Survival: Part Two

Story by Earthen Bear on SoFurry

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#2 of Survival

Finally, the first little taste of fur in the story, don't worry, there's more in the later parts.


Survival (Still Chapter One)

Part Two

A face protruded into Noir's view from outside the cell, followed by a rather fat body that was clothed in black riot armor, "Well who do we have here?" The man asked, looking at the name plate next to Noir's cell door, "‘Ursine Knight Specimen Jason Noir, advanced regeneration research, top level security, specialty lockdown.' Well, looks like we have ourselves a nice little beastie here, what's your damage then Mr. Noir?" he asked in a heavy Texan accent.

Noir smiled, "Oh nothing really, I just made some art, and a few critics had issues with my art work, now I'm in this pit conversing with plebeians such as yourself."

"Get back Dibs, I've heard about this one, he was supposedly a serial murderer before he was brought here, has a confirmed seventy five murders before he was finally brought down, he was called the Gallery Killer because of the notes he left at the scene describing what each victim was supposed to be," came a second voice from out of Noir's view, "Dr. Brovich stumbled onto his gene by accident before the state could kill him and managed to get him here. His file states that he's exceptionally dangerous."

"Looks like some kind of monster from a bad horror film to me. Anyway how is it you know so much ‘bout this here freak?" Dibs asked.

"I prefer the term, unusual and gifted individual of an animalistic nature Mr. Dibs was it?" Noir piped in.

"Shut it," Dibs said, turning back to the direction of the other voice, "Well, spill it, how do you know so much about his furry ass?"

"Well, this guy right here has accounted for over twenty percent of guard fatalities over the past twenty years of the Lab," The voice replied, "You would have known that if you paid attention during orientation, there was an entire day on how to deal with him, he's the most sadistic, evil, psychopathic, maniacs in the Lab, he's almost as bad as the Squires."

"Should I feel flattered that I have my own day in guard orientation or insulted that they call me a maniac, I'm simply an artist, and my materials are more abstract than that of your typical painter or sculptor," Noir said, holding his clawed hand against his chest in offense.

Dibs shook his head, "I say we get out of here, we've wasted enough time talking about this furry freak, we need to rendezvous with squad one, the Lab's almost been secured, all that's left is the bottom levels."

Noir suddenly burst out laughing, tossing his head back and letting out a creepy, high-pitched laugh, made all the stranger by his large size and the slight growling tone as he finished, "There's been an outbreak, and you fools think you can contain it? Has the old man died or something? What kind of training do you idiots have? You can't contain Knight Strain, it will always get out somehow."

The second guard came into view, a much thinner man than the more heavy set Dibs, "I want you to shut your face you fuzzy wanker, and stay put, not that you've got much of a choice."

Noir suddenly leveled his head, glaring forward intently and seriously, "I have more choice than I appear to my ignorant guards, tell me, what kind of lock down is the Lab on right now?"

Dibs shook his head, but the thinner guard replied, "Code Red Level Five, what does it matter to you?"

Noir smiled, "Only this. Special emergency voice code imprint, drowning hazard, Code Red Level Five, release cell number five-one-three-six â€"nine-one-two!" Noir yelled loudly, his cell door sliding open quickly, allowing Noir to step out of his cell and grab the fumbling Dibs and driving his claw tipped fingers into the man's neck, then turn and draw the pistol from the fat guard's belt and shoot the other guard. Noir dropped Dibs' limp carcass and calmly strode over to the other man who was lying on the floor, grasping his arm, "Did they remember to tell you about the special emergency preservation voice codes that are given to all Knights at this orientation day of yours, codes that open the cells of any door the knight needs so long as he can identify the level of security breach?"

The guard, breathed heavily, managed to gasp out through strained breath, "No... must have... missed... that day. So what now... are you going... t-to... turn me into a work... of art?"

Noir shook his head, "No my protectorate antagonist, I'm simply going to..." Noir was interrupted as a bullet pierced the back of his skull, his body going limp as he collapsed to the floor.


Moira released her held breath as the strange creature, a humanoid looking beast with light black fur covering it's body and what looked like claws tipping it's fingers, went limp and fell. Running up to the wounded guard, Moira knelt down to his level, coming face to face with the wounded man, "Are you alright?" she asked, letting her rifle hang at her side as she attempted to brace the man, "I thought that thing was gonna kill you if I didn't do something."

The guard looked up at Moira, relief and admiration in his eyes, which turned to fear quickly, "Holy shit... not another one... please... just don't get near me... if you want to help... just get Dibs' radio and... call for back up."

Moira gave him a confused look, "What do you mean another one? What are you talking about."

The guard laughed through his gasped breath, "You... don't know what you... are, do you? But I-I can... tell it by your eyes... they're yellow?"

