The Young Fox

Story by Skyewriter on SoFurry

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This is a writing exersize we did in one of my English classes. The prompt was to write an entire scene using only questions. My scene turned into more of a poetry style, but I liked how it turned out so I thought I'd post it since it's about foxes and stuff. Warning: very sad.

Is the death of his mother the young fox's fault? And does it even matter? Is she somewhere now, watching her son cower from the fury of thundering clouds? And does she know he risks the lightning to sleep where the hunters had killed her? Why does the young fox feel guilty enough to let the hard rain punish him? Is it because he ran when the hunters drew near? Does he think he could have defended her against them? Does he wonder why he didn't try? Does he blame himself? And is that why the young fox returns to the site of his mother's death each night? Does the wind freeze him as he sleeps against it now? Does he fear every moment when a bolt of lightning might send him chasing his mother's spirit? How does he justify this self-torture? How does guilt drive him so far?