Wild Speed and Technical Difficulties

Story by reihanfeoru on SoFurry

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#1 of Another Day at SLaVE

Just something that came to mind, and I decided to write it out. Not a serious story in any regard.Story by Teradyne EzeriStory released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licenseCharacters, VegaCorp, SLaVE, and the Delta Worlds multiverse belong to Teradyne EzeriPartially inspired by "Kamen Rider Drive" by Toei

"Type D is now available. Type D-Cross is now available. Type G-Double is now available. Type G is now available. Warning: Type G and Type G-Double require a gryphon base body. Transformation without one is not advised."

"Dear gods..." The white dragoness rubbed hir temples in frustration as shi stared at the screen in the next room. A badge with the name Teradyne Ezeri hung from a lanyard around hir neck, rattling with every movement against the bars shi leaned against. "This is going to be rather annoying."

"Mistress Teradyne," a digitized female voice called out over the intercom, "you have been working for fourteen hours on end. I suggest taking a break, as even a being such as yourself needs some form of mental rest. Perhaps a walk will help."

Teradyne tapped a virtual button on a nearby touch screen before turning to lean over a nearby desk, looking through several text files on the screen of hir PC. "Servina, are there any messages for me?"

"Negative, Mistress Teradyne." The same voice replied. "There is currently nothing in your notification queue."

"Very well. If someone calls for me within the next three hours, unless it is an emergency, simply take a message. My communicator on my Omnivice will be offline." After gulping down what remained of hir cappuccino and closing hir laptop, shi grabbed hir lab coat and walked out of hir lab, making sure the door closed behind hir.

The walk down the white marble hall was a long one, but shi eventually made hir way though to one of the other labs where tests were scheduled to occur. With little effort, shi pushed open the heavy steel door and slid in, closing it behind hir.

"Mistress Teradyne?" A young-looking male white wolf in a blue lab coat was standing over a long table with restraints on it, giving hir a rather confused look. "I didn't know you were going to be here during the tests. I would've brought a chair in for you."

"No need, Jason." Shi gave him a smile as shi walked towards him, stretching a bit. "I saw your test on the current schedule and decided to look into it. I was in need of a break from my own project as it was."

"I see. Would you like me to begin early?"

"It is your experiment, but..." Shi paused, looking around at the slightly cluttered lab, as well as the secondary safety section beyond a wall of glass-like crystal. "Where is your test subject? They are usually brought in thirty minutes prior to the test starting."

"Jason, this is Servina." The digitized voice spread out from the ceiling intercom once again. "Your request for a test subject has been denied for today."

Teradyne wandered over to one of the computer panels on the wall and tapped several buttons. "Servina, this is Teradyne. Who denied the request, and what was the reason?"

"Mistress Aika. She denied the request because she believes the experiment is not ready yet. She provided no further information."

"Understood. Teradyne out." The dragoness rubbed the temples of hir head again as shi shut off the intercom. "Bloody hell...As much as I want to override her, I would need my one of my mothers to agree to an override, and they are a little busy today. I guess option two it is."

"Option two, ma'am?" The wolf gave hir a worried gaze. "Mistress Teradyne, you can't be serious..."

"I am." Shi replied, smirking softly as shi removed hir lab coat and lanyard, putting them into a form of dimensional storage that existed around hir body. "I am more than qualified for this, you know. I also have experience in a related experiment with the F-one-five-four-tack-zero-three armour, and I have honestly wanted to have fun with the sort of idea you have."

"Very well."

Jason knew better than to argue with one of the co-owners of the company he worked for, especially one who was well known for their stubbornness. He walked over to his desk and picked up what looked to be a small toy car shaped like a formula one racer. It was white in colour, with the sweeping front and rear spoilers painted a soft green, and the cockpit a slightly darker green.

He moved towards the door to the secondary section and used the badge on his lanyard to open it, holding it for Teradyne. Once they were both inside, he motioned towards a box painted on the floor as white dotted lines. "Mistress Ezeri, if you would please step into the marked area, we shall begin."

