Body Hopping (A1, B10, C7)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#7 of Twilight of the Gods Book10

Who thought this was a good idea???

Let's see a show of hands? xD

Chapter -7- Body Hopping

Thursday, November 4 - 9:30am Chicago ...

Karla ran her hands back through her hair with an exasperated sigh. She paced the kitchenette. Her cellphone sat on the counter. "Ladies, you're asking a lot. I do not work well with Conner. I try. I pander to his goofy ego, and pretend to be wide-eyed. I cook for the boys. I do what it takes. But you're asking me to break into the Alameda Naval base?! We don't work that freaking well together."

Sinopa's voice came over the phone. "Karla-san, are you alone at the safe house?"

"Yeah, Red. Reno and Evan are headed back to New York to take the files to Watson and James. They're escorting Carmen - she'll be undergoing surgery with Cybil and Steven sometime this morning."

Tamamo's voice came over the phone. "What are your concerns?" Her voice sounded slightly tinny, as though she was also using the speakerphone mode of a cellphone from her end.

"Are you kidding?" Karla said. "I'm going to get the kid killed, Tammy. He can't heal. He's cocky and egotistical. He doesn't listen to me the way he listens to you. He's a sixteen-year-old-boy. The only time he'll listen to a woman is if her pussy is involved."

Sinopa groaned over the line. "Must you be so vulgar and disrespectful?"

"I have a gauche side, what do you want from me?" Karla said with a light-hearted tone.

Tamamo cut in. "Sin-chan, Karla is quite correct. She is wise in the ways of teenaged boys. The reason he often argues with Karla is because his hot blood distracts him. Perhaps if I made myself available to help."

"I'm down with Reno helping," Karla said.

Tamamo cleared her throat. "Karla, you are there to steal information from computers that are inaccessible to outside networks. I hold Reno in the highest respect - almost as high as the respect I held for Nathan, despite Nathanial's gruffness towards me. You must know that by now..."

Karla smiled inwardly. "I forgot how Nathan used to act towards you. I always thought it was amusing. Anyway, I'm sensing a 'but' coming. So what is it?"

Tamamo continued. "I know Reno can heal from a gunshot wound. But in real time, not counting when he was in stasis or in a coma, how long has he had his powers?"

Karla thought about it. "Experience wise? He's been using them less than a full year."

"Hai, Karla. And would you send in someone so green with his or her electrical abilities to steal information from a computer? If Reno were to be shot, or if he were to engage in close-quarters-combat, can you assure me those computers would not be electronically damaged?"

Karla frowned. She put her hands on the counter and leaned over her cell. Her hair spilled around either side of the phone. "Okay, so you want to come with us? You think fire would be a safer bet than electricity in this case? I'm down with that. Plus, you'd keep Conner in line. The problem is with Tamae on a military base."

"Karla," Sinopa chimed in, "I hope that was not a racist remark. Many United States sailors are various ethnic..."

"No," Karla interrupted. "I'm not saying she'll stand out like a sore thumb. Christ. America is a melting pot - that wasn't my point."

"Forgive my allusion."

Karla pushed her hair back, behind her ears. "Tamae's a great girl, but she cannot heal. If she's shot, you're fucked, Tammy. You lose your body. You're dumped right back into the Celestial Realm, which isn't exactly the safest place to be right now. You need to be here, on Earth, helping the rest of us. We need you."

Tamamo sighed. "The war has concluded in the Celestial Realm."


Tamamo paused. After a moment of awkward silence, the kitsune sighed again. "What I am about to tell you does not go beyond this phone call, are we clear?"

Sinopa replied, "Hai, Tamamo-sama."

"Yeah. Girl code of secrecy and all that. What's on your mind?"

"Karla, I was injured during the war. By Sigyn, herself - she is a powerful opponent. By staying in Tamae, I am healing slowly. If I leave her body prematurely, I will succumb to my injuries. Until I have healed, I cannot go back to the Celestial Realm."

"Christ, you're trapped in Tamae?" Karla asked.

"I am. Even though Tamae is not physically injured, healing my spirit is creating a great deal of stress on her body. I am considering my options, as I cannot jeopardize Tamae's health because of mine. I have lived a full life, she has not - it would not be fair to..."

