Commission: Negotiations of the Dragon Kingdom

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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When the red and blue factions of the dragon kingdoms come into a lands meet in order to discussion trade, property, and other matters, they follow a level of tradition that comes about from generations of lands meet before them. Beautiful dancers, hard discussion, and a powerful battle between feral dragons that help to decide upon any disagreements that might come about. These dragon lords hold a lot of power, take a seat among one of their meets and find out how things tend to go.

This one was a bit hard to get done. The first issue was that I had to establish and entire culture for the different dragon lords, their connection to their people, to each other, and then of course the physical differences that might come about because of that. What came about as being the biggest hiccup was the fact that halfway through the first version of this story the file got corrupted and I had to re-write the entire time. At one point I did recover the old file for this, but by then I realized that the new version was SO much better and just kept it this way.

All of the characters are freely made and I hold no real rights to them or their culture. Feel free to reuse them as you see fit.

This commission was paid by Silver144 who asked me to do it based on a picture of two dragons fighting.

The entire story was written by me.

As a side note this is the first time using a different writing program called YWriter which seems to be pretty effective for organizing the stories I write and how much needs to go into each part. I've always loved YWriter before, but now I have even more reason to love it.

A flap of wings would lift the towering, heavy, body up into the air spreading those leather limbs wide in order to allow the air to pass just under them and keep this creature in the air. Of all the creatures the claimed complete dominance over the many elements that existed in these lands only one ruled over the air without any challenge, without any debate. The scaled body that soared through the air felt the wind passing by her face, her scales shining with a bright sparkle of red shades thanks to the scales that covered that towering creature as it passed by the sun. Her movement drawing her body lower towards the earth, just slightly, before another hard flap would lift the body back up in an almost mid-air bounce. Her movements taking her, gliding her, allowing her to fall in the direction of her choice while she twisted and moved her large yet still delicate body. Every tough of sunlight on her scales bringing them to another bright shimmer on her way down. Finally with the parting of the clouds from under her red body the dragoness was able to look upon the image of the ancient temple below, the sight of many great battles, of many great wars, and many grand meetings, this one being no different.

The lower her body grew to the temple platform the more of the mountain below it that she was able to see. At first this ancient building was but a pin prick and now it was larger, building in size the more she approached. The large court yard that made up the front was a perfect place to plan, giving more room to move about and exist than even the temple itself had to provide. Her colossal body needing the extra space to make up for the speed she was coming in with. The red scales of her body covering her form in a beautiful and majestic shine, but even that shine was brought into a cover when one noticed the brown leather saddle resting between her shoulders. Coming around her limbs and waist the dragoness had to move carefully, had to approach in a slower motion and without forcing herself into a jerking tact only so that she wouldn't displease her lord that she carried. Two road in the saddle, both colored in a deep red scaled display. With the feet of this dragoness landing well with as soft a settling as she could manage her limbs came into a quick bend, pressing her own chest down into the stone court yard just so that she could provide as close as she was able to into the ground here, wanting her king to not have to drop far to be brought into this place.

Her ruby eyes watched him closely, keeping her gaze down, but still on him the best she could to make sure that he wasn't angry with her for any reason and as he dismounted the saddle of this dragoness he'd turn to lightly press his hand against her collarbone, giving her scaled figure a nice pat just as another female would start to make herself known. This other female was much smaller, not at all feral like the one they'd rode in on, but she was here for an entirely different reason. A shawl covering her mouth, a thin fabric that brought itself into near transparency as it was presented against her red scaled body. They were all dragons, but between the lord and the dancer this riding dragon was the only feral one here, but even she knew that she wasn't here for just transportation. Some purposes were better used in combined efforts, and in this case she was here to fulfill the oldest tradition of this place, to stand there as a display of war, of power, of capability, and if needed, handling any true disagreements that this lands meet might present.

