TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission

Story by Heroquester2018 on SoFurry

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#3 of TOKYO ZONE Episodes

Tafu falls in Love, but its limited.

It was 9 P.M in Tokyo Japan, and our Furry Fighters were on a night patrol. Waizu had let them do for most of the night. But Tafu would finally find love for the very first time.

"Remember Girls, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent." Sakura told the other girls as they were leaping from building to building.

When they stopped to take a rest from leaping on buildings, Tafu had felt a strange feeling in her heart.

"Hey girls, look at that." Tafu pointed.

Tafu was staring at a 21 year old man with and orange shirt with while sleeves, Green Jeans, white socks and shoes, brown hair and blue eyes.

"Wow, that's most handsome boy that I ever laid eyes on!" Tafu excitedly said in a love stuck way.

"Isn't that the only handsome boy you ever laid eyes on?" Sakura asked her in a confused way.

"My point still stands." Tafu replied to Sakura.

"Um....Girls, are those the Aliens that abducted us six years ago?" Mai asked pointing to the reptilian aliens from that golden U.F.O six years ago.

"Oh God we need to help him!!!" Tafu exclaimed.

"Wait Tafu! Were supposed to stay away from humans!" Sakura shouted at her.

"Sakura, do you want that guy to get abducted like us!?" Tafu asked her in a serious way.

"No." Sakura replied.

"Well, let's rescue him!!!" Tafu yelled as she jumped down with her Katana blade and started killing the Aliens. As the others jumped down to join Tafu, they also started using their weapons on the Nazi aliens. Tafu saw one of the Aliens taking the human into a white Van the Aliens were using. Tafu then threw rushed over as she decapitated the Alien's head off.

"Are you okay?" Tafu asked the human.

"GET BACK!!!" he yelled as he shivered in fear.

Tafu gave out her hand to him showing him that she was not a threat, but before that could happen, he got thrown into the Van as the remaining Aliens got into the Van and drove away. But of the Aliens was left behind with a golden canister of orange goo inside. He was tied up by Mais Kusarigama.

"Is that the goo that turned us..." Sakura spoke.

"...Into mutants six years ago!!!" Akane added in.

"Let's drink some!!!" Mai shouted out.

"What are you crazy?!" Tafu shouted at her.

"No." She replied, "If you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!!!"

"Or a big pile of goo on the ground." Akane told Mai specifically.

"Enough of that crap!" Tafu shouted out, "Time to get some answers."

"What are you and why are you abducting humans?" Tafu asked the Alien.

"We are the ones called Arriens and I can't tell you Mutants about the plan!" The Alien answered in a mean way.

"Well it's because you don't know us yet." Tafu replied as she put her katana near the Arriens face, "Now where are the rest of you Bastards?"

Sometime later, the Arienn told them where his bastard Arienn friends were as Tafu and Sakura found the base the Arienns were hiding in.

"Wow, there must be a hundred of them down there." Sakura supposed.

"You think, we don't even have a plan." Tafu replied to Sakura.

"Well, I just came up with one already." Sakura replied, "You see that U.F.O?"

"Yes." Tafu replied.

"Were going to leap onto that U.F.O, and then break in." Sakura explained as she pointed to that same human being forced to walk into the U.F.O.

"On my count." Sakura ordered Mai, Tafu and Akane, "One, two, thee, GO!!!"

As they leaped onto the U.F.O from the building, they discovered that the Human was taken hostage as a test subject for the Arienns. Sakura used her Ninjato swords to slice the top off and then break into the ship.

"Ha, three of them? Where's the rest?" Tafu insisted.

"Right behind you." A voice came from behind them.

As the girls turned around, they say a four armed muscular version of an Arienn with gauntlets.

"I see you are here to save the Human, but you'll have to stop me first!!!" The Muscular Arrien shouted out, "I am General Zaptor! Second in Command!!!"

"Now that's, one Nazi Alien on Steroids." Mai joked.

As General Zaptor began to fight the four Furry Fighters, the four battled him intensely, but he was to powerful. Meanwhile, Tafu went to the Human and freed him.

"Thanks, Furry Lizard thing?" The Human thanked Tafu.

"I'm actually a Hybrid, the names Tafu-chan by the way." She replied to the human.

"I'm Ivan by, but are you going to help your friends?" The Human curiously questioned to Tafu.

"Oh yeah I forgot." Tafu responded as she charged at Zaptor and tackled him revealing that the U.F.O was carrying a ton of orange goo Canisters.

"Oh No! the shipment! It's M.A..." Akane screamed as she pushed into the wall with Tafu and Sakura. Suddenly, all of the canisters fell off as Mai was pushed onto the controls opening the opening hatch of the U.F.O.

"NOOOOO!!!" Everyone screamed as the canisters fell out of the opening hatch. At the same time the canisters were spread everywhere around the city of Tokyo.

"Girls we need to get out of here!!!" Sakura shouted out as she pulled out a smoke bomb as she threw it onto the floor. As smoke went everywhere inside the ship, the four girls and Ivan disappeared.

"Whew, that was a close one." Sakura signed.

"You sure, we just let 9000 canisters of that goo spread everywhere!!!" Tafu shouted at Sakura.

"Don't you mean M.A.D?" Akane supposed.

"Yeah whatever." Tafu stated.

"Um, can I leave now?" Ivan asked.

"Yes you can, but be careful out there." Tafu answered as Ivan left to his apartment.

As the four girls got back to the pagoda, Waizu was waiting for them, he going to ask them some questions about the incident.

"How was your Night patrol?" Waizu asked them.

"Not very pleasant, we accidently let a bunch of M.A.D canisters fall out from a U.F.O." Akane confessed to Waizu.

"Well Akane, what matters is that you tried." Waizu encouraged her.

"Yeah, but Tafu-chan managed to rescue a human named Ivan." Akane told Waizu.

"You rescued a human?" Waizu asked.

"Yes Sensei, I sure did." Tafu said.

"I see, but more importantly, you must find every canister of M.A.D." Waizu stated, "You must search every street, every park and playground, every building and rooftop, before we have more mutants on our hands."

Meanwhile in a strange space fort near Mars, General Zaptor had to inform his leader about this.

"My lord, we lost the shipment." Zaptor murmured his lord.

"YOU WHAT!!!" the figure shouted out, "Where have you lost the shipment?"

"I believe they are scattered around the place know as Tokyo." Zaptor replied.

"I want those canisters back, NOW!!!" The figure demanded.

"Yes Spitler, I will find the canisters." Zaptor submitted.

"Good, let's see what madness comes to us." The figure said in an evil tone of voice.