The Spread of Nobility

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#8 of Commissions

Well this one is long over due. A long time ago in a galaxy far far away a freind commissioned me for a sequel to Mark of nobility. It was also finished long ago, and he had read the raw version as I wrote it but trouble getting it proofed and my own problems delayed its general release

The Spread of Nobility By BunnyBoy This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to there players

Warning the story contains consensual and non consensual sexual encounters between adult males and a male cubs as well as incest and mild drug use (its only catnip come on). So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The caravan moved at a fairly sluggish speed along the well traveled highway. Once more Duma and Shabiru rode with the Kitsune princes in there carriage. The white tiger and red cheetah seated across from each other casually watched the rolling hills as they passed by the windows. Every so often small farms like those they had grown up on would come into sight and they would wonder at how much there lives had changed since then. The twin princes, who's individual crest were marked out on there robes respectively, napped at there side. It had been a several long days of travel so far but to the best of the cubs knowledge they should be arriving at there destination tonight. Shabiru crawled up on the seat to peer out the rear window at the carriage behind them. It was far nicer then there own, much larger and it's train of crickets had two more of the beasts to pull the heavy load. The lord Deamon rode in that one, it's insides were plush and comfy, but the one eyed kitsune never rode alone. A little blue cheetah Lasaroo was with the great red furred fox lord, and Shab couldn't help but wonder what might be happening to his little brother right now. A creak from the roof brings the cheetah out of his wonder and he cranes his neck to see one of the roof guards. He can see right up the lacquered armor skirt worn by the man, and catches a glimpse of the apple sized jewels between the bandy legged rodent there. With out even seeing the man's face he knows this guard. And despite him being one of the men who had taken him from his home the little cheetah rather liked this one. The man was always friendly despite the scary mask he had to wear and he'd often entertain the cubs with bawdy stories, and jokes when it was his turn to watch them. The cheetah turned around and flopped back into his seat before snuggling up to the lightly dozing Darren. Though he still worries about his brother he knows its most likely nothing that hasn't happened before.

In the lord Deamon's carriage it's not dark but it's not light either. The curtains over the windows make the light more diffuse. It has a warm cozy glow that seemed to come from every where. Against the rearmost wall on a bed that most times is folded up into a bench sprawls the majestic one eyed kitsune, his tails fan out so while he's not sitting up the fox lord can't lie flat. His heavy formal robes have been placed folded in a corner and he wears a light silken robe of silver in blue.

On a cushion at his feet sits the little 6-year-old blue cheetah. The little one was still in his own traveling robes. One eye is closed as his paws gripped the item before him, he squints, tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth as he concentrated. "Ahhh... Ohh... Obbb... Observed." Says the boy with a grin as he finally managed to get the word out, "Observed the littlest lady bug. And he flew away with the butterfly king to the land of sweet flowers, and lived happily ever after. The end." He smiled up at the red fox, who looked down at him as he carefully rolled the scroll in his little paws. He knows the lord is a powerful and important man but he hoped that he had liked the story. Most of the adult was in the shade but the little boy could see this eye which twinkled with mischief.

The lord shifted in his seat before he applaud the little one. It's not a slow clap usually used but an adult humoring a child it was a genuine show of pleasure. A year ago the boy couldn't read at all, but now the boy could write quite a bit, as well as read very well. He'd made up the story mostly on his own and despite being rather simple and childish it had been entertaining. "Marvelous my boy you're doing so well. Did you write it all by yourself?"

Lasaroo beams, "Yes sir. Well mostly, Tutor Block helped some, he added the big words when he copied it for me. He said that even when reading to the master I should be learning something." The little cheetah nods. That had always been Tutor Block's way so you were always learning a little more.

"Ahhh yes I thought I noticed Block's handy work. But it was a good story and well told by my pretty little imp. Are you ready for your reward?" The little cheetah noded his head. "Well then close your eyes and open your mouth little lovely."

Las does as he's told and sat stock still despite the slight jounce of the carriage as he waited. He could smell it first, and then he felt it on his tongue, his lips opened a little wider as it's smooth surface slid along his tongue. He couldn't wait any more and almost with a squeal he bit down. The sweet pulp filled his mouth and juices almost the same color of his fur seeped past his lips, as he happily chewed on his treat. He licked his lips before clambering up onto the bed with the fox.

The lord shifted over laying on his side to smile at the boy. He leaned in and kissed those juice stained lips in a slow kiss, and he took his time savoring the feeling and when he breaks from the kiss it was with a slight smile once more.

Lasaroo snuggled in close to the big fox. "Master?" He says softly, "Will you tell me a story now?"

The lord chuckled "Ohh you want a story little one." The boy nodded, and smiled as the fox pressed another of the juicy fruits to the little cubs lips. The succulent lips parted, pulling in the tender fruit with a soft pop, the great lord sighed feeling them brush his finger tips. "How about the legend of the great dragon of the silver mountains?" The little ones eye went wide, this is a story he'd never heard before, he leaned into the master to listen intently as the fox began to speak, one paw idly stroked the boy's little blue belly. "Long ago before the current age there was a great hero named..."


They reached the nomadic trade city by mid afternoon. The brothers smiled happily as they climbed down from there carriage delighted for the chance to stretch there legs. The guards and various servants busied themselves with putting up the Lords rather large pavilion. The tent was big enough to house the lord, as well as the princes quite easily and was sectioned off with several small rooms for privacy as well as a central chamber for business. However with walls of cloth and fairly close quarters the idea of privacy even in such a large tent is ludicrous. But the illusion is there if they choose to take it. The pavilion is black with silver, as fits an abode of the lord Deamon. Several smaller tents go up along side the main pavilion. These smaller structures would house the guards, servants.

A man in black lacquered armor came marching up to the brothers bearing a little blue kitten behind him. He bowed briefly to the princes. "My lords your father wishes to speak with you in private. He also told me to help your boys get settled in the pavilion so that they can prepare your rooms."

Lucas smiled to the guard and nodded. "Thank you Shen. We will see to our father presently. Take good care of our little ones." He bent forward catching Duma's face in his paw and kissed the boy's lips. "I will see you later my lovely." With a smile he marched towards the largest carriage leaving the blushing little tiger standing in the road behind him.

The guard ushered the boys to the newly erected pavilion, showing them all the cloth cells set aside for the masters. Lasaroo didn't really have any chores to do since The lord Deamon's sleeping chambers were far to elaborate for his little paws to set up so he stayed with his brother and friend. The little cubs arranged the masters elegant cots laying out the downy quilted bedrolls of soft sturdy butterfly wings and fluffed the many cushions. Duma had set up master Lucas's bedside table with some of the fox's favorite late reading materials, selecting not only his masters favorite poems, but also some folios they enjoyed before bed. The tiger almost blushed one or two of those paintings was of him and the memory of posing like that still embarrassed him a little. He could hear the little blue cheetah chatting with the guard while the older boys worked.

"He was telling me about the great dragon of silver mountain Mister Shen." The weasel was sitting on a stool his knees spread wide to give his girth some room. The boys almost made a game of how many times they could see his sack with out even trying. It wasn't the guard's fault he fairly spilled from his uniform but he had a sense of humor about it. "So how was your trip Mister Shen?"

"Ohh bout the same as yours I expect, though mine was on top of the carriage. We told stories all the same and had our little treats too." He winks at the little blue cheetah.

Shabiru finished setting master Darren's room and sat down with his little brother. "I saw you sir, you were on top of our carriage today."

The weasel smiled and nodded. He had long stripped off the snarling monster faced mask for his quite talk with the young masters. "Right you are Master Shabiru. I was guarding your wagon today. And I think I did a good job because there doesn't seem to be a mark on you."

The little cub giggles as Duma finally joined them, He sat on the other side of Las. Since all of them were sitting on the floor, with Mr. Shen on his stool the boys could just see up under his skirt. All three were determined not to giggle though. "Mister Shen." Asked the little tiger quietly. "When you go on trips like this why don't you bring your family, don't you miss them?"

The rodent smiled and pulled out an apple. He peeled the fruit carefully on with his knife, and cut it into 4 slices. "Well Duma of course I miss them. But there are two reasons I can't bring them. One My husband wouldn't be able to come, His job is back in the village near the palace and he wouldn't be able to leave it. And two my boys, I'm just a guard like all the others they too have families, some little cubs like mine. If we were all to bring them we'd need maybe ten more wagons and a bunch more tents. You get to come because you serve the masters like us. And with fewer people the caravan moves quicker and we get back to our families all the sooner." As he spoke he shared out the apple slices.

