The Changing Table Turns – Part 5 (Finale)

Story by MrChristopher on SoFurry

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The Changing Table Turns - Part 5

By: Bode

Warning: This story contains Diapers, mild violence, M/M, Non-Consensual themes and 15% more kink than the old version. This story may not be for everyone. So either Fap, or click the back button. P.S. If you enjoy this story, please leave a comment or sticky mess on your keyboard, I would love the feedback.

Leander couldn't seem to find a comfortable position on the couch, his violated bottom was still sore and the mass that he was stuffed with didn't help either. He finally settled with his head lying on the arm of the loveseat and his legs spread to accommodate the plug. Benjamin was mirroring him on the other side and Mr. Blackwood was sitting in an armchair with a laptop, typing away occasionally looking at the lion and chuckling as the teen flopped around on the couch.

They had been watching some juvenile animated show about a kid superhero and Benjamin seemed to be pretty into it so the lion made no fuss about what was on TV. He was bored but he was also glad he had time to rest. Leander started to dose off when he heard his name being called.

"Leo," the lion's eyes flicked open and found Benjamin's father shaking him awake, "C'mon baby, its dinner time."

The wolf helped the teen to stand, smiling as he watched him waddle awkwardly to the main hall and through to the dining room. Benjamin was already sitting at the table in a booster seat and the lion stopped when he spotted the oversized highchair.

"I wanna booster," he pointed at the other teen but the older fur shook his head, "No can do, little babies like you need to sit in their highchairs or else they might fall down and get a boo-boo."

"No," he crossed his arms like an indignant cub but was lifted from the ground and sat in the highchair anyways.

"Anymore lip from you Leo and you'll find yourself with a sore bum," Mr. Blackwood buckled the lion in and moved the tray in place.

"Yeah, you'll get a spankin'" Benjamin grinned widely.

Leander squirmed at the thought and decided to sit still rather than protest some more. Benjamin's father then returned with a carrying tray; ontop were two brightly coloured plastic bowls, one pink and the other blue, as well as another glass dish obviously meant for the older fur.

"One for you," he handed the blue dish to Benjamin with a small plastic fork. He placed his dish where he would be sitting at the head of the table and then placed the pink bowl in front of Leander, "and one for the Baby,"

The lion looked on as the two began eating with utensils but found none in front of him.

"Daddy, I wanna fork," he pouted.

"Nonsense, babies can't use utensils," the older wolf went back to eating the casserole in his dish. Leander pouted but soon his indignation was overpowered by his rumbling tummy. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he had time to sit and stare at his food.

Using his paws to pull out a long flat noodle he began to eat it, quite quickly. It was unlike anything he had ever tasted. Bursting with flavour and the texture was perfect. He was quick to finish; not realizing the mess he had made of himself.

"I'm glad you enjoyed you dinner baby," the lion's stomach dropped at the ominous tone in Mr. Blackwood's voice. Somehow he knew nothing good would follow.

Leander's stomach twisted into a knot, he felt like he was going to be ill. His muscles grew weak and his eyelids heavy. The lion slumped over the tray and before everything went black he could only manage to say, "What did you do to me?"

* * *

When Leander woke up everything was a blur and there was an odd indiscernible whisper echoing in his mind. The room he was in was bright white with hints of blurred silver, from the smell, the lion could tell he was in some sort of medical clinic or hospital.

"Leander..." It was his uncle. The lion focused on the blurred shape of the large, maned fur standing over him. Then excitement shot through the boy's mind. It had been a dream, a terrible vivid nightmare. The lion tried to move but his uncle held him down.

"Don't move, they haven't finished your IV," Leander's listened to the older lion's words and laid back; taking a deep breath, "you'll need your rest,"

"Oh, Edmund, you're here," he heard Mr. Blackwood address his uncle.

Leander whined, it was supposed to have been a dream; so why was he in the hospital.

"Hello Charles," the teen's uncle addressed the wolf like they were old friends, "I came to sign the papers, like you asked,"

The younger lion shook his head as his vision sharpened and he could finally see what was going on around him, "Papers, what papers?"

