The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll Episode Twelve: Informer

Story by Demonfox666 on SoFurry

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#12 of The Adventures of Devlin Mythryll

"Sin," Eros said. "I thought I would never see you again. After everyone else was dropped off, I assumed that you were dropped off somewhere far away."

"Eros," Sin said. "I wasn't dropped off. I ra-"

"Eros!" Devlin yelled. "Is that her?"

"Yes it is," Eros replied. "It is my sister, Sin."

Devlin went over to the door and saw the other female feline in the doorway. He was surprised to see how much the sisters looked alike. He was happy to see her but he really wanted to see the reporter that was going to interview him.

"Hello there," Devlin said, "Look, do you mind coming back another time? There is a reporter that is coming to interview me and I want everything to be perfect."

Sin smirked then pulled out a gun, pointing it at Devlin.

"I am the reporter," she said softly. "Now, how about letting me in? I'm starting to get sun burnt."

Devlin instantly raised his hands as soon as he saw the gun. This was not how he thought the interview would go.

"Take it easy," he said, slowly backing up. "Why don't you come in and talk about this? I'm sure that we can work out something that can make everyone happy."

"Shut up," the female replied before entering the house. "Just to let you know, I am not here for your money. You can keep that. I want my sister back." She pressed the gun up against his face. "Or else I will blow your head off."

"No problem. You can take her. Just don't hurt me."

"Come on sister," Sin said, looking at Eros. "We are getting out of here."

"But I don't want to leave." Eros grabbed the arm that was holding the gun. "I like it here. Devlin is not like the masters. He is a nice master."

"The only good master is a dead master."

"You are one to talk!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Devlin slowly inched toward his bedroom. He hoped that the argument between the sisters would give him enough time to make it there. Unfortunately for Devlin, Sin did notice and started chasing after Devlin. He ran as fast as he could but he could not outrun Sin. Two shot were fired and Devlin fell to the floor.

"Oh shit. I just shot him."

Talloon entered Charlene's ship, expecting the dragoness to be there ready to yell at him. Instead, there was the eerie sound of silence. He knew that something was wrong. He started walking toward Charlene's room, fully aware that at any moment someone or something might come out and do something to him.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?"

There was no answer. Normally the feline would get a reply such as "Of course there is someone here you idiot" or "What do you think?" Talloon started to get really worried. Charlene might have overdosed on drugs again.

"Charlene! Are you ok? Say something! Anything at all!"

"Talloon, we are in deep trouble," said a voice in the female dragon's room.

The male ran into the room and saw Charlene sitting on her bed with a phone in her hand. She was wearing her pink pajama top and blue jeans. Talloon guessed that she had been in the middle of dressing when she got a call or something like that. Her expression was a mix of depressed and angry.

"What happened?" Talloon asked.

"I just got a call about Sin," the dragoness replied. "Someone just spotted her heading toward earth. She is probably looking for her sister."

"So? That is a good thing. We just need to follow Sin to her sister."

"You really think it is that easy?"

"No but I am saying that you are making this more of a problem than it actually should be."

"You are such an idiot. Do you really think that she is going to give up her sister that easily? Don't you remember how bat shit crazy she is?"

"I am not saying it would be easy," the feline said before pausing. "Wait, something is wrong here. Isn't it usually me who tries to shoot down your ideas?"

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes," the dragoness said, curling up on the bed.

"That wasn't a joke. By the way, have you been taking drugs again? You seem more depressed than usual."

"No I have not. I'm just sick of myself. I really am. Look where I started and look where I ended up. I had the chance to have everything a girl could ever want and I blew it. I have nothing now," she said, starting to cry. "And the worst part is that I could have saved myself so many times but I didn't."

"Charlene, maybe it isn't too late to help yourself."

"What am I suppose to do? Turn myself in? I don't want to rot in prison. I would rather die than rot in prison."

"You don't have much of a choice. If you continue hiding like you are now the Galaxy Police will find you and send you to prison or you will kill yourself. If you give yourself up, you will end up in prison."

"Thank you for that reality check. I feel so much better," she said with sarcasm. "You know, I wonder who tipped Sin off that her sister was on earth."

"Probably Rygar," Talloon said under his breath.

"Who is Rygar?" the dragoness asked Talloon. "You wouldn't happen to mean Rygar Shriver, would you?"

"Yes. I do mean him. Why do you ask?"

The dragoness grabbed Talloon by the neck and pulled him close to her. "You are an idiot! Do you know what Rygar Shriver is?"

"He is a contract killer."

"Yes. He is a contract killer and a Galaxy Police informant."

Talloon looked completely shocked. The person that he called his friend was a Galaxy Police informant. Questions started to form in Talloon's head. Why hadn't Rygar tell him that he was an informant? When did Rygar become an informant? Why did he become an informant?