Las munched on his apple. "Mister Shen when we get back home do you think we could meet your cubs? We don't have many other kids our age to play with. "

The guard smiled down at the boy. "Well you'll have to see if the masters say it's okay first. But I don't see why not."

Las thought for a moment finishing off his is apple before his eyes fell to the guards groin. "Do you play games with your cubs Mister Shen? Night games like Master Deamon does?" The little blue cheetah shifted in his seat on the floor rubbing his little stiffy through his robes for a moment.

The weasel thought for a moment. He's not really shocked by the question but he wonders about how to frame his response. "No little kittens I don't play those sort of games with my cubs. I don't feel the need to, I have my husband and we prefer our night games amongst just us."

The blue kitten paused for a moment. "But it's lots of fun Sir."

"Never the less lad." He speaks firmly in a tone that brooked no argument. It was firm but there was no anger in it. "We feel our night games should be between husbands. Others may feel differently but in our home they respect our rules. And if your masters say you can come visit and play. You would have to respect those rules as well understand?" all three boys nodded quietly.

Shab piped up this time. "Do you have any new jokes Sir."

The guard chuckles and smiled. "As a matter of fact I do. See this cabbage merchant walks into a bar..."

The boys didn't always get the jokes but Shen had away of telling the story and the hand gestures alone where funny enough to carry them to the meaning. All too soon though he had to go leaving for his own tent nearby assuring the boys that the masters would be back soon.

The cubs sat and chatted with each of them sitting on the floor by his masters inner tent flap. Lasaroo's belly was so full of sweet fruits he could barely keep still, and was fidgeting in place before slipping into the room to gather up one of his toys, a little wooden grass hopper with wheels on its feet. He was rolling it back and forth pretending it was ridden by the great hero off to confront the Evil dragon of silver mountain. Only for them to sit down for tea and dumplings. The fruit filled ones with honey on them. He'd become so lost in thought he almost doesn't notice his brother whispering to put away the toy. He slipped it under his robes just as the masters pushed the outer flap to one side.

The boys all stood to greet the masters. All three of the older kitsune's smiled at the boys, "Good evening little ones." Smiled the Lord Deamon. His voice was softer around the boys alone. When anyone else was present it had that tone of command expected of a high lord but when it was just his sons and there charges he let the softness creep in. "We are going to be heading to bed now. We will all have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow. I will be meeting with the heads of the trading families in the morning, It will be a very dull day and I feel it best not to bore you three. So Lucas and Darren will take you into the market city to see the sites, and maybe to find something nice. How do you boy's feel about that?" All three boys started to smile and nod at how wonderfull it would be. "Good now it's early I know but we should each get to bed." A paw falls on Lasaroo's shoulder and ushered him back to his room.

Duma and Shab both grabbed there masters by the paws and ushered them into there own rooms. Duma sat his master down on the sturdy cot, the little white tiger's paws undoing the masters robes. "Would you like something to drink sir? Or perhaps something to read, I did remember to pack your favorite erotic poetry." The deft little fingers pulled off the Kitsune's under garments before bundling them up and carefully stowing them away.

The older kitsune smiled and thought about it. He did have that new folio by that talented new writer. He'd commissioned it himself, Made the shy little panda watch as he taken Duma again and again. It had inspired the poet and the piece was breath taking and according to rumors the poets kid brother couldn't walk right for a week afterwards. He lounged back on the cot thinking as Duma returned. The prince sighed as he felt soft little paws on his thighs, warm breath on his balls, the lip nibbles of the attentive boy, just letting his master think as he relaxed. "No I think not. No I think we'll just have to do with out tea tonight Duma, and no bed side poetry." He moaned as Duma took his master at his word and those warm wet and loving lips closed over his cock head.

"Ahem Boys." Came a some what grumpy voice. "These walls are simply cloth. If you must play be considerate and be quiet."

Lucas paused for a moment biting his lip, "This might be harder then I thought." He muttered. Duma how ever had only hesitated for a moment at the words before starting up again letting his lips and tongue urge his master up to his full height. It was at that moment that the flap was pushed aside and Lucas who was fighting to keep his mouth shut almost shouted in surprise.

Darren strutted, naked as the day he was born, into his twins sleeping space. He smirked down at his brother, admiring the startled look on the others face, no doubt helped by the kitten face down in his groin. "I see you wasted no time dear brother." At the 3-tailed-fox's side stood little Shabiru as naked as his master, and with little pink pecker poking out of his sheath.

With out another word Lucas pulled the black striped little boy off his now glistening member. "And what do I owe the pleasure of your visit brother?" His tone was a little icy still embarrassed by his earlier outburst.

"Well brother as I see it we are in similar dire straits. We are both in need of release and are far too used to the privacy of our rooms to govern our noise. Plus there is the noise of our playmates. I can remember Duma can be quite loud under your tender ministrations." The little tiger blushed a moment. "As is my own Shabiru from time to time. So I think we should help each other out tonight."

Lucas seemed thought full. "What exactly did you have in mind brother?"

"Well I say we both use Duma to sate our lusts, While our mouths are busied with Sabiru's young body. It should keep the noise down and provide ample fun for all." He smiled wickedly as the little red cheetah spread a thick feather bed over the floor giving them more room then the cot ever could.

Lucas smiled intrigued by the idea. "Very well but the set up could be tricky." He pushed the little white tiger onto his back across the feather filled mat. Fingers felt through the orange patch at the boy's chest tweaking those little nipples just enough to get a squeak. The fox softly shushed the boy as he gathered up Duma's legs, letting the boy's feet rest on his shoulders as he lined up his cock with the cubs tight little ass.

Darren smiled and hugs his kitten. "Now You know we must be quiet lovely boy. So You are going to do that for us. You will keep us quiet."

"But sir." Asked the little cheetah, "wouldn't it be easier if you just kissed your brother to keep from moaning." He was a little nervous . He'd been with both brothers at the same time but his new role confused him a little.

"Ahh but we are Brothers Shabiru and as brothers it would be improper for us to kiss at such a time."

"But you seem to like it when I kiss Lasaroo sir"

The fox smiled, "That's different because you are both still cubs and don't know it's not appropriate while Lucas and myself are princes. So we will instead be kissing though you."

As Duma was spread open he opened his mouth to moan. He tried to stop it but couldn't help but let it lose as his master filled his tender young hole. He took a breath only to find something keeping the moan trapped deep inside. Darren's own dick filled his mouth, and the moan was choked off still born. As Shabiru joined them, Darren's lips wrapped around the kitten's immature shaft. The kitten leaned forward quickly muffling his moans with the with Lucas's waiting lips.

Deamon smiled as his sons' noise dipped down to barely register anymore. Truthfully he didn't care about the noise but it was good to let them know who was in charge once in a while. He leaned back on his bed, unlike his sons he didn't have to settle for a mere cot, his travel bed was a little more intricate but much more comfortable. The red furred fox smiled at the little blue kitten kneeling at his feet. He had been waiting all day. He purposefully held back, choosing not to ravish the boy in the carriage today wanting it all concentrated into this night. Tomorrow was going to be as dull for him as he said it would be for the boys. So he needed this night to be all the more intense just to get him through the day. The fox's cock was already hard, a jutting tower of ebony flesh glistening in the lamp light. He leaned back and nodded to the little kitten.

Lasaroo slowly crawled forward, letting his body brush his master's. His little pink cock was just as hard as his masters if in miniature. There were also delicate black swirls and designs inked onto the tender pink flesh. The master had forbidden the little cheetah to touch himself all night, he then inked the little ones penis to make sure that he'd be able to tell in the morning. Inky paws tell no lies after all. The little cub was also given a second task this night. Every time the master made him cum he was to keep track. On the little beaded bracelet he wears. He leaned into the master and licked that glorious shaft. He loved his masters cock. He'd seen the princes and his brothers and a few others by now but nothing could compare to his master. Little paws moved to the big full nuts and the little cat rolled them around in his fingers feeling them, the weight, the pulse and the beat of them. Being a cub there are many things he doesn't know, but being his masters cub there is very little he doesn't know about a man's body. He bowed his head nuzzling the royal jewels, whispering to them, thanking them for the seed that the master will fill him with, encouraging them, warning them that he will make master cum many times tonight, he will make master howl if he can, telling them that he loves them. He kissed them, and took a deep breath inhaling the musky aroma. He then kissed the base of the fox's sheath, kissing and nibbling his way back up that glorious rod of masculinity. He kissed the top finding a single milky pearl of pre and lapping it up. The flavor made the little cat shudder with joy as he suckled on the tip and his rough sand papery tongue made the master tremble before him. Though he would love to drink down his lords love he knows that was not what his master wanted. After a year spent in service to the master's body nightly he could read the lord's flesh, and taste his wants and needs. He stood up and straddled the Fox's hips. His blue furred paws found his masters, and he guided the mans paws down to his rump, strong fingers dug into his backside kneading those soft marshmellowy globes even as he pushed down onto the glorious tower of fox hood. He paused here, with the head of that shaft pressed primly into his pucker, and looked down on his master. At times like this it almost feels like he's the one in charge. But finally he can hold back no longer, though he wants to please, the cub has his own kindled desires, a need to be filled by his master and he pushed down, sinking onto that cock with a gasp.