With the saddle having been released from the dragoness her shoulders, wings, and back arched with a fast shifting movement as she grew re-accustomed to the lack of weight. It wasn't that she had the saddle on all the time, just that reaching this temple took some effort leaving her to finally feel the relief no longer carrying that strain on her back. The lord had helped the dancer down, holding her at arms length in order to make sure to keep her at just enough of a distance not to show any real intimacy. It would be wrong of him to build up hope, or created a false distraction within her so that she would fail at her job. No, this red dragon lord needed to keep himself in a more pronounced way, a more regal stance that left him stepping away from the others to the sounds of an all too familiar flapping of leather hitting the air. It wasn't his ride that made the noise, she had already landed, but it was instead the sound of his approaching fellow that he had called on this meeting with.

The sound of wings hitting the air would grow closer as the three that stood here looked about in order to locate their approach. The sight of cloud cover helped to hide most here while the feral riding dragon took a step closer to her lord, moving to rest her tail around loosely so that it would half encircle him. His eyes turning quickly at his steed and giving her a silent nod of appreciation. The dancer was the one that kept the eye out, though, wanting to make sure that she was the first to stop their meet-mates. It was with a sudden part of the clouds that she'd step forward, pointing up towards the line of blue mixed into the white underside. It was often difficult to see a blue dragoness painted against the brilliant blue sky, but the paleness of the clouds helped to outline her figure perfectly. Similar to the red riding dragon, but different in nearly every way, the blue dragons often had longer wings, but were also far thinner than their crimson brothers and sisters. Their flight was the same though, a flap and a glide that would bring the blue lord closer to this temple, already they could see that they were the second to arrive, something he wasn't too happy about, but being that his capital was much further away than the his fellow king the blue ruler had already figured that they'd likely arrive after.

With the sharp black talons coming lower they'd rest on the stone floor with the grace of a feather dropping down, a skill that was only capable of a creature like the blue dragoness that quickly rested down to allow her lord to lift off. The soft shine of sunlight hitting her wings displayed a well defined sapphire tint that brilliantly decorated her already magnificent horn set that circled the crown of her head like a crown in itself. A display worthy of one of the wealthiest kingdoms greatest riding dragons. She was here for the same reason that her sister of another color had come, firstly that it was expressly necessary for them to actually arrive at this place, but more importantly to show off military might and the beauty and wealth of the kingdom. Her movements shifted her body downward, every motion that she made was there specifically to show off the flexibility and fluid motions that the blue dragons had long since grown known for. Her lowering body slowly allowed her rider, her lord, to lower himself down from the saddle she had. The feeling of the other on her adjusting to drop down as well was felt where the riding dragon waited patiently. Her body could feel every movement that was made on the saddle, where the red lord had helped his companion down this blue one simply left her to attend to herself as he approached his fellow ruler.

The girl that helped herself off the saddle wasn't dressed the same as the loose and translucent garbed dancer, instead wearing what looked to be a more flowing skirt tucked in tight with a corset that helped to show off her thin lines and beautiful curves. Her movement was simple if not different from that of the other dancer, where these two humanoid dragonesses came to look over the other, a slight giggle about the others unique and delicate outfit did help to bring a smile to both of their faces. It was the red dancer that approached the blue, her movements keeping her close to the riding dragon as she worked to remove the saddle harness and free her just as the other one had been. A click and a drop of brown leather to the ground and that confining strapped device would be liberated from the dragoness that stretched her wings wide in a fast motion to arch her spine backwards in an attempt to wash away the discomfort that came about it. The weight was nothing, the lord and his dancer hosted a poundage of barely a fraction of what she weighed so when it came to such concerns there were none. If it wasn't for the saddle she wouldn't even know that they were there at all. While everyone paired up, the rulers approaching one another to talk, the dancers setting off to the side and waiting for the lands meet to start, the dragonesses did not approach one another, keeping their distance and simply eying the other as they worked to silently judge their movements, the others skills, and capabilities from afar.

In these lands there were many societies that had been developed, but among them none stood brighter than the lands of the dragon lords. Their colors filling an entire spectrum, many species with their own designs, cultures, and ways of life. This day the only two that would be meeting was the lord of the red dragons and that of the blue, in order to discuss the changes that were coming to the land, to set up new trades, acquire new territories, and even develop a better relation with their neighboring kingdoms. The two territories were separated by only a single mountain range, a range that had proven to be among the most dangerous to traverse. Most trade between these two capitals were done only a little at a time, the small gate that managed to connect the two wasn't large enough for bigger caravans and with a large lack of bests of burdens, where the feral dragons were considered among equal socially in their lords eyes, these two kings had always found it a bit harder to establish an effective trade route. This was why the meets were important between these two, it's why they host their own independent meets away from the others so that they can fresh out and effectively plan how their lands will interact with one another.

