Unnamed yet

Story by Lahorse on SoFurry

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Not yet finished, in fact, there's a long, long way to go, but I wanted to get something uploaded. I'll expand it and correct it as soon as I'm back on Monday.

Sorry for the rough outline, I really needed to get this here for myself, since it's my great friend Verrix's birthday today, so this is a gift for him. Also, special thanks to Mikkel Brandt for his music, which helped me a lot with inspiration. I'll make this part nicer when I'm back, don't mind until then!

Diary Entry #1: August 8thMy first week at University of Tail met my low expectations. I'm lying here on my bed in my dorm, getting used to living in campus. Damn, it's so different to the way college is back in my homecountry! I need to write this down to be honest with myself: I never looked with good eyes at the possibility of being selected to study abroad. Not wanting to disappoint my parents played a huge part on this, but c'mon, who would be interested in meeting this foreign guy from a far away and hardly known place, with his strange accent and his introvert personality? I'm staying here for a semester. Some will say it's more than enough to meet new people. They are probably right, and I wish I could believe that. I feel like nothing is worth it here except some international academic experience for my future career, wherever that would take me.The first day passed quickly. Getting off the plane, going through customs and check out, jumping into a cab and arriving at campus took almost the whole day, and I still had to unpack. In fact, I still have some shirts and pants and other stuff in my suitcase. Whatever, I'll do it when I need them. So yeah, I got to my room, dressed more appropriate for the occasion, and headed to the headmaster's office in the main building. Mr. Fluffwag, that's his name. It made me chuckle when I saw the sign at his office, and to be honest, it took all of my willpower not to cry in laughter in his presence. I mean, Fluffwag, c'mon! Anyhow, I'll have to get myself used to this, after all, this university is well known for being one of the first founded that actively focused on educating canines, pretty much foxes, wolves and dogs. He's a really nice German Shepherd though. He greeted me profusively and held a smile the whole time, asking me about my expectations, goals and whatnot. I lied quite, what can I say. He wouldn't have taken a "I really don't think I'll do well here." positively, it's just common sense and being political correct (bite me, truth sucks more than a little harmless lie most of the times). His secretary, a gorgeous white she-cat (yea, a cat here at Tail U), walked me around campus, explaining everything I need to know during my stay here. I could notice a few pairs of eyes observing us with curiosity. Not that I mind, much. Add a dragon to an already rarely seen cat around the place and you get the feel, a newbie touring around like a complete rookie.The following day, Tuesday, I had to wake up early and get myself ready to attend my first lessons. Simple English it was, at least not chemistry or philosophy, that would have been too much for my excited brain to handle. The dorms are just a few hundred yards from the main building, an almost perfect T shaped, two storeys construction, with a big cafeteria on the east side. This isn't a big thing to write down actually. Only that I felt really awkward these days, remaining silent on my desk during classes,

limiting myself to writing down notes and eating on my own at lunch. Yes, it's gonna be tough to meet new people here, as little as I care about it. The bright side is that not caring means not being tied to it. The less I think about it, the less lonely I'll feel.Diary entry #2: August 15thWow, it's already been two weeks since I last wrote here? Damn, it must have been more intense than what I recall. Lemme put my thoughts in order. After the closest thing to the initiall excitement and expectation I had have slowly faded, I found myself in a routine that didn't take long to remember me of my life back in my country. Wake up, go to class, have lunch, go to class, do some research for a topic in particular, do homework, chill out a bit with video games or music, and go to sleep. Rather monotonous and dull. I'm beginning to feel a bit guilty about this, since my parents surely expect much more from me, but mainly sad, plain sad, as I begin to reconsider my previous thoughts. It's been only two or three weeks but, what am I doing here? I changed places, but I didn't change myself, I'm gonna screw it up, this exchange is going to be a total failure for me. I know nobody, I haven't even talked to anybody over the casual question or comment during lessons. What am I supposed to do? I just guess it's of no use writing this crap down, whining about it, instead of doing something about it.Ok, let' see, how do I get this out of my head. Perhaps writing about yesterday will help. Yes, definitely. So this is how it went. I was in the restrooms, taking a piss, when I heard somebody cussing to himself. I felt like nervous, yeah, very nervous. It was him and me there, and clearly he wasn't in a good mood. Not the best way to get to know somebody, less with my reserved character. I just decided to take a blind shot, and strangely enough, it turned out well. This is how it went:Me - Err... sorry to interrupt. You ok in there?Him - Huh? No, the paper has run out, I need to wipe my ass and I can't. Care to pass me the paper roll next door? I'm already a bit late to my next class.Me - Sure! Here you go!Him - Thanks man, I owe you one. (Now he gets out of the toilet, and he has like an expression of curiosity on his face) Oh, hello there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're the guy who arrived a fortnight ago and is staying for the whole semester, right?Me - (quite surprised at the fact of him knowing that) Y-Yeah, that's me.Him - Cool, first time here?Me - It is indeed, still getting acquainted, heh.Him - Haha, I see pal, this is a big campus. Strange accent you have by the way. Anyway, I'm Verrix, nice to meet you, er...Me - Lahorse! My name is Lahorse.Him - Lahorse, huh? That's funny for a dragon like you. Ok pal, I needa get goin', meet me at 1:30 in the cafeteria, I'll introduce myself better then. See ya later!It actually went like that, just like i've written

it, I still can't believe it. Much easier than what I would have dare to think. So well, I met him at lunchtime in the cafeteria as we agreed, and he turned out to be a really nice guy, asking me about my hometown and