Starburst: Chapter 1- The Mediator Arrives.

Story by wolftwins17 on SoFurry

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#2 of Starburst

Chapter 1 of Starburst, working on chapter 2. Comments/favs/nice critic is welcomed.

"I don't know, Sarah...this seems a little hostile, don't you think?" The middle-aged man replied while re-reading her subbmisson for that weeks number of the intergalactic newspaper Sector A with anything but satisfaction. Sarah, a 22 year old woman with beautiful facial features; green eyes framed by thick long dark lashes, high cheekbones and a full, sensual mouth and thick golden hair that fell the small of her back. She frowend even more than before at the comment. She looked to the side and narrowed her green eyes into a glare. "That's the point, Johnny." She replied impatiently and rather dissmisevly. "Yes but why? Why do you hate them so much?"

When he didn't get any answer he sighed and took off the dark glases to reveal tired looking brown eyes.

"Listen, Sarah...You're a wonderful reporter, really, but maybe-maybe someomen else should get this assignment?"

The woman looked sharply up in reaction to the comment. "What? No! I want this John! I...I need this...please?" She pleaded with him. But the man pinched the bride of his nose and sighed again. "Sarah...I know that it hurts, sweetheart, what happned to your mother and´grandmother...but..." His voice changed from soft and understanding to stern, almost cold. "...But this personal crusade of yours? It has to stop, Sarah. Right now."

Sarah gritted her teeth. "Then I'll quit." She declared coldy. The man looked sharply up and into her steel-like gaze. For a moment he didn't reply, the color drained from his face. "You wouldn't..." he started to say but once looking into her eyes again he stopped. He lowerd his eyes down onto his desk for a moment, before looking back up again. "Fine." was the reply, as curt as her own. Johhny tried to tell himself that he imagend the flash of pain over her angelic face when she rose from the chair, but found that it didn't lessen his guilt any less.

She walked over and snatched her short bown leather coat from the hanger and walked out of his office's aoutmatic door without so much as a look over her shoulder.

Atlas Four's holographic summer sky soon greeted her as she exited the buliding that had pretty much been her whole life for three long years along with the staff that had pretty much been her family. She was surprised when her eyes burned with tears, but instead of letting them fall, she ruthlessly blinked them back.

I'm not gonna cry over a shitty job like this, never!

Once she had gatherd her composure back, she continued on her way down to a local diner named Solar Sídhe.

The green triagle-sensor on the door lit up in green as she approched the it, and with a hissing sound it oppended. Luckly that it was a cheaper resturant, otherwise she might have had to by a C-card.

A C-card fuctioned like a ticket; it gave you acecess to expensive resturants, diners, sinemas, hotels and a lot more. One ticket worked on many places, they where however, very, very expensive.

She walked inside without giving the place much of a look, the interior of the cheaper diners where useally the same; chairs, tables and sofas made in stainless steel with thin padding. This was no diffrent.

Sarah made her way over to the counter where a young man with red short hair was cleaning some glasses with a white cloth. When he heard her approch he looked up and his face lit up in a smile. "Sarah, where ever have you been, girl!? You missed Friday's Karaoke Tournament!"

She couldn't help but smile back. "Hi, Adam, I'm sorry I missed the fun but I figured I'd let someone else win for a change." Adman scoffed at the answer. "Whateva! That voice of yours could make the Aos Sí cry out of envy."

She blushed, smiled and looked down at her lap. Adman had Irish linage, and that was one of the few things he refused to leave behind on Earth. He still talked Gaelic and Old English. He was handsome and sweet and open-minded. Simply put: A very nice guy to be around most of the time.

"I swear you must have been a Leanan sídhe in your past life." He continued unaware of her quiet musings. "So how have you been, Adam? How does buissness go?" She asked while she bent down to grab hold of her small brown leather bag. He smiled at her and tilted his hand in a 'so-and-so' motion. "It works, people come and go, sure I would have wanted a bit more but, ya know, one can't have everything in life." She smiled back. "Yeah, you're right...A sandwich and a Coke, please."

Adam saluted her playfully. "Yes, Ma'am! Right away Ma'am!" He snapped in a military-like voice. He turend his back and went over to a pair of refrigerated counters. As he rumbled around in them he called over his shoulder, "Which one? The usual?" "Yes please, and do you have diet soda?" She replied while finally fishing up her Credit Chit. Since phycical money was long since gone and pay debit cards and others like it had been replaced by CCs. Credit Chits worked like a bank card but the only differences were that it worked outside planetary range, since credits were a all-around currency.

"You better put that away right now or I'll burn it up." Adam said as he came over with the things she'd asked for; a small chicken baguette with tomatoes, cucumber and garlic sauce, and a 55cl Coca Cola Light can.

"Come on Adam, we've talked about this; I wanna pay and you need the money. Period." The handsome red-haired man shook his head firmly. "After what you did for me last year, no payment is needed - not now not ever, period." He replied firmly.

Sara rolled her eyes. Adam was refering to a event that had taken place the year they had meet: Adman had been a little low on credits, so Sarah had let him stay with her until he found a decent job. It had been harder than it sounded becuse Adam had been a pretty hard-core drinker, and it wasn't the light stuff either. But after the first few times she'd rapped him on the head with a frying pan, he'd at least made a decent try to stop. And to her silcent happines it had only progressed until he was almost booze-free. Now he only drinked on special ocasions or on the weekend.