There was a time in the past when such a meeting would be simply to announce that they were going to war, that they were going to take what they needed from the other side of that mountain, but after thousands of years such a way of negotiating had grown more trouble than it was worth. These kings not only cared about their land, but their people as well, and to lose manpower against one another would easily leave them open to the much less friendly other tribes that existed. Instead these meets were filled with tradition, their societies rich in their method of clinging to any ancient methods that they could find. In the past times the dancers had been brought along as a way of distraction during the meet, to help bring the attention of the opposing lord towards them so that their own king could sneak in a few conditions that the other would then agree to. While the dancers were still lovely creatures, still beautiful, now their tactics were there for the purpose of entertainment before the meeting, no longer for nefarious reasons, but instead so that the two lords can relax, sit back, and enjoy a little agreed pleasure before the meet officially started. The other part of this tradition was entirely focused on the war of it. Their military power, their claimed might, would be provided between the both of them in order to stand against one another. There would be no death, in this way, no suffering, but still the aggression would be there. The reason that the feral dragons hadn't approach to talk like the others did was because they were to be expected to close out this meet with active combat in order to demonstrate which kingdom was more powerful. It would save the military encounter and only cost one of them the pride from losing their fight.

This was how the meetings were these days. No longer a risk of falling into a war torn debate, but a friendly meet up between lords that would then discuss their connections in order to fall into something more reasonable for the both of them. Of course, there was still talk of trade, of economy, and a sharing of secrets about other countries and societies, but all of that was simply part of these meets now. They held a level of stress as anything else would, but there was no longer any true bloodshed, no longer any loss of life. If anything peace was the new fashion and the ability to grant peace to others was a sign of wealth where you could afford to keep money out of the pockets of the weapon merchants. It helped that these two knew one another, almost having grown up together despite the land mass that separated their kingdoms, that very landmass that this temple rested on, an old order of some lost belief system, but now an abandoned building that acted well as their place of discussion for more generations than could be recorded around here. They had met at a young age when their fathers met in this place and for the last dozen meets it had been their turn as well. A laugh, a gentle push against the shoulder and the two were already making their way into the temple hall followed by the two dancing girls and leaving their riding dragoness's outside. The meet would be beginning soon.


The two girls had followed their lords into the hall, their movements falling a few steps behind regal authorities that walked in front of them. Each step that the barefoot red humanoid dragoness took allowed her thin tail to sway harmlessly to her rear, her wings tucked tightly against her back and her movements practiced, designed to entice, to attract, to draw in the attention of both males. In a way she was here to display the beauty of the red dragon kingdom, her full display something that she loved to show off as just that. If the riding dragon was going to enter later as a display of military force then she was going to make herself the representation of what the women in her kingdom looked like, how they lived, how amazing and outstanding that they were beyond other tribes and kingdoms. She was going to show both her lord and the blue ruler what she was fully capable of, to make his eyes lock on her in desire, lust, amazement. This was her goal, to be beautiful, and she was going to do anything within her power to help her lord look good in the eyes of the other.

She wasn't as skinny as the blue dancer, not at all, but where her kind held more muscle her body was a bit bigger by nature alone, this also meant that her bust and rear were larger than he was accustomed to seeing as well, and this fiery red creature was going to make sure that he took notice of that. Her outfit was a bit baggy, loose around the legs and arms, but they were tight against the wrists, against the ankles, and very tight around her bust, drawing the attention completely to that as the muscle toned belly remained uncovered entirely. This muscle didn't get in the way, though, instead only assisting her in shifting her body side to side, starting her dance already with an easy waving motion of her hands, allowing them to flow like the water this blue lord was used to seeing, but instead of being another spot of blue in a fast sea, she would be a touch of red fluid that helped pump his heat just for her. Her steps came in next, aiming to step lightly as her bare feet touched down one in front of the other, first forward and then back as her hips continued to rock to the side slowly back and forth. Those simple movements guiding her body with her hands still moving in that wave like pattern up the length of her stomach scales and passing right between the generous bust and up to the side of her face with a very gentle wink to the blue lord.

