Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Story by Wascally Wabbit on SoFurry

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#1 of Peter Cottontail

It was the night before Easter. Plenty of creatures were stirring... and one was a hare. The brown hare strolled across the grass of one of the neighborhood lawns with a basket of multi colored eggs clutched in it's paws.The bunny's nose twitched nervously. It had to find a replacement soon or it would turn into a full hare, doomed to stay that way until it's death.

You see, this hare was no regular hare. This bunny walked upright like a man, talked like a man and even lived like one. For 364 days a year, the hare lived as a normal human male. But on the night before Easter, he would change into a were-hare and became endowed with powerful magic so he could deliver eggs to the children of the world who lived in countries that celebrated the holiday. The man could change into his hare form whenever he wished but it was only on Easter that would he changed involuntarily.

Nearly two hundred years ago, a were-hare predecessor had snuck in through his window one night and told him to make a choice. And now, he must offer another youth that same choice. Searching for the right boy was no easy task; the candidate would have to be open to the task and not only that, the human had to be... unique. The bunny loped up to a window and checked it if it was an available entry point.

The window gave way and carefully the hare slowly slipped inside the dwelling, as it's large brown furred feet pressed on the soft carpet. His mission tonight was more than difficult and time was running out. Much was at stake, including his very own humanity! Indeed, if he did not find a suitable replacement before sunrise, he would never become human again after such a long time being stuck between animal and man.

Not that he didn't love what he had become over the years and not that it hadn't been his own choice, but he was looking forward to finally passing his heritage to another and living a normal life once again. He had once been a normal twenty-five year old man who was searching for a deeper purpose. He had so many failed relationships that it was pathetic.

Lady after lady had rejected him for he had nothing of value to give them. And eating dinner in candlelight all alone on cold nights was horrible. He had never felt so lonely in his life and it was getting to be all too much for him to take. Then one spring night, he awoke to see a large brown hare looking at him and it was standing there upright on its two hind paws!

The creature talked to him and he thought that it was some kind of dream at first. But upon bumping his head against a drawer, he soon realized how real everything was. The creature held out a paw and smiled down at the man as it's whiskers twitched.

"Sorry to wake you at such a late hour but I've brought something for you." the hare said as a basket magically appeared in one paw as it still held out its other hand before him in greeting.

The youth reached out and shook its free paw while he took the basket from the hare.

"What are you?" the youth asked as he looked into the basket that contained brightly colored eggs and assorted goodies.

"I'm the Easter Bunny! Well... Not for long anyway." the hare shrugged, as it's long ears flopped down on either side of its head. "You see, that's why I'm here."

"What do you want from me?" the man asked, still not truly believing what he was seeing or hearing.

"My time is growing short. As the bunny that brings so much joy to others, I'm in need of a replacement. Someone really capable to take over and continue my work... Like you, perhaps." the hare replied, winking mischievously at the young gentleman.

"What can I do?" the man asked sleepily as he yawned.

"Well, that's the thing... You must become like what you see standing before you right now." the hare spoke softly as he displayed his body for the man to behold.

"Excuse me?" The man asked not sure if he heard the creature right.

"A life of service! And in exchange, a long life to bring joy to the others... and yourself. But there is a catch, of course." The brown hare said nobly.

"Everything has a price, I suppose. What's the condition?" The man asked.

"You will become attracted to other men for the rest of your life. Even after you have regained your humanity back after you pass on the magic to the next Easter Bunny." The bunny said with a longing in his eyes.

"I'm straight... But if I should become a bunny rabbit, I will only want other men?" The man asked, making sure he was clear on the terms.

"That's right, old boy! You really didn't think that the Easter bunny was straight, did you? I mean, prancing around with the colored eggs and all that business. It certainly makes plenty of sense if you think about it." The hare explained, grinning from ear to ear.

"I see." The man replied as he thought it all over and considered the possibilities.

"However, you will only remain this way for the next two hundred years before you must find another candidate to pass on the gift. It's your choice and might I humbly say that it's also quite a once and a lifetime opportunity, if you ask me." Said the hare as he sat next to him.

"So... How do I become like you?" The man asked sounding interested.

"That, my boy, is only possible if I have sex with you. And that's why you become gay after the change." The bunny replied, bringing a paw to his shoulder.

"Alright. Take me and pass on the gift into me. I can't jolly well let the joy of Easter disappear now, can I?" The man smirked to the brown hare.

The bunny smiled back and began stripping the man bare of his sleeping garments. Then he slide his body over on top on the male. The hare felt his shaft slipped free of his hairy sheath.

"Thank you, sir... Thank you for keeping the magic alive." The hare said taking the human and locking him into a deep kiss.

The hare then pushed his warm thick shaft into the man's deep hole, stretching him out with his huge phallus. The human gasped softly as he felt the hare entering him.

"What's your name?" The man asked the hare as he moaned softly.

"Peter... Peter Cottontail." The hare replied. Soft moonlight glinting off the hare's beautiful buck teeth.

