New Walls

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#11 of The Digi_Dead part 4

Kumamon and Lena returned to the barn the rest of the group was gathered around. Kumamon came in first and said, "Hey we have someone with us." Riolu came up behind them. Everyone else raised up their guns. Riolu rose up his arms, "Ok just give me a chance to explain myself." Veemon growled, "Get on with it!" Riolu said, "I now of a safe place. I know of a place with nice tall walls. Look I've actually been following you for some time." Veemon asked, "How many of you are out here?" Lucario asked, "Does it matter?" Veemon took a step forward, "Yes." Riolu looked down and shook his head, "It doesn't matter what I say fifty, ten, eighty." Veemon charged in and punched Riolu in the face. Veemon said, "Check him." Scourge came in and so did Guilmon checking and taking out Riolu's gear. Kotemon said, "Maybe we should consider this place. We've been on the outside for some time now." He took out some pictures from Riolu's knapsack. He looked at the wall in the picture. Riolu looked up. Veemon asked, "Now tell me how many are actually with you?" Riolu said, "...Just one. We took vehicles to get here. We can take you there. We cam tale route seven and work our way up." Veemon said, "Guilmon, go with Scourge, Blackgatomon, Tera and Fox start to head up and scope the area yet. Keep in touch via radio." They went out. Veemon said, "Everyone else; secure the area near us just in case." Everyone else went around keeping near the barn." Veemon handed Kotemon another radio as he went out. Veemon picked up Salamon and said, "If there not back in ten minutes, I'll shoot you in the head." Riolu gulped. Guilmon, Scourge, Blackgatomon, Tera and Fox started to walk along the streets heading in the street Riolu mentioned.

Salamon started to cry. Veemon bumped her a few times. Riolu said, "Listen in my knapsack there is some food. Please just get it and feed it." Veemon said, "Are you trying to poison her." Riolu said, "What, no. I'm seriously trying to help you're group. Look...I know that I'm a Pokemon and you're kind and ours haven't always gotten along but this is a different world now. A world were we should work together to stay alive." Veemon said, "I've been bullshited before with promises for paradise. I'm just taking the top precaution." He took the food out and said, "Take" Riolu was caught off guard but did so and he cleared the spoon afterward and feed Salamon.

Guilmon got to the wall, "This is it. It's actually real." He got on the radio, "We're coming back." Some walkers had staggered into their view. Guilmon nodded to Scourge and the two of them and took out the walkers. They started to get back. Kiff came back inside, "We found the vehicles." Veemon nodded, "Come on." Lucario went with them toward the cars. Inside the back car was another creature. Veemon looked inside and asked, "Who the hell are you." The creature sat up, "I'm Totodile." Veemon said, "Great, now let's take the fourth route." Lucario said, "But you're group just cleared the path I told you about." Veemon said, "Might as well clear another path." The group came back together and got in the car.

They drove on the different highway seeing it was filled with walkers. Guilmon was driving the first car. They started to splatter the walkers ahead of them. Veemon looked back seeing Riolu freak out, "This is a bad idea." Veemon shook his head, "Just less walkers to deal with later." Guilmon kept on. After a good chunk of time the car just stopped. Kotemon got out of the car and went to the front to see the guts we cluttering the front. There were still walkers in front and behind them in the distance. Kotemon said, "Try starting it up." Guilmon did and it started up, Kotemon got ready getting back in the car. They continued getting just a bit closer to the wall after seeing a clearer path. The car stopped again. Veemon got out first and looked back. Veemon said, "Come on we have to draw back a bit to clear the way for the van." Guilmon and Kotemon got out. Riolu looked out still shocked. Veemon led the way clearing the path and killing some more walkers with his blade. Kotemon was getting as aggressive as well.

The van caught up as it was getting late. There were a few buildings up ahead on each side ahead. Totodile was helped out and Riolu went up to the door but Veemon blocked his path, "Where are you going?" Riolu admitted, "I wanted to mate with Totodile. It's just been a while." Veemon asked, "How do I know you won't be making plans?" Kotemon pulled Veemon aside and said, "Enough Veemon. I know things have gotten dark. We can't just give into fully. We could use a bit of hope and maybe, we should be at least give these two a chance. I know things have not always gone great but we all need this." Veemon sighed, "Fine."