Her motions weren't developed as a means to display arrogance, but simply to show off the figure of her people, her strong and muscular build that was encompassed in the large and soft breasts, and rump, under a translucent fabric that just barely managed to hide enough details to keep her modesty covered up. This girl's swaying motions helped to draw the attention of the two of them quickly, wanting to start off this meet right with a sultry display that helped to hint at the idea that perhaps all of the girls of her kingdom were as beautiful and fit as she was. Her movements drawing her tail side to side as she kept it pinned, then lifted, and then pinned down once again. Every motion of her hips would bring her into a small circle, allowing them to see her rounded butt even as she kicked it out to their view before twisting back, only just barely letting them both catch a glimpse of what they could have been touching this entire time.

It was the blue humanoid dancing dragon that found herself moving in quickly in order to prevent herself from being shown up. She needed to jump in on this, to show off her own skills and the talents that her home had built on over so many of these meetings. She wasn't muscular like this girl, but was just a bit taller, thin, lean, but having the curves were it mattered hidden under her corset and skirt. Her body was more covered, more hidden away, but with the tight fitting clothes this only went to show off more of her body. The low cut leather outfit she wore helped to show off that perfectly display of deep cleavage running up into her chest as well as the firmness of her corset remained perfectly in place. It rested against her thin body with a firm and tight grip that hosted those bouncing blue breasts. Every movement she captured, every shifting of her figure helped to throw those curvy tits against the dark leather of her firm top, the skirt even helping to hide her plump hips where every single adjustment she move helped to pop that rump against the sides of it, allowing the fabric to bend around her body easily to show off what was once hidden away for only a second before it would come into view once more. A soft teaser that kept her looks more subtly tucked and repeated as the image of her figure was drawn, hidden, and redrawn with the eyes locked on her.

The blue dancer was happy to be part of this, honored that out of all her sibling dancers she had been specially selected. Most of her family had passed down such a grand tradition of dancing and consortion throughout the generations with only a few going off to do other things. She was happy for the skills that she'd learned from her mother and her mother's mother who had both come close to such an delight in the past. The wish of any dancer was to please her lord, and this one was given the honor that many only wished they had the pleasure of being offered. Where others were still honing their skills, helping to learn how to entertain the king's guests that happen by, this girl was here, dancing for a red lord and showing off the beauty of her people to him, something he didn't get to see if the bulky figure of that muscle bound girl was any indication. She wasn't here for any intimacy, such things from back win were no longer part of this tradition, but was here instead to move herself, shift herself, show off her body clearly, and please the dragon visually so that he might find a way at favoring her people during this debate, perhaps even allowing them some special consideration when it came to the agreements that the two happened to come up with. This was her part here, this was why she was brought along. It was no longer about manipulation, but instead was about displaying a beautiful image and a great impression of what kind of culture that the lord was negotiating with. To be asked to come here meant that she was among the most beautiful of the kingdom and that alone brought a smile of pride to her face. Her name might not be remembered for this meeting, but she was going to have stories to tell her beautiful daughters when she gets back and becomes the catch of the kingdom.

The dancing of these two beautiful girls was fantastic in all respects, but it wasn't something that the two lords had seen the last time they were here. The movements, the bouncing, the shifting, the swaying, it was near predictable and sadly boring. When you find more entertainment in the movements it takes to shove the person you grew up with like a brother than the amazingly sexy girls that have thrust themselves in front of you, then there was a real problem. It's not that they wanted to be bored, it was just complacency, a numbness that has taken over when it comes to these things and the girls here. There was no doubt that they were absolutely beautiful, gorgeous even, and that only made it all the more unfortunate that these two lords simply were not feeling what they should be regarding the two of them. Neither of the rulers would blame the girls, though, they were clearly doing their best without actively sitting in someone's lap, but at the same time these two were here to entertain so if their usual tactic weren't going to function in this way then the kings here were going to need to find another way to go about it in order to make this day work out.