"Sensei! Why not tell us of this earlier?"

"Sinopa, I was quiet about this out of shame. In Tamae's body, it will take as long to heal, as it would have were Tamae injured the same way. I was pierced with a blade. I felt it run through my abdomen. Add to that the fact that I am currently a great burden on Tamae's body."

Karla rubbed her chin. "What do you mean by that? I mean, you said it would take as long as your host's healing time from a similar injury. So, if you were in the body of a supernatural with a high metabolism, you would heal faster?"

"Karla," Tamamo trailed off and sighed. "I had an ulterior motive for my call. Forgive me. You would heal my injuries in a single weekend. But it will be harder on your metabolism."

"Oh, gee, so I have to eat more? What a shame." Karla sighed dramatically. She smiled. "Okay, Tammy. For you. Conner will listen to you. Conner doesn't listen to me."


"C'mon, Sinopa," Karla said with a laugh. "Just imagine it: we're talking about mixing fire and telekinesis. Let's face it, girls, that will make things easier."

"Hai," said Tamamo. "In addition, you can relax."

"Oh, shit, I didn't even think of that," Karla said with a light chuckle. "So I'd just take a backseat in this operation?"

"Hai, if you wish it."

Karla laughed in spite of herself. "To be honest, I really didn't want to break into a freaking military base anyway. So you're saying it'll be like sleeping in the whole weekend?"

"Hai, Karla-chan, and then waking up when the job is completed."

"Karla," Sinopa said with a stern voice.

"Oh my God, Sinopa. Stop. You're so protective over him. There's no sex involved, duh."

"Karla, are you sure you have thought this through?"

Karla grinned. "Tamamo can go the whole weekend without arguing with your grandson, Tamamo gets rapid healing, teleportation and telekinesis. I don't have to do something I don't want to do, but I still help the team. This is a win-win."

Sinopa sounded defeated. "Sensei..."

"This is the wisest choice, Sinopa. But we should stay silent to the others. Just in case. I do not want anyone to find out that Tamae is defenseless. Only Tamae and Conner should know."

"And Reno," Karla said. "Sorry, girls. I'm not keeping this from him. And, hey, at least this way he won't call me, flirting, until after the weekend."

"Very well," Tamamo said. "But we tell no one else. Agreed?"

"Yeah." Karla paused and smiled. "Wait, since you're_the one that's going to be driving the sexy succubus sports car, does that mean I can _Haitian people into forgetting they saw me?"

"I do not understand the reference," Tamamo said.

"Nothing, never mind. I just meant, like, would I be able to remove the memories of anyone who sees us? That would be badass."

"Karla, if I am driving, I will be doing such. Not you. But, bluntly, yes - I could make a guard forget seeing us."

"Yeah, yeah," Karla said with a grin. "Okay. Well, whatever we've got to do to win. You know I'd help you out."

"Arigato, Karla-san. You are a true friend."

Karla beamed. "Plus, I won't have to pander to Conner's temper. But don't you dare go getting any tattoos or stuff yourself full of rice cakes. I mean it."

"I will meet you in San Jose tomorrow, Karla. We will make a great team. For now, I must go." Tamamo disconnected from the call.

"Are you sure this is wise?" Sinopa asked, once Tamamo was off the line.

"I don't see why not. I look forward to sleeping in for the next few days. No responsibility, no expectations. Anyway, I've got to go, too. Conner should be back any minute with the list of shit I sent him to get from the store."

"You sent him on a milk run?"

Karla grinned. "You three said you needed private girl-talk time. So yeah."

"Stay safe. I will see you in San Jose tomorrow. I am here, now, at a hotel. I will book your travel arrangements on the internet."

"See you there, Red."



Friday, November 5, 2049 - noon San Jose, California ...

Karla opened her arms , coming through the gate of the airport. She hugged Sinopa, kissed her left and right cheek, and then she hugged Tamae, greeting her the same way.

Tamae's pupils were constricted vertical slits, hosting Tamamo's spirit within. She also appeared pale, tired, and had bags beneath her eyes.

Karla cupped the kitsune host's face, traced her thumbs beneath the girl's eyes and smiled.

"You are a true friend, Karla-san."