"Never you mind baby," Mr. Blackwood told him before addressing Edmund once more, "You'll find your affairs sorted and the sum we agreed upon deposited in your account,"

"Wonderful," the teen's uncle smiled before looking back at his nephew, "We shouldn't have any more issues with this one then, he's all yours,"

Leander was distraught. Had his uncle really sold him to the wolf? It didn't make any sense, why would he just give him away, just like that? He cried out to his uncle as the older lion left the room but he was met instead by the soft hand of Mr. Blackwood.

"Shush now, it's time for you to sleep," the lion found his vision blurring once more, "You're all mine now, Baby,"

The lion wanted to scream but sleep took him too quickly. His confusion led to even more perplexing dreams. Why was he in the hospital?

* * *

Leander drifted slowly to consciousness, not knowing where the dream world ended and the waking world began. This time when he opened his eyes he was in his crib but the room had changed. His crib had been moved to the corner and there was now a toddler's bed on the opposite side of the room. Light shone in from a newly situated window in the middle of the far wall. The floor was layered with a new blue carpet and the furniture seemed to be new as well.

"What the?" he sat up wriggling as his soaked diaper squished between his legs, "How long was I out?"

The lion wiped the excessive amounts of drool from his cheek but froze at his touch. Something was wrong... no missing. His teeth.

"No, NO, NO!" he cried as his tongue made its way around his now smooth gums. They had removed his teeth, that's why he was in the hospital and the fact that they were fully healed made the lion think he had been out for quite a while. Leander pulled himself up on the bars of the crib and realized it wasn't the only thing that had changed. He was shorter too and he had lost all his muscle tone.

"DADA!" he felt a strange twinge using this new, more juvenile word but as he fell onto his bottom and began to wail he couldn't help but look for comfort from someone, anyone. He found himself picking up his stuffed lion and clinging to it for dear life until the light flicked on and Benjamin's father, well, his father now came into the nursery.

"Uh oh, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the crib," he smiled sweetly at the once proud lion, reduced to a toothless, four foot tall diaper laden adult baby. The wolf made his way over to crying boy, "Does little Leo need his diaper changed?"

"N-no! Wha you d-do?" he managed to lisp cutely as he choked back his tears though he soon felt another wave of them come bursting through.

His now adoptive father patted him on on the head, "We just made you a more manageable size and got rid of those nasty yucky sharp teeth of yours," he explained in a patronizing voice as he picked up the miserable lion with ease, "You're still an adult just smaller and now you get to sleep whenever you want and you can drink from your baba and you don't even have to worry about chewing your food anymore, it's baby-food for you mister,"

Even though he couldn't bring himself to look at the fur who had taken everything away from the former stud, he still found himself clinging to him for comfort as the tears continued to roll down his cheeks. Mr. Blackwood patted his bum as they made their way towards the changing table. After laying the boy down he started to untape his diaper. That's when Leander's despair turned to anger and it started to grow.

"No more mister pouty puss, Leo," the older fur went to tickle his stomach but the lion readied his claws and before he could touch him swatted the timber wolf's hand away. It was only when he made contact that he realized they had taken his claws as well. He was defenceless.

"Bad boy, you don't hit your daddy," his father glared at him and turned the small lion over, "Now I want you to count each spank or you'll get more."

Leander had already started crying even before the wolf's hand made contact.

Smack. The lion squeaked; only making him cry harder, "One," he choked.

Smack. "T-two," he flailed but the older fur held him down.

Smack. The lion didn't say anything. He couldn't remember what came after two.

"What comes after two?" the wolf spanked him again, "Well?"

Leander wracked his brain trying to remember but couldn't concentrate with his bottom burning bright red. He couldn't remember his numbers, times-tables, or letters. Panic began to grow in the boy's chest, "I-I don't know,"

"Oh dear," he rolled the lion onto his back, "Looks like I was wrong, you're not an adult at all; you really are a little baby,"

"Stop it! I'm a gwown up," he wiped the tears from his eyes and scowled at his father.

"A grown up who wears diapers?" he had started to clean the lion with a wipe, "and doesn't have a big mane?"