No negotiation was done before the entertainment, that was simply one of the many traditions about this, so if they couldn't be entertained then how could they effectively discuss lands issues, trading options, and other important things? These were a people of strong traditional upbringing, they valued the traditions that had been passed down and felt that dropping such traditions would cause the decline of their ability to host these meets to begin with. The dancing used to be for strategy, but now was to help the lords relax and bring the meeting into a positive light. It was the first opening of this meet and set the mood for how it was likely to go. If these girls weren't going to be able to please with their bodies, though, then maybe the red and blue rulers could find something else that they could do instead to still reach the same goal. If nothing else this red lord felt that there had to be a solution, not willing to accept that his meeting with what he'd consider to be his brother would start off poorly. No, he was going to make sure that this started off well even if these two had to punish one another for failing. Coming into this thought he started to imagine the scene of these two lovely girls trying to go at one another like that, the soft smirk that rolled his lips leaned over the to the blue ruler, sharing the idea with him in a very soft and audible tone so that the other two might not hear just yet. This only drew a lifting of a brow from the blue lord, thinking about it carefully, and slowly drawing a lip curled smile across his mouth to help him stifle a bit of a chuckle that was immediately in time with his fast nodding.

The movement of his red hand lifting so that his palm was exposed helped to halt the two dancing scaled beauties. Their eyes widened while they watched in fear and shock, wondering what kind of words would come out. Would they have to suffer a scolding, a punishment for the clear failure of seducing these two leaders. The soft breathing matched the dropping of their hearts while it pulsated in their throats. It was clear that they were both scared, even the blue one that the red lord had no authority over had to be frightened by the stone face that was looking over at them. Even as that steel expression rolled into an easy grin it didn't lighten the anxiety of fear that was pressed down against their minds. They wouldn't know what he wanted, wouldn't know what his intentions were, what idea was causing him to make that clear smile until he finally spoke his order, gave his demand towards the directions that these two should make. As of this moment the two felt as though they'd failed, that some level of punishment was going to come, and here they only waited to see what kind of deviation he was developing in his potentially cruel mind.

His voice spoke out, finally, in a deep and commanding tone, "You girls are both absolutely beautiful, but this is something we've seen a number of times before. If you wish to entertain us then we're going to need to see something different." His words rang out clearly, trying to be a bit cryptic in his tact. The two looking at one another as they started to wonder what else they could do in order to regain their composure, as dancers what they mostly knew was actually dancing.

It was the blue lord that clarified the expectation, made the order more specific, more direct. "Ladies, fight one another. We want to see you struggle."

The request was odd, it wasn't something that either of them expected. Where they had been trained specifically as dancers they didn't really know that much about fighting. Sure they could do the normal untrained fighting tactics that come about from slapping and hair pulling, but maybe that was what these two wanted. If nothing else it was an order from the blue lord, so even if the red dragoness didn't want to partake in something like that it was the blue girl that had to draw her into such a fray. The red dancer wasn't obligated to follow the commands of the blue lord, but the blue dancer was and given that these two had been getting along up until now it made it almost uncomfortable for them to regardless of the actions that they were going to be taking, even if against their wills.

The blue girl moved in first, her corset being a bit tight for this kind of activity, but such a thought never really passed by her while she charged in at the red dancer. A fast movement to grab at the thin fabric that covered her crimson friend only helped to tear it as the red dragoness moved to back away, her body feeling the sudden tug and then the chill of the air catch against her scaled body, liberating the bust into a display of large breasts bobbing free. In a gasp she'd feel the cold hit her body like a hammer, her arms quickly coming up to cover herself immediately while her bright red cheeks grew just a bit redder and her other hand whipped quickly to take hold of that corset resting against the blue body, jerking her hand downward to feel the bear rip away just enough for the binding top to fail and those large blue breasts to spill forth. Her body jerked forward quickly, gripping her large rack to hide herself the best she could, working to back away quickly and see if she could readjust herself, but the damage was already done. The kings smirking to one another while the red dancer closed the distance this time. If this was what the lords wanted then she was going to make it a good enough match for them to see.