"How do you know this?" Talloon asked.

"I have people that know people," the dragoness replied. "Now why would he have Sin go to her sister?"

"It is probably part of his plan. He wants to bring the entire group together and send us all to prison."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, he and I came up with this plan to get rid of you. We were going to have Devlin Mythryll publish some books about slavery in the hopes that it would get your attention. You would come down to try and kill him. We would call the Galaxy Police and they would come and arrest you."

"Traitor!" the dragon yelled. "You were going to sell me out? After all I have done for you?"

"You treated me like crap!"

"I will hurt you one day. Anyway, could you go over the plan again with more detail?"

"Devlin Mythryll wrote a book about a guy who finds a slave from outer space at his house and has adventures with her. The amount of detail given about the slave's life is very similar to the life of the slave that we dumped on earth. He believes that Devlin Mythryll's co author might be the slave that very slave. Rygar came up with the idea to have Devlin Mythryll write more books about the subject of slavery in space. With some luck the book would end up in the hands of people from other planets. Word about the book would travel around and sooner or later you would hear about it. You would come down to earth and be arrested by the Galaxy Police who would be waiting for you."

"That was probably only part of his plan," Charlene said, crossing her arms. "He probably told Sin that he believed Devlin's co author was her sister to get her to come to earth. That way he would have me, you and her to arrest."

"How would he know that Sin was with us?"

"The Galaxy Police probably told him. Anyway, it does not matter how he knows. The fact is that he knows and he is taking action. Now we have to think of a way to get ourselves out of this mess."

"We could go deep into space and forget about all of this."

"If only it was that simple. Sin will give us up in a heartbeat and they will be on our faster than you can say ‘busted.' I know I am probably going to regret saying this but I think we might have to bring them all here."

"Here? Do you mean you want to bring them on the ship?"

Charlene nodded.

"You are out of your mind," the feline said. "That will only make things worse. Then we will all be together and we will all get busted."

"That is not going to happen. I am not going to let that happen. Unless you have any other ideas, I can't see any other plan worth trying."

Talloon did not have any ideas at all. He was still stunned that his friend was an informer and was probably using him. It made him feel sick to his stomach.

"I hope that your plan works, Char."

"I hope so too. Get back to earth and bring them here. I don't care how you do it. Just don't kill them."

Rygar ran down the street, looking for a pay phone. When he found one, he picked up the receiver and put five quarters into the phone. He then dialed a phone number and waited.

"Hello," said a voice on the other side of the line. "Who is this?'

"Its Rygar," said the panda. "I'm filling you in on what is going on."

"Have you found the slave?"

"Yes I have. She is in the care of a Mr. Devlin Mythryll. She is currently living under the name Nina Moon."

"Are you sure that it is her?"

"I am ninety-nine percent positive that it is her."

"You are only ninety-nine percent sure? That means that there is a one percent chance that you are wrong."

"I know but the chances that I am wrong are slim. Besides, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to ask her if she is a slave that was dumped on earth?"

"I don't want there to be any mistakes. My boss has been breathing down my neck for the past few days. He wants results and he wants them soon."

"I'm trying to do this as fast as I can but it will take time. Not everyone is where they should be. Give me another year and I will have this thing wrapped up for you."

"I can't give you a year. My boss will flip if I tell him you need more time. Why is it taking so long?"

"You try living a double life and see how easy it is," Rygar said with a growl. "It isn't easy. I have to be Rygar the friend to Talloon, Rygar the informant to you and Trevor to Silver."

"Who the hell is Silver?"

"He's a friend that I made in a chat room on the internet. It is a long story."

"You aren't there to hang out with friends. You are there to get all everyone together so they can all be picked up."

"It will get done," Rygar said before hanging up. "Damn bastards. They can't even let me have a little fun." He sighs. "Maybe I should have just gone to jail."

Devlin groaned then slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he was the ceiling. That was good. That meant that he was alive. He got up and rubbed his head then chest, expecting to find a bullet hole in one of those places. There were none.

"She missed," she said with a smile on his face. "She missed! I'm alive! Eros, come here! I am alive!"

There was no response.

"Eros? Are you here?"

There was still no response. Devlin started to panic. He ran into each and every room, hoping that she was in one of them. Unfortunately, he was out of luck. She wasn't there.

"Sin took her," Devlin said sadly. "She took her and I will never see her again."

He started to cry. Just like that, his dreams had been dashed to bits. He needed Eros to help him start his new book. He could not do it without her. It was her who came up with ninety-nine percent of the stuff in the first book. She was the one that gave him the fame that he had now. He owed everything to her and now she was gone. Worst of all there was nothing he could do about it.