"You're not talking sense you know, what's wrong now?" The guards eyes had just gone wide and he was pointing behind Moira, who turned around to see the creature she had shot

standing above, glaring down at her.

"That wasn't very nice little girl," The beast like man said, punching down at Moira and knocking her to the ground. Wrestling with the lancing pain from the creature's attack, Moira managed to stand in just enough time to watch as it lifted the guard up and shot him in the head, right up through the bottom of the other man's jaw.

"No!" Moira yelled, pulling out her M16 and emptying the clip at the strange beast, she was going to make sure he stayed down this time. But as the bullets stopped and the action to Moira's rifle slid back, indicating the empty clip, the monster simply stood there, a bloody mess, laughing. Moira's eyes widened in fear, "What the hell are you?"

The creature leveled its gaze at the girl, the bullet holes in its chest sealing up as the slugs fell out of its skin, "The same thing as you my dear girl, or at least what you may become, a freak of nature further perverted by the processes of an anomaly of nature," The beast advanced toward Moira, forcing her to back up, "A monster, a living weapon, a nightmare, a plague on normal men."

Moira backed further away from the beast, feeling her back against the wall, "What the hell kind of bull shit are you spouting? What do you mean by plague on men?"

The creature's mouth spread out into an evil smile, allowing Moira to see two rows of sharpened fangs, as it pushed her up against the wall, leaning his head in so close that Moira could smell its breath, which reeked of some unknown dead animal, "Have you ever wondered what it's like to have super human powers Miss...?"

"What?" Moira asked, more confused now than frightened.

The creature rolled its eyes, further taking away Moira's fear, "Miss...?"

"Yes we've established that I'm an unmarried female," Moira replied, clueless.

The creature sighed, hold its head in its hand and rubbing its temples with claw tipped fingers, leaving blood splotches on its head when it looked back up at Moira, "Your name, you ignorant child, your fucking name."

"Oh, sorry, Moira Kinseng," She replied, nodding.

"Ah well then, Miss Kinseng... damnit, now you've killed my momentum, where was I?" It asked, backing away from her and looking up in thought.

Moira looked form side to side, not knowing whether to answer, settling that it was better to question this strange creature that she apparently couldn't kill, "Umm, are you planning on killing me?"

The beast man looked back at Moira, giving her a quizzical look, "Oh lord no, why would I waste all this time bantering with you about your ignorance of your state of being if I had the intention of ending it, additionally, like I said, you're like me, and I hardly consider you human my dear child."

"Now there it is again, what the hell is that supposed to mean, don't consider me human?"

The creature laughed his creepy high pitched laugh, then stared Moira in the eyes, "You seriously don't know what you are? Well you're kind of like..." The beast was interrupted by a man suddenly grabbing its arm and biting down hard on it. The creature looked down at the person biting its arm, "What the hell is wrong with you? Get a hold of yourself you idiot," he said, reaching over and tearing the man's mouth away from his arm, the bite marks sealing up almost instantly, then kicking his assailant away from himself and turning back toward Moira and holding out his bloodied hand, "Jason Noir at your service, if you would like I can explain to you exactly what you are, and what this man is after we escape this god forsaken hell hole."

Moira tentatively reached over and grabbed the bloody, clawed appendage, having no idea if this was a good idea but seeing no other way out, "Um, shouldn't we grab one of those radios?" she asked, letting go and pointing to the radio on Dibs' chest.

Noir kicked the strange man out of the way as he charged and replied, "Of course, then we can monitor the guards and avoid them, good tactical sense there Miss Kinseng." Noir bent down and plucked the radio from Dibs' chest, standing up and finally just driving his hand through the man's face, pulling his claws back out and allowing the limp form to fall to the ground, dead, "There, now the problem is solved for..." The door at the end of the hall that Moira had come through suddenly burst open and a crowd of blood covered, crazed looking men in guard uniforms and hospital scrubs came pouring in to the hall way. Noir's left eye twitched, "I believe it's time to run Miss Kinseng."


"So what's wrong?" Kyle asked Eva, as they walked through the woods around Kyle's house.

Eva sighed, "Rei's been kind of distant from me lately, she's usually more accepting; I don't know what's wrong with her, I think she's hiding something from us."

Kyle nodded some, "Are you sure that's it? There's nothing major going on right now that you fell like telling me?"

"Nothing, just how distant Rei's been getting," Eva said.

Kyle looked Eva in the eyes, she could tell she was lying, but there was no way for her to prove it, not that was any of her business if Eva didn't want to tell her, "So, do you know what's up with this trip your parents are taking, why do you think they chose our Spring Break?"

Eva shrugged, "That is as much of a mystery to me as Rei, maybe they just wanted to know that we wouldn't have any responsibilities like school to worry about, and that they wouldn't have to worry about calling back and harping us about homework or some such nonsense."