Riolu went inside and quickly kissed Totodile. Riolu's cock started to press against Totodile's reptilian cock. Totodile smirked, "It's been so long." Riolu smiled, "Finding you again was a blessing. Toto, let's not try to separate anymore hmm." Riolu's blue cock pressed against Totodile's and he started to rub down. Riolu curved his arms around Totodile's neck. Totodile arched his head back, "That's it...faster." Riolu complied increasing the pace of rubbing his shaft against Totodile's. Riolu closed his eyes, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah." They both had an orgasm.

The next day and Veemon and the others came up to the gates. Veemon sighed. Kotemon listened here hearing the sounds of children on the other side. Veemon perked up surprised, Kotemon actually had a smile on his face. They got out and the gates opened up. They all entered inside. Also there was Squirtle and Charzard. The leader Zangoose came out. She said, "Welcome to Alexandria. I'm glad Riolu was able to find you and bring you here. We could really use survivors such as your group. We can truly strive here in Alexandria." Charzard said, "Please put your weapons here. We only take weapons when going out on runs." The group did so hesitantly. Zangoose said, "Follow me." She brought them to two houses. She said, "You can stay here. In the morning we will start recording for prosperity. We have no secrets here." When the Pokemon left they went to the same house. Veemon's group all went inside one house and said, "We stick together. I'm not willing to put down all my defenses just yet." Kotemon said, "It's just going to take time." Veemon stayed up that night looking out the window as his group had the first well deserved rest in such a long time.

In the morning there was a knock on the door. Veemon opened it slowly to see another Pokemon. She said, "Hello I'm Vulpix." The others had woken up and started to explore some more of the town. Vulpix said, "Welcome to Alexandria." Veemon crossed his arms, "What's this about." Vulpix said, "Zangoose suggested I'd come over. You seem a bit pent up. Perhaps you are need of sexual pleasure." Veemon asked, "You'd be willing to do that?" She nodded, "You're quite cute blue. I haven't had a single male in some time. Most of the others are already paired." Veemon backed up, "Come inside."

She nodded, "Thank you." She ran up and wrapped his hands around his neck and kissed him. She pushed him against a chair. Once he hit the chair he was getting aroused. She lifted her own tail in excitement as well. Their tongues started wrapping at this point as he wrapped around her too. They were smacking face intensely. Veemon had not been with a female in a really long time. Veemon was already fully erect. She climbed up rubbing her clit against his rough shaft. He moaned, "Your fur is so soft." She reached her tip and some of her juices dripped against her tip. She moaned, "I'm going to ride you wild." She lowered herself her, vagina driving down into his shaft. Veemon squinted, "That's it baby. Go nice and fast." She lifted back and started the pace just as Veemon wanted it. Vulpix moaned, "I haven't felt a cock so tight in such a long time." She bucked her thighs working from the head all the way to the bottom of the shaft. His hands went on her hips. His moaned, "I'm getting close, I don't want to get you pregnant." She pulled back just a bit and smirked, "Don't worry, Digimon can't get Pokemon pregnant, now fill me up." Veemon grunted, "If, you insist..." He bucked his hips a few more times then moaned, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" His orgasm came and his sperm went inside her. She pulled up and she smirked, "I love you." He kissed her, "I love you that the exchange is done, get off me." Vulpix pushed herself off.

Kiff went over to a house with a young female Pokemon around his age. The first he noticed was a female Meowth. The other creatures looked at him and one of them asked, "Want to play video games?" Kiff never heard those words. He had a hard time not glancing at Meowth. He nodded, "Ok." Some of the others came back when Veemon was done. Veemon went over to Zangoose's place. She placed the recorder. She started up and had him sit down. She asked, "How did this start out for you?" Veemon sighed, "I came home and my father was killed. I was about to have sex with him but he was bit. He came after me so I shot him. I killed humans and even some other creatures that had turned. Later I even killed a creature that didn't even turn. He didn't listen to me. My group has lost count of the walkers we've killed. We've encounters assholes like Tails and Alex. We went to war and lost some of our family."

Later was Blackgatomon. She started, "I would like to start to build our family even further. At first I thought someone like Scourge was scary. But he was able to see my beauty His words had won my heart and he's quite the creature."

Then Scourge. He said, "I don't know if staying here will really work. We are really going to kick ass to keep this thing going on. Other wise will be overrun. Out here it won't stop the fight."

Next up was Guilmon, "I think we need this. A break; Lena and I need this now more then ever. She lost her sister and the pain is still in her. This is something she fought for."

After the others went they regrouped at the house. Veemon said, "We will try to make it work. But if it even begins to go bad, then we will take this place over, killing ever last creature that's not part of our family."