Karla grinned at the Asian girl, stepped back, and then announced, "Remember, remember, the fifth of November! Gunpowder treason and plot! There is no reason ... why the gunpowder treason ... should ever be forgot!"

Tamamo tilted her head, looking over Karla. "With all due respect, I certainly hope your zaniness does not imprint upon me."

"It's a poem from the 1800s. It wasn't popular until it was used in one of the greatest movies of all time, back in 2006."

Sinopa gently massaged the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger.

Karla continued. "Back when I was growing up, we did all our partying on November 5th, but now everyone parties on Halloween." Karla shook her head and laughed. "God, never mind. I can't expect you guys to know what I'm talking about."

Sinopa placed a palm gently on Karla's shoulder. "I lived in Ireland. Some celebrated The Fifth of November and praised Guy Fawkes."

"Oh. Right on." Karla shrugged. "I had no love for King George. But I didn't hate him, either." She turned around, standing at the airline gate and put her hands on her hips. "C'mon, Conner! Get the lead out!"

Conner Parker approached from the opposite direction. He came from baggage claim with Karla's bag and his duffle. "What are you shouting about?"

Karla smirked, turned around, and folded her arms across her chest, beneath the expanse of her bust. "I didn't see you sneak off to get the bags. I thought you went to take a leak or something."

"I'm a Master Thief. I did a slight-of-hand thing." He put the bags down and hugged Sinopa. "Obaasan." He stepped back and they bowed to one another. "Or should I say Sobo?"

Sinopa smiled. "I was worried about you after hearing about the building in Chicago."

"I want to say, 'oh, it was no sweat,' but..." Conner shrugged. "Let's just say I needed something more powerful than meditation to fall asleep last night. A _lot_more powerful."

Sinopa nodded. "I understand. I am glad you're safe. Karla tells us you acted courageously and with great honor in the face of adversity."

"Yeah, uh, I'm not going to lie - I thought I was going to die and I will never forget seeing that stuff. If we live to the end of the year, I fully expect to have serious PTSD, and need a ton of therapy." Conner turned to Tamae. They embraced and kissed. "Hi, you. I've missed you."

Tamamo whispered to him affectionately. He whispered back.

Sinopa turned away, facing Karla. "And there they go."

"They're trying to get it out of their systems, now, before the big 'dry-spell' weekend. Tamamo isn't going to know how to handle _these_puppies." Karla palmed the bottom-side of her breast and lifted them with a grin. "The secret is to stretch often, do squats to keep the back muscles strong, and otherwise stay in great shape."

Sinopa shook her head. "Must everything be so sexual with you?"

Karla cackled with glee. "This is sexual? Coming from a messenger vixen that works for the god of fertility and protector of prostitutes? Am I making a _kitsune_blush?"

"Behave, Karla-san."

Karla grinned at Sinopa. "I'm not going to lie. The more I think about how this helps Tamamo, and the more I think about being productive ... the more I also look forward to taking a weekend vacation. I'm serious. I've been a mother, a leader, and the one trying to figure crap out for so long ... I need this. I need to just turn off my brain for a whole weekend."

"Tamamo has sold you on this, I see."

"Yeah, she called me back a few hours after we all spoke, yesterday. We talked, just the two of us. She made a lot of sense, Red. I look forward to not giving a shit, and not feeling a damn thing for a few days. It'll be like sitting in the passenger seat for a long road trip. I can sleep if I want. I can look at the scenery without being the poor sucker who is falling asleep at the wheel ... no responsibility. No accountability. No worries."

Sinopa sighed. "Very well."

"Why are you freaking out? Is there something I should know?"

Sinopa looked down at the floor. She moved adjacent to Karla, facing away from Tamamo and Conner. Sinopa whispered to Karla in a quiet voice. "She is irresponsible, at times, with her hosts."

"Yeah, I remember when Rachel flipped shit after Tamamo let her go. Should I be worried?"

"I was with her, twenty-six years ago, when she possessed a dock worker. We were in battle, and it was the first time in a long while that Tamamo was on Earth. She stuffed her face, fought a sword battle, and the host was killed."

Karla tilted her head. "That sounds familiar."

"Hai. You were there."

