Chapter 13

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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Lost In The Mist © 2015 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 13.

I woke up the next day with a very full bladder. I needed to piss something fierce, so I groped around for the black hose and slipped it into my sheath, twisting it to lock. The pain slowly faded, I took a deep breath and it stopped short. I knew what to do, I squeezed on the knot still locked in me. My ass ached, but my chest was on fire.

I was blurry, fuzzy, too out of it to understand the cause. The reward from earlier was clearly finished, and I felt a strong personal loss with its absence. It was an experience I could never forget.

Time was normal enough, now, as far as I could tell. It felt like many minutes before the system prompted me again to tighten down, but this time, when I did, I felt myself hardening up in my sheath. Fuck! I was horny, it felt like someone huge was tied inside me, clenching down was only making me harder.

I felt a twitch inside of my urethra. Then, again, in the spot between my bladder and my dick. Mist's words from the previous day were vague, and difficult to remember. When I felt it a third time, I remembered. He did something to my 'site. Uh oh.

I lost the ability to breathe, again, and bore down as hard as I could. Another couple of twinges, this time in my dick, with the barest sensation as if I was pawwing myself off, behind my knot. It felt really good, and then the sensation abruptly turned to fire. I wanted to yell, to scream, but the muzzle prevented it. I reached between my legs and twisted the black hose, yanking it free.

There was no difference afterwards, but the pain slowly faded on its own. Once again, I couldn't breathe. I squeezed hard, then harder, aching muscles in my back, tail, and legs, all complaining. Muscles which I had no idea were even used for this purpose, but they were incredibly sore. Air came back, and another twitch rippled up my urethra.

I felt the single, bold pulse of an orgasm, my hips bucked, I climbed onto my feet, breathing quicker. Another pulse, then another... my knot was filling out, and the cascade chain reaction from cumming shook my body, heightened by the knot under my tail. I stood there on all four paws, hanging my head, enjoying the minutes as they passed. My prick stuck out of my sheath, my knot was huge inside of it, and my tail slowly rose and fell, as did my nuts while they emptied. The parasite routed it all back into my bladder. Oh Dog, thank you.

Fifteen minutes later, the orgasm didn't trail off as it normally did. It pulsed hard, then harder, very abnormal.

Something was wrong.

The throbs became painful, my body shook, and I reached between my legs and squeezed my sheath, trying to massage the parasite. Stop, oh, please... stop... too much! Nevertheless, it kept going, and going. I reached under my tail and dug my blunt claws into my ass, trying to pull the device out, because clenching down on it while cumming was hurting the worst of all. I got a good grip on the base, but couldn't pull it out, the knot was too big. My claws were too dull to pop it, try as I might.

The orgasm finally let up, and I collapsed onto the bed. My tail twitched a few more times, but my knot stayed fully inflated in my sheath. I kept one paw on it protectively, as if that could help, somehow.

Several more breath cycles came and went, and weren't too much trouble to deal with. Then I felt another twitch inside of me, and I knew there was more in store. My knot had only just shrunk; I'd been dozing from the afterglow.

A much sharper sensation rolled up my urethra, the pain of having to pee, but greatly intensified. It burned, I squeezed my eyes shut. Then it changed, losing its edge, I squeezed my paw tighter around my dick as the pain slowly twisted into pleasure. Oh, Dog... stop that! We've been friends for over three years, you have to stop doing that...

An abrupt twitch scratched its way up into my bladder, and as soon as it reached it, I folded in on myself, squeezing my dick, the muzzle stifling my gasp. Another, and another... I was hard again.

I couldn't breathe, suddenly. Terrible timing, I clenched down on the fucking thing, harder, then harder still. My air came back, but another single orgasm pulse tensed my body up. I waited for the next, for the whole fucking thing to start all over again. But that was apparently it. Nothing. Then another nip, another pulse; weak. It repeated, weaker, then weaker.

I was horny again, now very hard. The system cut off my air, and having to clench down on the dildo was doing nothing to help me get my mind off things.

A few minutes passed, my dick slid back into its sheath, then a shudder inside it rippled into life. One full, hard pulse of an orgasm caught my breath, I jerked into awareness. A long scraping sensation moved its way up inside me, and I reached down and grabbed the tip of the 'site, pulling. That usually produced incredibly painful cramps. I pulled hard. Fucking stop that!

It twisted inside me, all the sensations immediately changed into pain and I let go, holding my stomach as it hurt to breathe. Then the system cut off my air, my eyes opened wide and I wanted to scream in frustration. I clenched down as hard as I could, got my air back, and the twitching started up again... it was feeding off my pre, just as Mist said it would.

The next time I felt the pulse of an orgasm, I gripped my sheath in both of my paws and tugged, pulling as hard as I could, humping my paws. The cascade grew, my knot filled out, and the pulses became my own with another real orgasm. A small smile of victory passed my lips. That's right, fucker. Keep it up, and I'll keep doing that.