Deamon smiled up at the boy, he loves to watch the emotions, to read the boy's feelings even as he seeks pleasure in the sweet little cub. He lets out a groan as he felt that still amazing tightness stretched around his shaft. The boy started to pant his breathing coming hard as gravity pulled him further and further onto that shaft. Finally when there was no more the boy could take and his tiny marble jewels almost touched the lords belly the little cheetah opened his eyes once more, and he started to purr. The Kitsune smiled even wider at that. Emotions can be faked but in cats purr is something they can't control. The boy is happy, he knows where he's meant to be, and he's glad to be there. Also it felt amazing, not quite as good as when the purring is accompanied by one of Lasaroo's fabulous blow jobs but the vibrations can be felt through out the little ones body.

The cheetah bit his knuckle gently as he started to bounce on the masters lap. The desire to touch himself is so strong but he must hold back. He moaned softly leaning back to rest against the Fox lords knees as he pushed back down. As he bottomed out the little kitten squeaked, his tender prostate urging the little boy onto his first climax of the night. Up and then down, he felt the masters balls full to bursting on his cheeks, those firm hands on his rump. Up and down, it was a slow and even pace but still the little cat couldn't or maybe wouldn't fight it. Up, he paused once more before sliding down, "O master!" he squealed shuddering and squirming on the lords cock.

The brothers had progressed even further, by now that both twins had pumped the white tiger cub's holes full of familial juices so now it's Shabiru's turn. The red furred kitten laid on his back between the two silver brothers. The boy was panting almost out of his mind. While his friend was being fucked mercilessly he was being assaulted with the fox's own tireless tongues. Even when he climaxed there was no relief, just a the constant pressure on his hyper sensitive cock. Now though he laid on his back, head muzzy, smelling the wonderfully familiar musk. A thick fox rode smeared with it's own spent juices hovered before him, and the little kitty moaned tilting his head back and opening his muzzle to swallow it all. He takes more and more till his nose is pressed firmly into Lucus's musty balls.

Smiling at the boy before him Darren beckons Duma over. The Tiger stumbled forward. "When I pick you up boy I want you to put you legs over my shoulders okay?" Duma quickly noded. Strong hands picked him up, aided by a second pair from Lucas just waiting as he breaths out his nose and tickles the fox prince's balls. The tiger hooked his legs over Darren's shoulders. His pink erection tapped the fox on the nose only to have the prince lap at it for a moment. "nice but not what I'm here for" He leaned forward holding the boys legs and letting the boy fall backwards.

Duma starts to panic but before he could scream that second set of paws catch him. As he passed his masters face he cocks his head quizzically. "Will you be kissing me now sir?" With a cruel grin Lucas shook his head no. He kept going lower and lower till the tiger reached out palms flat against floor his head almost resting on Shab's belly. He felt Darren shift and the red kitten arches his back moaning into Lucas. The tiger cranes his neck and walked his palms backwards till his spine was arched like a bow, and he can see inch after precious inch of fox cock vanish into his best friend. He was not sure what to do now but even as hips started to thrust into the little red kitten, tongues started to probe the little white one. Lucus suckled on the little pink prick, lovingly tongue lashing it while Darren buried his muzzle in a well fucked asshole. Shocked Duma almost yowled his surprise when the only thing that can stop him fills his vision. The bouncing and bobbing well sucked cub weenie.

As the kittens lips wrapped around the still hyper sensitive cheetah member Darren felt his kitten tense up, those trained muscles gripped him like a velvet vice. His tongue pushed in and he could taste his brother there as he squeezed past the boy's tight hole. Such good boys they have, truly they were lads of exquisite taste.

With a shaky paw Lasaroo gripped one of the little black beads on his bracelet, he tugged it over, and along the thread the thread so the knot now separated it from a handful of its mates. But he knew that the pleasure from lord Deamon's cock will soon bring over some more if not most of it's brothers. With that done he took a deep breath and clenched his muscles once more gripping the slab of fox meat wedged obscenely between his cheeks. His own little cock started to twitch as he slid up and down. The little boy was dieing to touch himself, so he knotted his fists into the kitsune's sheets instead and lifted himself higher and higher, before he came down once more. The little kitten gasped out loud on each downward drive. He groaned using the Fox's legs for balance as his tail hole played it self along the adults throbbing sex.

Deamon for his own part didn't move. His instincts were to throw the boy across the bedding and breed his tight little ass like a prized bitch but he was able to beat his lusts off for now. Instead the adult is determined to see what this boy is willing to do to make him cum. The little lad hadn't noticed the little black ribbon at the base of his cock, knotted strategically to delay his own orgasm but he already can feel his churning nuts, the pressure built up to the inevitable tipping point. Already the boy is panting and slumping forward, his little body shuddering through another orgasm. The adult heard a soft click as another bead is slipped into place. With a groan of deep pleasure the older fox stroked the shuddering little cheetah along his back knowing it won't be long now.

Lasaroo didn't understand why master hadn't cum yet. Maybe he was not worthy of masters love. No that was nonsense he would prove to Lord Deamon that the kitten is the best place to warm his dick and plant his seed. He leaned into the master's chest now fingers running through that thick red fur. Purring he rested his cheek on the canine's chest, and heard the adult's rapid heart beat even as his hips pushed back onto the still engorged fox cock. He was still purring but also moaning and whispering as his hips worked themselves back and forth to the meaty slap of flesh meeting flesh. "Please master please I need you sir. Fill me master, I need your seed, I need your hot member inside me, I never want to be with out you, use me master, cum in me again and again and again, and let me keep your member warm at night you know it belongs in me." Gathering up his strength he pushed away from the kitsune once more and sat up riding the masters cock. He was still talking though getting louder and louder. "Please master, Fill me, hold me, Fuck meeEEEEEEEE!..." that last one ended in a loud peircing squeal simply because the boy was halfway through pushing his way up the pole when a pair of paws clamped down on his hips and slammed the little body down onto the cock just in time to meet the first spurts of the lords orgasm. A deft finger undid the tight knot of ribben and unleashed the floodgates, splattering the little boy's anus with the evidence of the big fox's affection. The fox just moaned as he held the little boy still. They both started to shudder through the impact and Las can feel the masters tight nuts throb against his cheeks as they produce more of that wonderful heat that filled him. With a contented little sigh the boy finally moved his next bead.

Deamon paused for a moment before rocking forward. In one swift motion the little cub was flat on his back pinned to the bedding. One paw gripped the cubs legs and pulled Las into a more comfortable position. The adult started to thrust into his boy once more. The boy had proven the lengths he'd go for his master's pleasure so now was the time for his master to relish in the pleasures the little one's body had to offer. His grunts mingled with the little kitten's delighted squeals and spilled out into the night. Causing the most embarrassing reactions amongst some of those guards on night watch. Bulges that just wouldn't go away as the squeaks, and moans, grunts and groans lasted long, long into the night.


In the morning Lasaroo was a little sore, with a deep aching heat in his well fucked ass, but also cramped little knees and elbows. He stretched pulling himself from the sheets, not surprised to find his master had some how left with out waking him. His bracelet was gone but he quickly found it on a small table with a note. "Eight beads little one, and you didn't touch yourself once, I checked. As I said pet I have work to do today my sons and your friends will entertain yourselves till dinner time." Servants stripped off the soiled bed linens as Lasaroo works through a series of stretches by the bedside. He used to be embarrassed by the servants seeing him naked, but over the course of a year he'd gotten used to that. They had seen him worse then naked, some of them had even bathed him or soothed sore muscles in the early days. So he sat on a woven mat by the bed, as they replaced the sheets and laid him out a fresh robe.