"That makes sense," Kyle replied, stepping up the steps of her back porch as they neared her house.

"So what were you two talking about?" asked an old looking man who was sitting on a chair on the back porch. The man had silver gray hair that remained thick despite his old age, had blue eyes, the same shade as Kyle's, and, strangely, not many wrinkles, despite that he was obviously aged.

"Nothing much Grandpa, Rei's just been a bit moody lately is all," Kyle replied, "You know, young teenage girl stuff."

The man nodded, "Oh yes, I believe I know," he said, smiling at his granddaughter, who rolled her eyes.

"How are you doing today Mr.Wroulf?" Eva asked, extending her hand out to the elderly man.

The old man glared slightly at Eva, "How many times have I told you just to call me Wroulf young Missie?" He asked, cracking a smile, "Don't be so formal, you'll have enough time for that when you have to deal with old corporate windbags who haven't realized yet that their lives are over and insist on making yours a living hell," He continued, taking a quick drink from a flask he held, "Or worse yet, them assholes in the military, boy will they try to turn you into a machine."

Kyle rolled her eyes, "Don't get started on the old stories, OLD man, we still have lives to lead ourselves."

"Well fine, fine, just tell me about this problem with Little Miss Rei, maybe this, OLD man," Wroulf looked at Kyle playfully, "can impart some wisdom to you about the situation."

Eva sighed, "There isn't really much to tell, she's just been acting distant from me lately, and earlier today she got mad when Trent saved her from date rape by tearing the guy out of his car and threatening to rip his balls off, or something like that. What she was angry about is that we won't stay out of her business, I guess I can't blame her."

Wroulf shook his head, "You kids have your own host of problems created by your new ways. All I can say is that you have to let Rei think that she's making her own decisions, otherwise she'll get angry at anything you do, if you don't give her any choice at all, then she'll just be rebellious in return. Besides, you're not really her parent, though I guess them being out of town does give you some charge over her. Just let her be angry right now, if it's what she to do. Tell you what, send her out here and I'll have a talk with her, get her side of the story and try to calm her down."

Eva looked kind of nervous before nodding, "Umm, sure, she'll be right out."

When Kyle and Eva stepped inside, they found that everyone was in the back room, a homey sitting area with multiple couches and lounging chairs, a central coffee table, a bar that extended into the kitchen and dining area, but what had captured the attention of everyone of the guys as they entered was the entertainment system set up in the room, one which included every next generation console and a twenty four by thirty six inch screen. All of the four guys were playing some kind of shooter game on the screen as Jayme jealously sat and watched. Rei was sitting in corner by herself, her arms crossed and staring forward as if to challenge the world to ask how she was doing, and Lyn sat watching the group of gamers, seeming to be focusing on Xander. No one seemed to notice the two entering the room, so Kyle broke their concentration, "Well, I sure am happy that you guys found it perfectly fine to raid my grandfather's games, so who's winning?" she asked loudly, causing three of the four gamers to look up and the three girls to notice her.

Suddenly three fourths of the screen went black and Rodney started laughing maniacally as the other three noticed that he had taken the time in which they were distracted to snipe the three of them, "You ass hole, how the hell did you do that?" Trent yelled.

"Damn, this fuckers good, I didn't know the sniper could be aimed that fast," Xander said, far less animated. Carlos simply shrugged and pressed the button to continue.

Kyle shook her head, "Wow, the one person who pays no attention to me is the one I brought here for me, that isn't right is it?" she said, looking to Eva then Jayme for confirmation.

"What are you talking about Kyle?" Lyn asked.

Kyle smiled, ignoring Lyn, "Well I guess I'll have to remedy that situation," Kyle jumped over the couch, landing in Rodney's lap and disrupting him from looking at the screen, then sat up in his lap, unbuckling his belt in one quick motion then reaching down into the front of his pants.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing you crazy girl?" Rodney yelled, not quite seeming to know what to do to get Kyle off of him. In this time, Rodney's portion of the screen went black and Carlos burst out laughing, Kyle joining him as she pulled her hand out of Rodney's jeans, "Aw, now that's just messed up." Rodney said, pressing his controller button to respawn.

"Thanks for the assist," Carlos said, reaching over and fist pounding Kyle.

Kyle smiled, "No problem, I needed to feel down there sometime, I'd say he's pretty big by what I felt."

Rodney sighed, blushing slightly, "That's nice to know, now that everyone knows what you think about the state of my junk, would you kindly get out off of me so I can finish pawning these newbs?"

Kyle shook her head, "No go, your callous disregard for my attention desiring ego has cost you any fun that doesn't involve me, upstairs now, I'm feeling horny."