I won the fight, but I was losing the battle. The next time, that didn't work. Between having to clench down on what was locked in me, and the parasite constantly finding new ways to get what it wanted, I started pounding on the bed with a fist in frustration. It was driving me crazy.

The braided hose leading to my muzzle was still locked on, I couldn't detach it. I wanted to go find Mist and punch his lights out. Despite the gas he was feeding me, my anger burned it all away.

I crouched on the bed, gripping my sheath tightly in one paw, while pounding on the bed with the other, as another ripping tickle shot up my urethra to blossom in my bladder. It turned into a sensation easily as strong as an orgasm, but with no relief. I glanced at the door as it slid open.

Mist walked in and took one look at me, then doubled over laughing. I shot him a menacing stare, you fucking did this to me! I flipped him my middle finger, and hunched in on myself. Another tickle shot up into a region I couldn't reach, an incredible itch I could not scratch. I was so horny I saw red, and my nuts ached as though I'd been crushing them in my fist.

Mist held up a split ring of chrome metal in one paw. "Well, I guess you don't want this, now. Do you? Not with that attitude." He dropped it onto the floor, well out of my reach.

I peered down at it, then looked up at him. I was getting better at expressing myself without the ability to speak. More than I ever did when Sinclair's collar took my words from me, since it usually took my intelligence, too.

"It's a 'site calmer ring. If you want it, you're going to have to apologize..."

Relief! Holy shit... I fell onto the bed and rolled over onto my back, letting out long, strong whimpers. They were cut short when the system picked right then to test my strength. I clenched down as hard as I could, got my air back, and kept on whimpering, holding my eyes shut tight.

I felt something hard slide down around the outside of my sheath. A twinge of pain as it caught on my piercing, then a little more pain as it slid past my knot, it was a little swollen, then it snuggled down at the base, around the hard part of the parasite. The twinges of pleasure ceased immediately.

I laid there.



Long, deep breaths.

Euphoria slowly built, my mood came around, and I relaxed with a big huge sigh. I opened my eyes and stared at Mist.

"It has a magnet in it. 'Sites have a cluster of cells near their mouth with a high magnetite content. Piss me off and I'll take it away from you. This is all so new to you, isn't it. I'm honored to bring you up to speed."

Mist waved his paw in front of his nose. "Damn, it smells like sex in here. Your scent is making me horny, Keman. Tell you what, I'll suspend your anal training for a day, if you agree to be good with me under your tail. If you try to hurt me while we're tied, I fucking swear to you that I'll teach you new levels of pain and injury." He growled the last part. "Do we have a deal?"

I shrugged and nodded.

The dull ache of the device in my ass faded as it shrank, Mist threaded in a metal handle into the blunt base resting in me, and pulled the whole thing out to set it onto the bed. I stared at its steaming surface, it was completely clean. Normally, any toy left up there for this much time came out covered in yuck.

I got up onto all fours and he helped by lifting me by my stomach, careful of my self-inflicted injuries, positioning my body closer to the port that the braided hose came out of. He retracted most of it back into the wall, until my muzzle was only about a foot away from it. When I pulled, I could feel that it was now locked to that length. Like almost everything, he controlled the mechanism with his wetware.

He set his long knees to the left and right of my hind paws, and hugged me from behind. His neck rested between my ears, he was so much bigger than me. I felt him poke around until his tip jabbed my tailhole, he trailed his paws down my sides as he gave a good, solid thrust. Burning hot wetness penetrated me.

"Mmmf, yes, I've been wanting to do this since the beginning... I was going to wait until your collar was fixed, but fuck that, I can't wait. The other fucker, John, was of no use. I believed him when he begged me to. Seems like no one can fix your collar." He thrust at me with long, deep slams. My muzzle tapped against the metal wall in front of me, after my front paws slid forward. With my claws gone, I had no traction.

"When I tie, you had better be ready to squeeze down hard, impress me and I'll take your muzzle off, let you shower and clean yourself up. Need to look at your chest, I don't want it getting infected."

Mist held me tighter, twisting around on top of me as he thrust his dick into my ass, his knot kept slipping in and out, with slightly more resistance coming out, each time. I waited until I thought he was ready, and then bore down on him, holding him inside me. He shoved his claw tips into my ribs, and growled deep into my ears and shook, his knot filling up, further and further. I felt a hot spray shooting into me with pulse after pulse.

"Yes, yes... more... tighter!" He twisted his hands and ripped into my skin, through my fur. I whined and whimpered in pain, things had been fine up until that point. I felt his knot grow much bigger than the toy did. I lifted my right foot up off the bed and set it back down gingerly as the dull pain flared brightly in a way that I knew meant blood coming from my ass afterwards, surely. I gulped as the pressure against my prostate doubled, then tripled. My sheath filled out with my growing erection.