Duma woke with a yawn and musty smell in his nose. He woke in a heap on the floor, a tangle of limbs and his cheek pressed to Lucas's sweaty ball sack. Carefully he pulled himself up and out slipped into the hall. When the white tiger spotted his 6 year old cub friend stretching in lord Deamon's room. "Morning Lasaroo." Said the boy scratching at a spot of matted fur on his left butt cheek.

"Good Morning Duma, care to join me for our morning exercises?" It was a mix of meditative practices and muscle control exercises the boys had been taught. You could only rely on the resiliency of a cubs body for so long and the masters knew this. So they had found Master Yen. Master Yen was a monk from some strange temple out in one of the western mountain provinces. He dressed in simple green robes and was rather skinny for a bunny. He had learned, through his meditation and martial arts practices a great deal of muscle control. Since the boys only needed to control certain muscles he focused his training on them. He always seemed proud of the boys when they did well. Some times it was easy, meditation and gentle practiced movements designed to center there will, to channel there passions. Other times it was much harder. Smooth stones attached to heavy weights that the boys had to grip and carry only using there inner muscles. Despite the training the old rabbit never touched them in a sexual way, other then to test there grips with a finger or two from time to time but he did teach them well. The little cheetah panted softly as he flexed muscles working them through morning soreness and into some semblance of working order as Duma knelt next to him.

The two boys sighed softly as they first limbered up there joints and then worked there way through all the muscles. Ten minutes later Shabiru joined them and with another half hour meditation and exercise the boys felt they were finally back in shape.

Duma yawned and notices that the servants had left a small basin and mirror for them to wash in. The boys took turns wiping themselves down, cleaning off all of there masters matted seed before applying scents and dressing in fresh robes.

The three little cubs then scurried off to find breakfast. Duma stopped long enough to notice that the brothers were gone. Most likely they were off bathing as well. The other two were already outside when the little white tiger emerged blinking into the sun.

"Catch!" shouted a familiar voice as a peach landed in the startled tigers paws. "Good catch my boy." Says the weasel guard and Shen smiled at them beaming from his seat on a stump. "Sleepy heads wasting half the day away." Teased the grown up as the boys breakfast on the plump fruit.

Las giggled and barked out a reply, "We weren't sleeping silly we were doing our stretches like Master Yen taught us. Then we had to get clean." His mouth was half full and he sprayed gobbets of peach pulp as he talks.

Shen sighed a long world weary sigh of a devoted father, even though these weren't his cubs. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped up the littlest cheetah's muzzle. "And what have I tried to teach you about talking with your mouthful little one?"

The boys giggled at that but each one took there time finishing the breakfast. The guard also handed them small cups of warm tea to wash down the fruit. And this was how there masters found them shortly after mid morning sitting on the grass drinking tea while listening to another wild story from there favorite guard.

Lucas smiled at the boys as he listens for a moment before shouting out in a playful tone. "Don't you be filling these boys heads with to much nonsense now Shen. I still remember the stories your father used to tell me about how he'd found a city of Jade in the Kracker Mountains and then gave up more money then the emperor himself because he promised to the queen of the hairless apes that the location would for ever remain a secret."

Shen slapped his thigh and laughed, "Pappa still swears that all really happened, and that he couldn't find the place again if he wanted, the apes beer was so strong he was still drunk 3 weeks later when he wandered into a near by village."

The brothers smiled down at the boys. "I see you've got food in your bellies" said Darren. "Lord Deamon has told us he will be busy in official meetings all day as you all know. And the market is already open and in full swing. I say we see what new and interesting things they have for us."

Shen pulled out his mask and fell into step as the young lords lead there little charges down to the market town. He waved and five other guardsmen fell into step around him all armed with long spears, and wearing the snarling masks. He knew that a similar troop of guards marched ahead of the nobles, making sure the paths we cleared before the fox nobles arrived. The lords were well liked for the most part, but they had there enemies, as do all lords. Most of these would be other noble families but some also disapproved of the lords predilections and father who felt put on by one of the boys demands could also cause a problem. But those instances were far fewer now that they had there companions .

The market was full of stalls, in fact most of the town was stalls. The boys couldn't know this but for most of the year the town was empty. A few small families lived in the village and kept up the stalls. And the inn did a steady business from travelers since this was a junction of several caravan roots. But twice a year the caravans all meet to barter and exchange wares, and the little farming village becomes a bustling boom town almost over night. The families make enough off the leasing of the stalls to set them up till the next market and the traders get to send there goods out into new and fresh markets bringing in much profit to all.

But the little kittens looking around at all the stalls wide eyed didn't know this. Being former farm children there previous life had only the small gatherings of farmers markets to compare it too, and there new lives had been spent mostly in the confines of the lords palace. Nothing had prepared them for this. Each stall was colorfully decorated, trying to out do its neighbors. And the furs working the counters were calling out to the princes, as well as the little ones declaring that there products were the finest in all the market, no the land, no all of the five kingdoms and maybe the world itself. Some even tried to sell things to the guards as they used the long shafts of there spears to clear the path before the little entourage And the smells were enough to drive them all mad. Cooking from several cultures, exotic spices, baked goods and sweets, as well scents of oils like those there masters would some times have them wear. The stalls seemed to have everything on sale. Fine steel knives at one, little jade figurines at another, toys of tin and wood sold here, weapons and armor there. Books, art, bolts of cloth. And there wasn't just things on sale, there were tailors, and seamstress's, black smiths, and book binders. People who if you couldn't find exactly what you wanted could make it for you.

The boys all stopped and stared at a furtooists stall. A complicated procedure that only specially trained artists could perform. They watched as a little dog in thick spectacles dipped a long needle into a bottle of ink, pressed it to the skin and tapped on it hard with a small lead mallet. The horse under the needle winced at the pain, but judging by the intricate patterns along her arms it was something she was used to. The new one across the chestnut mare's back was still blank for now. The Furtoo wouldn't show up for a month or two, since the ink is injected into the root of each strand of fur permanently staining it in the new colors as it grows back. Judging buy the number of different ink pots set next to the little yellow dog this horse was getting something colorful and complex.

The brothers stopped at several stalls, with hawkers showing them the best of the products. Some even pulling out special items they would normally keep under lock and key. Knowing that even a single sale to the lord Deamon's house could lead to great things. Evidently the brothers had made purchases as the boys could hear the men talk of delivering there packages to the camp before night fall.

But it was little Lasaroo's sensitive nose that picked up on the new thing. "Whats that?" Murmured the little cheetah.

The boys followed after the little blue blur as his nose lead them to a Tobacconists stall. Behind the wooden partition a golden furred Labrador in long sand colored robes leaned over his work table casually grinding something into fine powder with a stone mortar and pestle. He wore an odd, tall sand colored hat that came to a flat square top, but had brightly colored ribbons intertwined around the sides and the back spilling down to cover the dogs neck and shoulders. The front of his stall, which the boys were peering up over at him, was comprised of canted open toped shelves filled with tried leaves of varies grads of tobacco. But it wasn't these browned leaves that had attracted the lads nostrils rather it was the scent wafting over from the wooden crate kept well out of reach of any passing prying paws. And they can see the dried green plants piled with in.

"What's that stuff." Whispered Duma

The yellow dog smiled up at the kittens. "Ohh little ones that is not something for you no, I think not. It is a potent herb for one of your kind yes. Hence why not many felines attempt to sell it. The temptation to indulge is to great for some I would think." He bobbed his head forward as if agreeing with himself, his tall hat never slipping from it's perch but the ribbons did flutter about him. He paused though and looked around a little puzzled that three such kittens would find there way alone to his stall.

It's not long before the clatter of bodies rushing forward in lacquered armor, and muffled complaints from those who had received rough treatment from the butt of a spear parted the crowed and first the guards and then the princes appeared at the stall.

His eyes went wide to see the Lord Daemon's own sons stop before his stall and the tall dog whimpers. "This might not be a good day I think." He had known that the lords planed to peruse the market today but he had been sure that they would pass buy his humble stall. He had not desired the publicity of a sale to the lord. Besides he was sure that the kitsune's did not indulge in tobacco.

Lucas frowned but not at the little dog, instead his eyes were on the three little boys who had turned to face him and his angry brother. But all of them kept glancing back at the stall. "And what do you think you were doing running off like that?" He snaped at the boys. "You ran off into the crowd on your own. Not waiting for the guards or us. Anything could have happened to you. You worried us both terribly." And his eyes slipped down to Lasaroo. "And what would father have said if something happened to you."