"You did-

"And has no teeth?" he interrupted, the wolf could see how easily he upset Leander, which made him feel a bit guilty but it meant the treatment was working.

"You bein' mean!"

The older fur just shook his head. He unfolded a diaper and placed it underneath the younger fur and started to dust the lion's crotch with baby powder; making sure he rubbed it in thoroughly. Leander moaned at his touch. His shrunken genitalia was just as easily if not easier to arouse. He humped at the wolf's hand but soon received a soft tap on his nose making him mewl.

"None of that baby," he frowns and tapes up his pink diaper. After picking up the freshly diapered lion Mr. Blackwood opened the dresser drawers attached to the changing table. There wasn't anything too girly that Leander could see but there was still a lot of pink. "What should my little sissy wear today?"

"Not a sissy," he blushed.

"Oh? Do we have to prove to you how much of a sissy you are... again?" Leander squeaked and shook his head and the wolf smiled, "So, what are you?"

The lion remained silent.

"Well?" he tugged playfully on the lion's tail.

"O-OW! Imma Sissy wion!" he squealed.

"That's better," he kissed him on the nose before taking out a pink pair of footed pyjamas, "I think you'll look adorable in this, don't you,"

The lion nodded obediently. He was too emotionally exhausted to continue fighting. After being dressed by his daddy, Leander found himself standing in front of the full length mirror in the bathroom so he could "admire" his new look. He didn't recognize the oversized baby staring back at him. He was short, slender and soft. He had a little pudge in all the right places that made him look like he still had his baby fat. Dressed in his pink one-piece pyjamas with a very noticeable bulge around his waist; he couldn't help but bring his paw down to feel the cushy front of his crotch.

Then he studied his face. It was rounder, his eyes looked wider and had a glassy overtone. He was hesitant at first, but soon opened his mouth to see nothing but pink where his sharp, pearly white teeth should be. His lip trembled as he ran his paw through the ghost of where his mane would be.

"Don't look so sad, we're going to have lots of fun today," he picked up the small adult and rested him against his hip. He then clipped an pastel pink pacifier to the collar of his pyjamas and they made their way out of the room and downstairs, "Besides, I missed my Baby boy, you were away for a whole month,"

The lion was shocked but understood why they had him drugged for so long. If he was aware of what was happening he would have taken every chance to foul their attempts to change him into what he was now but still, one month was a long time to be put under.

"I bet you're thirsty..."

After a quick stop in the kitchen Leander was being bottle fed what he thought at first was milk but was a bit too sweet. He found out after his daddy told him, it was baby formula. There was a familiar aftertaste to it but the boy didn't want to think what other liquids were mixed in. They made their way back through the main hall and into the living room but as they entered the room the small lion spit up his formula after being startled by seeing it was full of people he didn't know.

"Welcome Home!" Benjamin shouted gleefully as if everyone was going to shout it at the same time.

Leander stared in awe as a miniature Benjamin waddled up to him. He looked to be a little over four feet tall and was wearing a sailor suit with an obvious bulge from his diaper. The other furs around the room were all adults but some were dressed in varying degrees of juvenile dress. They rose to meet the terrified and humiliated lion. He didn't want anyone to see him like this but no matter how hard he willed them away they still came closer.

"What a cutie," a female wolf scratched under his chin making the lion shy away and hide his face. This only elicited a coo from the female who moved her scratching to behind the boy's ear which sent waves of carnal pleasure through the small lion and made his leg twitch.

"See, I knew I would get yah," she grinned when Leander peeked to look at her. She looked familiar to the lion but at the same time she was a complete stranger. After the wolf, a large Sun Bear, Bengal Tiger, and a rather motherly looking brown cow came to fuss over him but with all the prodding, cooing, touching and petting, the lion started to feel overwhelmed causing the boy to whine, which spread the group out a bit.

"Oh, he's just fussy because he hasn't finished his baba yet," Daddy assured the guest as they went to check on their own little ones.

"Aunty Dana," Benjamin tugged on the female wolf's skirt, who was about to take a sip from her coffee "you can feed the baby."