Karla frowned. "Oh, right - on Pier 80. God. That felt like another lifetime ago. But don't worry. She kept Rachel alive, and she's been good to Tamae. Hell, Tamae said she was really, really happy with Tamamo."

Sinopa deadpanned. "I wish you to know what you are getting yourself into."

"Oh stop worrying, Red."

The four-tail kitsune frowned. She continued to speak in a soft voice so as not to be overheard by Tamae and Conner. "With Konoe, she used to have orgies with him and his wives. That was never spoken of, as it is disrespectful to the memory of Konoe-tenno and his two wives." Sinopa folded her hands. "However, Tamamo has ... matured in the past nine centuries. Although one might argue she did not mature enough, considering her advanced age."

Karla nodded and rubbed her chin. "What she really needs is to become a mother."

"Hai," Sinopa agreed with a firm nod. "That would most likely help her."

"Well, she's got Conner, now. Maybe it'll happen one day."

"Hai. One can hope. I feel motherhood will tame her as it did for me."

"Yeah, I know that feeling." Karla grinned.

Sinopa turned from Karla and nodded towards Conner and Tamamo. "I will take Tamae with me. I will see you in Chicago."

"What? Chicago?"

"Hai. Your 'weekend vacation,' Karla. Unless plans change, Tamamo will use you, and Conner, to steal the files. And then you will cross the country by automobile. Conner wishes to rent one of the new hover vehicles. Tamamo will undoubtedly allow him to drive at times, despite his youth. My apologies in advance. Regardless, it is the safest way to stay undetected after leaving Alameda."

"Right, that makes sense - we can avoid public areas and eat at rundown diners. Yum."

Sinopa closed her eyes and sighed through her nose.

The succubus grinned again. "Take good care of Tamae. Tamamo only gets one weekend in this hot rod." Karla playfully ran her palms down, over her hips, past her thighs, then back up. "And then she's gotta go back to being normal, boring Tamae." She grinned playfully to show that she was teasing.

"Hai. Tamae - the permanent face of Conner's heart."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get this party started." Karla rubbed her palms together. "How does it work? Does her spirit go down my throat or something? Do I have to make out with Tamae?"

"Heavens no, Karla. You place the tips of your fingers against hers."

"What? Do we bend sideways at the hips and touch our pointer fingers together like Anime Cartoon - 'Z' or something?"

Sinopa shook her head. "Do you take anything seriously?"

"The mythologies of deities are based on story telling. So you tell me, should I take any of this seriously? Would an anime really be that far off? I imagine merging with her and becoming Tamamo-no-Karla - so foxy that every man in my line of sight has an instant nosebleed."

Sinopa grimaced in an attempt to refrain from showing her amusement. "To answer your earlier question, the spirit of a kitsune enters beneath the fingernails."

"Oh. Well that's boring. And weird. And fairly unhygienic." Karla lifted her hands, making sure she didn't have any dirt beneath her nails. "Weird. So, when Tamamo enters a body from the Celestial Realm, how does that work?"

"Through a mirror against the fingertips. We once managed to do it through the reflection of my sword. But it was not easy. It was a, ah, 'tight fit,' as it were. Anyone with a physical body will need a reflection at least large enough for them to pass through. Tamamo-no-Mae, however, is a spirit only. She would be able to pass through the mirror of your compact, but only her."

Karla sighed dramatically, "So, what you're saying is, we can't have a daring getaway by jumping into a rearview mirror if the MP's catch up with our rental. That sucks."

"Karla, thank you for helping her. I did not know of her grave wound. You are a true friend."

"Aw." Karla smiled. "Yeah, I know. I'm the best. Okay, let me go and do this weird nail-thing with Tamae. Will I be conscious to everything that happens?"

"It depends on the host. Rachel said it was akin to dreaming. Tamae says it is like watching a first-person-perspective video. You will see and retain what happens. For some people, the dream fades afterwards. For Rachel, she remembered _every_detail of what she learned about Tamamo's past. It haunted her. For Tamae, it took many months of hosting Tamamo's spirit before she was able to remember it the same way."

"You could have just said everyone's experience is different, heh."

Sinopa continued. "You will not be able to wake from the dream until she leaves your body. I do not know if it will fade or if you will retain what you learned about her. Everyone is different."