As the dragoness walked into the rather large box, Jason tapped several buttons on a control console near the door, starting the room's audio and video recording systems. "This is Jason Howler, VegaCorp scientist one-nine-two-eight-three, on the fourteenth of June, A-R-C-C year of twenty-nine-eight-thirty-two. Today's experiment is a test of the Arclight Autocar Transformation System. The test volunteer is Teradyne Author Ezeri, VegaCorp co-owner and general employee zero-zero-zero"

The wolf soon started his approach towards Teradyne, circling around hir a bit. "The Arclight Automotive Transformation System, A-T-S for short, is designed to transform the user into an anthropomorphic automotive vehicle, using their initial species as a base. This form would also be able to change into a non-anthropomorphic state at will, and is meant to be used for both travel and recreation. While not initially designed as a permanent or semi-permanent transformation, it will have the capability to be used as such if desired.

"The transformation is initiated using a mini-car embedded with the proper enchantments or Omnivice encoding, such as this Formula 1 mini-car." He paused, holding up the toy car in front of Teradyne's face for the camera before giving it to hir. "By running it along their body, the transformee will trigger the magic or technology embedded within the device. If the transformee has an Omnivice set with a transformation trigger, they will need to use that trigger to initiate the transformation with this as well. Volunteer, once I step away, please trigger the device as mentioned prior."

Jason stepped towards the far wall and put on a headset. Meanwhile, Teradyne held up the car in front of hir in hir left hand, the right swiping across the wheels as shi said a single word: "Henshin..."

Once hir hand passed by it completely, the car itself disappeared, and a glow began spreading across hir right hand. It passed slowly, and shi could feel the bone and flesh being replaced underneath before the results came into sight. The bottom of hir hand had become a hardened rubber with tyre treads, while the backs bore a strong white metal shell with articulation for the fingers, though hir claws were replaced by plastic guards similar in look to tyre wells, and hir four long fingers fused into two wide digits. That change was mirrored on hir other hand, the changes becoming symmetrical as they progressed.

Jason began giving moment-to-moment commentary and explinations as he watched through a pair of glasses attached to the headset, which gave him access to live x-ray and thermal screens as well as his normal sight. "Because the volunteer ran the car across their hand, the transformation has started at that point. The hands have become tire-like, with articulated wheel well body along the back. What were once four fingers and a thumb have become two wide fingers and a thumb, which was expected in this experimental version. However, their claws were unexpectedly turned into rounded plastic guards, which was not explicitly added into the coding. Most importantly, the steel rods that form the endoskeleton have appeared. Those were missing in the previous test, making movement difficult for the volunteer in that test. I will note that, while Formula vehicles do not possess wheel wells, these appear only on the anthropomorphic form to give rigidity."

The glow crept up Teradyne's arms, leaving behind more white metal in place of hir flesh. Shi could tell they were mostly hollow, though. It rounded hir elbows, leaving ball joins with a single stopping plate on each one, then dashing up hir upper arms to hir shoulders. However, shi also noticed that hir wrists had become more round than elliptical.

"At only thirty seconds, the volunteer's arms have completed their changes, giving structurally sound body plates over the cross-pipe endoskeleton frame to provide the appearance of humanoid arms. The elbows and shoulders are on special ball joints that allow for full movement, while the wrists are on hinge and pivot joints. While I suspect the wrists do lose some mobility, it will be much less of an impact compared to the previous attempt with ball joints."

Shi took in a deep breath as the glow stopped at hir body, but knew it had started along hir feet from how the floor's texture suddenly changed. Shi could not see it hirself since shi did not want to look down, but Jason's commentary helped hir get an idea.

"While the normal progression of the final product will change all limbs at the same time, all test versions are designed to work with each set separately for better observation. At the thirty-five second mark, the volunteer's feet have become the same tire-like rubber alone the soles, with the ankle and everything above the median line becoming articulated metal in the same 'wheel well'-like form factor of the hands. Additionally, the claws have once again become plastic guards, which was unexpected.

"The ankles have been replaced with a pivot and hinge joint, much like the wrists. However, these have special guard plates in the pits to protect the joints, which are on their own spring-loaded hinge joints to keep them against the body and endoskeleton as needed. These plates are identical to those on the elbows.

"At the one-minute mark, the changes have reached the upper legs. Both limbs have been converted to hollow body plates on an endoskeleton frame, while the knees are hinge joints with guard plates. the changes have stopped at the hips, which should now be full-range ball joints. Woah!"

In a rush of light, Teradyne felt the changes take over suddenly and painlessly, the world around hir suddenly coming to what amounted to near-standstill, just as it did when shi transformed with hir Omnivice. She felt her groin smooth over, hir lower torso feeling thinner than normal, and definitively heavier. All sensations from hir tail ceased for a moment, only to be replaced by a thicker 'tail' in the form of what felt like a wide rump with a rear wing, an engine exhaust pipe just below it, and what was likely the engine itself.