Her quick charge drew her close to that blue bitch, the feeling of her outfit being ruined enough for her to make a hard and sudden slap across that blue girl's face jerking her to the side while their bodies worked at colliding. It wasn't the best plan to run into your opponent directly, but it was a good enough plan to make the hit. As the two stumbled over the other they'd both end up on the ground with the blue dancer finding herself on her back with a much stronger red dragoness sitting down on her body. Scratches, slaps, horn pulling, anything that the two could do to the other would ensue while they tumbled about the floor. Every now and then rolling so that the other would be on top until finally the blue dragoness spread her legs to prevent herself from being rolled once more. Cuts started to develop on their faces, on their shoulders and necks, the tugging on fabric, the jerking on clothing, and the two continued to combat the other without any real fight training.

The brawl continued, the one managing to press her red foot against the black leather corset around the stomach and kick her off. The blue dancer finding herself tumbling backwards and onto the ground, but before she could get up the strong red dragoness came down on top of her, sitting there with her weight pressed against the blue stomach and the boning of the outfit doing nothing to help support that weight. A single hard strike downwards would launch her red fist down into the blue dancer's face forcing her to roll to the side at the hard blow sinking pain into her body. Wincing she fought back the feeling of tears that started to well up, her hands trying to defend herself the best that she could while her eyes blurred with water. It was by the grace of the lords that they would stop, that hand lifting again and the red dragoness's soft snarl would fade away, her body quickly jumping back from the blue beast and once again trying to cover herself for the sake of modesty. The blue dancer saw this backing away and looked to her lord quickly, it was clear that the fight was over, just a bout to entertain, but her outfit was torn, her skirt even cut in a few places with claw marks having run through it.

As the blue dragoness pulled herself to her feet her hand wrapped around the thin fabric top she'd torn away handing it over to the red dancer. The two looked a bit ashamed at one another, these two had been brought along for the purpose of representing their cultures and the beauty of their people. These two didn't come for this and weren't brought up in a way that they'd know how to do such a thing. Now they're outfits were dirty, destroyed, torn, and cut. Their figures showing through, but the point was the concealment. As the red hand wrapped around the shirt that had been handed over she'd start to wrap it around her bosom, working to hide a bit of her figure so that she could once again be presentable. Those eyes turning towards one another and with a dismissive wave of the lord's hand they'd move from the floor, heading over to the side in order to tend to one anothers wounds. It was an interesting start to the meeting, but at least the lords had seen some sexualized fighting tactics and flashes of scaled tit in the process. If nothing else these two succeeded in entertaining their rulers finally.


The two had to chuckle to one another, their movements coming to lift from the seats that had been set up in this room. This temple itself being an ancient sort long since taken over by the dragon tribes after the religious sect that existed in this place left. The building that remained worked well for the red and blue kingdoms due to it's existence directly in the middle of the bordering areas at the peak of the mountains that separated them. It had been used for generations now, the building a group project between them to keep it established, but the dragon kingdoms didn't mind this, this wasn't a large building to attend so the maintenance didn't take much effort especially with nothing in it. What was here, though, was an interesting sight where past generations have taken the time to scratch out a full map of the territory into the floor. Every now and then something new would be added, but for the most part the map was kept accurate with landmarks, farmland, cropping locations, herd movement patterns and things of that nature to help show what both sides had to trade with.

As the lords stood up from their seats they'd make their way towards their respective locations, looking over to make sure that the information provided on the maps were as accurate and truthful as possible. The turn of their eyes towards one another helped to bring these two into their clear intentions. Their movements indicating where they needed, what they were willing to give up, what they were able to offer and what they weren't. Many points of discussion helped to indicate exactly how this meeting would go. One needed a bit of farmland that was migrating into his area for the purpose of trading crops while the other was already invested in the growing of the current crops, wanting to see his efforts progress to help feed his people. It was clear that the two were going to have some points where they did not agree, some points that simply couldn't be traded on, and do those points they had a solution, there was a way to determine this and while they moved on from that talk of farmland they did manage to discuss things that they did agree on, current land movements putting some of the blue land in the red territory, such a thing was released easily to keep the boarders set where they needed to be, but those were only the most simple of things that neither of them could really discuss an argument over.