He tied in me so tight, I couldn't sit still, the pain was so intense. I kept lifting my feet off the bed, shifting around, gulping on the tube in my throat, panting in pain and pleasure, through my nose. Suddenly, he shifted around and climbed off me, lifting his leg over my back so he could face away from me on his knees. I felt the enormity of his dick slowly rotate inside of me as we went butt-to-butt.

"Keep... clenching, Keman..." He was shaking, and he leaned away from me. I felt the tug from inside me, I clenched down as hard as I could, but it hurt unlike anything I had ever felt. The pain made me flinch, it was too hard to bear down. I tried again, and pushed past it, tightening down. He grunted and groaned in response, taking another step away from me. My body dragged backwards, my paws all slid on the bed's satiny surface.

I craned my neck forward, toward the wall. Mist kept pulling away from me, didn't he understand how much that hurt? I couldn't... reach my head any closer to the wall. The muzzle was pulling at me, but the tube in the back of my throat couldn't move.

I was caught between two forces. The braided hose in the wall terminated in my stomach, and Mist's knot ruthlessly had my ass, deep as could be. I gagged and swallowed, my stomach didn't like being pulled on like that. I worried something was going to break. Mist kept the pressure there, steady. I heard him mumbling in pleasure, he mentioned my name several times. It felt like my body was being torn in half.

I stood there, while minutes ticked by, feeling the slow throb of his orgasm as his cock pulsed away inside me. His tail kept touching my back as it rose and fell. I felt left out, with no climax to call my own.

A half hour later, when I was sure I could handle no more, when I was certain my limbs were going to give out, that I would end up hanging from the muzzle while my stomach was torn open, I felt the pain in my ass dwindle, he pulled out of me with a deep SHLURP. Slick warmth drizzled down my nuts to pat quietly on the bed.

I stood there on all four, unable to turn my head to look at him. What's he doing, did he fall asleep? I couldn't lay down, my legs were tired, my ass was so sore. His big paws roughly pet my head from behind. I craned my neck to look at Mist, but the braided hose prevented me from turning very far.

"Very good, Keman," he said, shivering. He disconnected the hose from my muzzle with a soft hiss of air escaping. He handed me the powered driver, it must have been lying beside the bed, I hadn't seen where he had stored it.

Mist sat on the bed and watched me as I unthreaded the muzzle from the tube. The two halves swung apart, and I went to pull it from my nose. I stopped short, though, the pain when I pulled was unbelievable. It felt like it was pulling my brain out my nostrils. I grimaced, grunting, then yanked it free. Bright blood spattered onto the bed. My nostrils were incredibly pissed off. I wiped them with a paw and set the muzzle onto the bed, wiping my paw onto my fur.

Words cannot describe what I smelled.

Blood, sex, violence, anger, pleasure. Sweat, cum, piss. Just to start, the list went on and on... it took me a full minute to catalogue what I'd been missing, because of the sterile air the system had been feeding me. The scents made my eyes water, and I got hard again. No wonder Mist wanted to fuck so badly, I did too.

I turned and looked at him, but averted my eyes. I was exhausted, I hurt everywhere. I glanced down at my chest and cringed. Deep furrows from where I had sliced into my flesh the previous day. Blood matted my fur in thick clots. The shiny ring at the base of my sheath stood out, and I realized that it matched my piercing. It, too, had a gold beryllium section in the middle, I looked up at Mist in surprise and looked away.

He'd bought me something that matched.

He cared what I look like. And I liked... that.

Where the hell was Sin? Why hadn't he rescued me yet?

"Go into the 'fresher. You know the drill. Close those cuts. I'll recover the bed, this surface is toast." He handed me the muzzle.

I licked at the gaps at the front of my muzzle. Four of my nibbling teeth were gone, exactly half of some of the most precious teeth I had. I used them for everything, from stripping wire to chewing on my skin.

I got up and walked out on my hind paws, surprised that I could stand. I wanted to be on something other than all four though. I didn't feel dirty or raped. I rather enjoyed the experience, and I couldn't figure out how or why. I only knew that if Sin didn't come get me soon, I would never want to leave. I could actually feel my loyalty changing, at some deep, instinctual level. It made me angry, and I felt helpless to stop it.

Later, as I walked back from the 'fresher, I stared down at the muzzle which I knew Mist was going to lock back onto me. My nose was swollen and sore, it bled every time I sneezed. I thought about the possible fight I could put up, refusing to put it on. In which case, he would only put it on me. It would be much tighter, it would hurt worse. So that was my situation, go along with it, or be made to go along with it. Nothing changed.