Both males shared a laugh as they kissed again deeply and wrapped themselves together in each other's arms. The brown hare smiled fondly, thinking back on the change that followed. The wonderful feeling of lush brown fur that swept across his body. The feeling of their dongs rubbing together was exquisite. Sadly, he would have to give that up if he wished to remain human for the remainder of his life.

Tiptoeing through the living room, the bunny quickly crept up the stairs towards the bedrooms in silence. This man was quite well off but he had no children. it was just as well. He didn't want to pass the magic to a man with an established family anyway for obvious reasons. Each step brought soft moans to the hare's lips as his plump brown furred sack bounced with every movement.

This moment was bittersweet and the hare knew his time was at hand... or rather paw. Peter knew he would have one good last fuck as an animal before the fur would fall away and his cottontail would fall off. A lone tear fell down Peter's cheek. Was he crying? The hare thought about the name he'd adopted from the bunny before him. His real name was Frank and soon he would take up that name again and live a normal life in the human world. But only this time, as one of them.

Slowly stalking towards the master bedroom, Peter stuck his nose through the door crack. A tall man slept naked atop his covers and was laid out on his stomach.

Peter smiled naughtily. Ah! The life of a bachelor, the bunny thought to himself.

Peter swung the bedroom door open carefully and strolled in. He looked about and the hare quietly chuckled to himself as he passed by the man's dresser with a jar of condoms sitting atop it. This man was certainly a playboy, with either men or women. Peter was not sure, but if all went to plan he too would soon be a bunny.

Peter stood at the foot of the sleeping man's bed, admiring his round firm globes and strong body. Peter sat on the edge of the bed and slowly roused the man from his slumber, The man kicked a little and lifted his head. Looking over at the giant hare sitting along the edge of his bed, he quickly rolled out of bed and dove for the closet.

"Whatever the hell! Get away from me!" The guy shouted across the bedroom to the creature on the bed. "I mean it!"

"I have something for you, Dan." Peter spoke softly careful so as not to alarm the man any further.

"How do you know my name? Is this some sort of office prank?" Dan shouted out from the closet.

"I've know you for a long time, Dan... I'm the Easter Bunny and I've come to ask something of you." Peter said frankly.

"The Easter Bunny? You're nuts, man! The Easter Bunny doesn't exist! And you're just some wacko in a suit." Dan laughed mockingly.

"Don't be like that. Come out and see what I've brought you." Peter chided as he sat on the bed covers with his legs crossed.

The closet door cracked open slightly and a pair of blue eyes peered into the darkness with curiosity. The eyes watched Peter's every move, then observed the bunny had pulled a large purple basket from behind it's back. The hare patted the bed, as it's long furry legs stretched across the mattress.

"What do you want from me?" Dan asked, eyeing at the phone next to the head of the bed that was far from his reach.

"I am only asking you for your help. My time as the fabled Easter Bunny had been gratifying and fulfilling over the centuries, but now my time grows short. I must find someone who can take the job and enjoy it as much as I have." Peter replied giving Dan a knowing smirk.

"You can't be real! Things like this don't happen in real life... This all has to be a wild dream of some sort." Dan tried to convince himself hysterically.

"Well, why don't you come out and... feel for yourself? Make sure that I'm real and not a hallucination." Peter cooed gently smoothing the fur on his well-toned legs.

Slowly Dan stepped out of his closet in nothing but his birthday suit. The man blushed embarrassed about his nudity in front of this strange creature.

"Don't worry about being in the buff. It's nothing I haven't seen before. Trust me. It's all part of my... gift. And speaking of gifts, I have a second one for you if you want it." Peter quipped.

"Oh! What might that be?" Dan asked the hare as he took his chance and picked up his phone. The line was dead.

"Nothing much. Just a matter of preferences... Sexual preference. Heh heh... And by the way, I've taken the liberty of pulling your phone jack out from the wall." Peter grinned mischievously as he twirled Dan's phone line in his paws.

"What do you mean... sexual preferences?" Dan asked, still trying to cover his own genitals.

"I used to be straight. But one night, I was awakened by a great brown hare who very much is like what you see before you now. And he gave me a choice, to live as a were hare and become gay and only want other males... or to stay human and die of old age." Peter said, scratching at his chest lightly with a come-hither expression upon his muzzle.

"Wait... You're serious?.... You are! Okaaaay.... So how long would I be responsible for this job? What are the conditions?" Dan chuckled to himself; this was all starting to feel like a job interview. A very weird job interview.

"Nothing too steep. Just your service for the two-hundred years in exchange for a life of purpose and joy." Peter said reaching into the basket and pulling out a chocolate egg.

"I can't believe this... This sounds so crazy... But you're real! It's all real!" Dan marveled as he reached out to stroke the bunny's thick soft brown pelt.

"So... What do you say, Dan?" Peter held out a paw with a friendly smile across his face as his nose twitched excitedly.

Dan looked up at the hare's eyes, deep in his own thought. Peter held his breath nervously due to what was at stake.