The boys all looked down cast not used to the brother's harsh tone and in fact they weren't sure why they ran off like they did. They certainly had not meant to worry there masters like they did.

It was the dog who stepped in to mitigate things. "Please lords it is not the little ones fault I think." He bowed low before them stepping around the front of his stall. "As the masters are Kitsune, you might not have noticed the scent, but the little masters here are kittens. I did not know any were near. I was preparing an order for a customer and they little ones caught scent of one of the particulars." He lifted up a little sprig with a dried leaf on it.

Darren let out a breath and nodded. "Ahhh that makes sense." Both brothers seem to relax. "Though all three of you are in trouble you should not have simply run off but It can be forgiven since no harm was done and you boys could not know of the cat nip."

The dog smiled, "Perhaps masters kittens would like a sample I think?" he released the leaf catching it in his palm before crushing it between his fingers. He glanced up at the two princes who watch him intently but both nod. He leaned forward, and uses one finger to place a few flecks for the herb into each kitten's mouth. First Duma, than Shabiru, and finally Lasaroo, who suckled on the finger for a moment. The big dog smiled and hurries back around the counter slipping what's left of the single leaf into a tiny drawstring bag.

The boys seem to concentrate not sure what to expect but they had wanted to try the stuff they smelled. Duma mews softer felt a warm feeling in his belly, it's not overpowering but it felt good, He leaned into Lucas nuzzling his masters hip as he purred, eyes closed. He felt stirrings they were faint but there and the warmth is a pleasant feeling. But it didn't stay long. It seemed to effect Shab and Las in similar manners, the littlest cheetah's ears are twitching fast and Shab seems to be rubbing his head under Darren's hand wanting the grown up to scritch him between the ears.

"Hmmm Yes it seems you have a good product here Master..." The dog spoke his name and while the dog is fluent in the princes language he was from a distant land and the name is odd but Lucas tried anyway. "Sham... Rock? Master Shamrock? Is that correct?"

"It is close enough I think young masters." The golden lab bowed once more.

Darren, one paw gently scratching between Sabiru's ears as his other pulled out a many times folded piece of parchment. "Perhaps you may be of assistance. You are a Tobacconist do you think you could prepare our fathers blend? Two separate batches please one as per the recipe here and another with," he glanced down to the kittens, "a complimentary batch of your finest nip."

Lucas smiled, "and I'd like a portion of nip uncut, but suitable for tea, or eating..."

The dog bowed once more glancing at the mixture and nods excitedly. "Yes young masters it shall be done." He turned back to the stall, pulling out grades to tobacco, flavoring agents dried fruits and herbs before, mixing them together, and roughly cutting through the mixture with an odd curved knife. Half this aromatic blend is then scraped off the cutting board and over onto a sheet of waxed parchment. He folds the packet over tying up the bundle with a length of twine. He then grabbed a large stone bowl, and opens another packet tossing several of the dried leaves into the bowl. With a smooth motion he takes a wooden cudgel. With slow circles he grinds down the leaves, all three kits sniffed loudly as the aromatic herb is reduced to fine flakes. He quickly took a scoop and filled another wax parchment packet with half the nip. He then took up the tobacco blend and transfers it to the bowl once more using the pestle, but this time not to grind the herbs but blend them, folding the light green of the nip, into the rich dark brown of the tobacco letting that earthy aroma not quite over come the nip. The last batch gets added to yet another parchment bundle. But unlike the first the Dog dripped hot wax over the seems of the two nip laden packets, before pressing dried mint leaves into the wax. "To keep curious noses from being too tempted by what is not ment for them" He said with a smile and a wink to the kittens. He handed all three packets to the princes and deftly pockets the generous coins proffered in payment. As the party turned to leave though he catches the littlest kitten's eye and with a wink flicked the little black drawstring pouch, the one that held the rest of the boys' first leaf, over to him. He smiled and with a little shoeing motions of his paws urges the boy to go on least the others catch him.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, Lasaroo had been given a pet as a gift. A fly of a bright blue color, the small delicate creature could fit in the palm of his hand. He happily cooed at the little creature for most of there walk back. Lucas had gifted Duma with a finely crafted toy wooden spear and a leather and laquer helm that the tiger had been eyeing in one of the toy stalls and promised him that Shen would teach him how to use it. Darren had presented his young cheetah with a more unique set of gifts, a set of fine brushes, and a box containing pots of colored inks and paints in almost every pigment imaginable. He knew the boy liked art and was talented at calligraphy and hoped he could watch Shabiru's talents blossom.

After the market trip the princes stopped at there fathers pavilion and said the boys were free until dinner. They were however to stay near the tents and within site of the guards. Shen would of course be shadowing them.

With time free the boys rushed back to the sleeping tent, Lasaroo to stow his pretty little fly, and Shabiru to stow his brushes and paints. Duma however kept his helmet and spear marching back and forth between the sectioned rooms.

Lasaroo pulled out the little black pouch and sniffed it. He sighed mewing softly. For some reason he was worried about having the nip in here. His master might not want him to have it, and he should share it too. It was a hard decision to make. "Duma, Shab, follow me I wanna show you something." The little blue cheetah scurried out of his room and headed for the door. Startled by the demanding tone of the timid little boy his brother and the tiger quickly followed.

Outside they see him talking with Shen, "... Don't follow. We have to use the pot and you can't peep."

The weasel sighed, he'll never understand this conviction that children have that people want to watch them on the pot. His own young ones would say similar things from time to time. "I swear little master that I will not watch you in the privy."

"Good" said the little blue ball of fur and scurried off, the other cubs confused but in hot pursuit.

"Why are you making us come with you to the chamber pot, Las your old enough to go on your own." Harrumphed Duma.

"I just said that so Shen wouldn't follow right away. " said the boy and he scurried right past the little tent containing the commode. "Now hurry." He slipped round back and headed behind one of the guards tents. He peered around making sure no one can see them, and motioned his playmates closer.

"What did you want us to see?" asked the older cheetah.

"This." said Lasaroo his eyes twinkling. "The doggy from the market gave it to me" He held up the little black pouch. He untied it and opened the top. All three boys stop as that tingling new scent so strange and so alluring floats past them. Las poured a little onto his paw and the boys each take a little bit sighing at the strange warmth once more. Las felt a heat building, it was a strange heat like, like when the master teased him for hours, till his body wanted his master with every ounce of his being. It felts like that. They each sighed not sure how long they stood there but a soft little gasp snaped them out of it with a shock. *****

Jamie was board. and the wagon rattled and bumped on the road rather uncomfortably, The eight year old gray lion might look like a miniature of his father, with matching ice blue manes, even if Jamies's was a little thinner since it was still growing in, but the boy didn't have his fathers patience. Besides they were late, they should have been to the market village 3 days ago. As it was the best stalls would be taken and Papa would have to spend most of the night haggling with the landlords for an outside stall. But Issac usually ran late. It really wasn't his fault it was just Papa could some times have the worst luck. He glanced up at his father. The older lion was well built, though he was a spice merchant the man still did much of his own work and it kept him in shape. His pantaloons were stained with road dirt as was his dark shirt and vest but he still wore his tasseled fez perched high upon his head. Jamie was dressed like his father but he was embarrassed by the hat. He felt the fez looked goofy on him with his little fuzzy mane starting to grow in. It was coming on evening when they came into the market town and sure enough Papa stopped at his favorite landlords to haggle a good spot. Jamie with a few coins in his pocket slipped away. Papa would be at it for at least 2 hours with the landlord. It was gossip as much as haggling and Jamie would be back before then. Papa would expect a report on the competition as well.

The little gray lion paid out one of his precious coins for a paper packet of roasted honey ants. His favorite market treat. The little insects some how blew up like balloons and filled with honey. Papa said it was normal for that type of ant, the honey ones could then feed the rest over lean weeks. Jamie didn't care about that he just knew they were good. He pulled out one of the marble sized round insects, watching the sluggish golden liquid swirl through the translucent shell before he popped it into his mouth with a crunch. He sighed as the honey hits his tongue. He rations them though since it's most likely going to be his only bag of the market he wants it to last.

