
Story by nikoprower32 on SoFurry

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#2 of Niko's Story

How Niko met a vixen named Lyra.

I met this individual when I 14. She was a...get this...a go go dancer. Not sure what I was thinking going into a bar with go-go dancers, but I was researching my powers and a particular monk who specialized in them frequented the place. So anyway, Lyra was a new dancer and she told me that she didn't want to be in the bar doing this, but her mother was in danger and the only way to save her was to do this for 12 years. So I decided I would help her. I rescued her mom and found the info I wanted, wasn't there. Turns out Lyra's mother had it. Her mom was the Dragon Master I was looking for. No wonder it was said she was frequently seen there. So I got the information from her mom and left. However I frequently go back to hang out with Lyra.