Szaeyri - Sample

Story by RedFrost Chimaera on SoFurry

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Three nights away from her husband to babysit her thirteen year older nephew wasn't Szaeyri's ideal way to spend her weekend, but it had merits. Vrien was one of her favorite relatives, and was essentially her brother, mated as she was to her own father, Szaeravar. Though she was ten years older than the young chimaera, she felt a strong kinship for him, and being around him made her feel young again.

Momentarily appraising her mirrored form, Szaeyri bit her lip. Her eyes fell on the stretch marks that her trained eyes could pick out underneath her raven-colored belly fur; on a dismal day they were slash marks spanning the gap between her squamous obliques. Being with Vrien helped her forget about her own three cubs for just a little while--the boy was old enough to give an air of youthful maturity that she so desperately needed.

The raven and gray toned chimaeress pulled a blouse over her top and shook herself out, dark, messy head fur flying about. She reached beside her to retrieve her brush but stopped short when her paws grasped at a flat vanity. Before she could turn about to check behind her a familiar, large paw took her hip and stomach, pulling her back slightly.

"Let me, baby," the older chimaera crooned into his wife's ears.

Szaeyri chirped gently and grinned, looking her father's reflection in the eye. She straightened her back and tossed her head back, giving the male access to her full head of hair. "When's the last time you did my hair, Szaer?" she asked, wiggling back against him and coiling her lower, scaly tail around the male's raptorial hindclaws.

"It's been quite a while," he admitted, kissing her neck and patting her wide hips lovingly. He took brush and hair in his deft paws and began to draw out the long, thick strands of her head fur. "You've been growing it out for some time. New look?"

Szaeyri closed her eyes in a wince when the brush tugged rather hard at her head--it had indeed been a while and her foliage was indeed overgrown. "No, I just haven't thought to do something about it. Any look in mind?" she asked him.

The chimaera father, taller and broader than his daughter, was hunched somewhat as he beautified her. "I like it long, honestly. Reminds me of when you were younger," he admitted with a deep scarlet blush over his black muzzle. Peppered as it was with graying fur, his bashful moments became more apparent with time.

"And what if I cut it short?" she asked with a playful smirk. She gazed downward as her husband's matching tail wrapped about her inner thigh and knee, rubbing gently over her fur and feathers.

Szaeravar scoffed and squeezed his girl's leg with that thick, armored tail. "Don't do that. Vrien's parents would think you're cheating on me with some young thing," he chuckled. Her hair now satisfactorily straightened out, he worked on parting and arranging it as he knew she liked.

"What? Dad, are you saying it'd make me look gay?" she laughed, playfully kicking at the male's hindclaws with her heel.

"I didn't say I would, Szae. But I like you more...Traditionally feminine," he whispered to her, nuzzling against her as he set the brush back down on the table.

Brow quirked, Szaeyri looked back over her shoulder to question her father. "Aren't you--mmm..." the young chimaeress murred as her sire's lips met hers. She turned slowly and found herself cradled against him, and so let her legs give out and fall back against his strong body.

The two, father and daughter, husband and wife, dearest companions, moaned quietly as they kissed. Tongue met tongue and the stimulating, mild neurotoxins in their saliva gently fizzled together. Szaeravar's arms swept around his girl's body, holding her possessively close to him. After a long moment, Szaeyri pulled her muzzle back and looked the chimaera in the eyes--both sets of blood-orange colored eyes glimmered warmly, and their bodies pressed together like the finely threaded strands in an ornate tapestry.

"Dad, I need to be presentable when Vrien's parents leave. If we--"

"That's why I stopped. I'll redo it all after..."

It was her turn to blush now. "Need your fix before I go, mmm?"

Her father pressed her against the bed belly down, still firmly grasping her hips. "You could say that..." he cooed, slowlly dragging down her pants and panties in one go to expose the firm, beautifully furred curvature of her ass and the drooling slit that announced her arousal. He opened his own trousers and carefully mounted her, heavy shaft dragging against her valley. Atop her now with arms wrapped right about her, paws drifted under her shirt to cup her breast and stroke the stretched flesh of her belly.

