Apocalypse, Ch. 17

Story by horsewriter on SoFurry

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After a few weeks, Greg was ready for physical therapy. I would help him from his bed into the therapy room, and he would do simple exercises with the other recovering soldiers. He was pretty weak, but he was recovering. Greg had massive internal injuries and tissue damage to all of his muscles from the energy beam, which I was told was a "protein disrupter".

My pregnancy continued to progress, and I had to give up sleeping on my belly. At four months along, I actually felt fat, my belly now protruding quite a bit. But I had a long way to go, I knew....

My appetites changed, and I started to get sudden cravings for different and weird foods. I snacked a lot, but I worked out a lot to keep my BMI down, and I was actually getting much more fit! My muscles where toned now, and if it weren't for my belly, I actually would have looked athletic.

Then came the news that a nuclear bomb had wiped out half of D.C., and that president Wallace had been vaporized in the fireball! The rumor was that a mutant teleporter had teleported the bomb right into the oval office, guided by clairvoyants. I wondered if it had been the bomb we had stolen that did it.

Since their was no vice-presidents office anymore, and no clear line of succession, the government had been thrown into turmoil. Wallace's sons and daughters, each with their own private armies, started to vie for power, finally fighting each other as the country descended in civil war and chaos. And that's when the Resistance acted on it's plans, seizing several cities, including New Los Angeles and New York. The base went on alert, and it was mostly empty after that, except for wounded soldiers returning from battle. Greg and I talked to them in physical therapy, trying to get a handle on what was going on.

The big problem, it seemed, was fighting the governments drones and robots. The Resistance had them too, but nowhere near as many, and they took a high toll in life and limb.

So the fighting continued, and Greg continued to improve. My pregnancy continued to progress, and by the time I was five months pregnant, I swore I could sometimes the body of my baby inside of me, his head and back and tail and little legs resting against the back and sides of my womb.

I still went to Henry's lectures, and found out she was dating. She had met a nice wolf-man named Frank, an officer who was also a historian, and we sat in her office and had long chat's about the twenty-first century.

Another month passed, and I entered my third trimester of pregnancy. By now, I was starting to feel like a real whale, and my feet and back sometimes ached. And my tits had grown as well, to the point that I had to get new bra's.

Finally, Greg was in good enough condition to leave his hospital bed and join me in my room. The first thing that happened was that Greg told me how horny he was, and how much he had missed sex with me. I had missed it too, I told him. And so we stripped and got in bed, and he gave me oral until I was ready for him, then I got on my hands and knees for comfort because of my belly, and we did it doggy style.

After that, we where having sex again every night.

Henry went into heat, and her new boyfriend knocked her up again. I found out because she was absent from the lecture hall for three days, and when I met her again in her office she positively reeked of sex and estrus. I asked her if she had been in heat, and she told me about it, and mating with Frank. She told me that she was in love with him, and this time, she planned to get married. Greg and I where invited to the ceremony. She seemed quite taken by her new husband-to-be, and was actually overjoyed that she was having another baby. I was glad for her.

A few weeks later, my baby began to shift around and move inside my womb. It felt positively_weird_, having something moving around inside you. Excited, I told Greg about it, and he was happy that our unborn child was doing well.

We went to Henry and Franks wedding at the base chapel, and I watched Henry cry like I had as she said her vows. She was beginning a new life now, and I was happy for her.

Finally, the doctors discharged Greg from therapy, pronouncing him good enough to go home. We talked to Mark about the new house the Resistance had chosen for us, in San Diego harbor, which was now rebel held territory. He offered to buy the bubble car from us, after giving us a lift, and we agreed. We wouldn't be needing it anymore, but the Resistance certainly would.

Henry was there to see us off, and we gave her our new address so we could would be able to write each other.

And so we packed our bags, got in the car with Mark, and flew to San Diego to a nice upper-class two story house on the beach with a boat-house. Greg and I looked at each other and hugged: it was perfect.

He gave us the deed and the keys, and bank cards for the bank where the money for the bubble car was kept, and he saluted us and left. We moved in right away.

The first thing we did was buy a car. I wanted an SUV, because I had no idea how big our family was going to get, and I wanted to plan ahead. Greg agreed, and we bought a nice big new Ford hybrid.

We bought furniture, and a boat, and fished in the bay in peace, watching the war on cable TV together. And of course, my pregnancy grew.

Our new neighbors threw us a house-warming party. They where mostly Inheritors, with some uplifted animals who where successful business men and women. They never asked us where our money came from; maybe they thought we we're trust-fund kids or something. But they all seemed to love President Wallace and the status-qua, even though San Diego was now in rebel held territory. Of course, we didn't mention our role in the Resistance.