Her chest felt thicker, and while shi couldn't see it, shi could feel the roll hoop where the cockpit's headrest would normally be on hir back. Shi definitely still had breasts, though they felt more like armour-plated mounds than anything, much as they did when shi was using hir Autobike armour as a mechanical being.

When the light poured over hir head, shi closed hir eyes, only opening them when the white became darkness. Shi could feel hir the normal draconic shape of hir head, but hir vision was much wider, and a shaped visor was down over hir eyes. Shi could see the front wing found on all formula one cars, positioned just under the pointed tip of hir snout, above hir lips. Hir mouth was definitely there as well, but felt more metallic, with sharp teeth and what sounded like an articulated tongue inside of it.

As the world began moving again, shi felt a burst of pressure explode outward from hir body. It knocked hir back a bit, though shi pressed hir feet into the ground to plant hirself in place, the tyre treads causing a high-pitched squeal. "What in the blue fuck...?" Shi said, sounding rather worried as shi rushed to a computer terminal to check the video.

Jason had been knocked completely off of his feet, and had to scramble to get up again. "I...I don't know. Give me a moment."

He grabbed the headset from before and put it back on his head, looking through the goggles and performing a bit of an examination. "Everything...looks normal. It's all as expected. You have the engine in the tail end, cooling systems in your chest and mouth, fuel conversion systems in place of your gastrointestinal tract...That was a normal transformation, but what..."

Thinking of the last few moments, shi tapped hir forehead with the palm of hir hand, causing a plastic-on-rubber thunk to reverberate through the room. "My Omnivice..." Shi up towards the ceiling as hir neural heads-up display came into view, allowing hir to do diagnostics on the implanted device. "It seems fine, but I assume it changed the outcome. My transformations are rather quick, and I experienced the slow-down effect that comes with them, which means it was most likely triggered when the changes reached my body core."

"But why would it wait until then? No other Omnivice user who went through it had that happen."

"I do not know. I am sending the data to Altair."

Jason sighed. "At least it didn't break your Omnivice. That could've put you in danger, and set this project back a full year."

"I am thankful it did not cause a carryover and..." As shi turned to look at him, hir speech slowed down. "...change...you..." Hir hand went to hir forehead once again, though this time covering hir face softly. "Me and my big fucking mouth..."

Jason blinked a few times, not realizing that during the moments of the burst, his body had also changed. Just like Teradyne, he had tyre-like hands and feet, a thin body with large rump and tail wing for the engine, the front wing underneath a pointed tip for his snout, and a body made of steel over a crossbar endoskeleton. They both had the same colouration, with white bodies and soft green front and tail spoiler-like wings, as well as darker green patch around the shoulders, where the roll bar was jutting out of their backs. they also got a good view of the other's face, the eyes softly glowing like dim headlights behind their polarized visors-Jason's having been pushed up onto his forehead by the explosion.

Teradyne's long gazelle-like horns had become antennae, and hir fan-like ears were part of the body design. Jason's ears, on the other hand, had turned backwards, giving them an aerodynamic look without closing them off.

"Well, it would not be a day at headquarters without something going wrong." Teradyne gave him a smirk, finding that the lips of hir new body were somewhat fluid and able to move naturally. "Are we in any danger, or a danger to others?"

"No..." He looked at the visor again, then put it on the hook where he normally had it hanging. "We're completely fine, and it looks like the carryover was the only thing that spread the transformation."

"Alright...No danger of our engines seizing up like formula vehicles that are stopped?"

"I took care of that with cryophoenix cooling feathers in the ducts."

"Very well." Shi pulled hir badge out of the dimensional storage and used it on the door, opening it. "Come on. Let us get something to calm our nerves before we start doing any more digging. I assume that fuel conversion system can turn organic foods into fuel?" He gave hir a nod as he followed hir out of the lab in silence.

Once out in the hallway, another dragon like Teradyne passed by the two in a brisk jog, though shi was wearing a black hooded gas mask with a skull motif. Shi stopped in hir tracks when realized who they were, and as shi turned around to join them, shi spoke up. "Not again...Tera! You better explain yourself!"

"Fuck... Yes, mom..."