It's then that a scent hits him. Being a market boy it's a scent he knows though he's never tried it. Papa says it's not for kitten and is a bad and wicked drug that can lead men into temptation. Jamie believes him too, Since just a wiff of it on the air is enough to tempt the little lion. It surely couldn't hurt to look, It never did before and besides this way he could tell Papa right where the wicked weed was so Daddy would know how to avoid it. Crunching on one more sweet ant he slips through me maze of stalls. He's surprised when the familiar wooden stalls turn to tents and pavilions though. Peering around a cloth wall he spots three little kittens two about his age, a tiger and a cheetah and the one a little younger was another cheetah. He gasped in alarm to see what the littlest boy had in his paw.


Duma whirled around, his spear leveled at the sound. "Halt who goes there." His voice was shaky. He didn't think they had done anything wrong, but now that they'd been caught he didn't want to get in trouble. He growled softly, even though his helmet was crooked and he looked ridiculous.

The little gray lion eeped softly as the tiger spotted him. "I, um, I'm sorry."

He looked ready to run, but Shabiru spoke up. "No, we're sorry. Don't go." The older cheetah sounded a bit sad and this caused Jamie to hesitate. "We don't get to meet many cubs our age, though Shen did say we can meet his cubs soon." The cheetah smiled at the lion, "What's your name?"

Jamie still seemed nervous. There was something odd about these boys, they were dressed so much nicer then him. "I'm Jamie," he almost whispered.

Lasaroo bounced a bit and almost pounced on the new kitty as he rushed forward. "Hi, I'm Lasaroo. That's my brother Shabiru. And grumpy pants over there is Duma." The tiger stuck out his tongue at the little blue cheetah. "We were tasting this! Want some?" The kitten almost shoved the pawfull of fresh catnip under the lion's nose.

With the scent so close he could feel it tickling deep in his nostrils. Jamie almost had no choice, he nuzzled down into the little cheetah's paw inhaling the precious herb.

"Hey!" said Duma indignantly. "Don't hog it all." While Jamie did get the lion's share of what was left of the little pouch, the other kittens got enough to feel warm and tingly too. Still new to all of them, the boys ended up on the short grass behind the tents, rolling around and nuzzling each other in ways familiar to the robed boys but new and exciting to the lion.

In a fuzzy daze, he shared the last of his ants with boys, he almost didn't notice when Shabiru and Duma started kissing. Once it sank in, the little lion was surprised but oddly not shocked by the display as Lasaroo snuggled up to him and a little blue paw caressed at the front of his pants.

Las gasped as he felt the cloth covered lump move underpaw. "Ohhh Big brother, stop fooling around. We should bring Jamie to meet the masters. I bet you want to meet them, don't you?" The little cheetah looked so excited, he surely didn't know his paw was still stroking the lions member through his much-patched pants. "You'll like our masters, they are the nicest people in the world. You'll be our first new friend since the masters picked us...Please say you'll come" The little paw squeezed.

Jamie managed to gasp out a muffled little "okay" before all three boys were hauling him off towards the biggest tent


Issac smiled, finally having talked Anabeth into a favorable deal. He would swear the haggling was some times the best part of these visits. He was a little disappointed to hear that he had already missed the young princes tour through the market. But they may do another and their father hadn't been with them this time, so there is always that chance as well. It was getting late and he looked about expecting his son back anytime now. "Where is that boy? Jamie knows to be back before sundown on this first day." His good mood drained away. It was unlike the boy to be late getting back. He knows he has to help set up the stall. The older man grumbled about the tanning he'd give his son for slacking off, the older lion began to unload. By the time he was done, it was nearly fully dark and Issac was starting to worry. This wasn't like Jamie at all. The boy had been late before, but nothing like this.

Setting off into the market, Issac started to ask around. Luckily a gray, blue maned lion cub was unusual enough to stick in the mind. Issac caught a roasted honey ant vender, just as he closed up for the day, and he remembered the boy. He pointed off in the direction the lad had headed. He came across other traces of the boy's passing when he reached the spot where the wooden stalls turn to silk pavilions. Surely Jamie wouldn't have gone in there.

He spotted a guard nearby, and carefully walked toward the spear carrying man. He was careful not to make any sudden moves. He knew he could get into a lot of trouble just for coming this close. "Excuse me sir. I'm looking for a boy?"

The lacquered demon mask just stared back at him impassively and a cold voice said, "The brothels are on the other side of the market."

Startled Issac stammers, "No no nothing like that sir. I'm looking for my son. A gray lion like me, short fuzzy blue mane. I think he may have passed this way."

The mask tilted to one side, "Oh Him." It said a touch more warmly, "Yes I did see him. The young masters brought him in to meet the lord and princes." There was almost a smirk in the man's voice now as he added. "Your his father eh? You should be proud of your boy."

"What do you mean by that?" Issac asked.

The guard laughed, "You'll see, now come with me." He grabbed the older lion's arm and pulled him into the circle of tents, up to the large pavilion in the center. There were two more men standing guard, each wearing their own impressive daemon-faced mask over their muzzle. The first guard chuckled for a moment. "Let the lords know that our young guest's father has arrived."

The lion was a little scared now. What has the boy gotten himself into? The lord, and the princes...Oh gods oh gods oh gods.

The large tent was lit well from within, but the light was diffuse enough that the occupants cast no clear shadows, and the heavy silk and canvas muffled most sounds. When one of the guards opened the flap there was a brief waft of fragrant smoke. Apples, and cherries and...he sneezed at the last familiar scent.

Out of the tent stepped two silver foxes, their robes were fairly loose, and a cloud of that fragrant smoke traveled with them but both were smiling. "Ahhh you are you Mister Jamie's father. I do see the resemblance," said the one on the left.

The one on the right piped up, "your boy met our young wards this evening and they became fast friends. They felt it only right to introduce him to us. I must tell you he is a pleasant boy." He gripped the lion's arm lightly.

The brother on the left then gripped his other arm. "It's been delightful to meet him. He's so well behaved." They both gently pulled the startled man into the tent

Issac coughed lightly as he was pulled into the smoky tent. The room was dimly lit and filled with a light fruity smoke, but there was something else in it something that tickled his nose and made his whiskers itch. He looked around blearily, he'd been told his son was here but it took him a moment to spot the boy. And then it took a almost a full minute more for the situation to sink in. Across from the startled father, sat the Lord Deamon, his robes open in the front so that his red furred chest was bare. And sitting in the lord's lap was a gray furred lion cub. It took Issac a moment to recognize his son, because the last time he'd seen the boy he had been fully clothed and wasn't moaning like that.

As the angry father took a step forward, he felt his arms gripped and noticed that the princes were still holding him firmly. Lucas smiled and said, "He is such a delightful boy."

Darren whispered, "and so wonderfully energetic. And with such a hunger for knowledge."

The lord Deamon sighed, his thick black cock buried up to the knot in the panting little lion kitten in his lap. He could feel that so recently virgin orifice as it rested against the little fist of muscle as the boy tried hard to keep his balance. His paws were on the adults thighs and his feet rested on Lasaroo's shoulders. The little gray kitten moaned softly, and to the kitsune's delight he had been rocking himself up and down on the lord's maleness. He hadn't had to touch the lad at all. Once the head was in and the boy's flower truly plucked, the horny boy had taken over. They both moaned softly, feeling the little cheetah's tongue as it played over both pucker and pillar. The kitsune lord reached out and took a long drag on one of the pipes of his favorite hookah, letting the fragrant smoke fill him up. His other paw gripped the little lion cub's face, pulling him around into a tight kiss and exhaling the catnip laden fumes into the trembling little boy. As the kiss came apart wisps of white smoke seeped from the cub's nostrils and open mouth. The lad purred softly before a tiny shudder climbed up his back. Whether that's from the smoke, or the fact that a little muzzle had clamped itself to the kittens tiny little erection didn't matter to the kitsune who simply smiled over at the enraged father. He rested his paws on the back of his head, as if to show the man what a depraved little whore his son had become as the boy bounced on the nobles erection. Even as he flooded the little one's sweet anus with seed, he kept his eyes firmly on Issac, with a grin across his lips.

The adult lion growled as he watched his son violated in such a way. He took a deep breath to shout, but the princes' hands grip him hard and pushed him into the wooden table knocking the breath from his lungs. They rolled the gasping fur onto his back and held him there, pinned to the hard wood. Each moved a hand on his shoulder, and the other on his hip keeping him from squirming too much. But he could lean his head back and still see his only son with the man's ebony cock wedged obscenely between the plump little rump cheeks as the little lion moaned and writhed in pleasure.

