Journey to another world ch27-28

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#25 of Pokemon Journey to another world

Journey to Another World 2

Ch. 8

Shortly after all that, the police showed up and arrested the galactic members. Of course they were going to arrest me at the same time; for murder, but when they found all members alive, they thankfully didn't. Though they did ask the three of us to go with them back to town and give a report and afterwards they said they would have a reward for me. The day wound on and on until the sun finally set and they released us, several hundred dollars richer and a free stay at a hotel.

After a quick dinner at a five star restaurant thanks to the reward, the three of us sat down on the bed in our hotel room. "Man I don't think I could eat another bite." I said as I flopped back onto the bed, while rubbed my stomach. The sudden flop made me release a massive burp which caused both girls to laugh.

"I would have to agree. I have never seen so much delicious food." Looking up I saw Jenavee gently rubbing her stomach as well.

"It almost looks like your pregnant and rubbing your tummy." This caused her to blush as she looked down at her stomach and rubbed it a little more quickly. Looking over at Rena I saw her looking down at her stomach and rubbing hers as well. "And you too Rena, the two of you look lovely like that."

Rena smiled to me then sat down next to me. "Do you really think we look beautiful if we were pregnant." She said as she continued to rub her stomach.

"You know, I often wondered what it would be like to be pregnant." Turning to look at Jenavee I saw her with a blush on her face as she continued to rub her stomach. She looked up from her stomach and gave me a longing look. I could just see a twinkle in her eye as she looked me up and down.

"Um Jenavee, why are you looking at me like that?" She gave me a smirk then giggled. Just then Rena started to giggle. It took me a minute until I finally got it then started to laugh. "Ok Jenavee, you got me." With that the three of us laughed and we didn't stop for quite a while. After quite a while the three of us got cleaned up then went off to bed. After so many sleepless nights and such, Rena and Jenavee finally started to get along and didn't fight over me that night. Though they both did cuddle up to either side of me.

Looking up at the ceiling of the room I began to think of many different things. Would it be possible to take both Rena, Jenavee, and maybe even the Feebass to my world. What of my mom and my little sister, who were probably still waiting for me to come back to them think if I did? Finally if I could find the proper Pokemon that could bring all of us to my world, would it do it? Finally after a few more questions, sleep came calling and I went to sleep.

At first my dreams were of times passed. How I met with Jenavee and Rena, their first battles, and how I had made love to Jenavee in my dreams. Then my dreams started to take on a harsher feel. They turned to my mother and my little sister. ‘It must be hard for them to look at a near lifeless husk of flesh, who used to be a son and brother. I don't know how long my body can withstand this suspended animation, but I know that it can't be for as long as it would take me to reach that Pokemon. So starting tomorrow I must quicken my pace and get to that town and get Feebass to evolve into a Milotic and ascend that mountain.

Journey to Another World 2

Ch. 9

"Mam, I am terribly sorry but you must understand that we can't keep your son like this for to much longer. The longer he stays in that coma the more likely he'll never awaken." Back in the hospital a doctor tells the boys mother. He has tried many ways of coming around the bush to tell her this but it has been pushed to the point of the harsh truth.

"And I understand that doctor, but my son has said that he isn't finished. ‘Whatever that means.' And I intend to let him finish whatever he's doing in his mind." The doctor drops his head, takes a deep sigh, then shakes his head. He looks up to the lady and sees that she has taken up his hand and started to rub it with the other. "My boy has never really expressed a great need or want of anything other than his Renaissance Fairs." She looks up at the doctor.

"And just look at that smile he has on his face. I haven't seen him smile like that since he went to his first Renaissance Fair." She looks back at the boy and smiles to him. "Now tell me, would you take away something as precious as your child's first favorite toy?" She looks back at the doctor. Another sigh escapes his lips. "And it's not like he doesn't want to come back to us. He said it himself, ‘I'm not finished yet. Please send me back.' So once he's done with whatever he's doing in there, he'll come back to us."

"Alright. It seems that I can't change your mind in this matter. But be forewarned. The mind can only survive like this for no more than a few months before it starts to slip away." She nods to the doctor and turns back to her son. She doesn't notice the doctor throw his hands up in defeat and walk out of the room and whisper under his breath, ‘Women!'

Looking down at her watch she realized that she was running late for work. So giving her boy a kiss on the forehead she grabbed her purse and headed off to work, with a promise that she would return after work. Along the drive to her job she recounted her attitude towards her son and began to wonder about the doctors words. ‘If he was awoken soon, he might not want to come back. He just might want to stay that way for the rest of his life.' Many more thoughts crossed her mind as she was becoming more and more afraid that she would lose her son to the seemingly endless coma. ‘Did he realize the danger of staying in that state for so long?'

Finally she made up her mind and decided to wake her son up if only for a moment. Within that few moments she hoped she could convince her son to come back to the two of them. For the remainder of the day at her work she thought of many different ways on how to convince her son to come back to them and to inform him of the dangers of staying like that for too long.

Just then she remembered that shot of adrenalin the doctor had given him. Just maybe she could speed up the process of his dream and be that much closer to finishing it. So pulling out her cell, she call the hospital and tells them to use another shot of adrenaline on her son. Hoping that whatever he's doing in there, that the shot would hurry it along.