Most of their discussion was met with an agreeance, their intentions not designed to try and hinder eithers production, or kingdom capability, but there was still one thing that they were having trouble finding an even trade on. Even offering livestock for the farmland that he wanted this red lord was not able to sway his blue brother's need over that land. As much as they wanted to see this settled it didn't look like either one of them was willing to part with their claim. The land was migrating, growing into the territory of red kingdom due to the movement of the farmland where they had to till and crop different locations in order to allow old cropping lands to recover. The land had belonged to the blue dragons for a while now, they had made sure to take care of it and even if they had passed their latest land into the red territory they had invested a large amount into this harvest and were not willing to give it up so easily. This results in a single incident, a way to finalize this disagreement so that they could come out of this with no hard feelings, with no waging war. This was a time of peace and neither of these dragons would be willing to break that over land, but a conclusion had to be made here, and this mock war that they housed helped to do just that without the bloodshed.


The two couldn't hold grudges, not based on all this, their connection, their upbringing fighting against any bad feelings that might come out of this. Where both understood why they needed the land the other understood as well they their fellow lord needed it as well. It wasn't something unnoticed, or impossible to understand through this where the two had a far more definite way of figuring out how to settle this. As they looked to one another it was clear this wasn't going to be settled through trade, it wasn't going to be negotiated between them and that left the two with only one actual course of action, one that neither of them actually minded bring in from outside. There was a reason that their military force was to be represented here, if they couldn't come to an agreement then they were to have a small mock war that allowed the two to come to a final decision as to who would walk away with the land provided and who would have to deal without in this rocky environment.

As they summoned in their steeds the red entered first, having been the first to arrive and moved around the cramp space. The room was just big enough for two dragons to fight in, but barely, the two had nowhere to go, nowhere to turn to, and nowhere to run to if things started going bad. This wasn't a death match, their tribes had long ago decided that such bloodshed was unneeded, that living with costing your kingdom a defeat was a far greater punishment than allowing your riding dragon to die. It also didn't help that if the dragon did die then it would force the lord to have to walk off of the mountain and towards his kingdom again. Aside from this these lords valued the lives of their subjects and would never react kindly to their dragons killing one another over land, no matter how badly the kingdom needed it.

The feral red dragoness that passed between the doorways would bump the stone door frame that held up the doors. It wasn't her intention to allow it to collide with her swaying movements, but it was just such a tight fit that she wasn't about to get through without hitting it by accident. Luckily the doors remained intact, no damage was delivered to the frame either or the strong four-legged dragoness that found herself aiming to spread her wings and finding that there simply wasn't enough room for that. As she went to rest down those crimson eyes turned to see the sapphire gleam of the blue colossal creature stepping through. The two had been watching one another closely the entire time and now that they were finally about to break that tension she'd find no reason to not continue watching that beast with the same intensity she had this entire time. Those blue eyes were still locked on the red scaled girl as well, not willing to lift her eyes away from her. They both knew why they were here, to handle any disagreements, but the as these two watched one another they were already looking to figure out how to settle this fight as quickly as possible.

The blue dragoness had a crest of horns on her head stretched back into what looked to be a crown, the way that blue dragons tended to look in this region. It showed her local appeal, that she was from around here and that she wasn't simply going to let the red dragoness meet them half way and then take what was rightfully theirs. The red dragoness didn't have this same display, her horns curving down from the back of her head and stretching forward along the same path as her jaw line so that they could reach out just a bit further from that muzzle towards the direction of her enemies. The red dragoness was looking to claim what she could here, to savor the victory and gain what her kingdom needed until the next meeting came about. Both of them wanting to serve their lords, wanting to make them proud and aiming to come out on top in this fight. When the two dragon kings stepped back everyone here knew that once this started there would be no stopping it, there would be no calling it off. When dragons rage they grow increasingly uncontrollable.