Jamie was lost in himself. If he wanted to, he could blame it on the catnip, but he knew that was a lie. The catnip had helped, let him come out of his shell, but it hadn't made him do anything. He'd thought about things like this before, and in Four-Corners he'd once kissed the Miller's boy on a dare. And at the older boy's whispered suggestion, came back later that night and tasted him once more. It wasn't as though his tailhole had been pure, and one or two men had known his lips. But it was nothing like this, the feeling of being full, and the red ones intoxicating smoky kisses - now that he could blame on the nip, but didn't care. He sighed happily and moaned as he felt the man below him start to squirt, feeling the heat filled up his guts with a sensation that's so new it was almost painful. He wiggled a bit trying to point the spreading heat towards that deep spot. The one inside that could make his knees go weak. He wished he'd known about that sooner, oh gods the time he'd wasted. His eyes focused for a moment, and through the drifting smoke he spotted a gray lion being held down by the silver foxes. He opened his mouth softly and let out a breathy squeak, "Daddy?"

Lord Deamon sighed happily. "Yes child, your father was here for your wonderful performance." The red furred man gripped the kitten's hips and held him in place as his churning balls continued to empty into the little kitten. "I think you put on a wonderful show."

Below both of them, Lasaro spun around to rest in the master's shadow, he tickled those heavy balls with his ears. And as the pressure built up inside Jamie, dribbles of sticky cum dripped from the well plowed anus and dribbled down across his face. "Normally I'd never presume. It's a fathers divine right to take a son, but your boy was so neglected. His mouth was talented but to still be a virgin at his age? I just had to further his education. However, as the boy's father, you still have rights." His eyes flickered to the corner of the room and two giggling voices were heard.

Issac struggled against the brothers and had no idea what was coming next. A little cheetah and white tiger, both nude climbed onto the table with him. They quickly began to strip him down, but this offered no chance of escape. Instead of tugging off the older lions clothing, their little teeth and little claws quickly reduced it to shreds. And despite the horror that coursed through him, those young, lithe little bodies rubbed all over him and it got his blood flowing.

Duma giggled as he crawled over the gray furred lion. He was older than the brothers, but his body was firm. He bet a daddy like this could make for a lot of fun for a little cub. Shabiru and him both chose then to worry at the man's final covering, the one that concealed the lion's manhood. The little tiger took a deep breath, the man smelled of sweat and musk but it was not the rank sour smell of the unwashed. Rather the masculine scent of hard work and lust. With a giggle, the two kittens wiggled their rumps as they gnawed on the old linen, both knowing that the lion couldn't help but see their pert little rumps, their plump little sacks that just ached to be touched. The boys played tug of war over the undies till they snapped and spilled an ample supply of daddy for the world to see. Ripe, full jewels that could fill a cubs paw, and a thick, ridged black cock that just peeked out of its sheath ready for play time.

"Ohhhhh Jamie. Your daddy looks good enough to eat." The little tiger let his sandpaper tongue flick out across the cock tip, getting a startled squeal from the man. "Tastes good too."

Jamie moaned softly, his pulse pounding in his ears, as he watched the two boys molest his father. He watched, still rocking slightly against the one-eyed mans cock, even though it had stopped pumping him full of juice. His eyes went wide to see his papa's own manhood rising into the air, the little muzzles that nuzzled at the shaft, how they caressed the length of it, how their lips nibbled at the jewels. He watched the boys primping and teasing his father, how they wiggled their rumps to make him squeak and moan. How they dragged there hard little cocks through his chest fur even as he struggled to break free. The Deamon lord pulled the kitten's face back for another smoky kiss, and the cub shuddered, taking it deep into his lungs. The sweet, pungent smoke for a moment brought him to clarity and he sighed relaxing his muscles, the boy's eyes tried to cross as he watched the curling smoke.

The little lion leaned forward feeling the big fox cock slowly slipping free, that sensation was almost as pleasurable as when the man had first thrust it in and granted Jamie the release from his cursed virginity. With a wet plop, the man came free but the cub didn't look back. He could feel the seed running down his thighs but took no notice of Lasaroo still beneath him, mouth open to catch the largest droplets of spent seed.

On shaky legs, the little lion made his way toward the table and his father. Seeing him coming, the other boys parted for him, each sliding to one side of the big lion's body. They sat cross-legged on the table top, knees pressed into the lions side, immature little erections jutting into the air. Jamie reached the head of the table and climbed up. He pulled himself over his father on hands and knees. He paused for a moment, catching his dad's muzzle in his paws for a quick upside down kiss, before he proceeded along his body toward his eventual goal.

Shocked, it was all Issac could do to stop his struggle. His eyes went wide as the little one's throbbing erection passed before him and the man had to will himself not to lean forward to kiss it. He wondered if the smoke was affecting him too, or if he really wanted to...

His thought was cut off as Jamie leaned forward, and with a pleading hungry whine of "Oh Daddy!!" his soft little muzzle engulfed the source of his life.

Jamie sat down, his bottom still dripping spent seed. He rocked back and forth, grinding his cummy buns into his daddy's chest. His own cock ran through soft fur. He didn't notice any of this however. All his senses were focused like a laser on the black shaft that was his father's own cock. He purred as he leaned into it, sending the vibrations thundering through his papa. He wanted it all, on a fundamental level he knew this was wrong but it felt right. He came from here, so how bad could it be to go back.

Duma smiled and winked over at Shabiru. With a quick movement, he straddled the lions paw, letting his balls drag across the palm, and felt a finger tap lightly at his star. The big lion was distracted, and didn't notice what the kittens were doing, so Shabiru followed suit. With the man's paws clamped between their thighs the boys had him pinned. He could get away if he ever noticed, but as it is he was too busy. The princes smiled, stepping back, releasing the lion, content just to watch the show.

Jamie laid on his belly and wiggled his butt back along Issac's chest. His lips just held the tip of his dad's massive member. Not nearly as big as the Lord's, but in some ways it was even better, it was special. His arms were outstretched and he held his papa's jewels in his paws, one in each. Fingers kneading as he suckled. He seemed to have fallen back in time, remembering what it was like before he was weened and wanting his milk. But not just any milk, he needed that special, salty milk only daddies could make. He moaned, rocking back and forth, rubbing his whole body along his father's chest as he pulled himself forward, wanting more.

This was wrong. He knew it was wrong, that was his son, oh gods. But the feeling. He looked down and saw his son's pale gray buttocks, so plump and ripe as they dripped with another man's juices. He was jealous, that should he his seed seeping from the boy. He felt the kitten's little erection as it thumped into his chest and could see it pressed back, drug between the little marbles that were the lion cub's jewels. He shuddered softly, the lad's mouth was so good. He couldn't help but glance up at that pink little star and wonder how his rump would feel.

The two little cubs squirmed on the adults paws. The little tiger moaned in jealousy as he saw the lion inhaling the man. Across from him, the Cheetah whimpered. The boys had been without all evening. It had been fun watching the little lion suckle at the princes and ride the lord but the boys had needs too, and this evening the absence was unbearable. Duma wiggled a bit, his own little erection sticking straight out, his tail lashed listlessly when the daddy lion's hand spasmed. Little Jamies lips must have been driving the father wild since the man started to squeeze, and by happy accident one finger hit just the right spot. The white tiger moaned, little paws clutched tightly to his blazing orange chest patch, as one of the lions thick fingers spread his needy pucker wide.

Shabiru looked at his friend puzzled for a moment wondering what had gotten into the tiger, but then he felt the man's strong fingers squeeze his rump and with a purr he knew. When those digits relaxed in time to the lion cub's oral attention the cheetah wiggled a bit, shifting the big, pinned paw till, with the next squeeze, his happy squeal melded into Duma's and blotted out the older lion's tortured moans.

Jamie crawled forward, leaving a trail of spent seed down his fathers chest. The little lion craned his neck as he moved closer, letting the suction keep his father warm and snug between his lips. Soon though, the angle was too much and, with a shuddering gasp, the delightful member slipped from the little cub's lips.

Issac's eyes snapped open as the bewitching suction stopped abruptly. "Jamie, what...?" He looked down his body, seeing the thick black shaft of his member coming into view as his son's pale body crawled over it. The boy was panting loudly as he cleared his fathers manhood. For a moment the lion thought to struggle, but some how little thighs had his wrists clamped tight and each pull and tug just seemed to make the giggling cubs grip him tighter.

Lasaroo appeared before the white loin cub and smiled, leaning forward. His little paw gripped the man's thick shaft, holding it up in place with one paw as the other kneaded the man's seed sack, feeling it fit to burst. Looked like both papa and son needed this.

