Open Content Stream Story: The Oldest Trade

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A playful story between adventurers.

The Oldest Trade For Blaze by Draconicon

It was a slightly nervous wolf that climbed the stairs of the inn. With one hand on her sword and the other on the railing, she reminded herself why she was going to intrude on a group of powerful adventurers without warning.

"Just relax. You need the information to find...that. And besides...they might be nice."

Unlikely, but possible. All of the adventurers that came through this inn tended to be assholes of some type or another, but one never knew. There had to be some decent ones out there. Somewhere.

The white and gray wolf reached the top of the stairs without being interrupted, and headed to the end of the hallway. She could hear sounds of rowdiness through the door, people shouting, laughing, and generally having a party. Blaze hoped that they were just having a party and not something more. She knocked at the door.

Well, they're...partying, she thought as a naked bull opened the door. A cock that was soaking wet and pointing up at her face answered her, and past the hulking mass of muscle, she could see two naked vixens, and one naked wolf, all of them looking like they would much rather get back to what they were doing rather than deal with someone at the door.

"You got something to say?"

Blaze blinked before nodding.

"Uh, yeah,"

"You like the view, girl?"


Blaze slapped herself. No, she was here for a reason.

"I'm...The bartender told me that you guys know where I can find a certain something. I was hoping to get you to tell me."

"Uh huh. And how did you plan that?"

"I was going to pay but..."



"Come on in."

As the bull stepped out of the way, Blaze gradually realized that her legs were working again, and she took a few steps forward. The door closed behind her, and the two vixens - already sporting wetter pussies than she'd seen in weeks - and the wolf stood up, smiling at her. The bull nodded towards the females.

"The one with the rings is Amy, and the one with the asshole necklace is Abby."

"I told you, it's a sunburst!"

"Looks like an ass to me." The bull shrugged. "Anyway, dog boy is Moonmist -"


"-And I'm David."

Blaze nodded at the assorted group before turning to look back at the bull.

"And you're all doing this because..."

"Oh, it's all very interesting, and very important, let me tell you," Abby said, grinning wide. "It's all part of this elaborate ritual, and it had to be completed before sun-up, and it means we'll all be so exhausted, and it would -"

"Don't let her fool ya. We're just fucking."


The look of sheer fury that the vixen gave the bull left her giggling to herself, holding a hand over her mouth to keep from being rude. They were far funnier than most of the adventurers that she had to deal with.

"So, you gonna 'pay', then?"

"Oh, uh...right."

She blushed as she worked on the straps of her armor. She probably should have come up with just her clothes, but her own nervousness had told her that the armor was a safer bet. Just in case things had gone wrong. Of course, now she had to work her way out of it, which was never as fast as getting into it.

Thankfully, she had a little help. Moonmist was right next to her, and his fingers were surprisingly quick at undoing the straps. She decided then and there that she would need to check her purse after they were done, just because he was that good, but for the moment, she was just glad for the help.

When her clothes lay in a pile on the floor, David wasted no time. In less than a second, she was lifted off the ground. She yelped in surprise, particularly as that big bull cock was going right for her back door. Her eyes went wide as the extremely slick length slid right in, and her toes curled in pleasure as he went deep.

His cock had been pumping her ass for a few seconds when Blaze realized something wet was in front of her. Opening her eyes curiously, she blinked as she saw one of the foxes - Amy, she gathered by the rings - floating in front of her, her wet pussy a scant few inches from the end of her muzzle.

"Don't worry. I ain't gonna bite. Why don't you come here and give me a few kisses?"

Unable to have much choice in the matter, Blaze leaned her head in as much as she could. The taste of cum was prominent among the vixen's juices, but hard to get much at a time with the way that the bull bounced her along. One second, her face was buried in the vixen's sex, the next, she was completely out of reach.

"Come on, David, stop bouncing so much. I want some fun too!"


"Oh, fuck it."

The vixen moved forward, wrapping her legs around Blaze's shoulders. The wolf gasped as the end of her muzzle was more or less yanked inside of Amy's pussy, but it did let her keep licking a lot faster, and a lot easier. She dragged it through the cummy mess inside, moaning to herself as her ass continued getting stretched, pulled wide around the bull's throbbing shaft.

As the vixen moaned above her, she felt another tongue drop down to her sex. Jerking in shock, she tried in vain to see who or what it was, but there was no way that she could move enough to look. Her head was pinned. All she could do was go along with it as fingers and tongue teased her pussy and clit.

Bounce, lick, finger, lick. Bounce, lick, finger, lick. Back and forth it went, always with the wolf having to go along with everyone else, unable to stop anything herself, unable to control herself or what people were doing.

And she loved it.

Her pussy dripped wildly, some of it falling to the floor, the rest dribbling back towards her backdoor. Her tail squirmed, trying to wag in pleasure, but it was pinned against the bull's chest. She was getting so close, so very -

"Oooh yeah!"

David slammed his cock in up to the hilt in her ass, filling it to the brim. Her eyes went wide with pleasure as she felt every shot of his cum inside of her, every blast of his seed. More than that, she felt Amy cum too, her pussy squeezing down on her tongue, trapping it in place as she oozed more of her own juices.

She was pinned there, on the edge of her own climax and unable to go over, for nearly a minute before the bull and vixen let her go. She almost collapsed, her ass oozing seed, but she needed more.

Looking around, she tried to grab for Moonmist, but no sooner had she started fumbling around than she felt the other wolf's warm body against her, his shaft under her, between her legs.

"I believe I can render some assistance."

"Smooth talker. Take me."

The wolf smiled, sliding into her. She could already feel his knot growing, and while normally that would have annoyed her, today she just wanted to get off. And considering how close she was...

She went to her knees, her face getting buried in the other vixen's crotch, somehow. She moaned, licking weakly as that knot battered against her, teasing her, forcing her closer and closer to her climax. She pushed back somewhat, but Moonmist's speed and power was more than she could take.

Pop went the knot. Howl went the ranger.

When Blaze started to wake up again, it was with a soreness in her ass and her pussy that hadn't been there in more than a week. Rolling over with a groan, Blaze looked up at the ceiling, trying to get her legs - or failing that, her wits - under her again.

Neither seemed that willing to cooperate, so she just laid there, rolling her head to the side.

Moonmist was laying beside her, his eyes closed and one of his hands laid over her breast. On his chest, that cleric Abby was snuggling him, her eyes closed as well. Blaze couldn't be sure, but judging by the way that they were so close, she wouldn't have been surprised if Moonmist had knotted with her and they were waiting for it to go down.

The rest of the group were laying together on her other side, the bull laying on top of the sorcerer Amy. How the girl wasn't getting squished, Blaze didn't know, but she looked comfortable.

Her legs were starting to move again, and as she sat up, she felt something against her toes. Looking down, she saw a piece of paper, and grabbed it.

As she looked it over, her lips went from a flat line to a wide grin, and she clenched her fist tightly around the paper as she threw her hands in the air in a silent cheer. She finally had an idea where that was, and now she could finally deal with it and stop thinking about it.

She was tempted to run off then and there to find it. After all, it might move again sometime soon, and she couldn't let it be lost forever.

Then again...

She looked down at the group again. They had been fun, really. And they were a lot nicer than a lot of people she met, even if they were just a little pushy. Blaze chuckled. It wouldn't hurt to spend a little more time here.

She laid down, putting her hands on the others, holding them. She had time, and she planned to enjoy as much of it as she could.

The End