With the lords backing away and the riding dragoness's having been brought into this tight room, the two dragoness's looked on at the other closely. They could feel the heavy breathing from one another while their heads came to rest only a few feet from the other. It wasn't even the command that started to drive these two scaled creatures to want to tear into one another, their proximity was enough to drive a deep instinct between them that made them want to defend their space, made them want to remove the other lady even if she had no where she could go from here. The second they were pressed to one another like this there was no other way to go about this, they were going to fight. The deep snarls, the baring of fangs, the warnings and fast spreading of their wings that bumped against the walls were enough to show just how little space they really had and as the two couldn't heed the others warnings. With a fast swipe from the red dragoness's arm the fight was one, the claws sinking quickly into the side of the blue dragoness's face knocking her head to the side quickly and prompting the sapphire creature to lung forward fast, bounding at the crimson beast with claws aiming to push down against the top of the red dragon's head. A thrust forward of that red head would drive the black horns forward, catching the blue dragoness in her stomach, tearing into the scales and forcing her backwards off of her. The wound bled well, but the bleeding wasn't bad enough to believe that one had gone too far. Dragons were used to this and had grown thick scales and deep organs to help fight these kings of wounds. Instead she'd only been cut into her muscles, a wound that would heal without much trouble.

When her blue claws rested on the stone floor once again she'd raise them quickly, bringing them down once again towards that red face, but instead of trying to pin her down this time the dragoness would instead aim for a hard claw right across the bridge of the nose, a move that the red dragon tried to avoid only to find herself getting hit anyway thanks to this crap space. Those claws ran down her cheek, forcing her head to jerk to the side as the sharp talons ripped into her scaled flesh. She wasn't going to sit there and get beaten down, though, her breath giving out a deep roar while her rising claw would try to grip around the back of the neck, not going for a penetrating claw like they had been, but instead pulling the blue dragoness forward into her awaiting teeth. Thanks to the red dragon's naturally stronger muscles the crimson fighter would find it easy to pull her prey into the hard bite, sinking her teeth quickly into that neck. The flavor of blood helped to tighten the grip around that throat, but she knew where she should be biting and where she shouldn't. This red creature had been given the proper training to know where to hook onto in order to keep the opponent live. As she tightened her jaw with the blue dragoness moving against her, thrashing and trying to pull free, clawing at the face and aiming to try and pry that mouth open, she'd feel her mind starting to fuzz up, starting to waver at the feeling of the air being cut off from the brain.

The red dragoness made a fast twist with her head, pressing the dragoness downward and into the ground as she climbed her crimson body over the blue dragoness, pinning her there by stepping down on the rings just to hold her in place. It was finally with a well placed strike by the blue opponent that the red scaled beast would be forced to release finally, jerking the head to the side once again with a tooth still imbedded into the blue scales now trailing with red, what that didn't help with was the weight though, her blue body trying to throw the red creature off of her but finding that muscle bound weight to be too much to lift and soon the red dragoness shook her head free of the gaze, her mouth bleeding with the loss of a tooth, but the snarl that reached down at the girl would lift a large claw high into the air in order to bring it down quickly with a well placed stomp that would bounce the blue head off of the stone floor before planting it well into the surface of this building. The hard stomp wasn't there to kill, but to damage, wanting to knock this girl out entirely with one very well placed strike, a strike that allowed her to feel the tense and struggling muscles of the blue bitch start to relax while she waited for the dragoness to lose consciousness. The blue claws again reaching up for the dragon over her, growing weaker and weaker at the feeling of her losing struggling until finally the feeling of darkness around her would take over and those claws would drop down to the floor. The match was over and the sound of the loud and dominating roar would call out to shake the walls of the building in triumphant glory.

She'd done her lord proud, she'd won her fight against an opponent that would have been faster, and more agile, but in a tight area like this there was no where to run to, no where to dodge to and that meant that her weight and muscles were the only real advantage to take into account in this bout. In a way the dragoness could be jealous of the dancer's fight, they could walk away being friends, but in a fight like this, where blood and flesh was torn there was no friendship to be had. The only thing that made her keep her rival alive was the fact that she'd been trained not to kill, not to take the fight that far. If it hadn't been for that there would be one less dragoness to tend these mountains. The towering creature felt the hand of her lord patting her side, felt her lord praising her for a job well done. She'd won them a farmland that they absolutely needed for the purpose of trading crops with the other dragon races, something that could come in handy during the next negotiations. If she'd be the one selected for that, or if she'd be passed up next time depended on a few things, namely what the opponent would be, her strengths and weaknesses that this muscular red dragoness might be able to take advantage of, but more importantly, it would be determined by the will of her lord. if he wanted it then it would be. Nothing more, nothing less.