Karla hugged Sinopa again. "I'm glad to see you out of San Francisco. I was worried you were going to stay there and be some sort of hermit. Anyway, see you at the end of the weekend in Chicago!"

"Sayonara, Karla-san."

Karla pivoted on her heel and picked up her bags. She walked away from Sinopa, and put her hands between Tamae and Conner, prying them apart. "Okay, okay, stop whispering sweet nothings. You two can boink your little hearts out in Chicago at the end of the weekend."

"Karla..." Conner sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, enjoy your dry-spell and your blue-balls, buddy boy." Karla placed her palm against each of their chest, awkwardly palming the faint swell of Tamae's bosom.

She guided the two apart, turned to Tamae and took the woman's hands. She held Tamae's fingers up and peered beneath the young woman's nails in the light. "Okay, good. Just checking to make sure they're clean. Let's do this."

Conner groaned. "God, hurry up already. I can't wait to see what 'Calm Karla' will be like."

"Almost as awesome as normal Karla. Almost. But not quite." The succubus pressed the tips of her fingers against Tamae's own. "See you suckers in Chicago."

Tamamo's spirit passed from Tamae's fingertips into Karla's body.

Karla's brilliant green eyes became dull hazel-flecked orbs of mostly golden brown. Her pupils changed, just slightly, becoming somewhat vertical, like a fox.

Tamae's eyes changed from amber to a simple brown. Her pupils became round. She exhaled softly and relaxed. Tamae gently embraced Karla. "Be safe, kitsune-sama. I eagerly await your return."

Karla smiled softly, stepped back, and bowed to Tamae. "Be safe. Stay close to Sinopa until I return to you. If anything were to happen to you, I would feel lost."

Tamae bit her lower lip and smiled. "You are too kind."

"No, Tamae. You are a part of my relationship with Conner-kun," said Karla, now the host of Tamamo-no-Mae. "You are his mate; I am his mate. This, by proxy, also makes you my mate. Stay safe."

Tamae leaned forward and brushed her lips against Karla's. "I did not realize you harbored feelings for me. I mean ... I did not assume to explore your feelings while you were inside my body. I ... forgive me, I am too flustered to make sense."

Tamamo smiled softly. "Karla's body certainly holds an attraction to you, as a woman, Tamae. But this kiss ... is from me." She cupped Tamae's face and kissed her firmly, passionately. After a moment, Tamamo broke the kiss between Tamae and Karla's body. She smiled softly. "Wife to wife. Be well. Keep our body safe."

Tamamo approached Sinopa and bowed. "Keep my favored host safe, Sin-chan."

"Hai, sensei."

"We have been beyond such a role for a very, very long time, Sinopa. I am sorry if I have flustered you, as well, just now. Karla's body is fiery with heated blood and potent hormones. I did not mean to draw attention to us in such a public location. But we are close enough so San Francisco that most ignored such as commonplace."

"You said you had hoped Karla's 'zaniness' does not imprint onto you."

Tamamo smiled, causing Karla's soft, pink-painted lips to brighten. She bowed to Sinopa. "I will see you in Chicago. Please keep Tamae safe."

"Please keep Karla and my grandson safe, Tamamo. Her friendship, and his lineage are special to me." Sinopa returned the bow. She went to Conner, hugged him, and whispered into his ear. "Behave. Be a proper gentleman. I will see you in a few days."

"Keep Tamae safe," he whispered back to his youthful-looking grandmother. "Please."

"I will." Sinopa turned to Tamae and said, "Would you like to fly to Japan for the weekend? It will be your first time home without Tamamo. But it will be the first time you return home with your confidence restored."

Tamae brought her hands to her mouth.

Sinopa smiled, adding, "I will go with you. I am sure you have friends or family you wish to see, or to tell them you are safe."

Tamae's eyes widened. "You would do that for me?"

"Hai, Tama-chan. It would be my honor. I have our tickets already booked. Come, the gate is this way."

Karla's foxlike gaze flitted back to Conner. She offered him a smile. "Our adventure begins. We should book a hotel, rent a vehicle, and plan this out. Afterwards, we will rest, before the long night ahead."

"Can it be one of those new hovering vehicles? I've always wanted to try out what those are like."

"Hai, if one is available. Let us get underway."

Next Chapter: