The Twilight Zone

Story by Darryl the Lightfur on SoFurry

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You unlock this door with the key of imaginatyion. Beyond it lies another unexplored dimension, a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of the mind. You are moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You have just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.

It's a brilliant and wonderful day outside that sees you on an afternoon stroll down the historic district of your hometown. It's your day off of work and before you become a mindless drooling cubicle zombie the rest of the week, you want this weekend to be refreshing and a nice distraction from the crushing workweek. Life is difficult enough so you need your outdoor time, your time away from the boredom of your 40-hour a week job and demanding bosses. But more than the vibrant sunshine, the relaxed and carefree smiles of the other citizens you meet, you can't help but notice a wolf wearing a stovepipe hat, the same kind that Abraham Lincoln wears in all those pictures. What could honestly compel anyone to wear that kind of outdated hat? You wonder so you find yourself walking towards him, surprised that no one else is even remotely interested in asking him anything. He seems like a pleasant enough fellow and so you decide to talk to him. And you tell the wolf your name and he answers in return with his own and you find yourselves shaking each other's paws and chewing the fat about politics, the news, the weather. But your curiosity gets the better of you and your paws go for that stovepipe hat and once it falls off, you find beneath that hat something strange and extraordinary- he is not of this earth. Beneath that stovepipe hat, the wolf you were talking to has got three eyes. This wolf you were talking to is from Mars.

Truth is false, and logic is lost. Now the Fourth Dimension is crossed.

You find yourself waiting at a train station waiting for the 2:00 train out of town next to an otter whose clothes are remarkably Victorian and out of date for this modern era. With plenty of time before the train is to arrive, you follow this otter with his dark jacket and spectacles into the local watering hole and see that he is lost in conversation with a fox bartender but over the din of the bar, you can't quite recognize what is being said. A college basketball game is being played and the watchers, of various species, are far too into the game to be told to be quiet. But up to this point, the otter has no idea you've been following him or trying to eavesdrop on his conversation with the bartender. Suddenly, you see the otter leave and something falls out of his pocket, something metallic, something shiny and you pick it up, yelling out for the otter but he is out the door and can no longer hear you at all. So until you can actually see him again, this odd thing is yours, and you find out that it is a timepiece, with a button on the side. Instinctively upon noticing that the time is not quite accurate as compared to your own wristwatch, you press the button, causing the second hand to stop moving... as does everything else.

"C'mon somebody, move. Say something. Hey fellas, c'mon wake up. Bartender, does anyone know how to make this watch work again. Please somebody help!" No response or movement at all, all the other people have stopped moving entirely as well. You see people with their mouths open waiting for food and drinks which aren't coming, a plate about to shatter against the floor frozen in midair, a free throw on the television stuck in the hoop. And that's when you look at your digital wristwatch for time and realize that nothing is moving there, either. That's when you come to the conclusion that the otter's watch which you took has control over the flow of time and unless you learn how it works, you will be stuck at 1:29 p.m. forever as you have frozen time.

You wake up with no idea of how you've gotten into this room. How did you get here? And what exactly is this place? You wonder. This house you are in looks like nothing your own so you must get out and see your surroundings. When you exit the building, you see a suburban neighborhood not unlike your own and there's not a cloud in the sky- this. Surely, on a day like today, more people would be out of doors but there is utter silence and loneliness. And then you find out the reason why- you hear a stomping noise in the distance, the earth tremble and see the gigantic head of a 50-foot-tall fox cub, wearing clothes of unimaginable dimensions.

"Ah, I see I have a new neighbor. Wait ‘till Mommy and Daddy see this," his large voice resounds through the neighborhood. And you run so fast to the nearest house you can find but it is too late, with his gigantic paw, the fox giant picks you up and you have just become his brand new toy.

There is no escape, no place to hide. For this is where Time and Space collide.

You have entered the Twilight Zone.

Beyond this world strange things are known.

Use the key, unlock the door.

See what fate might have in store.

Come explore your dreams' creation

Enter this world of imagination.