Strangely enough, I felt a small desire to do what he wanted me to. These feelings were a small fire in an expansive field of flammable material. My resistance was all the water from having rained recently. Once the fire grew hot enough, it would cease limiting the fire, and everything would burn brightly. I enjoyed obedience and submission.

I entered my room with my head lowered, my ears flattened backwards. I caught glimpses of Mist's green gaze, but looked away immediately. I didn't overlook his trust in me with the full use of my fangs, and we both knew it was no mistake.

He wanted to see what would happen.

I set the muzzle, now clean, onto the bed and sat my butt on its smooth surface, noticing the cover was fresh. Mist stood off to the side, watching me silently. Other objects were now on the bed, ones that I didn't recognize. Small and metal, one an oval chrome ring, the other a shiny gold "t" shaped item with a hole through the center. The hole was roughly the same diameter as the tube resting against my tongue. I stared at them and looked away, knowing I'd find out more shortly.

Mist padded up to me and took the muzzle from me, inspecting it closely. He set it down, and I stared at it, telling myself to appreciate this time I had, not wearing it. Extracting as much as I could in the freedom I felt. I licked my teeth and nose nervously.

"I think we'll skip wearing that, for now. I have something else that will be easier on your nose. Even if your collar were functioning, the effects of your jaws being forced shut are valuable in your training.

"By now, it should be obvious to you what such produces in your mindset.

"Oh, I appreciate your previous training, the method your temperament has been modified makes you a rare commodity.

"But still. Muzzles equal good behavior. Plus, there will be times I am going to lie to you. Such is life. Accept it, Keman."

I thought about that. A rare commodity, property to be owned and controlled. Of course I liked the concept, it felt good, and it felt right, even. Nothing unfamiliar there, I realized. That I was worth something extra, though. That I was special, and unique... was appealing to me. I stared up at Mist and then down at the items on the bed.

Mist approached me and gripped my mouth, he mumbled, "Open says me," parting my jaws a few inches. He slid the gold "t" down the tube resting on my tongue, it clicked. It had prongs that stuck out from it; they poked between my back teeth, as if I was holding a stick between my jaws. He squeezed them together tight and slid the oval around them. It got tighter the further up my muzzle it went, finally clicking in place on the "t"; it prevented me from opening my mouth. I wore it like a horses bridle, with a bit in my mouth. I gave a huge sigh; my nose was so pissed off.

"Try to pull it off. I want there to be no ideas in your head that you're merely humoring me. That you can somehow get it out, or take off what I've put on you, when you're really motivated.

"Go on, pull on it. Do your best. If you can get it off, I'll leave it off."

I was already pulling at it, but after he spoke those last words, I doubled my efforts. I couldn't figure out how it had engaged the loop, which I could now see was flat at the top and bottom, to better distribute its pressure against my nose and jaws. There was no padding on this one, so trying to open my mouth was immediately painful, there was nothing to give. My fingers brushed a "D" ring hanging from the bottom.

If I could disengage it from the tube leading to my stomach, I would still have to break all of my teeth to get the bit out of my mouth. As usual, this equipment showed many signs of extensive research and development. Everything Mist used on me was efficient and well fitting. I already knew, it was extremely expensive. I wondered what his source of income was, thinking about what I had seen on his ship so far.

I hung my head and stared at his feet. My submission was real, my sheath was even a little firm.

He tugged on the "D" ring. "Mm. Much better." He attached a slender prong onto the end of the braided hose, and curled a finger to bring me closer, ostensibly to attach me to the system.

"I need to leave you alone for a little while. Have to check on a loose end, see what our old friend Phyx has been up to. That collar was too expensive to just leave on him, but it's been recording all of his interactions. I want to know who he's been talking to, and what he's been saying. I could download that remotely, but I do so enjoy things direct." The comment reminded me of something Sinclair would say.

I leaned forward on the bed and Mist pushed the prong between my lips, through the gap in my front teeth. He poked around until it found the opening of the "t" and clicked into place. Something cold started flowing into my stomach, and the world began to grow dim.

"No wandering, for now. This is locked. Enjoy some nice rest, you've earned it."

My nerves were buzzing, and a different sort of euphoria slowly built in strength, similar to the gas he made me breathe, but not quite the same. The onset was slower. I lay down on my side and stretched out, once again, noticing that I had been withdrawing without actually feeling it. It only became obvious in its absence.

My eyes shut as I drifted off. I opened them immediately, but perhaps not.

I looked around.

My room was empty, lighting was a low, comfortable dim red, as it obtained any time there was a lack of motion detected inside. My door was shut. I sprawled the rest of the way out on the bed, stretching out one last time, then curled up into a ball with my tail over my nose. I took a deep breath through it, and relished the sensation of nothing being stuck inside.

Where was Sin? Was this it? The rest of my life? Maybe I could live with this. The drugs, or reality?

I couldn't tell.