Ashes To Ashes Chapter 2 : The Beginning

Story by MaxFR68 on SoFurry

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#2 of Ashes to Ashes

Ashes To Ashes Chapter 2 :

The Beginning

Max's ashes were drifting into space, heading for an unknown destination.

The module containing them has been sent off course by a solar flare. A great deal of years passed before he encountered something, his module even got out of our solar system.

He could have drifted forever if it was not for some mysterious energy field that was encasing a nearby planet...

Max's world was black. He could feel nothing, he could just think.

Huh? Where am I? It's dark and I can't see a damn thing! Hey, wait a minute! I remember: I was struck down by that monster truck when I was walking down the street.

_ Am I in the hospital? _

No, I would hear something at least. Or, I could be under sedatives. That would explain the whole thing.

But, why am I not dreaming? Am I dead? If that's the case, I hope my family got my last will...

I wonder how it's looking outside...

Unknown to him, the mysterious energy field around the planet was making the module's on-board computer go nuts.

Suddenly, the computer activated a program that was controlling the final descent of the module.

Its thrusters started burning nuclear fuel because this module was not like a classic module with standard rocket fuel, it was a special prototype using a ground-breaking nuclear thrust generator that Eternium Space Co. created.

Its thrust was just making a small jet of flames but this was powerful enough to send the module drifting to the planet below...

This planet was beautiful and was looking like Earth but with a few differences: there was a big continent on it with many environments.

There was a big desert in the middle of it, a great forest in the North with many trees.

To the South, you had a big chain of mountains.

To the West you had great plains with another great chain of mountains right before the sea.

There also were some islands in the South-East. All in all, this planet was a beautiful looking world.

When the module reached the planet upper atmosphere, it started burning like the brightest shooting star in the universe.

It could be seen from all over this world and many of its inhabitants believed it to be a sign of the gods. Some made wishes, asking the gods to grant them prosperity and the likes.

Others just stared at it to admire its beauty.

Eragon and Saphirawere lying down on the grass, just looking at the stars.

When they saw this massive shooting star, they were amazed by its beauty and decided to wish upon it: Eragon wanted peace for his land and Saphira a bright future for her race. Unbeknownst to them this was not a shooting star: this object was from another world and was ahead of their technology by centuries: itcould either spell their doom or their salvation...

They've made so much things since defeating the evil king Galbatorix. Saphiragave birth tothe eggs that she conceived with her former mate,Firnen, and their kids were searching Alagaësia for other dragons eggs that may have been hidden by the Riders. They found some in the ancient home of the riders, Vroengard.

When Eragon learned about that, he decided to create an academy to train the new dragons and create a new era for the land, oneof peace and prosperity.

After a year of traveling throughout Alagaësia handpicking the new Riders for his academy, he was ready to open it.

Therewere many Riders apprenticesawaiting tomorrow knowing they would finally get their new dragons.They were coming from all of Alagaësia : humans, elves and dwarves, all selected by Eragon for their various qualities, ranging from skilled swordsmen and gifted mages to eagle-eyedarchers and skillfulscouts.

One of these new riderswas Aylin Toran, a human girl. She was nineteen years old,was rather tall with 5,7 ft and had a long beautiful smooth hair that was as orange as the sun and went down her shoulders. Her eyes weresucha deep sea-bluethat it looked like they could delve into the deepest parts of your mind...

She was an orphan since the war that ravaged her country and was selected by Eragon because she was smart and showed a great affinitywith magic even though she wasn't a witch or an elf...

Right now, she was in her room. It was a nice place with a nest lying next to the chimney that was awaiting her future dragon. There also was a desk along with a wooden chair in the corner of the room so that she could study when she wasn't training her dragon.

She was sitting by her window, gazing at the stars when suddenly she caught the sight of the brightest shooting star she had ever seen. She then made a wish: she was asking the gods to grant her a loyal and strong companion at the ceremony that was going to be held tomorrow.

What she didn't knew was that her wish would have consequences beyond her wildest dreams...

* * ( In the meantime ) * *

As Max's module entered the inner layers of the planet atmosphere, the on-board computer activated the final steps of the descent program: the part of the module that was containing the thrust generator separated itself from the last part of the module and started plummeting towards the middle of the Main continent's desert...

Max's module part containing his ashes continued his course and deployed the final parachute.

When it reached the required altitude the module bottom hatch opened and started spreading Max's ashes. They could have drifted through the air for a long time if it wasn't for the planet mysterious energy field that started carrying his ashes towards Eragon's Rider Academy...

They entered the Academy and headed towards the Main Hall where tomorrow ceremony was going to be held. There were multiple eggs, all neatly lined on separate pedestals.

One egg in particular was interesting the ashes as theyseemed to move towardsit.This egg was as big as the others but what was really interesting about it was that instead of having the one of the "classic" colors such as red, gold, green or even blue it was a deep purple.

As the ashes neared this particular egg, itwas starting to glow with a bright white light...

After a few seconds the glow slowly faded, as did Max's ashes that seemed to dissolve in the air.

* * ( Max's Pov, inside the egg ) * *

Huh ? What is this place ?

_ It's hot. And this sound, it's like there's a heart beating. A powerful one at that._

_ Mine perhaps? _

_Nah, I'm not that strong. I'm also feeling some kind of energy inside me, it's strange and... _

Hey, wait a minute! I'm sensing something, it's like if I can feel joy and a... wait, yes, I can sense something that is waiting.

_ But for what ?_

And I still can't see a damn thing !

Well then, I guess I'll take a nap and see how things turn out when I wake up...


Disclaimer : I hereby state that I DO NOT own the Inheritance Cycle or any of its characters ( It is the property of Christopher Paolini ) but I do own my OCs.