Then came the day the Resistance called for national elections. It now controlled over ninety percent of the country. Immediately, campaign adds started to appear on the TV and in the newspapers. The Resistance called for the restoration of Congress, so their where senators and representatives running as well as presidential candidates. I had gotten to know the neighbors pretty well, and some where excited about the elections, wondering who would win, and arguing over who to vote for. The rest, mostly the Inheritors, where appalled. The would be losing their place of privilege no matter who won the elections.

I marked election day on our calendar - it would be two weeks after I had given birth.

Greg and I had long discussions on what to name our baby, and finally we settled on James. We both thought that was a good name. His middle name would be Gregory. We also picked out maternity clothes for me to wear, both for my last months of pregnancy and for after the birth - I needed shirts with a flap over the breast so I could nurse little James, and one of those chest baby slings all the other mothers used. We also bought a crib, blankets and diapers.

And so another month past, and I started to lactate. My nipples itched sometimes, and sometimes my breasts felt warm. I went though another change in bra's. And when I showered, I leaked milk from my nipples. Sometimes I leaked at random, making little wet spots on my shirt. When that happened, I would smell like a yeast factory....

Greg thought it was wonderful that I was giving milk, and he would suck my tits dry when we where in bed together. It felt so strange to have the milk sucked from me, feeling it's warm wetness flow through my nipples. It felt like he was sucking the life from me, sometimes. But it was fun....

The ninth month of my pregnancy was the worst. My baby moved around inside of me constantly, and sometimes he kicked. He felt positively huge inside me, and I could feel his body against the insides of my womb, his arms and legs and tail and head resting against the walls of my womb. And I was bloated and miserable, but at the same time overjoyed that it was almost over. I just couldn't wait to get him out of me!

Then one day when when we where having dinner, I felt a sudden sharp pain in the bottom of my womb, and my water broke. I looked up and told Greg "it's happening! I'm about to give birth!", and we got in the SUV and drove to the hospital.

On the way there, I began to have really painful contraction, almost doubling over. Greg helped me out of the SUV, and we walked into the emergency room, and told the duty nurse that I was in labor. She took us right away to maternity, told me to strip, and helped me into a hospital bed that had stirrups to hold my legs up and wide apart.

So I lay there, enduring the contractions in more than a little agony. Greg seemed really upset at the pain I was going through as I dilated, and he held my hand as the contractions came. "This is your fault!", I screamed at him, "you got me pregnant! Aargh!"

He told me to be brave.

Then the doctor and his attendants came in. He asked me if this was my first child, and I told him yes. He asked me questions about the pregnancy: had I experienced any problems? "No, the genetic test said my baby would be healthy", I told him. He nodded and asked if I wanted a spinal tap for the pain. I asked what that was, and he said it was an injection of pain-killers into my spine in my lower back that would kill the pain of child-birth. I agreed readily.

So they gave me the spinal tap, and suddenly the pain almost completely went away. The contractions became easily manageable. There was a TV set up in the far wall of the room so I could have something to watch while I was in labor, and they handed me the remote.

Nurses stayed with me for the rest of the day, and I spent a sleepless night in the hospital enduring contractions while Greg slept on a cot they had brought in. That afternoon, my contractions started to come two minutes apart, and the doctor looked between my legs and told me I was fully dilated. An hour later, I felt my baby drop down from my womb into my birth canal, and I began to push with all my strength.

I pushed and pushed and pushed, and his head crowned, and the doctor reached down and pulled him from me - a little wet dark gray fuzzy wolf-baby. The doctor spanked him, and he cried. I smiled and sighed - it was over! I had given birth! I was a mother!

Then there was a moment of intense nausea as the afterbirth came.

Then the doctor cut his umbilical cord and tied it off, cleaning him off with warm wet towels, and he handed my crying baby to me. I took him in my arms, but him to my breast, and right away he began to nurse. I sighed and smiled as I felt my warm mother's milk flowing through my nipple.

The nurses cleaned me up and changed the bed sheets, and powdered James behind, putting him in diapers. And finally, I got some rest.

While I slept, they wheeled my into recovery, and the next day when I woke up I felt completely recovered. The doctors where astonished when I got up out of bed, but I told them I was a mutant who could regenerate, and they put a hospital gown on me and let me go to pick up James in the nursery. Greg was waiting there for me.

He had brought me my maternity clothes and the baby-sling, and I got dressed and we walked out to the parking lot, got in our SUV, and drove home.

The next few days where positively hectic, getting used to having a baby in the house. He would get hungry in the middle of the night, and cry, which was positively alarming to wolf-hearing. So I got in the habit of sleeping with him in bed at my breast, instead of in the crib, so he could nurse when he was hungry.

Still, Greg and I positively adored him. It's hard to describe the love I felt for little James, or the pride I felt in being a new mother. We bought a camera, and sent Greg's parents pictures of our new house and the baby.

