Origin of Holyjefe (The Holy Boss) Chapter 2

Story by Fritz_FD on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Ricky was happily munched on the promised apples while we trotted to Three Corners.

I took the time to grab some out of my place after our meeting with Grayson.

No luck on the beer, at least one of us was happy.

"Can you believe it Holy, finally we get some action!" Michael said.

Bella Neighs, responding to Michael in kind.

scratch that, three of us.

Sucks to be a sulky dwarf.

We took a flight to Lakeshire to save some time and Three corners was just in sight.

The tower stood as a testament to alliance prowess.

The cannons still atop the tower, a momento of a time when the threat of orcs was far more real.

Now all the so called "action" Micheal craves is elsewhere.

This close to the alliance vanguard, everything is just so sleepy.

"Calm down a bit Michael, lets get to Darkshire first" I said.

As we pass The tower the guards wave us on.

Paladin core are easily recognized on sight by our chargers.

"Can you give me the description of our contact again?" I said.

"Sure, Night elf, female, green hair, brown eyes, five foot 6 inches. Occupation Druid of Elune.

Cool, first time meeting a druid."

"What is a druid doing in Darkshire? Trying to plant a new grove?"

"The letter doesn't say, guess we'll find out."

We reached Darkshire nearing supper time.

The apples we shared on the road were long forgotten.

The ever burning lanterns set by the Kirin Tor lighting the path.

These lanterns are one of many tools used by the Night Watch to keep Darkshire safe.

Preventing sneak attacks and easy access to fire in case of undead.

Not that we will be seeing much.

The necromancers of Duskwood had formed a coalition to try and take the woods from the Alliance.

Their army of undead was massive, but it was a dumb move.

All they did was make an easy target for the Argent Crusade.

The Lich King may have been slain, but the Crusade never ends.

Those fanatics live for battle and war.

The army was destroyed almost instantly, undead fleeing before the power of the light.

There has been barely a hint of undead since.

While the power and prestige of the Crusade is admirable, the demand for pure devotion and discipline is a bit much.

Michael and I chose the Paladin core for a reason, we want our own lives.

"Let's hurry to the Inn, it looks like it might rain" I said.

"How can you tell, its always dark here" Michael said looking at the sky.

I wouldn't be able to see 10 feet if it weren't for those lanterns."

"I dunno, just come on I don't want to get wet."

The inn was warm, a steady fire in the hearth.

There were a few customers seated, joking and laughing with each other.

Guess people find joy where they can, even in a place like Duskwood.

Michael and I head for the bar.

"Evening Gentlemen, name's Hann."

"what can I do for you?"

"Two Grilled Chickens and maybe a bottle of Darkshire's moonshine I've heard so much about" I said.

"Certainly, be right out."

Michael and I started to relax.

Traveling in the dark so long took a bigger toll than I thought on us.

Hann returned with our meal and 2 glasses.

"Careful with the shine, it has a kick if your not used to it."

"Thanks, well be just fine" I said.

"What brings you to Darkshire? I'm guessing your part of the core."

Hann has a pretty easy going voice and posture.

Guess you need to set people at ease quickly when right outside its near perpetual dark.

"Its been pretty peaceful here recently" Hann said.

"We received a report of Undead Worgen" Michael said.

"Ha, that rumor? Necromancers have been cleared out. Haven't seen a hair of undead in months.

Let alone some extra rank, undead fur bottoms, but better safe than sorry."

"I thought the whole thing was a Hoax" I said.

"I wouldn't be quite so hasty with that assumption dear paladin."

The new voice was a soft as silk, delicious to the ears.

Our contact had appeared.

And appeared she did, tight fitting dress, showing all the curves.

A deep smile shown on her face, guess she likes what she sees.

"Why hello miss...."

"Leorna, greetings paladin. I see the core has responded to my request."

"Request? I thought we were hear to investigate a undead worgen sighting?" Michael asked.

"Indeed Paladin, for I believe it is much more than a Hoax."

"Why are you here Leorna?"

"Malfurion Stormrage has sent me on this mission, the Scythe of Elune has been stolen."

Uhh.... thats not good.

This hasnt been the best start to my career in the core, but I was starting to feel pretty good.

Relaxing fire, food in my belly, and some nice female company.

All that, gone, some mage might as well threw a frostbolt at my back.

"The Scythe that spawned the worgen is missing...." I said.

"Indeed, I have been searching for many months to no success" Leorna said.

"This rumor is the closest to a lead I have gotten since I began."

"How did you even know about the undead worgen?" I asked.

"Blind luck as I would have it. I was in Stormwind seeking any information on the scythe to no avail."

"I turned my search south heading to Booty Bay. Goblins are known for their information networks."

"I was just fortunate enough to hear this rumor on the way."

"Wow beautiful and lucky. Wicked combination." Michael said.

Leorna smiles again, I could get used to that.

However as much as I would love to enjoy it, this whole mission got a lot more dangerous.

"Indeed, she has been a blessing the past week" said Hann.

"The Night Watch were going to do their standard scouting procedures when the word of undead came in."

"Leorna warned them off though. If the Scythe is involved, the Watch would be out of its depth."

"Especially with the peace we have had the past two months since the Crusade came though."

"The watch are a little out of practice."

"I asked the watch to wait while I performed my own investigation." Leorna said.

"Night elves can blend with the moon, becoming near invisible. For a Druid of Elune it is even easier."

"I found a likely location in a cave south-west of here. I smelled undeath all over the entrance."

"I dared not enter alone and had the watch send a request for backup from the Paladin Core."

At which point Commander Grayson assigned 2 brand new core paladins, fresh from the packaging.

To a mission with a possible epidemic of bestial wolves ripe to invade the Elwynn Forest.

No pressure... please let it be a Hoax.

"Glad to assist Mam, you have our support" Michael said.

How can he be so nonchalant.

AUGH, get in gear Holy!

"You have our metal Leorna, when do we leave?" I said.

"Rest my paladins, the cave entrance is under Night Watch observation" Leorna said.

"The cave has had minimal activity. Bats enter and leave and a moaning sound echo along the walls."

"But no undead are pouring out. We will wait for morning, when the dark in Duskwood wanes."

So tomorrow we get to search a unexplored cave, where possibly a army of undead reeking worgen await,

powered by a weapon that spawned an entire race.

Why is Michael still smiling?