Jamie gripped his own love-spattered ass in both paws and spread his cheeks. He peered over his shoulder at his father as he let the younger, though more experienced, cheetah guide that shiny, black kitten-splitter toward his oh-so-hungry hole.

Knowing what was coming, Issac tried once more to wriggle free, eliciting even louder squeals from his youthful restraints. "Jamie... Please son, I'm begging you. It's not right. Please don't..."

But once more the father's protests died with a strangled sobbing moan as the tip of his shaft spread the little lion's pucker. The obscenely erotic way black flesh parted the pink and stretched taught little muscles as it disappeared into the darkness of the affectionate lad. He knew there was no way to stop it before, but now there really was no going back. He was fucking his son, and by the gods it felt good.

Jamie groaned as the already imperfect seal of his anus was broken once more. He felt the warmth of the lord's juices flowing out of him as that seed anointed his father's shaft. The boy sighed as he bared down on the trapped lion.

Lord Deamon gripped the older gray lion by the muzzle, bending his head down so he could see his son. "Look at that perfection, Master merchant. There is nothing quite so beautiful as a young boy's tail hole. I bet you've never felt better. No wife, no whore, no bitch in heat could ever be more wanton then that delicate little arse right there." He kept a tight grip on the man, making sure he saw every inch bury itself in the boy. "And the fact that the best fuck of your life is going to come from your own son, that's just the honey on top."

The kitten moaned as he hilted his father. He looked down and giggled, seeing his own dusty marbles resting on top of his daddy's big, fat balls. He wiggled his hips and his paws released his rump. He felt the firm cushions of flesh close about the man who made him. He paused there, resting his weight on his father's groin as his paws slipped down and felt his daddy's jewels. They seemed so tight and firm, and he would swear he felt a pulse through them as the tips of his fingers pressed into the needy orbs. Each touch even the lightest caused a twinge from the organ up his rump, and the little wildcat wondered if it was his fathers heart beat that caused it or just his lust. Either way, he felt how tight his father was, it must have been such a long time, maybe even since before mommy had passed. So long it was not healthy, the little cub could barely go for a day without pawing himself. His father was lucky that his balls hadn't burst by now. Well Jamie would see to that and make sure his daddy never had to worry again. With a whimper, the little lion twisted about, clenched his muscles and squeezed as he moved to face his papa.

Issac almost howled as the boy rotated around his member. Did he know how that would make him feel? The older man looked up at his son and the boy smiled coyly. His face looked so sweet and innocent as he gazed lovingly down on his father. The illusion of innocence however was ruined by the boy's little jutting erection and how his rear entrance was massaging his father's prick.

Feeling left out, the princes released the old lion's legs. The gray furred man was too far gone to even notice and they decided to take their own place in this tableau. Each lordling, their needy members aching from the show before them, took their place behind the preferred cub. Darren's paws gripped Shabiru's shoulders and he pushed the little cheetah forward. The kitten moaned as he nuzzled up to the daddy lion's neck and purred into the man's chest. He barely registered Lucas doing the same to Duma, but when he felt the tip of his master's cock probe beneath his tail, his squeals were greeted by echos from the little tiger too. Both princes pushed forward, their shafts rubbing along the finger still trapped inside with them up to the second knuckle.

"Well well well, I must say boys, that's an interesting restraint. A new take on a finger trap,"giggled Darren, as he hilted himself in the cheetah. Both kittens were too far gone to respond, lost in the sensations and more instinctive than normal. It felt so good they couldn't help but nuzzle and lick at the gray lion's chest and neck. They even nibbled lightly on a particularly forceful thrust.

Deamon just watched, in silence, a patient Lasaroo stroking his shaft. Expert fingers kept the master just shy of climaxing.

Jamie hunched forward, his paws resting on the other kittens' backs as he started to rock his hips. The little lion moaned out wantonly as he rode his father. "Oh, god... Oh papa... Oh DADDIE!!!!" He squealed as he came, but the little kitten kept moving. Daddy hadn't cum yet, and daddy needed to cum. More importantly, daddy needed to cum in him. He needed his fathers love, he ached for it, and he wouldn't stop till he had drained his fathers balls dry of every single squirt. One way or another.

Issac fought against his treacherous body. The little tongues and teeth on his neck and chest pushed him closer to the edge, but that was nothing. Mere background static to the turmoil in his soul. His son hovered above him, panting and keening like a queen in heat, his once virginal tail hole now squeezed like a high priced whore. He didn't want to do this to the boy, but he knew his body wouldn't let him resist much longer. And god knows if he even wanted to resist any more.

The lord leaned forward quickly, and before either Issac or Jamie could react a paw flashed forward. Fingers gripped the little lions cheeks as the kitsune stood over the little kitten's father. The nobleman's jewels rested on the older cat's forehead as he guided the son's lips to the dripping cock head. Issac sputtered as some of the man's pre landed one his face

However Lasaroo was not one to be left out and he spent the next few moments licking and kissing the old lions face, cleaning up every drip and drop of pre.

Darren moaned loudly as he thrust into his pet, feeling his balls brush the old mans knuckles. With a groan he pushed deep, flooding his kitten with seed and feeling the well trained little boy spasm and shudder through his own little release. He pulled back with a wet slurp, the friction pulled the lion's own finger free as well. The prince giggled as the spent seed dripped free, pooling in the old man's palm.

Jamie moaned and instinctively slurped up the lords mighty ebony member, his lips closed around that tip and he started to suckle. The boy couldn't control himself as he shoved down onto his daddy as well. It was too much stimuli, with his mouth full of nobleman he tried to let out the feelings inside. As his body trembled, it only came out as a wet gurgle. The source of that gurgle being the torrent of semen that poured into his gullet as Deamon roared out his ecstasy. But the little lion cub wasn't done. Dazed, he slumped back, driving his daddy deep within his quivering little tail hole. And as the boy shuddered his way through this most powerful orgasm, he felt his daddy respond as well.

Issac almost didn't notice the kitsune's raining seed as it splattered down across his face and chest. With a final sob he surrendered to his body, all resistance gone, as his member erupted into his son's now well-used ass. He could feel the heat slipping from him and launched in thick strands of lust deep inside the boy. Issac looked up, tears streaming down his face, only to see the crying face of his own son. The little man's white fur matted and sticky.

Jamie leaned forward not sure why he was crying, only knowing that something was different now. He and his father would never be the same again. He leaned down and passionately kissed his papa's lips, tasting their mingled tears. "I love you daddy."

Issac returned the kiss with an equal passion, not even noticing the taste of other men on his boys lips. "I love you too, son"

Exhausted, the nobleman and one of his sons fell back to the cushions bringing Shabiru and Lassaroo with them. It had been a long day and now sleep would be welcome.

Except for poor Duma, since Lucas had yet to climax. The big kitsune was still mounted over the little tiger, grunting through each thrust as the others drifted off to sleep.


The Issac yawned and stretched before he rubbed at his sleepy eyes with . He could feel a weight on his chest and from the little snoring purrs he realized is must be Jamie. The boy must have had a nightmare. Odd it had been years since the lad had felt the need to seek his bed roll to keep the darkness away. He prepared to roll over and shift his son gently to the ground but at the first shift of his hips he felt a tight rug around his morning wood. Whoever it was who had slept the night through on his chest also had his rod buried deep inside them. With a yip he sat bolt up right as the nip addled memories of last nights romp came crashing back.

Jamie tumbled from his fathers lap, the old mans rod slid free with a wet splutter sound as the kitten yowled at the rude awakening. His already sore backside further punished but his tumble onto the hard wood table.

Father and son's eyes met in that moment and the looked on each other one set of eyes filled with horror and shame. The other eyes at first startled gradually shifted into something playful as a smirk smeared itself across the kitten's face. He crawled forward purring as a deep cough told them they were not alone.

The man and his son were on the large heavy table they remember from the night before, apparently having slept there. Across the room sat the The lord and his sons, resplendent in there robes. Apparently freshly groomed and perfumed showing none of the wear of last night, each had his preferred cub sitting at his feet.

Lord Deamon spoke up, "Ahh Master Issac awake at last I see." He seemed to be glancing over a number of scrolls. "While you were indisposed I had my scribes visit your stall. I've just been going over your books. You seem to have a talent for your profession." He looked over at the shell shocked lion. "The reason I bring this up is part of the reason for the inspection of the trading town this year was that I seek a new minister of trade. Some one who understands the situation from the side of the tradesmen, rather then sometimes unrealistic expectations of the nobility. Would you be interested in the position?"