10:13000[DRL]...]

And I have to say...this is some crazy shit right here. There's some data that does in fact look familiar, but...some of this doesn't have any discernible meaning to it. Maybe it'll make more sense in time. It is pretty damn amusing to look at, though.

[Closing Camera Capture #38294 DATE: 230:10:13000[DRL]...]

Oh man...I wish it only got better from there...but it doesn't. Next we come across an audio log parsed to text from AC about a dream he had. Even though we can't hear it, the parser does a good job relaying the emotion coming from him at this point. Something is clearly wrong. But, AC goes on to explain this dream, how it was about him being at a birthday for a good friend of his. The day was nice, perfect, nothing seemed wrong, he even had a gift for his friend. As he was about to, he felt a strange feeling of rage and anger come over him, like a puppet on strings, he felt compelled to suddenly stab his friend senseless...fully aware of what he was doing, yet not wanting it to happen... But, it didn't matter. He then woke up shortly after only to find he was in fact dreaming...but oddly the events of his dream bled into the real world...for there he found himself near Jeff Edmond's body...and a knife embedded deep into it while he was still asleep. In a panic, AC ditched the scene and quickly fled out into the nearby woods, away from the human encampment, completely lost and not knowing what to do...


But, thankfully, that's where he's about to run into yours truly! Our pleasantries were off to a shaky start when he ran into me, but AC and I quickly came around and got to the matter at hand; Edmund had to be saved before it was too late. With that, we quickly made our way back into the encampment. I had to use a few tricks to go in unnoticed, but I managed. Once we got to Edmund, I immediately got to work and fixed him right up. Jeff was going to be fine. But, now because my presence on this planet was known, it was time to finally meet with the humans.

So later on, once Jeff was recovered, and I was able to speak with him and AC, they introduced me to the rest of the senior staff. I explained how I had been watching them for a time to understand and figure them out. I also mentioned I had been exiled from my own race because I was a "failed product" in their eyes. The Ralkai as we're called, are a race that became too obsessed with technology and modification to the point we barely know who we truly are anymore. I am a Ralkai hybrid. Basically, an attempt to take animal primitives and try to advance them with technology and enhancements to make them as slaves of sorts. Well, it worked pretty well, but they realized I had too much of a conscience to be made for that purpose.

I umm...should clarify they weren't the ones who exiled me, I sort of did so myself. They had far more sinister plans for me and ahh...yeah, I wasn't going to have any of that. So, I gracefully left with as little notice as possible.

I went on to talk about how the Ralkai were advancing their way across the dimensions of the universe and that eventually, they would absorb and/or destroy anything they could in their path. Of course, this made everyone concerned, but I had some ideas to help them out. Some Ralkai technology of my own and plans to help train the humans to higher planar energies might help give them an edge.

So, to conclude, there was some skepticism at first, but the others did warm up to me and...well...I was glad for that. I felt rather lonely for a time after leaving the Ralkai and it was nice to have some purpose and belonging.

The last bits I want to cover involved my little trip with AC to the other dimensions of space. Yes, I had a small spacecraft I stole to get places. Did you think I just flew around everywhere? Anyway, I explained how there were the four dimensions in the universe. We lived in Alpha presently. I am originally from Beta, which is where the Ralkai fleet is currently. Most of Beta is now in ruins. If one were to visit it, there would mostly be lots of black void. It's...pretty fucking unnerving.

The Ralkai are now making their way to gamma, so thankfully, Alpha where we reside now, is not on the immediate path, so we have a good among of time. But, I was worried, because I wanted to bring the humans to gamma for the purpose of training them to new untapped energies. In their lore, this was called mana, and it's something that only exists in significance in the gamma and delta dimensions.

To help test my idea, I brought AC into the gamma dimension to a planet I felt would make a nice secondary home for them. I let him wander around for a bit to take in the energies and see if he had any reaction to them. He mentioned there was some strange feeling, but didn't quite know how to work with it. Not a surprise, but in time I had hoped he and the others would be able to manage some great feats with this.

After a moment I took him back to New Earth and talked with him further about his experiences. Having come back to alpha, he did seem to notice a difference in the two dimensions for sure. It was at this point, I knew AC was something truly different and even strange for his race. -- We both heard the sound of something heavy dislodge from somewhere near and then saw this piece of equipment was heading for a worker. AC suddenly shouted at him and let loose a force of power from his hand that knocked the worker out of the way, saving him from his demise. AC and everyone else nearby was clearly shocked at what just happened. And I have to say...I was at the time as well. What's stranger still was that he performed a feat that I expected could happen over time with his exposure to the gamma dimension...and yet...he pulled it off here and now...and in the alpha dimension...

Well! I think that about wraps up the summary and recap of things that were dug up over time. From now on, I should have the ability to sort out and tell more of details on this little trail of intrigue the big guy was on. For now...I...mmm...I fucking need some rest myself for a little bit. Time for a quick nap.