"Oh can I?" she chuckled at her nephew's assumptious nature and after a playful shrug from her brother she took the lion from him and cradled the boy in her arms. "He's surprisingly light for his size, but I guess all sissies are,"

Leander sighed; it seemed everyone knew to call him that. Maybe he really had become a sissy.

As he absentmindedly suckled the rubber nipple the lion had a good view of the other "cubs". By one of the armchairs a large muscular bull in a blue cloth diaper and bonnet was playing with letter blocks. He was at least thirty years old but from the looks of his dopey smile he was quite content in his current situation. Beside him was a Bob-Cat with dark colouring in the patterns of his fur. He appeared to be in his late twenties and he was dressed in a frilly pink party dress that didn't come far down enough to cover the fluffy diaper beneath. He was at about the same mentality as the bull but was skipping around wearing a pair of fairy wings and waving a wand.

Apart from them was a timid twenty something sugar-glider. He had been dressed in a powder blue onesie and his hands were locked into matching mittens. He didn't look all too interested in the toys or games around him but one thing was for sure. He was extremely embarrassed to be seen dressed like a baby.

The sound of sucking air made the lion look up at Dana as she pulled the bottle from between his lips.

"You must have been really hungry," she smiled at him, "but don't worry you'll get plenty more yummy treats.

"That's right, we've all been waiting for you to wake up so we could give them to you" Daddy picked Leander up and brought him to the table in the middle of the room, "It's time for our newest sissy to entertain our guests,"

The lion whined as the wolf held him up to the group like some lewd version of the lion king's opening. Leander was then set, standing on the table as Daddy began to undress him.

"Dada, I dun wanna," the lion wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to cover his exposed chest but this gave Daddy enough time to pull down his diapers.

"You have to, Baby," he tells him softly, "we wouldn't be very good hosts if we didn't entertain our guests."

Leander began to whine but something inside him told him he wanted this.

"What a cute little pee-pee," Dana giggled as his one inch erection grew to full mast.

"Boy get snipped too?" the tiger asked which made Leander freeze on spot.

"No, the Doctor re-ascended his testicles," Daddy groped the empty pouch, "They're up inside his body just like a good sissy lion,"

"C'mon, let's get this show on the road," The Sunbear already had his large throbbing member in hand.

"Hold your horses," Daddy laid the lion on his tummy on top of the table, "Benjamin, why don't you come and help show our guests what a good sissy baby Leo is,"

Benjamin waddled happily to the table, "But Daddy, I got poopy pants,"

"That's okay, we'll just pull down the front of your diaper," he helped the wolf out of his pants; revealing a very noticeable sag in the back. Daddy then lifted the wolf onto the table and pulled open the tapes on the front of his diaper letting the boy's cock spring free at full length, "like that buddy, besides baby's are used to the smell of poopy diapers,"

Leander pouted as he looked up at his now older brother. He couldn't believe only a few weeks ago he was beating the fur up and now he was going to suck his dick while he was wearing a diaper that reeked of the wolf's droppings.

"Open up Baby Leo," he giggled at the mortified lion. Leander refused to open but found that the wolf could push into his mouth with ease. Without teeth there was nothing stopping anyone from violating his maw now.

"His mouth feels weird," the wolf squeaked gleefully, "cause he gots no teeth,"

"Fuck his face then," the tiger said while stroking his meat.

Benjamin went wide eyed and looked to his father who only nodded, "he's our guest, we should make him enjoy the show," Daddy finished lubing up his cock and aimed it towards the boy's entrance and pushed it between his butt cheeks. The younger wolf didn't need any more incentive; he just grabbed the lion's ears like the first time and started to thrust.

The lion mewled as Benjamin's pelvis smacked his nose with each inbound hump; allowing Leander to breath in the stink every time he inhaled. As he was distracted by the pup, Daddy began to force his way into his tight hole.

Leander squealed around the boy's cock and he was invaded from behind. Being smaller than he had been the first time the pain intensified and as he went to yell it only gave Benjamin the chance to push his cock deeper into the lion's mouth. To his embarrassment the other furs in the room gathered around to watch and started to pleasure themselves from his humiliation.