"I'm in. How do we make the transfer official?" Dan replied decisively after a long pause as he took the bunnies paw and shaking it firmly.

"Well, you're already past the first step in the process. So only one thing left to do!" Peter chuckled giddily.

"What's that, Mr. Easter Bunny, sir?" Dan asked playfully.

"Just let your fingers do the walking!" Peter laughed, grabbing Dan's tool with a paw.

Dan moaned quietly, feeling a little bit anxious about getting intimate with another male. Peter rubbed a thumb around the ridge of Dan's penis, causing hiss body to buck violently in response.

"So this is what it takes to become a hare, eh?" Dan mused, groaning a little from the hare's touch.

"It's why you become gay after being transformed. Even after you have become human again after the completion of your tour of duty." Peter breathed heavily as he scritched at Dan's chest.

"C... Can I touch you? Dan asked the hare nervously.

"I'd be insulted if you didn't, Dan." Peter purred.

Dan reached out to rub Peter's richly furred and toned chest and felt the fur flattening between his fingers luxuriously.

"How long will it take to change from man to bunny?" Dan questioned, as he got more comfortable with the idea.

"After reaching orgasm, you'll start to feel the effects of the job you will be charged with. The feeling you will experience is indescribable... You have to feel it to understand what I'm talking about " Peter said, ceasing stimulation to Dan's pole.

"Ungh... Why did you stop?" Dan whined.

"Turn around and I'll be more than happy to show you." Peter spoke low as the brown hare licked his lips.

Dan lay on his stomach as Peter slinked over the human with his penis sliding against his back.

"Mmm, you're so warm." Dan complimented as his back arched sharply.

"Open yourself up a little for me, Dan. Just relax your muscles and spread your cheeks wide. There's nothing to it." Peter instructed his young ward.

Dan reached back and ran his hands across his frosted globes and pulled them apart slightly.

"That's it, Dan... Now just relax your hole and exhale. It'll only sting for a moment." Peter warned. Dan braced himself for entry as the hare placed his shaft against his anus. Then Peter entered his virgin hole, slowly slipping into the man's tight and warm love canal.

"Oooh! Oh, you're so warm!" Dan winced for a moment, relaxing soon after.

"You're doing wonderfully, love. Thank you so much for helping me out to return to the land of humans again." Peter murred.

"What... do y... you me... mean, Flopsy?" Dan asked as his head squashed up against the pillows.

"If I don't find a suitable male volunteer to pass the magic on by the time my limit runs out, I will change into a regular hare for the rest of my existence..."

"... That is why I'm thanking you for helping me and continuing to bring the joy of Easter to the others." Tears swelled in Pete's eyes.

"Ungh.... So you'll change back to human again permanently?" Dan groaned quietly.

"That's right. Come dawn, I'll shift back into a human one final time and pick up a normal life again after such a very long time." Peter licked across Dan's back longingly.

"Mmmmmph.... I wish there was a way you could stay this way, Peter. We have tonight to be together as hares... Ungh! Then it's my time." Dan finally understood the importance of the task that would soon be put in his hands to accomplish.

"I love the young ones! They're always so tiiiiiight. Enjoy it now while you can. You'll be much looser before you even know it!" Peter remarked ramming into Dan faster now.

"Oh oooh OH! You're so good at this! You know every little trick to make me feel great!" Dan complemented, pushing his ass further up to give Peter better access.

"Get ready, love... I'm gonna blow!" Peter shouted forcefully, as the hare's furry balls slapped loudly against Dan's own.

"Oh... ung... ohh God!" Peter screamed blasting hot cum deep into Dan's bowls.

"Mmm...... phew! That was intense... You were amazing... Thumper!" Dan huffed playfully. His body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat.

"Ungh... So hot... I'm burning up! Oh God... I'm sweating like a pig."

Peter quickly slipped out and lay beside Dan, waiting for the final step to begin. Dan's heart started racing wildly as his cock became rock hard. Peter looked over at the man and saw a bittersweet sight. Dan was mutating slowly as his body showing the first signs of the change.

"Dan! Look at yourself! You're changing into the new Easter Bunny!" Peter cried out, giddy with joy.

Dan looked at the thick brown fur blossoming across his chest as his lips quivered and his eyes wide with astonishment.

"Wow, I feel so strange... I've never felt so horny before in my life! You're such a beautiful looking bunny." Dan bellowed looking to Peter intently, a lust burning deep with in the male's eyes.

The thick fur cascaded down Dan's stomach and flowed to his pubes. Tiny moans of pleasure could be heard as the changes quickened. The hair around his erect member came alive as the mass thickened out and becoming softer yet slightly coarse. Dan's feet stretched longer as the familiar brown fur spilled over them. His big toes also dropped from his feet and onto the bedspread.

Now possessing huge furry hare's feet, Dan chuckled like a kid as he wiggled his new toes with delight. A strange pressure formed inside Dan's head like a migraine and moments later, a loud crack brought his face out into an attractive proto-muzzle. The change was almost done and soon Peter would need to teach Dan about his powers before sunrise. ..