"So uh...when are you gonna met him?" Adam suddenly asked. Sarah looked at him like he had turned into a mad-man. "Who?" She asked while taking off the soft paper the sandwitch was wraped up in. Some of those could sit like a mountain with glue in its ass... "Well I don't really know if its a he or a she, now that I think about it..." Adam said more so to himself then to her. "Adam, what in the devil's name are you talking about?" Sarah retorted, complelty puzzled by her friends action.

"The Star Dragon envoy..." As the words tubled out of his mouth in a uncertain rush, Sarah felt how the baugette slipped from her finger and fell down onto the counter. Her whole body froze and for a minute she couldn't even breath.

"Sarah? You okay?" Adam asked, still unsure on how to act. If there was one thing you should never talk to about with Sarah it was Star Dragons. She seemd to despice the alien dragonic race with a passion. Sometimes Adam could almost say a small part of her even hated them. She had never told him why she didn't like them, but whenever one of the scaly lizards where on the hard-light holo screen, her eyes darkned and he couldn't tell if he was scared shitless or turned on.

"Is he here? Today?" She looked at him with a glower before realizing it wasn't his fault, and she gave him a small apologetic smile.

"I heard that the envoy arravied this morining at six'o clock. I thought you had already orded a time with him...?" Adman wondered. Sarah shook her head darkly. "Damn Johnny! He said the envoy wasn't due untill sometime next month..."

"I'm glad I quit today...Old relic, who does he think he is..." Adam's green eyes all but popped from his head. "Woah, woah! Slow down there a bit, Sarah? What do you mean you quit your job?" "Johnny said that somone else should take the asingment, so I said that if he gave it to anyone else, I'd quit..." He put a hand on her shoulder. "And did he?"


He squeezed her shoulder. She gave him a small smile. "So how are you, Dylan and Jessica doing?" "We're doing just fine thank you, we're like bunnies on Coffee and Redbull!"

What most didn't know about Adman was that he was bisexual. He had conffessed to her on a drunken evening that he was in love with his best friends - A guy named Dylan and a girl named Jessica. Through treats of testicle removment and burning up his hair, she'd convised him to tell them. She hadn't heard much but he didn't come to herbawling his eyes out like a thirteen year old girl, she gussed it must have gone well.

"Thanks for the pictures of you tree going at it. It was just what I needed." She replied sarcactically. Adman winked at her. "You're oh so welome.

"So do you know where the envoy is? Have you heard anything at all?" Sarah asked hopefully. Adman frowned in concentration. "I think it was said that the envoy would be at the plaza to answer the questions of the press and then go into the city Hall."

Sarah nodded. "Right, then that is my best chance. Later, Adman!" She hastly started to pack her soda and the sandwich into her bag and threw it over her shoulder. "Don't forget your chit, air-head!" Adman said and waved her chit liightly in the air. She nipped her chit and but it in her jeans' pocket. Saying a quick thank you and asking him to give her love to Dylan and Jessica once he saw them again, Sarah joged out of the diner and started to rush her way to the plaza, and hopefully if she played her cards right, the answer to a question that had hunated her most of her young years.

Adman was right, the press was swarming the place like piraias. And it wasn't just the press, either. Citizens of every age was there. Seeing a Star Dragon wasn't something the people on Atlas Four was used too. Maybe a small crusier came by once a year, or a supplie ship that wanted to trade, but it wasn't like you spotted the dragons much, they didn't seem too fond of being with humans.

She was drawn to a large cluster of people by the monolith funtain at first but turned around sharply when a choir of amazed exlamations sounded to her right. She saw how a pair of small, hovering camera robots zoomed themselves in on something hiden by the crowd of reporters in grey coats. As the cameras started to give of flashes and as she briskly started to maker her way to the moving cluster of frenzied people, the questions started to reach her ears.

"Sir, sir! What is your name, sir?" Sarah heard how a reporter questioned.

"Doranth." Was the neutral reply.

Sarah felt how her heart fluttred in her chest and then started to speed up and her breathing grew along with it. She suddnely had to see for herself, somehow. She lowerd her head down so she was almost face-to-face with a man's boot heels. And then she saw it, a pait of none human legs. She couldn't really make out what it was that the pair of feet was wearing, it looked to be a silvery pair of steel boots. She straighed up. She had to see more. So without futher ado, she started to elbow her way through the crowd, all along muttering uncincere apologies as she got one glare after the other.

"Oh my bad!"

"I'm sorry!"

She finaly saw an opening and dove in, but as fate wanted it, the pair of reporters glanced back just as she was through and moved to giver her room, with the speed she was moving with it was unavoidable that she would trip and fall. Just as she'd let go of the last reproter's coat, she felt how her weight pulled her forward and then it was only a matter of mili-seconds untill she was laying on the ground.

"Are you alright?" Someone said over her, and Sarah had the distinctive impression that somone was looking down on her. She started to slowly maker her way up. "Yes, yes. I'm just-!"

"...Fine..." Her words dissolved into a breath.

The second she looked up, she felt how all the color draned from her face and a rush of so many emotions went trough her that it almost knocked the wind out of her. Becuse she wasn't staring into a pair of human eyes, like she first beleived.

She was staring into a pair of clear almost ice-blue slitted eyes.

And the eyes where framed by red scales...