"What? Just like that, no real date? No foreplay? No cheesy gentlemanly gestures on my part?" Rodney asked, trying to peer over Kyle's shoulder and aim his virtual gun.

Kyle grabbed Rodney's Head and forced him to look her in the eyes, "No. Now give the controller to Jayme, you're coming upstairs with me, now!" With that, Kyle knocked the controller out of his hand, and pulled Rodney up off of the couch, him half pretending to resist as she dragged him along upstairs.

"See you guys later then I guess," Rodney said, "Maybe later tonight, or tomorrow, judging by her grip on me."

As Kyle pulled Rodney out of the room, Trent shook his head, "Lucky fucking bastard."

"Excuse me?" Eva said, grabbing Trent's head and turning him to look her in the eyes, causing his screen to go black, "What was that."

"Trent smiled nervously, "I meant lucky in that he's already going upstairs with his date is all," Trent replied, glancing around nervously.

Eva smiled, releasing Trent and kissing him on the cheek, "That's what I thought," then turned to her sister, "Rei, Mr.Marron wants to see you outside, please don't argue, just go."

"Whatever," Rei said, standing up and going walking over toward the back door, "Not like there's anything he can tell me that could make tonight any more embarrassing."


Deputy Phillip Austin sat at his desk, very bored, incredibly bored, so bored he had no idea what to do with himself. There was never anything to do in Jackson, no one ever really did anything illegal, well at least nothing they could be caught for. And if they were caught for it, then the sheriff just let them off with a warning, told them not to do it again. So what was the point of trying to catch any one doing anything wrong if he couldn't even do anything about it? Answer: nothing but sit at his desk and wait for his shift to get over with so he could retreat to his life of solitude for an hour before he went in to Carls City to try and hit up the clubs for women, that's what. Austin sighed, then looked up and smiled, excitement had just walked in: Rosco Cooper. "Well Hello there Mr.Cooper," Austin said, reaching out his hand to the rough looking redneck as he sat down at the chair in front of Austin's desk, "What happens to bring you here sir?"

"Well, it's jes a spot o, worry Deputy," rosco began, "Ya shee, lately there been rumors round town that some creep been kid nappin' teenagers, Ah know for surin' Ah heard from the Walker's that thur nephew's girl been murdered recently, hence why he's stayin' up at thur place."

Austin nodded, "You know, have heard rumors to that effect, so what do they have to do with you coming here?"

Rosco nodded, then continued, "Well, ma boyin' his buddies er spendin' the weeken' up at Marron's place, an' Ah' aint sayin' nothin' bout the old man being no good at protectin', but Ah'm thikin' that so many kids together present a mighty amazin' target for such wierdos, an' that havin' ya up thur might just be a better way to make sure that nothin' does happen, if ya catch ma meanin' Deputy."

Austin smiled, "I think I know what you want me to do, I go and make sure your boy and his friends don't end up in any trouble."

Rosco smiled his gapped smile, "Wha thank ya kindly Deputy, Ah jes knew ya'd be catchin' ma meanin'." He said, standing up and shaking the Deputy's hand again before exiting trhough the door he had entered through.

Austin smiled, finally something to do, other than sit around the office hoping the receptionist didn't begin to think that his asking her to take his calls was him flirting with her, teenagers, Austin thought, rolling his eyes, "Hey Sheriff, I'm taking car two out to Marron's place," He called back to the old, fat man's office, expecting and receiving no response in return, putting on his hat and walking out to the front of the station.

"Oh, Mr.Austin, where are you off to," Came the question from a chipper teenage girl with long brown hair and blue eyes," Any where important?"

Austsin sighed, "No where important Miss Nicole, just going out to Marron's place on a call. Besides, what are you still doing here, weren't you supposed to be off two hours ago?"

The girl nodded her head, "Yes, I've been waiting for my ride all this time, but they haven't shown up yet, they were supposed to take me out to the party Kyle's having at her house. Hey, you're going out there, why don't you take me?"

Austin sighed, that was a lie. Even if she really had a ride out to the Marron house hold, if they hadn't shown up by now, she could have called to tell them not to bother and then should could have walked to her house across the street and gotten her parents to take her, but Austin couldn't tell her this without implying that he knew what she was getting at, "Sure I can Miss Nicole, but you'll have to ride in the back, and it'll look like you're my prisoner."

The girl smiled, then frowned, "Could you call me Ashley please, and what does it matter what it looks like, I wouldn't mind being your prisoner."

Austin buried his head in his hand, that was almost close enough for him to flat out refuse giving her a ride, let her get her parents to drive her out there, but if he did that then there could be far worse repercussions, and he would rather take her innuendo in stride than risk her getting offended and having her pretend he had actually done what she wanted him to, "Come on, get your stuff, we need to go."

(End Part Two)