As Daddy hilted just before his knot, Benjamin came to a dry orgasm. The boy sighed; smiling like an idiot. He let his cock rest in the boy's mouth before the tiger pulled him off and his aunt ushered the wolf away to be changed.

Once his daddy thought Leander had adjusted to the girth of his shaft, he started to thrust slowly, in and out; prodding the lion's prostate making his body beg for more but his mind to scream out no.

"Time for your yummy treat," the Tiger pushed his entire six inch cock into Leander's mouth and down his throat but it was short lived. After only forty seconds the tiger came.

"Oh gods," he released rope after rope of thick cream against the back of his throat forcing the Lion to swallow the sticky mess. "I wish I had gotten to you before I jerked it so much,"

Leander was coughing up the white sticky mess but the tiger didn't stop there as he released his bladder and moaned, "Go ahead baby, drink it all up," he began to hump the boy's mouth again sending the bitter liquid into his belly. He pulled out when he had finished urinating and wiped his dick on the lion's diaper.

The boy could feel himself breaking, it was too much for him to handle. He felt himself pushing back against his daddy as the bear followed suit with the tiger, violating the toothless lion's mouth. He squealed when his daddy tied with him but he found the muscles in his rectum gladly sucked up every last drop of his seed and he made a point not to miss any of the bears', though without teeth a moderate portion drooled down the sissy's chin.

He begged for release but his father pulled out with a pop as soon as he was finished. He rolled the lion onto his back and found the cub staring wide eyed back at him, "Dada, Leo Cummy?" he asked in the cutest voice he could muster but the wolf just chuckled.

"Baby can't cum unless he's got a diaper full of poopies," he said in a sing-song voice as he rubbed the boy's swollen stomach and he turned to the other in the room, "we had Dr. Thorne program him subliminally during his treatment, it worked wonders for Benjamin too" he returned to tape up the mewling sissy's diaper.

"Dada I wanna cummy," he pleaded.

"Then why don't you show everyone how the babies make cummies,"

Something triggered in the lion's mind. That certain combination of words mad eit near impossible to stop as he felt himself spread his legs. His cheeks went pink as he forced a hot mess into his diaper. He panted and his tongue lolled out of his mouth when he finished filling his pants. The experience in itself was maddening and inexplicably pleasurable to him. It only made Leander want to cum even more.

Daddy put him back on all fours and handed him his stuffed lion, "Go ahead baby, make cummies," he cooed and scratched him under the chin.

As humiliating as it was, the boy mounted the stuffed animal and began grind against its butt passionately. The wetness of his diaper grinding against his infantile nub was intoxicating and the feeling of his messy behind squishing up against his butt sent jolts of pleasure through his body and mind. He wasn't sure what they had done to him at the hospital to enjoy this so much but he was almost glad they did. It was like no other sexual experience.

His heart rate picked up and his breathing deepened all in sync to the adults around him who were locked in act of self pleasure as well.. He squeaked and moaned as he felt himself coming closer and closer to orgasm and something else in him was slipping further and further away but he didn't care. All he wanted was sweet release. He began to jerk forward and an odd tightness under his pubis pulled at his crotch.

"Dada!" he cried out in a childish growl followed by a long moan. The boy collapsed forward onto his stuffed lion, breathing heavily, huffing as he smiled dumbly at his daddy, "I made cummy,"

Grunts, groans and other sounds of pleasure could be heard as the men in the room came for the second time, even the other "babies" following suit with Leo had came into their diapers. Daddy smiled at his sissy boy and picked up the stuffed toy and held it before the panting cub.

"You know, I think since this little guy is officially your mate, you should give him a name," he grinned at the exhausted boy, "I mean, it's the least you could do, since you didn't buy him dinner before rutting him,"

Chuckles could be heard from the adults as they watched the interaction between Daddy and adult baby.

"So, what's it going to be?"

The lion blushed and let out a playful giggle, "Rut! Cause that's what I do with him," there was more laughing and even some awing at how innocent he sounded.

"That's such a great name Leander," Dana told the boy and his daddy was taken aback by his reply.

"My name's Leo,"