And I was astonished at how fast I recovered from the birth, but I guess that being able to regenerate did that, and in a few days we where making love again every night.

Over the next week, my breasts became positively swollen with milk, and I had to buy new bra's_again_, although I seldom wore them, since they they didn't have breast flaps.

Greg and I got into political debates as we watched the election process, and I got my first letter from Henry. She was still happily married, her second child now a little over three months on it's way. She was going to have another boy. She told me to watch a politician named Albert Eigenhead, a giant deformed mutant telepath who had chosen a human for his running mate, and I liked what I saw. They where calling him the "Abraham Lincoln of our times".

Greg wanted to vote for an uplifted animal, a wolf-man who was a charismatic military leader, but he had no chance of winning. I told him not to waste his vote, and reminded him that you can't lie to a telepath, so Albert was the perfect choice. We agreed to disagree.

Voting day came, and they set up the ballot boxes at the post-offices. The line stretched around the block, but the election seemed free and fair - they even dipped our fore-fingers in blue dye to show we had voted, so we couldn't cheat, like Iraq had done, and India did, back in the twenty-first century.

Our lives settled into a leisurely routine, taking care of James and keeping house, fishing on the bay in the new boat that Greg had bought for the boat-house, and entertaining our new friends and neighbors. Two months passed, and the middle of summer started to come, and I realized I would soon go into heat again. So Greg and I had long discussions on having another child. He never missed an opportunity to remind me that I had wanted three. I told him I wanted a daughter next, and he smiled and told me he would do his best.

Then the day came when I started to get the hot and cold flashes again, and I knew it was happening. I told Greg I was going into heat again, and he kissed me, overjoyed. We retired to the bedroom, and mated for the next three days. And sure enough, Greg got me pregnant again.

I kept up my correspondence with Henry and my in-laws, and they where happy we where doing well. I told Ellen that I had a new baby on the way, my second, and she was overjoyed to hear it. Greg's father had started using the van we had gave them to transport good's to market in Solarville to make extra money, and Henry's pregnancy was progressing normally, and she and Frank where still in love and still happily married.

Three months later, I had a genetic test done to see if our new unborn baby was healthy; that's when I found out I would indeed have a girl this time, and a healthy one. That news made me very happy: I was going to have a daughter to raise! I jumped for joy when I got the test results....

America was also doing well under it's new leadership. The Constitution was revised in a special session of Congress, and almost all the new Amendments where dropped: the humans where freed, corporations where no longer people, and mandatory tithing and religious tests for office where abolished. Abortion was still murder - they didn't have the support to overturn that one, but that didn't matter to me anymore anyway. I was very glad I hadn't gone through with it, myself.

Our baby grew at an alarming rate, and his appetite grew with him. By the time I was six months pregnant, he must have weighed twenty pounds. And it was a real full time job taking care of him. I had no idea how working mothers coped. Thankfully, I had Greg beside me.

I went into labor again, and gave birth to our daughter at the same hospital, again with no complications. We named her Elizabeth. Now I was nursing two babies full time, and my breasts had swollen to the size of C cups, full of milk. Well, I was nursing three, if you counted Greg, who still liked to suck my tits in bed.

Three months later, I was in heat again, and Greg knocked me up for the third time. This, I told him, would be our last child together, and he agreed: three was enough. We had a full family!

Little James took his first faltering steps on two legs that year, and soon he was walking, although he tended to fall down a lot. Then came his first words! I'll never forget how proud of him I was when he walked up to me and said "Mommy!"

His vocabulary only grew after that, and by the time I was nine months pregnant with our third child, he was speaking in complete sentences....

Then I gave birth to our third child, whom we named Mark, in honor of the stag-man who had led us into the resistance. After that, we used protection when I was in heat.

The children grew, and we enrolled them in the excellent public school that was just down the road. They did well, and I was very proud of them as they grew.

I had more more baby, seven years after after the last one, getting pregnant by accident. She was girl we named Ellen, after her grandmother-in-law.

Time passed, and our children grew into adult-hood and went to college, got married, and had children of their own. Greg started to sprout the occasional white fur, but for some reason I felt as young and spry as ever. When I noticed this, I wrote to Henry about it, and she told me she was experiencing the same thing. She had a theory that our regeneration mutation would keep us young forever; I was basically immortal, like an Inheritor.

I didn't quite know how to handle that news. I had planned to grow old with Greg, and to die with him, but now it looked like that wasn't going to happen. When I told Greg what Henry had told me, he only smiled and said he would love me "to the end of my days". And besides, he said, he could see nothing wrong with having a wife that was eternally young.

And so we lived together, in peace and tranquility, with our loving family, for a long time.